Federal Disaster Relief is Unconstitutional


What does the Constitution say about giving taxpayer money to squatters?
What do you think? General welfare doesnt mean individuals.

What DOES it mean then?
sigh Its in the OP

IOW you have no idea what it means.
General means National. Not individual, local, regional or to the state. Unless ALL individuals, local areas, regional areas and states get equal treatment
Article IV, Section 2 states: "The citizens of each state shall be entitled to all privileges and immunities of citizens in the several states."
As i said, its in the OP
Not this shit again! Article IV, § 2 deals with reciprocity and recognition of law between STATES re; individuals such a drivers & marriage licenses, contracts, wills, et al one State to the other. It has naught to do with the Article I enumeration of Congressional powers, PERIOD & FULL STOP!

As far as the interpretation of the General Welfare clause, SCOTUS clarified its scope first in
United States v. Butler (1936) and refined it's breadth in Helvering v. Davis (1937). Oh but you don't believe that because you also believe judicial review is unconstitutional, also.

How very convenient to ignore Marbury v. Madison (1803) and thousands and thousands of precedents established by SCOTUS and all the Article III Courts throughout the Nation over the last 214 years to support your erroneous argument. The anti-federalists LOST ALL their arguments when the Constitution was ratified and Federalism became our system of government.

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