Federal Investigators want to speak with trump organization executives

You need to save some of that angst for Trumps 2nd term.
Trump will be on the fourth string by then. Everyone else he knows will be in jail.

I bet there are a lot of people who now wish they never had anything to do with the moron.
New York federal prosecutors seek interviews with Trump Organization executives - CNNPolitics

The subpoena, a copy of which was reviewed by CNN, also disclosed that prosecutors are investigating an array of potential crimes, including conspiracy against the US, false statements, mail fraud, wire fraud, money laundering, inaugural committee disclosure violations, and violations of laws prohibiting contributions by foreign nations and contributions in the name of another person, also known as straw donors.

The snake pit is very, very deep...
Why aren't Special Investigators researching Democrats voting multiple times and bragging about it to other people all over the internet. Oh, wait, I know. They're part of the village who raises the child in them, so by magical means, they are excluding from having to 'splain their voting crimes.
This is all the beginning of the left's plan to get trumps tax records. They know there has to be a reason to request them, and they dont have that reason yet. They are going to use this subpoena of his inaugural committe finances as a way to see if they can get something they can use as a reason to subpoena his tax records.

They will try to tie the inaugural committe finances to trumps personal finances and thus show a need to delve into trumps personal finances.
You are all guilty of potential crimes, including murder. College girls describe themselves as potential rape victims and all men as potential rapists.

The beauty of potential crimes is that potential guilt already exists. Call it a Schroedinger crime. Every person is, right now, potentially guilty and innocent of every possible crime. But what the hell, lets go with guilty.
Kinda like kill them all and let God sort it out.
Inaugural Committee. Get your shit straight.
Actually, it's both. Two different investigations announced. So you might want to get it straight, yourself.
Oh...I find it hard to keep track of the useless, meaningless, politically motivated investigations by overzealous “Get Trump “ liberal lawyers. It’s become a joke now. :eusa_whistle:

I know you hope that's all true.
Well, they sure haven't come up with anything, have they?
This is all the beginning of the left's plan to get trumps tax records. They know there has to be a reason to request them, and they dont have that reason yet. They are going to use this subpoena of his inaugural committe finances as a way to see if they can get something they can use as a reason to subpoena his tax records.

They will try to tie the inaugural committe finances to trumps personal finances and thus show a need to delve into trumps personal finances.
Treasury plans steps to stymie Dem requests for Trump tax returns
if there's nothing significant in his tax returns, then why has he gone to such great lengths to keep them hidden?

Its about transparency. Office of president is service to the people.
This is all the beginning of the left's plan to get trumps tax records. They know there has to be a reason to request them, and they dont have that reason yet. They are going to use this subpoena of his inaugural committe finances as a way to see if they can get something they can use as a reason to subpoena his tax records.

They will try to tie the inaugural committe finances to trumps personal finances and thus show a need to delve into trumps personal finances.
Treasury plans steps to stymie Dem requests for Trump tax returns
if there's nothing significant in his tax returns, then why has he gone to such great lengths to keep them hidden?

Its about transparency. Office of president is service to the people.
Let us know when it's a criminal violation to keep his tax returns from your eyes, okay?
Until then, MAGA.
Inaugural Committee. Get your shit straight.
Actually, it's both. Two different investigations announced. So you might want to get it straight, yourself.
Oh...I find it hard to keep track of the useless, meaningless, politically motivated investigations by overzealous “Get Trump “ liberal lawyers. It’s become a joke now. :eusa_whistle:

I know you hope that's all true.
How many millions of taxpayers $$$ are Democrats willing to waste to overturn the 2016 results.
This is all the beginning of the left's plan to get trumps tax records. They know there has to be a reason to request them, and they dont have that reason yet. They are going to use this subpoena of his inaugural committe finances as a way to see if they can get something they can use as a reason to subpoena his tax records.

They will try to tie the inaugural committe finances to trumps personal finances and thus show a need to delve into trumps personal finances.
Treasury plans steps to stymie Dem requests for Trump tax returns
if there's nothing significant in his tax returns, then why has he gone to such great lengths to keep them hidden?

Its about transparency. Office of president is service to the people.
Post your tax returns online. Oh...your on welfare.
Inaugural Committee. Get your shit straight.
Actually, it's both. Two different investigations announced. So you might want to get it straight, yourself.
Oh...I find it hard to keep track of the useless, meaningless, politically motivated investigations by overzealous “Get Trump “ liberal lawyers. It’s become a joke now. :eusa_whistle:

I know you hope that's all true.
How many millions of taxpayers $$$ are Democrats willing to waste to overturn the 2016 results.
All of it.
This is all the beginning of the left's plan to get trumps tax records. They know there has to be a reason to request them, and they dont have that reason yet. They are going to use this subpoena of his inaugural committe finances as a way to see if they can get something they can use as a reason to subpoena his tax records.

They will try to tie the inaugural committe finances to trumps personal finances and thus show a need to delve into trumps personal finances.
Treasury plans steps to stymie Dem requests for Trump tax returns
if there's nothing significant in his tax returns, then why has he gone to such great lengths to keep them hidden?

Its about transparency. Office of president is service to the people.

Ayep, that's what he's doing. I'm happy so far.

This is all the beginning of the left's plan to get trumps tax records. They know there has to be a reason to request them, and they dont have that reason yet. They are going to use this subpoena of his inaugural committe finances as a way to see if they can get something they can use as a reason to subpoena his tax records.

They will try to tie the inaugural committe finances to trumps personal finances and thus show a need to delve into trumps personal finances.
Treasury plans steps to stymie Dem requests for Trump tax returns
if there's nothing significant in his tax returns, then why has he gone to such great lengths to keep them hidden?

Its about transparency. Office of president is service to the people.
I dont know, there could be reasons that have nothing to do with criminal activities. Maybe he simply feels its nobodies business, after all, the release of tax information is not required.

Do you think that his returns have not already been scrutinized by the IRS in years past? I'm sure his tax returns are audited yearly. Just a guess, but, anyone who makes the kind of money he does, and does business with people from other countries, likely has to go through an audit every year.

Mind you, the a few of those years would have been when Democrats have had control of the white house and/or the house of representatives.

There may be legitimate reasons for him withholding his tax returns, after all, he did a lot of business with a lot of different people, some of whom may not appreciate the government digging into their personal information because they had done business with trump. Doesn't mean anything illegal went on, just means they dont want the government putting their nose into their business.
Potential crimes say it all. They aren't investigating any crimes. They are looking for potential crimes. That firmly
Puts this whole investigation in the dangerous category.
Yep. I remember a time when all American's would have been horrified at the thought of government spending resources just 'looking for a crime' when in fact, an accusation of a crime is actually required.

I remember a time when Americans would have been horrified at the thought of a lewd, crude, arrogant Robber Baron in the White House...

Consider it a Market Correction.
This is all the beginning of the left's plan to get trumps tax records. They know there has to be a reason to request them, and they dont have that reason yet. They are going to use this subpoena of his inaugural committe finances as a way to see if they can get something they can use as a reason to subpoena his tax records.

They will try to tie the inaugural committe finances to trumps personal finances and thus show a need to delve into trumps personal finances.
Treasury plans steps to stymie Dem requests for Trump tax returns
if there's nothing significant in his tax returns, then why has he gone to such great lengths to keep them hidden?

Its about transparency. Office of president is service to the people.
Oh, I thought President Trump was a U.S. Citizen, whose privacy deserves protection. What was I thinkin'?
As more and more Trump minions turn on their former Master...

More and more legitimate lines of inquiry open up...

Fun, ain't it?

Oh BOY!!! They got Trump now, this is the smoking gun.
He's going down! Finally they have him right where they want him.....
going from the white house to the big house. # 201
Here's an interesting video on how the Weinstein and Mueller Gestapo operate.
As more and more Trump minions turn on their former Master...

More and more legitimate lines of inquiry open up...

Fun, ain't it?

There's nothing "legitimate" about the Mueller witch hunt. I think Barr will put a stop to this bogus line of inquiry.

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