Federal Workers Told To Halt External Communication In First Week Under Trump

Trump has made some good moves in his first two days and this is one of them.
Good news? 2 major lies in 2 days, the pipeline that creates nothing but temp jobs and more lies?Your white president is a liar in cheat
Under Trump, your type people are in for a rude awakening. Y'all's days of freeloading are over. My people are going to prosper under glorious leader.
Staff have been told to stop talking to Congress and the press.

WASHINGTON ― Multiple federal agencies have told their employees to cease communications with members of Congress and the press, sources have told The Huffington Post.

The freeze has startled aides on the Hill and people at those agencies, who worry that it could abruptly upend current operations and stifle work and discussions that routinely take place between branches of government.

Officials at sub-agencies of the Department of Health and Human Services, for example, have been told not to send “any correspondence to public officials” according to a memo shared with HuffPost. Instead, they have been asked to refer questions to agency leadership until the leadership has had time to meet with incoming White House staff about the new administration’s policies and objectives, according to a congressional official who was also informed of the communications freeze.

An official with the National Institutes of Health told HuffPost after the initial publication of this piece that an email had been sent to the directors of NIH institutes and centers providing guidance from HHS on how to handle new or pending regulation, policy or guidance.

More: Federal Workers Told To Halt External Communication In First Week Under Trump

No wonder federal employees are startled. Private citizens should also be startled.
This is an excellent move.
Management 101.....

Take control....
Agreed. Trump is putting his foot down.

Yes, and a few decades ago a little German used similar tactics.

You know I have heard this comparison by people over the years. First Reagan, then Clinton, then Bush, then Obama and now Trump.

If he is going to be held responsible, like I expect him to be, then he needs to make sure the communication runs through the right channels. Federal workers report to their supervisors, then the supervisors go to the White House and then the Whites goes to Congress. Not sure why the press would have to be involved in workers communications.
Trump bans EPA employees from giving social media updates



And yet, Trump tweets every five minutes. Odd that.
Donald trump doesn't leak, he gets leaked on.

President Piss Mouth.
EPA Officials declare Donald Trump a health and environmental hazard.
Paranoia runs rampant I guess. I look at tweeters as inferior types. Facebook and twitter for inept.
both these agencies are full of mrobamas people , its a good thing that the President has shut them up until he gets rid of them .
noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! This must be the end of the world everyone was talking about. It has finally come to fruition.
Having worked for the government for almost 40 years, you are not allowed to speak to the press or release information that has not been cleared for release

Tweeting under your agencies banner is not allowed
Trump bans EPA employees from giving social media updates



And yet, Trump tweets every five minutes. Odd that.
What's the problem, Dean? For years and years the military has banned speaking to reporters, radio and TV unless the media people get approval from the PIO. Then, the individual(s) will be informed what they can or can't say. The media and the troops are well aware of the rules and in most cases don't go behind the barn to get or divulge information.
And I am positive that all those Government agencies and departments have had the same rules for a long time. It's about time we had adults in charge.
Having worked for the government for almost 40 years, you are not allowed to speak to the press or release information that has not been cleared for release

Tweeting under your agencies banner is not allowed
I didn't see that distinction anywhere. They don't want employees commenting, period.

The goal here is the keep the public ignorant.

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