Federal court upholds Texas social media law, clearing way for users to sue over censorship

Every company is anti competitive.

Do you think that Coke is out there helping Pepsi do better?
Then by all means sue and explain to the judge.

Just let me know so I can come watch you fail with these "arguments"
Good. So Texans can now sue.

Particularly since we know that Biden and his Rat Pack administration have been working with social media companies to censor people.

This is needed nationally.

A federal appeals court on Friday evening upheld Texas’ social media law, ruling that residents can sue big tech companies for censoring political viewpoints.
The 5th US Circuit Court of Appeals overturned a lower court ruling that had blocked the law from taking effect.
“Today we reject the idea that corporations have a freewheeling First Amendment right to censor what people say,” Judge Andrew S. Oldham wrote in the majority opinion.
The ruling clears the way for Texans and the Texas Attorney General's office to file lawsuits against Big Tech giants like YouTube, Twitter and Facebook if they take down or censor certain political viewpoints.
Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton tweeted out after the victory: “I just secured a MASSIVE VICTORY for the Constitution & Free Speech in fed court: #BigTech CANNOT censor the political voices of ANY Texan!”

great news

only sad thing is that you wouldn't think it would have gone this far (Appeals courts)... used to be Free Speech just would go w/o saying...

Make America America Again
Then by all means sue and explain to the judge.

Just let me know so I can come watch you fail with these "arguments"

The judge is just a Big Government authoritarian like you, which is why you are so keen on his ruling.
The judge is just a Big Government authoritarian like you, which is why you are so keen on his ruling.
Yea. That must be it despite my laying out detailed arguments of past impact and monolopy cases.

So... Go sue. Have fun storming the courts but as usual, when you can't debate the topic, you come at me.
So... Go sue. Have fun storming the courts but as usual, when you can't debate the topic, you come at me.

You always do this, you start attacking me and when I poke back you whine like a 3 year old.

How boring.
You always do this, you start attacking me and when I poke back you whine like a 3 year old.

How boring.

You can claim I'm all for big gov and shit but I can't say that's a pussy move.

OK Homer.

Saying I will watch your arguments fail isn't an attack. If so, then you are whiney also.

You can claim I'm all for big gov and shit but I can't say that's a pussy move.

OK Homer.

Saying I will watch your arguments fail isn't an attack. If so, then you are whiney also.

You can say whatever makes you happy. You are free to whine as much as you like.

Just comes off a tad childish when you started the personal attacks.

Not that you seem to care in the slightest.
You can say whatever makes you happy. You are free to whine as much as you like.

Just comes off a tad childish when you started the personal attacks.

Not that you seem to care in the slightest.
You are just for big authoritarian governments if you feel this way.

Yes. You sound this stupid.

There. Have an attack.
Good. So Texans can now sue.

Particularly since we know that Biden and his Rat Pack administration have been working with social media companies to censor people.

This is needed nationally.

A federal appeals court on Friday evening upheld Texas’ social media law, ruling that residents can sue big tech companies for censoring political viewpoints.
The 5th US Circuit Court of Appeals overturned a lower court ruling that had blocked the law from taking effect.
“Today we reject the idea that corporations have a freewheeling First Amendment right to censor what people say,” Judge Andrew S. Oldham wrote in the majority opinion.
The ruling clears the way for Texans and the Texas Attorney General's office to file lawsuits against Big Tech giants like YouTube, Twitter and Facebook if they take down or censor certain political viewpoints.
Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton tweeted out after the victory: “I just secured a MASSIVE VICTORY for the Constitution & Free Speech in fed court: #BigTech CANNOT censor the political voices of ANY Texan!”

So, magaturds are all for government intervention into private business when they don't get their way. Nothing about these deplorables is republican or conservative. This is why America hates magaturds, and they're on their own with this unconstitutional bullshit.
Chief Justice John Roberts, along with Justices Stephen Breyer, Sonia Sotomayor, Brett Kavanaugh, and Amy Coney Barrett granted the stay, which overturned the 5th Circuit ruling lifting an earlier injunction from a Texas district court. The district court has not yet ruled on the underlying merits and constitutionality of the case.
Not according to the Supreme Court.

LOL That was May, this is now.
So, republicans, LOVE "free" market "capitalism" and no government inference from government.
Except, when corporations do something, they don't like.

Forcing PRIVATE companies to publish RWNJ propaganda or get sued.

It is all about censorship.

And now that it has been revealed that the Biden administration was working with social media to censor viewpoints Biden and his administration don't like, you've no leg to stand on.

Good. So Texans can now sue.

Particularly since we know that Biden and his Rat Pack administration have been working with social media companies to censor people.

This is needed nationally.

A federal appeals court on Friday evening upheld Texas’ social media law, ruling that residents can sue big tech companies for censoring political viewpoints.
The 5th US Circuit Court of Appeals overturned a lower court ruling that had blocked the law from taking effect.
“Today we reject the idea that corporations have a freewheeling First Amendment right to censor what people say,” Judge Andrew S. Oldham wrote in the majority opinion.
The ruling clears the way for Texans and the Texas Attorney General's office to file lawsuits against Big Tech giants like YouTube, Twitter and Facebook if they take down or censor certain political viewpoints.
Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton tweeted out after the victory: “I just secured a MASSIVE VICTORY for the Constitution & Free Speech in fed court: #BigTech CANNOT censor the political voices of ANY Texan!”


Privately owned/maintained public spaces must allow free speech. :)
Anne Applebaum, who observes about Soviet-era suppression: “Actual censors were not always needed. Instead, a form of pervasive peer pressure convinced writers, journalists and everyone else’ to toe the party line; if they did not, they knew they risked being ejected from their jobs and shunned by their friends.”

JONATHAN TURLEY: I want to emphasize that a lot of people on the left that have said if it's not prohibited on the First Amendment, it's not a free speech issue. That's not true. The First Amendment is not the exclusive domain of free speech. What they are doing is shutting down free speech. The left has come on to a winning strategy. …. they've discovered that if they use corporations to control speech, it falls outside the First Amendment. But it's not true that what they're doing is not a free speech attack. It is. They're trying to stop people from speaking on these platforms….


Jonathan Turley: The left's success at silencing free speech would make Joe McCarthy blush

Constitutional law expert Jonathan Turley on the left's attempt to cancel Joe Rogan and have him removed from Spotify.
Except that the left is being silenced as much as or MORE than conservatives.

Liberals are the censors, not the left.
So, magaturds are all for government intervention into private business when they don't get their way. Nothing about these deplorables is republican or conservative. This is why America hates magaturds, and they're on their own with this unconstitutional bullshit.
Actually, it's shitlibs who support censorship.

Conservatives and the left aren't deranged Democrat Nazis, so they support free speech. :)
Except that the left is being silenced as much as or MORE than conservatives.

Liberals are the censors, not the left.

Are you nuts?????

Nearly all of the media, government schooling, pop culture....etc are subsidiaries of the Far Left, the Democrat Party.

Wake the heck up.

"Over the past several decades, the progressive Left has successfully fulfilled Antonio Gramsci’s famed admonition of a “long march through the institutions”. In almost every Western country, its adherents now dominate the education system, media, cultural institutions, and financial behemoths." Is this the end of progressive America?
Except that the left is being silenced as much as or MORE than conservatives.

Liberals are the censors, not the left.
“Say what you will about the Trump administration, but there was no attempt to muzzle free speech. Trump would out-debate his opponents and even out-shout them, but he never, ever tried to keep them from speaking.

Only the Left and the Democrats do that. Consider the ways they are attempting to rein in our free speech, and then ponder what they’d do with just one more vote in the Senate.

4. The Big Tech allies of the Democrats have refused to let Donald Trump, even when he was president of the United States, use Twitter or Facebook to communicate with the country—by censoring, flagging, and then by outright banning.”
Dick Morris, “The Return”

So, republicans, LOVE "free" market "capitalism" and no government inference from government.
Except, when corporations do something, they don't like.

Forcing PRIVATE companies to publish RWNJ propaganda or get sued.
You cant have a stable country when there is no political debate
Actually, it's shitlibs who support censorship.

Conservatives and the left aren't deranged Democrat Nazis, so they support free speech. :)
. Just three weeks before election day 202, Big Tech, the media, and federal law enforcement performed an act of filial obedience to the Democrats. The NYPost exploded with the Hunter Biden laptop story, exposing the payoffs to the Biden Cartel by Communist China.

“On the laptop was clear evidence that the then-vice-president was complicit in receiving questionable payments from the Chinese Communist Party and government. Its contents also established that Biden had lied when he disclaimed any involvement in—or even knowledge of—his son’s work for an allegedly corrupt Ukraine energy company, Burisma. Biden’s defenders claimed that the computer did not belong to Hunter but had been placed there by Russian intelligence to spread disinformation injurious to Biden.

The laptop even implicated Joe Biden personally. In one of his emails to a co- conspirator, Hunter said he wanted to reserve part of the payout for “the big guy.” Despite the massive national security implications of the scandal, the news was blacked out by the networks and the major newspapers until they were forced to cover it because President Trump raised the issue in a nationally televised debate. The high-tech outlets even blacked out coverage by the New York Post, the ninth largest daily newspaper in the country, because it covered the story.”

Dick Morris, “The Return”

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