federal deficit hits five year low

they would be screaming it from the mountain top is Robmoney had been elected
this is yet more proof the right has no commitment to facts.

their only commitment is to the republican party and its historically failed ideas
less then half of Americans have even filled out the paper work clown
they have no love for this country

You have no love for this country. You hate Bush, you still talk crap about Bush and he served 2 terms, elected by the people, beat Democrats by the people. Yet you demand people accept Obama and love his policies because he won a second term despite losing 4 million voters, a record for Dems.
you are yet again being proven wrong by the facts.

Give up your historically failed ideas that have NEVER worked in history

actually China just switched to capitalism from liberal socialism, not from capitalism to liberal socialism. Hong Kong did 10 times better than China because it had capitalism. This is for a child and brainwashed liberal to misunderstand.

See why we are 1000% positive a liberal will be slow, so very very slow???
BTW retail sales were double the projection.

I guess you dont like capitalism enough to care huh?
you claim not to be a republican.

Hell I dont believe you becuase you do nothing but defend their historically failed ideas.

If you are truely not a republican then you are even stupider than you already look


I was against the war in Iraq and Afghanistan.

I support a women's right to choose

I support gay marriage

I support a fair and equally applied tax code

I support fewer laws restricting the freedom of everyone.

I actually believe in smaller government.

Republicans believe none of that.
you claim not to be a republican.

Hell I dont believe you becuase you do nothing but defend their historically failed ideas.

If you are truely not a republican then you are even stupider than you already look


I was against the war in Iraq and Afghanistan.

I support a women's right to choose

I support gay marriage

I support a fair and equally applied tax code

I support fewer laws restricting the freedom of everyone.

I actually believe in smaller government.

Republicans believe none of that.

sounds liek me
lying is not getting you there

actually China just switched to capitalism from liberal socialism, not from capitalism to liberal socialism. Hong Kong did 10 times better than China because it had capitalism. This is for a child and brainwashed liberal to misunderstand.
retail sales were double what their projection was

So, this means what? What was the average model error for the forecasts? What was the average variance of the estimations? And how can this data point be interpreted as significant when it's consistent with random noise?

It's still strange to me how partisans will take white noise and find meaning in it. I think they could find a full TV show in nothing but static.
See the board punchline spam her own thread?

cant mention the facts brought to you can you?

your transparent

Darlin', I didn't even read your link. I was too busy mocking you for the way you spam all your threads... You've submitted 54 out of, well, now 90 posts in this thread. Four might be direct responses to someone else... That strikes me as a tad insecure, or perhaps you're just lonely?

As to the topic of your thread, I couldn't possibly care less about the numbers. My concern with the economy is how it effects me and mine at this particular moment, so the numbers mean nothing to me on the whole.

And my transparent what? You need to finish that thought before I can respond...

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