Federalization of the States

That's merely you speculating.
You do realize that Texas net loses about 50 billion dollars to the federal government every year? From Wiki:

StateDollars (millions)Ratio to GSP

So, sure, Texas gets military contracts, but overall, Texas would be better off (to the tune of 50 billion) without the USFG.
Actually, it's looking more and more like you need the rest of society to collapse so that it would be much easier to live in/justify a dystopian Texas. Then you wouldn't have to deal with all of those silly things like jobs, laws, treaties and rights. Responsibilities.
You do realize that Texas net loses about 50 billion dollars to the federal government every year? From Wiki:

StateDollars (millions)Ratio to GSP
So, sure, Texas gets military contracts, but overall, Texas would be better off (to the tune of 50 billion) without the USFG.

Every military base, every defense contractor, every dollar for education and medical.............gone............like that.

Make sure you have your paperwork in order at the border!
Every payroll deduction, every federal corporate tax, gone, just like that. Net win of 50 billion.
Every military base, every defense contractor, every dollar for education and medical.............gone............like that.

Make sure you have your paperwork in order at the border!
You're very short sighted and locked into your perception.

It would be a dynamic situation..It wouldn't be a vacuum. Other nations would line up to do business, trade, import/export with the new nation.
You're very short sighted and locked into your perception.

It would be a dynamic situation..It wouldn't be a vacuum. Other nations would line up to do business, trade, import/export with the new nation.

No, you're dreaming this comes easy to you.

Just make sure that you have that paperwork in order to cross the border.
No, you're dreaming this comes easy to you.
get over yourself. Read some history. It happens all the time. The british, the french, the russians in 1917...the russians in the '80's...
Nations and empires collapse all the time.New borders are drawn and life proceeds.
You've been well indoctrinated, though. You see "american exceptionalism" as a static state and believe all life would cease in the nation formerly known as the u.s. if it broke up...
Your article is from 2012. My source is 2013. Maybe during the stimulus bonanza, Texas net gained, but it has historically, and is currently, losing. 50 billion a year.
Whether you hate or love Texas, there's absolutely no doubt it would form a viable country all on its own. Its population is 26 million. That's larger than Australia. It's GDP is 1.3 Trillion, which is bigger than Spain, Mexico, Netherlands, Switzerland, a bunch of countries you may have heard about. Coupled with essentially getting an net extra 50 billion a year, there's no doubt Texas would benefit from no longer being under the yolk of the USFG. The same could be said of California, and New York.

Personally, I think it would be great if there were more choices for national government in the AngloSphere, and larger states, or unions of states, could make viable contenders with very little fuss.
get over yourself. Read some history. It happens all the time. The british, the french, the russians in 1917...the russians in the '80's...
Nations and empires collapse all the time.New borders are drawn and life proceeds.
You've been well indoctrinated, though. You see "american exceptionalism" as a static state and believe all life would cease in the nation formerly known as the u.s. if it broke up...

Get over yourself. Not only have I read history, I stay pretty current with silly things like court cases involving water.

You're one of those folks that likes the dream...........but not the work. You aren't prepared for that.
Your article is from 2012. My source is 2013. Maybe during the stimulus bonanza, Texas net gained, but it has historically, and is currently, losing. 50 billion a year.

Cool. Make sure you add in those jobs lost with the removal of bases, defense contractors.......things like that.
Get over yourself. Not only have I read history, I stay pretty current with silly things like court cases involving water.

That's nice. Good for you!

You're one of those folks that likes the dream...........but not the work. You aren't prepared for that.

You're projecting your own insecurities and shortcomings....but I understand why you need to do that.
Cool. Make sure you add in those jobs lost with the removal of bases, defense contractors.......things like that.
Texas is one of the fastest growing economies in the country... It helps when you actually know what you're talking about.
The bases would still be there. The jobs would still be there. Other nations would line up to do business and trade with a confederation of states if they seceded.
You are very short sighted and a bit naive.
Texas is one of the fastest growing economies in the country... It helps when you actually know what you're talking about.
The bases would still be there. The jobs would still be there. Other nations would line up to do business and trade with a confederation of states if they seceded.
You are very short sighted and a bit naive.

There's no reason for the bases to be there. Not from the US government.

I'm not naive at all. I'm a realist. So far you have shown me nothing but fantasy.
No..I've shown you the future.

The bases would still be there. Troops would still be there. Jobs would still be there. Contracts would still come in.Foreign governments would be eager to trade and assist. It would just be a new, smaller, independent country.

It's going to happen anyway. This country will collapse and be partitioned into smaller areas.
No..I've shown you the future.

The bases would still be there. Troops would still be there. Jobs would still be there. Contracts would still come in.Foreign governments would be eager to trade and assist. It would just be a new, smaller, independent country.

It's going to happen anyway. This country will collapse and be partitioned into smaller areas.

Let's see. Just make sure that you have your paperwork at the border.

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