Feds demand gun store owner turn over customer list. He refuses

I fear it. lol

People taking the law into their own hands don't usually get too far. Nothing to fear there.

You should read the Constitution, it is founded on the premise is that the law is in the hands of the people.

OK. You go head and take the law into your own hands and let us know how it works out.

I do it every time I vote.

Unfortunately, there are way too many of you around. That is changing though, thanks to you.
That great patriot Sam Adams thinks people who rebel against the laws of a republic ought to be put to death -- hung.

And the Second Amendment is the Supreme Law of the Republic.

Therefore, those who are rebelling against the Second Amendment should be put to death --- via the Second Amendment.

Thanks for proving our point. Now run along.
Great. Second Amendment your way into rebellion.

If you're not shot first, be sure and write us from prison, kay?
Department of Justice Statistics:

[MENTION=43262]Brain357[/MENTION] run along now little boy.

Carrying a gun makes you far more like to be shot.
Carrying a gun increases risk of getting shot and killed - science-in-society - 06 October 2009 - New Scientist

You run along.

A study by a bunch of college kids in Pennsylvania has the same authority as the Department of Justice Statistics?

You link appears to be about rape and from 1979? Post something that validates your claims.
That would be a city. We are discussing countries....

Typical liberal moving the goalposts.

The Battle of Athens ultimately involved the entire nation. The political machine voter fraud being perpetrated by the Democrats post World War II came to a sudden halt every where in the South because of Athens, as patriots were preparing to take up arms everywhere. There are countless press articles about it.

The National Guard also refused to suppress the Restoration of the Rule of Law.

Within the decade, Democrat voter fraud was put to end everywhere in the south, because of this debilitating blow to their Reign of Terror. Then blacks, through the Deacons for Defense and Justice, marched armed alongside Martin Luther King during the Civil Rights Era (which was opposed by Lyndon B Johnson until he became President) to put the nail in the coffin of Democrat voter fraud and suppression. When the Democrats realized that an armed public would no longer tolerate their shit, they changed their tune and embraced the Civil Rights Movement.

The Battle of Athens is one of the most important events in American history, and it's never taught in Public School. I personally doubt you ever heard of this great event until today on these forums.

Had the National Guard decided to attack the Veterans/Patriots, you would have had a "country" wide revolution within the fortnight.
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Stats for how many crimes are prevented by guns are highly flawed.
Do guns make us safer? - CNN.com

232,000 guns are stolen each year. That's a pretty good source for crime. So are owners really doing more against or for crime? Supplying them with 232,000 guns a year is certainly helping crime.
Sounds like to me there is a CRIMINAL problem, NO? WHY make it sound like it is the GUN OWNER'S fault? Hmm?

And thanks to gun owners we have a lot more armed criminals. Sounds like they are part of the problem.

It only seems that way to those who are willfully ignorant of crime statistics over the last two to three decades and their implications relative to gun ownership, let others do their thinking for them, don't grasp the realities of human nature, and are willfully oblivious to the inherent and historic threats to liberty posed by government. In other words, it only seems that way to those who willfully live in bubbles of naiveté and ignorance.

Got pin?
Although I do not usually quote my own books, here is a good excerpt from one of them (Common Sense - by Edward Solomon):

<ridiculous self-serving dribble snipped>
You are a Statist Pig, and Jon Locke spits on you.
Like I said -- OK. You go head and take the law into your own hands and let us know how it works out.

Are you claiming the excerpts from my book are inaccurate?
That great patriot Sam Adams thinks people who rebel against the laws of a republic ought to be put to death -- hung.
What does Sam Adams think about people rebelling against tyranny, and what rebellion against the laws of a republic was Sam Adams involved in?
Against a king -- he was all fer it.
He wasn't involved in a rebellion in a republic.
Aha. He supported revolution against tyranny.
So... not at all sure how his position is all that relevant here.

A study by a bunch of college kids in Pennsylvania has the same authority as the Department of Justice Statistics?

You link appears to be about rape and from 1979? Post something that validates your claims.

The year 2000 study, conducted in the same manner, showed identical results.

Also, are you claiming that between 1979 and 2014, humans have evolved/mutated so drastically such that their behaviors and responses in the presence of firearms would be statistically unrecognizable? If you knew anything about the evolution, it takes millions of years to produce such a change.
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Although I do not usually quote my own books, here is a good excerpt from one of them (Common Sense - by Edward Solomon):

You are a Statist Pig, and Jon Locke spits on you.
Like I said -- OK. You go head and take the law into your own hands and let us know how it works out.

Are you claiming the excerpts from my book are inaccurate?
I'm claiming you're a rootin' tootin' idiot that's probably going to get himself killed one day.
Don't know since WE aren't one.

I don't think you'll come up with one.

How about Rome? We are following Rome's history quite well. It too was a Republic till it's Senators and bureaucrats became so corrupt they lost the support of the people...which led to the collapse and Caesar taking over.....which led to a long run of emperors, some good, some not so good, and some just downright horrible.

There are others and they all follow the same path, an energetic republic, followed by a load of idiots who feel they are entitled to the dole while producing nothing, then a revolution followed by an imperial run that then leads to ultimate collapse....and a start over with a period of anarchy etc.

You should read some history some time. You'll be amazed at what has happened before...many, many times before. Something you progressives seem to never be aware of... For someone who claims to be so smart..... you're really ignorant.

I actually know more about history than you would ever guess. Lets try to stay modern shall we? I mean Rome, really? Did they have a revolution?
Well I did specify long standing. Sure forced democracies that we create have problems. Can you name some country with long standing voting rights that ever had a revolution?





Wait, you said one.

Any other challenges?

I love how you guys keep ignoring the long standing part. Try again.
I answered your question, "Can you name some country with long standing voting rights that ever had a revolution?" Can you explain to me what makes any of those countries not long standing? Egypt is much older than the US, which makes your insistence on examining only long standing democracies absurd. By any standard that I can reasonably apply to a country, the US is not long standing.

Come to think of it, that might explain your insistence on that standard, you know it is impossible to challenge. That would require you to acully be smarter than you post, but it is possible.
What does Sam Adams think about people rebelling against tyranny, and what rebellion against the laws of a republic was Sam Adams involved in?
Against a king -- he was all fer it.
He wasn't involved in a rebellion in a republic.
Aha. He supported revolution against tyranny.
So... not at all sure how his position is all that relevant here.
Against a King.

Not in a Constitutional Republic.
I don't think you'll come up with one.

How about Rome? We are following Rome's history quite well. It too was a Republic till it's Senators and bureaucrats became so corrupt they lost the support of the people...which led to the collapse and Caesar taking over.....which led to a long run of emperors, some good, some not so good, and some just downright horrible.

There are others and they all follow the same path, an energetic republic, followed by a load of idiots who feel they are entitled to the dole while producing nothing, then a revolution followed by an imperial run that then leads to ultimate collapse....and a start over with a period of anarchy etc.

You should read some history some time. You'll be amazed at what has happened before...many, many times before. Something you progressives seem to never be aware of... For someone who claims to be so smart..... you're really ignorant.

I actually know more about history than you would ever guess. Lets try to stay modern shall we? I mean Rome, really? Did they have a revolution?

:eek::eek: You claim to "know more about history than I would ever guess" and then you make that statement..... Wow, just wow.

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