Feds start fight with American Patriots in Oregon

my contact confirmed by talking to LaVoy's wife on phone they are doing independent autopsies & she said he was shot NINE times and his face was shot off @ close range !"

Won't matter. Piece of shit that murdered Vicky Weaver got away with murder. Same here. It will continue like this until the other side starts losing more people than we are or it gets too expensive for them to continue.
what do they expect an autopsy to tell them that the video doesn't? dumbass tried to run and then he tried to pull a gun - all this after saying publicly that he would rather die than go to jail and that he was armed.

what were the police supposed to think he was doing when reaching for his pocket if not going for a weapon?
Someone said he was trying to get a stick of gum. He just wanted a snack, a piece of gum.
snacks were very important to that group...
Just like the kid in Ferguson right? You remember the conflict he had with store owner for his snacks? Snacks are generally what gets people killed
Hey the cops were trying to arrest a fleeing suspect who is armed and nearly runs a cop over avoiding a road block. He has his hands in the air and then he lowers his hand and reaches for the gun his pocket. At that point he is shot dead by Oregon state police.

I watched the plane footage.
So here's the lesson from all this. The government won't catch terrorists. Won't stop rapists and murderers. Won't build a fence and stop illegal immigration. Won't stop thugs and theives from tearing up Baltimore and many other cities. But they WILL lure a citizen out into the open and kill him in cold blood. People, the government has found an enemy they are more than willing to do combat with, and that enemy is US.

Comment from the Drudge report of them showing the video. People are waking up...one murdered patriot at a time.
Well, they showed a video. A video that pretty much proved what Virginia said was fairly true from her perspective, and the video totally disproved the driver of Ammon's Jeep's testimony. You know the one that the MSM glommed on and the rest of you folks took for gospel.
And you are a liar. I just saw that video. The dumb bastard reached for his gun. And got his just deserts.

I am not a liar, you are just seeing what you wanted to see. From Virginia's perspective, LaVoy exited the vehicle with his hands in the air (remember she was on the floorboard), and kept his hands in the air for several feet away from the vehicle (probably further than Virginia could observe).

Then yes, his hands or at least one of them did come down. But the reason at this time only has one side.

And by 'one side', you mean the law enforcement officer that can give you eye witness testimony that the man who said he wouldn't taken alive was reaching for his gun?

The side you are taking. Even though you 'say' you've gone there many times and perhaps even 'grew up' around there, your life in Portland has made you forget what it may be like to walk through two or so feet of snow.

You mean the 'side' that DIDN'T lie their asses off by saying that he was on his knees, surrendering? Where were those '100 bullets, by the way? And of course, he hands weren't up. In short, other than the man's name...is there ANY part of this your side got right?

There's only so much water you're gonna be able to carry for these folks. LaVoy was reaching for a gun, struggling to get it off his hip. This after resisting arrest.

It was a justifiable shooting.
So here's the lesson from all this. The government won't catch terrorists. Won't stop rapists and murderers. Won't build a fence and stop illegal immigration. Won't stop thugs and theives from tearing up Baltimore and many other cities. But they WILL lure a citizen out into the open and kill him in cold blood. People, the government has found an enemy they are more than willing to do combat with, and that enemy is US.

Comment from the Drudge report of them showing the video. People are waking up...one murdered patriot at a time.

The video proved your narrative a load of hapless horseshit. Lavoy wasn't surrendering, he was resisting arrest. His hands weren't up, he was reaching for his gun.

But hey, you got is name right, StormFront.
You realize you can't argue with these gun crazy lunatics. They take pride in lying.
"Then yes, his hands or at least one of them did come down."

Finecum did not comply with LEO demands, made move that could have been for a gun, and he was shot. End of story.
Will Finecum be a martyr that creates a Timothy McVeigh? Are there more American traitor terrorist sitting around planning on how to kill federal employees and the innocents around them with bombs and bullets?
I think there are people that are willing to go there. There are a couple of things that were particularly bothering. Bundy is out of there for a moment. There appeared to be a hijacking not just once but twice. So, there is this jockeying for power and the bleeding of one issue into the next. Charismatic leaders are a dime a dozen and it's real easy to hold them accountable or to zoom in on them. I really think that people need to have a look at the rest of the folks that follow them or show up for one reason or another.
I think there are people that are willing to go there. There are a couple of things that were particularly bothering. Bundy is out of there for a moment. There appeared to be a hijacking not just once but twice. So, there is this jockeying for power and the bleeding of one issue into the next. Charismatic leaders are a dime a dozen and it's real easy to hold them accountable or to zoom in on them. I really think that people need to have a look at the rest of the folks that follow them or show up for one reason or another.
A point well taken. The enablers should have to answer for making this type of situation possible. Had every body in Harney County avoided the Occupiers, not helped them in any way, in fact, even shunned them, refusing to sell them anything at all, the situation would have ended very quickly. Even though the sympathizers were in the minority, they gave enough encouragement to these miscreants that it continued to the inevitable outcome.
I think there are people that are willing to go there. There are a couple of things that were particularly bothering. Bundy is out of there for a moment. There appeared to be a hijacking not just once but twice. So, there is this jockeying for power and the bleeding of one issue into the next. Charismatic leaders are a dime a dozen and it's real easy to hold them accountable or to zoom in on them. I really think that people need to have a look at the rest of the folks that follow them or show up for one reason or another.
A point well taken. The enablers should have to answer for making this type of situation possible. Had every body in Harney County avoided the Occupiers, not helped them in any way, in fact, even shunned them, refusing to sell them anything at all, the situation would have ended very quickly. Even though the sympathizers were in the minority, they gave enough encouragement to these miscreants that it continued to the inevitable outcome.

I agree. At the same time silencing would simply build more animosity. If you have people that are willing to adopt and move from one agenda to the next (mutiny on the high seas), then what it is that they are seeking is not being answered or they are motivated by their own agenda and this may be the only way to obtain what they want. They are motivated by something else. All bets are off with Sovereign Citizens.

You ever read the Art of War? When we look at the land issues we are looking at arguments that have occurred for a good hundred years. So, when you have people that are economically impacted, identifying and acknowledging their truth would reduce animosity and give these people room to move and allow them to have a voice they would not have under whomever is claiming or attempting to claim leadership.
You have to wonder when another group with similar intentions will pop up to harass another community. Then the Feds and law enforcement would need to, once again, spend an inordinate amount of time and money to address it.

With Daesh, home grown terrorist, and the threats our law enforcement community are facing, they don't need another threat to monitor . And yet, these people call themselves "Patriots." REALLY?

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