Federal Investigators want to speak with trump organization executives

Inaugural Committee. Get your shit straight.
Actually, it's both. Two different investigations announced. So you might want to get it straight, yourself.

This is not the Special Councel...it is the Southern District of NY. Cause Mueller found criminal activities and did not feel he had the mandate too investigate.

These are the people who took Cohen down.
Spare us. We all know Mueller moved the venue there because the guy prosecuting the case is a Democrat. Ever notice how Republicans recuse themselves but Democrats never do?
New York federal prosecutors seek interviews with Trump Organization executives - CNNPolitics

The subpoena, a copy of which was reviewed by CNN, also disclosed that prosecutors are investigating an array of potential crimes, including conspiracy against the US, false statements, mail fraud, wire fraud, money laundering, inaugural committee disclosure violations, and violations of laws prohibiting contributions by foreign nations and contributions in the name of another person, also known as straw donors.

The snake pit is very, very deep...
3 leads to follow:

What The Latest Trump Tower Documents Say About Trump's Russian Business Interests

The latest whirlwind of Trump-Russia news, explained

Trump Intelligence Allegations

Then there is the Dem's plan to get a hold of the Trump Tax Returns: Treasury plans steps to stymie Dem requests for Trump tax returns

can we go after the Swamp/Political Hacks Trump Installed over at the Treasury?
Nothing burger. Nothing burger. Nothing burger.
Oh BOY!!! They got Trump now, this is the smoking gun.
He's going down! Finally they have him right where they want him.....
going from the white house to the big house. # 201
Here's an interesting video on how the Weinstein and Mueller Gestapo operate.

Holy cow, bripat. Weissman and Meuller railroaded innocent people into trouble and forced another into 2 weeks of solitary confinement for no reason? Holy cow.

The reason is to do whatever they can to remove Trump from office.

So this is how the good people in Germany got ousted by the Nazis. We do not learn lessons from history. :(
This is all the beginning of the left's plan to get trumps tax records. They know there has to be a reason to request them, and they dont have that reason yet. They are going to use this subpoena of his inaugural committe finances as a way to see if they can get something they can use as a reason to subpoena his tax records.

They will try to tie the inaugural committe finances to trumps personal finances and thus show a need to delve into trumps personal finances.
Treasury plans steps to stymie Dem requests for Trump tax returns
if there's nothing significant in his tax returns, then why has he gone to such great lengths to keep them hidden?

Its about transparency. Office of president is service to the people.
Not according to Republicans, of course.

For most conservatives the office of president is service to the GOP, and to advance the right’s failed, wrongheaded agenda.
...They really are dishonest lawyers...
Are there any other kind?

...and ought to be retired or disbarred for conspiracy with Hillary Clinton to destroy President Trump and all of his people...
It's all a Worldwide Jooooo-ish Kornspiracy, I tellz ya !!!

...This is a National Disgrace that smacks of political revenge because Hillary Clinton lost the presidential race...
This is an investigation into the behaviors and finances and influence-peddling of Trump's people; perhaps Trump himself.

...after a lifetime of political dirty tricks against anybody who ran against sick Bill. Good grief...
Irrelevant to whether or not Trump and his people committed crimes on their way to power.

...They set traps to destroy people. How did they get away with that?
That's how grand juries and prosecutors work.

If you've done nothing, you've got nothing to worry about.

Only the Guilty are afraid of scrutiny.
...So this is how the good people in Germany got ousted by the Nazis. We do not learn lessons from history. :(

The many good people in Germany were seduced by an arrogant, ignorant, crude, lying snake-oil salesman.

One who did not investigate and prosecute, but, rather, showed up on their doorsteps and shot them dead.

Just a minor difference there.

Da, Tvaritch?
Last edited:
...He's an honest businessman...
Dear God in Heaven...

What planet are you living on?


...who gave workmen the best blue collar jobs around...
Which Illegal Aliens got those jobs at slave-wage rates?

...Meuller is being prompted by Democrat Party Operatives to hammer the President of the United States...
You go right on deluding yourself that your perception is accurate.

...you're cheering freedom's downfall by supporting these quasi-criminal liars and cheaters.

I am cheering the Rule of Law...

Now being brought to bear against a Creature so grotesquely unfit for high office that such efforts are necessary.
Potential crimes say it all. They aren't investigating any crimes. They are looking for potential crimes. That firmly
Puts this whole investigation in the dangerous category.
Yep. I remember a time when all American's would have been horrified at the thought of government spending resources just 'looking for a crime' when in fact, an accusation of a crime is actually required.

Yup. Wasting all those NY tax dollars in the hopes they can find a crime. Seems to me there has to be a crime before you investigate??

I wonder why New Yorkers keep electing idiots??
How many millions of taxpayers $$$ are Democrats willing to waste to overturn the 2016 results.
I would say at least as much as Issa wasted for 10 years. After than, then you can start whining. Only about $150 million to go!
New York federal prosecutors seek interviews with Trump Organization executives - CNNPolitics

The subpoena, a copy of which was reviewed by CNN, also disclosed that prosecutors are investigating an array of potential crimes, including conspiracy against the US, false statements, mail fraud, wire fraud, money laundering, inaugural committee disclosure violations, and violations of laws prohibiting contributions by foreign nations and contributions in the name of another person, also known as straw donors.

The snake pit is very, very deep...
3 leads to follow:

What The Latest Trump Tower Documents Say About Trump's Russian Business Interests

The latest whirlwind of Trump-Russia news, explained

Trump Intelligence Allegations

Then there is the Dem's plan to get a hold of the Trump Tax Returns: Treasury plans steps to stymie Dem requests for Trump tax returns

can we go after the Swamp/Political Hacks Trump Installed over at the Treasury?
Nothing burger. Nothing burger. Nothing burger.
Rick Gates was Paul Manafort's right-hand-man, and he was Vice-Chair of the Inauguration Committee - running the fundraising operation. He has been a cooperating witness with the Special Counsel's investigation for 11-1/2 months. You can be sure there is sufficient evidence for a Federal Judge to issue warrants for the complete records of the Committee. It may not lead to trials or convictions, but declaring the States' Attorney in New York doesn't have any evidence of a crime is ridiculous.
The reason is to do whatever they can to remove Trump from office.
Or make him a one term president. So what? You poor baby republicans always throw your little hissy fits the moment anyone dares treat you the way you treat everyone.
New York federal prosecutors seek interviews with Trump Organization executives - CNNPolitics

The subpoena, a copy of which was reviewed by CNN, also disclosed that prosecutors are investigating an array of potential crimes, including conspiracy against the US, false statements, mail fraud, wire fraud, money laundering, inaugural committee disclosure violations, and violations of laws prohibiting contributions by foreign nations and contributions in the name of another person, also known as straw donors.

The snake pit is very, very deep...

So Hawk....you got Turrets Syndrome....you laugh at criminal activity often.

I checked out both the trump and Clinton. Foundations this morning for their charitable ratings.....Clinton was four star and 90+% trust rating. The trump foundation had a big red note....WARNING!
How many millions of taxpayers $$$ are Democrats willing to waste to overturn the 2016 results.
I would say at least as much as Issa wasted for 10 years. After than, then you can start whining. Only about $150 million to go!

Reportedly, the taxes / penalties Manafort alone was made to cough up more than pay for the operational costs of the Mueller investigation. Ain't investigating real criminals - as opposed to conducting ridiculous partisan witch hunts - fun?
How many millions of taxpayers $$$ are Democrats willing to waste to overturn the 2016 results.
I would say at least as much as Issa wasted for 10 years. After than, then you can start whining. Only about $150 million to go!

Reportedly, the taxes / penalties Manafort alone was made to cough up more than pay for the operational costs of the Mueller investigation. Ain't investigating real criminals - as opposed to conducting ridiculous partisan witch hunts - fun?
The whole thing is fascinating.

consider the fact that the foreign agent whom Trump picked to be the head of our national security was too stupid and unqualified to realize that the Russian spies with whom he was talking had their phones tapped.

the foreign agent he picked to head his campaign was sharing insider information with Russian spies while running the campaign.

You just can't make this shit up!
New York federal prosecutors seek interviews with Trump Organization executives - CNNPolitics

The subpoena, a copy of which was reviewed by CNN, also disclosed that prosecutors are investigating an array of potential crimes, including conspiracy against the US, false statements, mail fraud, wire fraud, money laundering, inaugural committee disclosure violations, and violations of laws prohibiting contributions by foreign nations and contributions in the name of another person, also known as straw donors.

The snake pit is very, very deep...

So Hawk....you got Turrets Syndrome....you laugh at criminal activity often.

I checked out both the trump and Clinton. Foundations this morning for their charitable ratings.....Clinton was four star and 90+% trust rating. The trump foundation had a big red note....WARNING!
Clinton Foundation was a corruption filled scam that took $$$ from state sponsors of terrorism.
How many millions of taxpayers $$$ are Democrats willing to waste to overturn the 2016 results.
I would say at least as much as Issa wasted for 10 years. After than, then you can start whining. Only about $150 million to go!

Reportedly, the taxes / penalties Manafort alone was made to cough up more than pay for the operational costs of the Mueller investigation. Ain't investigating real criminals - as opposed to conducting ridiculous partisan witch hunts - fun?
The whole thing is fascinating.

consider the fact that the foreign agent whom Trump picked to be the head of our national security was too stupid and unqualified to realize that the Russian spies with whom he was talking had their phones tapped.

the foreign agent he picked to head his campaign was sharing insider information with Russian spies while running the campaign.

You just can't make this shit up!
Clinton had her computer hacked. Trump phone hacked...joke:21:
How many millions of taxpayers $$$ are Democrats willing to waste to overturn the 2016 results.
I would say at least as much as Issa wasted for 10 years. After than, then you can start whining. Only about $150 million to go!

Reportedly, the taxes / penalties Manafort alone was made to cough up more than pay for the operational costs of the Mueller investigation. Ain't investigating real criminals - as opposed to conducting ridiculous partisan witch hunts - fun?
The whole thing is fascinating.

consider the fact that the foreign agent whom Trump picked to be the head of our national security was too stupid and unqualified to realize that the Russian spies with whom he was talking had their phones tapped.

the foreign agent he picked to head his campaign was sharing insider information with Russian spies while running the campaign.

You just can't make this shit up!
Clinton had her computer hacked. Trump phone hacked...joke:21:
Pay attention, Cletus! I said the phones of the Russian spies were bugged. By us.
Rick Gates was Paul Manafort's right-hand-man, and he was Vice-Chair of the Inauguration Committee - running the fundraising operation. He has been a cooperating witness with the Special Counsel's investigation for 11-1/2 months. You can be sure there is sufficient evidence for a Federal Judge to issue warrants for the complete records of the Committee. It may not lead to trials or convictions, but declaring the States' Attorney in New York doesn't have any evidence of a crime is ridiculous.
Rick Gates worked for Trump pal Tom Barrack

GOP donors Broidy, Barrack reportedly paid ex-Trump campaign official Gates for advice on the administration

Two Trump Allies, Seeing Unlimited Opportunity, Instead Drew Scrutiny

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

Confidential Memo: Company of Trump Inaugural Chair Sought to Profit From Connections to Administration, Foreigners — ProPublica

The memo outlines how Colony, the company founded by Tom Barrack, an investor who chaired the inaugural, aimed to exploit its connections to Donald Trump. Federal prosecutors are conducting a wide-ranging probe into the nonprofit that ran the inaugural.

Confidential Memo: Company of Trump Inaugural Chair Sought to Profit from Connection to Administration, Foreigners | Trump, Inc. | WNYC Studios

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