Feds start fight with American Patriots in Oregon

Hey the cops were trying to arrest a fleeing suspect who is armed and nearly runs a cop over avoiding a road block. He has his hands in the air and then he lowers his hand and reaches for the gun his pocket. At that point he is shot dead by Oregon state police.

I watched the plane footage.

I watched the same video, he clearly had his hands up and maybe he wasn't reaching for a gun but reaching to where he had been shot. But you left loons have made up your minds....like you did with Traygone and the thug from Ferguson...I remind you that you were wrong on both counts. Let the facts come out instead of trying to try and convict on a message board
I watched the same video, he clearly had his hands up and maybe he wasn't reaching for a gun but reaching to where he had been shot. But you left loons have made up your minds....like you did with Traygone and the thug from Ferguson...I remind you that you were wrong on both counts. Let the facts come out instead of trying to try and convict on a message board

I have the same thought, as there were two cops, one behind and one in front, both firing at him. You notice that when his hands came down, it was with a jerk and simultaneous spin towards the cop to the rear, then he jerked a time or two more until he faced the one in front of him who gave him the final kill shot.

p.s., I never went for the "he was on his knees" story either.
I watched the same video, he clearly had his hands up and maybe he wasn't reaching for a gun but reaching to where he had been shot. But you left loons have made up your minds....like you did with Traygone and the thug from Ferguson...I remind you that you were wrong on both counts. Let the facts come out instead of trying to try and convict on a message board

I have the same thought, as there were two cops, one behind and one in front, both firing at him. You notice that when his hands came down, it was with a jerk and simultaneous spin towards the cop to the rear, then he jerked a time or two more until he faced the one in front of him who gave him the final kill shot.

The thing that sticks out is he had his hands up...I wasn't there but it seems as though he was giving up and someone got trigger happy
I watched the same video, he clearly had his hands up and maybe he wasn't reaching for a gun but reaching to where he had been shot. But you left loons have made up your minds....like you did with Traygone and the thug from Ferguson...I remind you that you were wrong on both counts. Let the facts come out instead of trying to try and convict on a message board

I have the same thought, as there were two cops, one behind and one in front, both firing at him. You notice that when his hands came down, it was with a jerk and simultaneous spin towards the cop to the rear, then he jerked a time or two more until he faced the one in front of him who gave him the final kill shot.

The thing that sticks out is he had his hands up...I wasn't there but it seems as though he was giving up and someone got trigger happy
If you watch the video he goes from his hands up to reaching for his gun. It's pretty clear what happened.
It's tragic to me that this guy wanted to die so bad. He would not allow himself to be arrested. Suicide by cop.
Hey the cops were trying to arrest a fleeing suspect who is armed and nearly runs a cop over avoiding a road block. He has his hands in the air and then he lowers his hand and reaches for the gun his pocket. At that point he is shot dead by Oregon state police.

I watched the plane footage.

I watched the same video, he clearly had his hands up and maybe he wasn't reaching for a gun but reaching to where he had been shot. But you left loons have made up your minds....like you did with Traygone and the thug from Ferguson...I remind you that you were wrong on both counts. Let the facts come out instead of trying to try and convict on a message board
I wasn't here for Trayvon.
Will Finecum be a martyr that creates a Timothy McVeigh? Are there more American traitor terrorist sitting around planning on how to kill federal employees and the innocents around them with bombs and bullets?

I think I read somewhere that they're planning the next action.
Mr. Bundy has been claiming land and rights that dismiss a century of laws. He ignores the land’s first occupants, the Burns Paiute, who rightfully claim that land. He sidesteps his family’s dependence on government support and subsidies — which include a sizable federal Small Business Administration loan for more than a half-million dollars. He banters about a potential armed revolution while proclaiming his dedication to the U.S. Constitution.

Mr. Bundy’s confused rhetoric is partly a refraction of spotty Christian theology, fringe militia movements and American mythology. Yet he is standing on solid ground in the imagined West in which his ideology resides.
Of myths and militias
Mr. Bundy has been claiming land and rights that dismiss a century of laws. He ignores the land’s first occupants, the Burns Paiute, who rightfully claim that land. He sidesteps his family’s dependence on government support and subsidies — which include a sizable federal Small Business Administration loan for more than a half-million dollars. He banters about a potential armed revolution while proclaiming his dedication to the U.S. Constitution.

Mr. Bundy’s confused rhetoric is partly a refraction of spotty Christian theology, fringe militia movements and American mythology. Yet he is standing on solid ground in the imagined West in which his ideology resides.
Of myths and militias
Almost a month into this absurd standoff, both sides had more than made their point. The militia members proved they’re serious; they got their martyr, unfortunately. The FBI proved it’s cautious and patient, but not infinitely so.

Keeping the standoff going would’ve only meant more violence, more disruption for the residents of Harney County and more wasted money for Oregon – a figure Gov. Kate Brown put at about $100,000 a week.

Read more here: A bad idea turns deadly in Oregon, predictably so
Mr. Bundy has been claiming land and rights that dismiss a century of laws. He ignores the land’s first occupants, the Burns Paiute, who rightfully claim that land. He sidesteps his family’s dependence on government support and subsidies — which include a sizable federal Small Business Administration loan for more than a half-million dollars. He banters about a potential armed revolution while proclaiming his dedication to the U.S. Constitution.

Mr. Bundy’s confused rhetoric is partly a refraction of spotty Christian theology, fringe militia movements and American mythology. Yet he is standing on solid ground in the imagined West in which his ideology resides.
Of myths and militias
Typical gassyass response.
Mr. Bundy has been claiming land and rights that dismiss a century of laws. He ignores the land’s first occupants, the Burns Paiute, who rightfully claim that land. He sidesteps his family’s dependence on government support and subsidies — which include a sizable federal Small Business Administration loan for more than a half-million dollars. He banters about a potential armed revolution while proclaiming his dedication to the U.S. Constitution.

Mr. Bundy’s confused rhetoric is partly a refraction of spotty Christian theology, fringe militia movements and American mythology. Yet he is standing on solid ground in the imagined West in which his ideology resides.
Of myths and militias
Typical gassyass response.

You'll live, pumpkin
The guy who was shot WANTED to die a martyr. He got exactly what he wanted.

Well your care is touching. now go dance on their grave next. then go find their 80 Branch Dravidian you Government torched and dance on them, 20 of them Children
The guy who was shot WANTED to die a martyr. He got exactly what he wanted.

Well your care is touching. now go dance on their grave next. then go find their 80 Branch Dravidian you Government torched and dance on them, 20 of them Children
What makes you think I'm not sad he went out of life this way. He could have surrendered instead of reaching for his gun. All suicide is tragic. I feel sorry for his children who were less important to him than being a martyr.
my contact confirmed by talking to LaVoy's wife on phone they are doing independent autopsies & she said he was shot NINE times and his face was shot off @ close range !"

Won't matter. Piece of shit that murdered Vicky Weaver got away with murder. Same here. It will continue like this until the other side starts losing more people than we are or it gets too expensive for them to continue.
what do they expect an autopsy to tell them that the video doesn't? dumbass tried to run and then he tried to pull a gun - all this after saying publicly that he would rather die than go to jail and that he was armed.

what were the police supposed to think he was doing when reaching for his pocket if not going for a weapon?
Someone said he was trying to get a stick of gum. He just wanted a snack, a piece of gum.
snacks were very important to that group...
Just like the kid in Ferguson right? You remember the conflict he had with store owner for his snacks? Snacks are generally what gets people killed
The smart thing is to not get between a far RWr and their junk food.
I watched the same video, he clearly had his hands up and maybe he wasn't reaching for a gun but reaching to where he had been shot. But you left loons have made up your minds....like you did with Traygone and the thug from Ferguson...I remind you that you were wrong on both counts. Let the facts come out instead of trying to try and convict on a message board

I have the same thought, as there were two cops, one behind and one in front, both firing at him. You notice that when his hands came down, it was with a jerk and simultaneous spin towards the cop to the rear, then he jerked a time or two more until he faced the one in front of him who gave him the final kill shot.

The thing that sticks out is he had his hands up...I wasn't there but it seems as though he was giving up and someone got trigger happy
If you watch the video he goes from his hands up to reaching for his gun. It's pretty clear what happened.
Bi-Catfish (who in this reincarnation calls herself "SassyIrishLass") wants to ignore that he clearly went to his waistband. That will get anyone shot by the cops. (Sometimes it doesn't even take that).

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