Feeling better about Georgia. Warnock makes Rev. Wright look moderate.

I can't deal with a crooked privileged rich bitch swamp creature, who thinks she's above the law....
Then you must also oppose Diane Feinstein and Nancy Pelosi, among countless others who, for years.
have been accused of using their insider knowledge to amass fortunes.

Or just acknowledge you are against this particular rich politician and really don't care about all the others.

Show you aren't a total partisan hypocrite though we know you are.

Kelly Loeffler's mansion isn't going to harm a soul. Rafael Warnock's anti police pro BLM bias is.
Warnock is looking more and more like a fraud. Domestic violence. Typical Democrat reverend.
Wow the video evidence of this guy Warnock that is coming out is incredible. America needs to "Repent for it's Whiteness". Cops are just gangsters wearing different colors. All they have to do is just keep running his videos over and over so it sinks in just how radical and hateful of America is Raphael Warnock.

Georgia's folks are gaining on the oppositions long time power. Things are really changing there.
There is no way this Communist wife abuser Warnock represents "Georgia Folks".
I haven't seen them all.... but put yourself in his shoes, in his life, in his struggles...see things with his eyes, and maybe you and I both would learn something about him and the people he's preached to...
Oh for crissakes, blacks aren't lab specimens. They are Americans, or used to be. Judge them the same as everyone else. How long do you think this country can last with all this divisive shit going on?
Look man...here's what it B.
That's a fucking marxist animal that will lose by 20 with a fair election. The votes needed to counted by hand with several witnesses watching every move.
Yea that’s not going to happen. Dems got away with cheating in November and will do it again.
I can't deal with a crooked privileged rich bitch swamp creature, who thinks she's above the law....
Then you must also oppose Diane Feinstein and Nancy Pelosi, among countless others who, for years.
have been accused of using their insider knowledge to amass fortunes

Warlock is a black supremacist and piece of street trash just like the fake senator , Booker .
Yet you white lemmings will vote for the “ black vermin “

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