Feds start fight with American Patriots in Oregon

The Feds have been incredibly restrained. The guy reached for his gun, what do you expect?
An actual threat maybe
Reaching for your gun isn't a threat?
I don't see that
Of course not. He should have kept his hands in the air.
He was on a snow bank and maybe he lost his balance. Either you all admit a threat can exist without a gun in view or not. What is it? Hypocrites
Convoy of reinforcement Feds seen this evening moving in to kill the rest of the patriots.
I certainly hope so!
my contact confirmed by talking to LaVoy's wife on phone they are doing independent autopsies & she said he was shot NINE times and his face was shot off @ close range !"

Won't matter. Piece of shit that murdered Vicky Weaver got away with murder. Same here. It will continue like this until the other side starts losing more people than we are or it gets too expensive for them to continue.
He jumps out of the SUV immediately after going into the snowbank and definitely had his hands up.
He didn't keep them up, did he? No, he didn't - he reached into his jacket.

If you are surrendering why wouldn't you keep both hands in sight at all times?

I wish they all had gone out in a blaze of stupidity.
That's heart wrenching....they murdered him in cold fucking blood. Every thug with a badge is a MUST BE a target now. Oh and I hope you needle dicks cheering the murdering thugs on listened earlier. The patriots are heading for town and will occupy town and are putting out a call for reinforcements!
I think I may have to report this post to the FBI. Apologies to the site owners for the warrant they'll have to comply with in turning over your IP address.
The Feds have been incredibly restrained. The guy reached for his gun, what do you expect?
An actual threat maybe
Reaching for your gun isn't a threat?
The evidence does not show a gun being reached for. None whatsoever!
except he reached towards a pocket where he had a loaded gun. but other than reaching for a gun there's no evidence the was reaching for a gun.
Every cowboy knows they are supposed to "reach for the sky" when confronted by the law. Leroy Finidum will be remembered for being the stupid Bundy militia dude. Too bad, he seemed like a friendly type of terrorist.
my contact confirmed by talking to LaVoy's wife on phone they are doing independent autopsies & she said he was shot NINE times and his face was shot off @ close range !"

Won't matter. Piece of shit that murdered Vicky Weaver got away with murder. Same here. It will continue like this until the other side starts losing more people than we are or it gets too expensive for them to continue.
what do they expect an autopsy to tell them that the video doesn't? dumbass tried to run and then he tried to pull a gun - all this after saying publicly that he would rather die than go to jail and that he was armed.

what were the police supposed to think he was doing when reaching for his pocket if not going for a weapon?
Every cowboy knows they are supposed to "reach for the sky" when confronted by the law. Leroy Finidum will be remembered for being the stupid Bundy militia dude. Too bad, he seemed like a friendly type of terrorist.
in a month he won't be remembered, at least not by name.
my contact confirmed by talking to LaVoy's wife on phone they are doing independent autopsies & she said he was shot NINE times and his face was shot off @ close range !"

Won't matter. Piece of shit that murdered Vicky Weaver got away with murder. Same here. It will continue like this until the other side starts losing more people than we are or it gets too expensive for them to continue.
what do they expect an autopsy to tell them that the video doesn't? dumbass tried to run and then he tried to pull a gun - all this after saying publicly that he would rather die than go to jail and that he was armed.

what were the police supposed to think he was doing when reaching for his pocket if not going for a weapon?
Someone said he was trying to get a stick of gum. He just wanted a snack, a piece of gum.
Idiot. From 5 min 50 sec to 6 min 8 sec. The fool clearly reached for a gun

Clearly? Can you see his gun in the video???????????
It doesn't matter if he was reaching for a gun. I am positive that those LEO gave him an order to keep his hands in sight. They most likely also told him to get down on his knees.

He refused their lawful order and died for it. Fuck that guy.
my contact confirmed by talking to LaVoy's wife on phone they are doing independent autopsies & she said he was shot NINE times and his face was shot off @ close range !"

Won't matter. Piece of shit that murdered Vicky Weaver got away with murder. Same here. It will continue like this until the other side starts losing more people than we are or it gets too expensive for them to continue.
what do they expect an autopsy to tell them that the video doesn't? dumbass tried to run and then he tried to pull a gun - all this after saying publicly that he would rather die than go to jail and that he was armed.

what were the police supposed to think he was doing when reaching for his pocket if not going for a weapon?
Someone said he was trying to get a stick of gum. He just wanted a snack, a piece of gum.
snacks were very important to that group...
FBI releases video footage of LaVoy Finicum shooting

There you go, the dumb bastard reached for his gun. And paid the price.
How do you know it was a gun?
Doesn't matter if he was reaching for gum! He knew what his actions would result in, and that's why he did it. He promised that he wouldn't be taken alive.

Suicide by cop. I'm pretty happy.
It can't be both ways. Either a cop can shoot someone with no gun exposed or not? What is it? Why burn Ferguson then? Are there threats or not to justify a shoot?
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