Federal Investigators want to speak with trump organization executives

Spare us. We all know Mueller moved the venue there because the guy prosecuting the case is a Democrat. Ever notice how Republicans recuse themselves but Democrats never do?
" We all know"

Stop Channeling FOX News hosts

"Ever notice how Republicans recuse themselves but Democrats never do?

And them Damn democrats are sending the transcripts of Congressional testimony to the Witch-Hunt! For fact-checking, no less... As if any Trump witnesses would lie!
And them Damn democrats are sending the transcripts of Congressional testimony to the Witch-Hunt! For fact-checking, no less... As if any Trump witnesses would lie!
Have you any idea of how many people lie to Congress lately? Look at Cohen. Even with his web of lies, deep state leftists agree with him when it suits their cause, long after he is reproved for lying one more time. It ain't a pretty picture. *sigh*

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