Federal Judge Halts Release of 3D-Printed Gun Blueprints

No you can't buy an untraceable gun. Literally with this you can just print up a gun and NO ONE KNOWS especially the government. The "right" is authoritarian on what? Abortion doesn't count because Abortion is murder of another person so give me some examples

Dude. Name any other right than the 2nd and the cons are actively out to dilute it .

Name one and I’ll give an example .
YOU said the right was authoritarian that means CONTROL over something if we are trying to DILUTE something that means LESS CONTROL....jesus.

Huh? I’m talking about diluting our rights . As in making them less .
What rights? Killing a baby is murder...

It’s a potential baby. Once again proving me right that cons are against our freedoms . Freedom over ones body in this case .
No it IS a baby as soon as it fertilization happens. You can have control over YOUR body but the baby is not YOURS its a human all to its self.
This is so stupid ... you can buy this book 20 year old book on Amazon


Or download it free on the web. It contains plans, templates, and instructions for creating an SMG with off the shelf parts and hand tools.
You know we are talking about plastic firearms right?

You're talking about two things ...

1. A plastic gun that is invisible to metal detectors. This is a myth. They don't exist and can't be made with 3D printers.

2. A plastic gun that can be made by any person in a few minutes just by downloading a file from the Internet. This doesn't exist either and is just as much a myth as the invisible gun.

You're talking a lot of fear-mongering about two things that don't exist.

What I'm talking about is ... while you're soiling your depends over the imaginary 3D printed invisible gun, the ability to make real, usable, safe, and functional firearms, cheap and easy, using publicly available information has been around for decades.

The entire OP is nonsense.
I don’t know anything about these weapons, I’m learning now. I just watched an interview with the guy who won the court case to release these blueprints and apparently the guns can be made and functional with no metal... but the bullets are metal so a loaded gun would not make it through a metal detector. The gun itself with no bullets would make it through

And what would you do with the unloaded gun? Beat someone to death with it?

A gun made of PLA plastic would be lighter than an iPhone.
Just trying to get the facts straight

I've made many replica firearms with my 3D printer and with traditional casting. They can look authentic but are no more deadly than a stuffed animal.
its being fought out in the courts . Some dude has directions on how you me and every psycho can use a 3D printer to make your own u traceable firearm!

What are people’s thoughts ? Is this even a 2nd amendment issue ??

Judge blocks release of blueprints for 3D-printed guns

Isn't this a duplicate thread? Whatever people WISH to be, the 3-D gun printing will have to be knocked down and tightly controlled otherwise chaos would ensue and in the end, it would badly hurt the pro-gun position and give just the edge to gun haters they are looking for.
Should 3D gun printing directions be released ?
What are people’s thoughts ? Is this even a 2nd amendment issue ??

It is of no consequence whatsoever one way or another. There are already 3D gun parts "printing" plans all over the "dark web."

The true art of the gunsmith is in the barrel. You can't 3D-print a barrel anyway. It must be painstakingly forged of high quality gun metal, drilled through, bored true to center, reamed to exact diameter, and rifled to the correct twist.
its being fought out in the courts . Some dude has directions on how you me and every psycho can use a 3D printer to make your own u traceable firearm!

What are people’s thoughts ? Is this even a 2nd amendment issue ??

Judge blocks release of blueprints for 3D-printed guns

Isn't this a duplicate thread? Whatever people WISH to be, the 3-D gun printing will have to be knocked down and tightly controlled otherwise chaos would ensue and in the end, it would badly hurt the pro-gun position and give just the edge to gun haters they are looking for.

The prognostications of doom are greatly overstated. The guns are made of plastic. They can only be fired a few times before they are garbage, unless the barrel is metal, and that can't be 3D printed.
Has the GOP received their instructions from the NRA yet?
Until then we won't know whether they're consitutional or not.

oh piss off.

"The National Rifle Association had to point out Tuesday that any untraceable gun is outlawed in reference to the recent legal settlement that will allow for the blueprints on how to print and set up a gun from a 3D printer to be available to the public."

“Many anti-gun politicians and members of the media have wrongly claimed that 3D printing technology will allow for the production and widespread proliferation of undetectable plastic firearms. Regardless of what a person may be able to publish on the Internet, undetectable plastic guns have been illegal for 30 years,” Chris Cox, the NRA-ILA Executive Director, said, according to Stephen Gutowski.

He continued, “Federal law passed in 1988, crafted with the NRA’s support, makes it unlawful to manufacture, import, sell, ship, deliver, possess, transfer, or receive an undetectable firearm.”

NRA Shoots Back: These 3D Printed Untraceable Guns Have Been Illegal For Three Decades
So they won't be challenging this particular law in the Supreme Court?
Why not I wonder?

Hmmm...could it be because their chief sponsors...the gun manufacturers...don't want people making their own guns?
As always...follow the money.
Not a Second Amendment issue...a First Amendment issue.

Lots of restrictions on the 1st amendment. Especially when it comes to safety .
They're all bogus. The Constitution doesn't mention any exceptions, and the SC has never said safety is one of them.
The Bill of Rights actually says

“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

As far as I’m concerned people should have been ripping their sleeves off and making tank tops not guns.

So for all you who actually care about being true to the words of the constitution... you should really think about that. :woohoo:
its being fought out in the courts . Some dude has directions on how you me and every psycho can use a 3D printer to make your own u traceable firearm!

What are people’s thoughts ? Is this even a 2nd amendment issue ??

Judge blocks release of blueprints for 3D-printed guns

Isn't this a duplicate thread? Whatever people WISH to be, the 3-D gun printing will have to be knocked down and tightly controlled otherwise chaos would ensue and in the end, it would badly hurt the pro-gun position and give just the edge to gun haters they are looking for.

The prognostications of doom are greatly overstated. The guns are made of plastic. They can only be fired a few times before they are garbage, unless the barrel is metal, and that can't be 3D printed.

It only takes one bullet to kill someone. And they could be made that an innocuous-looking metal sleeve could be added later to solve that limitation. 3-D gun printing is a surefire recipe to the final argument to banning guns for the gun-bashers. They will never fly.
Not a Second Amendment issue...a First Amendment issue.

Lots of restrictions on the 1st amendment. Especially when it comes to safety .
They're all bogus. The Constitution doesn't mention any exceptions, and the SC has never said safety is one of them.
The Bill of Rights actually says

“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

As far as I’m concerned people should have been ripping their sleeves off and making tank tops not guns.

So for all you who actually care about being true to the words of the constitution... you should really think about that. :woohoo:

Those would be bare arms...I think you mean the right to own the arms of bears.


The bears are not thrilled with your interpretation.
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Not a Second Amendment issue...a First Amendment issue.

Lots of restrictions on the 1st amendment. Especially when it comes to safety .
They're all bogus. The Constitution doesn't mention any exceptions, and the SC has never said safety is one of them.
The Bill of Rights actually says

“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

As far as I’m concerned people should have been ripping their sleeves off and making tank tops not guns.

So for all you who actually care about being true to the words of the constitution... you should really think about that. :woohoo:

I was talking about the First Amendment, not the 2nd. However, with regard to the 2nd, the part before the comma is explanatory. It has no legal implications of any kind.
its being fought out in the courts . Some dude has directions on how you me and every psycho can use a 3D printer to make your own u traceable firearm!

What are people’s thoughts ? Is this even a 2nd amendment issue ??

Judge blocks release of blueprints for 3D-printed guns

Isn't this a duplicate thread? Whatever people WISH to be, the 3-D gun printing will have to be knocked down and tightly controlled otherwise chaos would ensue and in the end, it would badly hurt the pro-gun position and give just the edge to gun haters they are looking for.

The prognostications of doom are greatly overstated. The guns are made of plastic. They can only be fired a few times before they are garbage, unless the barrel is metal, and that can't be 3D printed.

It only takes one bullet to kill someone. And they could be made that an innocuous-looking metal sleeve could be added later to solve that limitation. 3-D gun printing is a surefire recipe to the final argument to banning guns for the gun-bashers. They will never fly.
The argument that we should ban guns to prevent the left from banning guns just doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me. No one has ever been killed by a printed gun, and I doubt if anyone ever will.
Has the GOP received their instructions from the NRA yet?
Until then we won't know whether they're consitutional or not.

oh piss off.

"The National Rifle Association had to point out Tuesday that any untraceable gun is outlawed in reference to the recent legal settlement that will allow for the blueprints on how to print and set up a gun from a 3D printer to be available to the public."

“Many anti-gun politicians and members of the media have wrongly claimed that 3D printing technology will allow for the production and widespread proliferation of undetectable plastic firearms. Regardless of what a person may be able to publish on the Internet, undetectable plastic guns have been illegal for 30 years,” Chris Cox, the NRA-ILA Executive Director, said, according to Stephen Gutowski.

He continued, “Federal law passed in 1988, crafted with the NRA’s support, makes it unlawful to manufacture, import, sell, ship, deliver, possess, transfer, or receive an undetectable firearm.”

NRA Shoots Back: These 3D Printed Untraceable Guns Have Been Illegal For Three Decades
So they won't be challenging this particular law in the Supreme Court?
Why not I wonder?

Hmmm...could it be because their chief sponsors...the gun manufacturers...don't want people making their own guns?
As always...follow the money.
Wow, in such a hurry to parrot partisan bs you did not even understand the statement. It is illegal to have a gun that would be undetectable by a metal detector but that is irrelevant to the fact that it is not illegal to print or share plans of printable weapons. There is no law to challenge - ITS LEGAL.

They even included a nail in the liberator plans to make the weapon legal. The problem is, of course, that you can simply leave the nail out when you manufacture it.

So I guess 'following the money' did not work well for you.
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