Fellow Centrists, Classical Liberals, Independents, etc. - We need to talk.

I'm bisexual

Why the fuck does that matter? Why do you fags think playing in the poop chute entitles you to unique consideration?

When was the last time you saw a straight person mention their sexuality as some kind of qualification?


hmm not into anal so no poop chutes with me thanks.

Hey I was just laying out my political leanings kido, no need to get bent over it. ~shrug~
Being a fag is not a political leaning ya moron. It is your lifestyle choice and COMPLETELY irrelevant to anything to do with politics.

You do realize I'm A) a woman, and B) am not pushing my lifestyle on anyone right? What part of "classical liberal" do you not understand?
I'm bisexual

Why the fuck does that matter? Why do you fags think playing in the poop chute entitles you to unique consideration?

When was the last time you saw a straight person mention their sexuality as some kind of qualification?


hmm not into anal so no poop chutes with me thanks.

Hey I was just laying out my political leanings kido, no need to get bent over it. ~shrug~
Being a fag is not a political leaning ya moron. It is your lifestyle choice and COMPLETELY irrelevant to anything to do with politics.

You do realize I'm A) a woman, and B) am not pushing my lifestyle on anyone right? What part of "classical liberal" do you not understand?
Now I get the woman card. Fag wasn't good enough so you toss in female...


None of it has anything to do with politics. Claiming the middle of the road while driving in the ditch is comical.
Well here is the thing. First we have no idea who actually released Ford's identity.

Secondly, if we do dodge a bullet on Kavanaugh, the hearing exposed that he is not as non-partisan as a judge is supposed to be. He has a true hatred of the left, and actually used a conspiracy theory that is unproven, that the Clintons are behind this whole thing. He has no idea if that is true or not, and he used it in his hearing. We don't need conspiracy theory nutjobs serving on the Supreme Court.

Lastly, as a judge he should have known better than to say that statements made by Mark Judge and the other person Ford said was at the party, backed up his statement that he was never there. In fact that isn't true. They said they don't remember the party, that isn't the same as saying it didn't happen and that the party didn't happen. Those are two totally different things. A judge that is going to serve on the highest court in the land should know better, and if he does know better, but instead made that statement, then he was being dishonest.

This isn't exactly a debate post... Everyone is welcome to whatever opinion and whatever facts they find most compelling.

I am simply asking that folks decide where their principles lay - and to go vote for what they believe in.

And people should vote based on what is best for society as a whole, not what their party tells them to. Republicans are saying that Democrats are being so hard on Kavanaugh simply because he is being appointed by Trump. That's not true at all. There was no accusations or anything like this AT ALL with Gorsuch. The real issue here is, it's much easier for the Republicans to blame this on partisanship, and use that as a backdoor from the situation and to pump their base, than to take the time to find out if the accusations are true or not. It's plain as day.

I don’t think this would have been so bad if McConnell had not tried to rush this process, which for other nominees took much longer (Kagan was83 days I think), refused to allow important material to be released an what material was released came one big data dump with no time examine. Had he not insisted on a rush, there would have been time to quietly and thoroughly vet EVERYTHING. Ford’s name should never have been leaked and neither should the nature of the charges until an investigation was complete.

Everyone has mud on their faces here including theRepublicans and Kavanaugh.
Last edited:
I'm bisexual

Why the fuck does that matter? Why do you fags think playing in the poop chute entitles you to unique consideration?

When was the last time you saw a straight person mention their sexuality as some kind of qualification?


hmm not into anal so no poop chutes with me thanks.

Hey I was just laying out my political leanings kido, no need to get bent over it. ~shrug~
Being a fag is not a political leaning ya moron. It is your lifestyle choice and COMPLETELY irrelevant to anything to do with politics.

You do realize I'm A) a woman, and B) am not pushing my lifestyle on anyone right? What part of "classical liberal" do you not understand?
Now I get the woman card. Fag wasn't good enough so you toss in female...


None of it has anything to do with politics. Claiming the middle of the road while driving in the ditch is comical.

You seriously need to step off son. I'm not in the mood for your shit.
Why the fuck does that matter? Why do you fags think playing in the poop chute entitles you to unique consideration?

When was the last time you saw a straight person mention their sexuality as some kind of qualification?


hmm not into anal so no poop chutes with me thanks.

Hey I was just laying out my political leanings kido, no need to get bent over it. ~shrug~
Being a fag is not a political leaning ya moron. It is your lifestyle choice and COMPLETELY irrelevant to anything to do with politics.

You do realize I'm A) a woman, and B) am not pushing my lifestyle on anyone right? What part of "classical liberal" do you not understand?
Now I get the woman card. Fag wasn't good enough so you toss in female...


None of it has anything to do with politics. Claiming the middle of the road while driving in the ditch is comical.

You seriously need to step off son. I'm not in the mood for your shit.
I don't give a fuck what you are in the mood for bitch.

You toss around homosexuality and the woman card as if it entitles you to some kind of special status. It doesn't and you can get bent.
hmm not into anal so no poop chutes with me thanks.

Hey I was just laying out my political leanings kido, no need to get bent over it. ~shrug~
Being a fag is not a political leaning ya moron. It is your lifestyle choice and COMPLETELY irrelevant to anything to do with politics.

You do realize I'm A) a woman, and B) am not pushing my lifestyle on anyone right? What part of "classical liberal" do you not understand?
Now I get the woman card. Fag wasn't good enough so you toss in female...


None of it has anything to do with politics. Claiming the middle of the road while driving in the ditch is comical.

You seriously need to step off son. I'm not in the mood for your shit.
I don't give a fuck what you are in the mood for bitch.

You toss around homosexuality and the woman card as if it entitles you to some kind of special status. It doesn't and you can get bent.

Exactly where did I say it "entitled" me to "special status"?

You called me a fag. "Fag" is a "male homosexual" term. I corrected you. I'm a biseuxal female.
Being a fag is not a political leaning ya moron. It is your lifestyle choice and COMPLETELY irrelevant to anything to do with politics.

You do realize I'm A) a woman, and B) am not pushing my lifestyle on anyone right? What part of "classical liberal" do you not understand?
Now I get the woman card. Fag wasn't good enough so you toss in female...


None of it has anything to do with politics. Claiming the middle of the road while driving in the ditch is comical.

You seriously need to step off son. I'm not in the mood for your shit.
I don't give a fuck what you are in the mood for bitch.

You toss around homosexuality and the woman card as if it entitles you to some kind of special status. It doesn't and you can get bent.

Exactly where did I say it "entitled" me to "special status"?

You called me a fag. "Fag" is a "male homosexual" term. I corrected you. I'm a biseuxal female.
A stupid bisexual female, playing identity politics.
You do realize I'm A) a woman, and B) am not pushing my lifestyle on anyone right? What part of "classical liberal" do you not understand?
Now I get the woman card. Fag wasn't good enough so you toss in female...


None of it has anything to do with politics. Claiming the middle of the road while driving in the ditch is comical.

You seriously need to step off son. I'm not in the mood for your shit.
I don't give a fuck what you are in the mood for bitch.

You toss around homosexuality and the woman card as if it entitles you to some kind of special status. It doesn't and you can get bent.

Exactly where did I say it "entitled" me to "special status"?

You called me a fag. "Fag" is a "male homosexual" term. I corrected you. I'm a biseuxal female.
A stupid bisexual female, playing identity politics.

Where exactly?

You are clearly clueless about my politics. You're coming off as an unhinged lunatic who doesn't even understand what's being said in this thread.

I'll clarify some more so you can show the entire board what a complete knee jerk partisan fuck you really are son:

I don't believe the baker should have baked the cake.
Transgenders in the bathroom is the stupidest fucking thing ever.
There are only two genders.
Homosexual's should /not/ be in the military because it's a lifetime expense for transition drugs and a major distraction during war.
SSM was questionable being SCOTUS pushed, I think it should have been left to the states.
I don't get why we couldn't just call SSM a "civil union" but activists ruin fucking everything by being dicks (kinda like you are being actually)
I despise third-wave feminists, they are ruining everything I fought for on women's rights.
Abortion is not a fucking "reproductive" right.
Roe vs Wade was a complete fuck up, should have been left to the states.
Transitions for children?! Fuck that shit, child abuse.
Get the teaching gay shit out of public schools - parents choice to teach just like religion is.

Shall I go on?
Now I get the woman card. Fag wasn't good enough so you toss in female...


None of it has anything to do with politics. Claiming the middle of the road while driving in the ditch is comical.

You seriously need to step off son. I'm not in the mood for your shit.
I don't give a fuck what you are in the mood for bitch.

You toss around homosexuality and the woman card as if it entitles you to some kind of special status. It doesn't and you can get bent.

Exactly where did I say it "entitled" me to "special status"?

You called me a fag. "Fag" is a "male homosexual" term. I corrected you. I'm a biseuxal female.
A stupid bisexual female, playing identity politics.

Where exactly?

You are clearly clueless about my politics. You're coming off as an unhinged lunatic who doesn't even understand what's being said in this thread.

I'll clarify some more so you can show the entire board what a complete knee jerk partisan fuck you really are son:

I don't believe the baker should have baked the cake.
Transgenders in the bathroom is the stupidest fucking thing ever.
There are only two genders.
Homosexual's should /not/ be in the military because it's a lifetime expense for transition drugs and a major distraction during war.
SSM was questionable being SCOTUS pushed, I think it should have been left to the states.
I don't get why we couldn't just call SSM a "civil union" but activists ruin fucking everything by being dicks (kinda like you are being actually)
I despise third-wave feminists, they are ruining everything I fought for on women's rights.
Abortion is not a fucking "reproductive" right.
Roe vs Wade was a complete fuck up, should have been left to the states.
Transitions for children?! Fuck that shit, child abuse.
Get the teaching gay shit out of public schools - parents choice to teach just like religion is.

Shall I go on?
You can say whatever you like. It is your OP where YOU included your homosexuality as part of your political description.
I made my point and it was quite clear. Heterosexuals don't go out of their way to describe their sexual proclivities in an attempt to garner special attention they otherwise don't deserve.

You may not see it but it is quite obvious. Identity politics are a plague upon our nation.
You seriously need to step off son. I'm not in the mood for your shit.
I don't give a fuck what you are in the mood for bitch.

You toss around homosexuality and the woman card as if it entitles you to some kind of special status. It doesn't and you can get bent.

Exactly where did I say it "entitled" me to "special status"?

You called me a fag. "Fag" is a "male homosexual" term. I corrected you. I'm a biseuxal female.
A stupid bisexual female, playing identity politics.

Where exactly?

You are clearly clueless about my politics. You're coming off as an unhinged lunatic who doesn't even understand what's being said in this thread.

I'll clarify some more so you can show the entire board what a complete knee jerk partisan fuck you really are son:

I don't believe the baker should have baked the cake.
Transgenders in the bathroom is the stupidest fucking thing ever.
There are only two genders.
Homosexual's should /not/ be in the military because it's a lifetime expense for transition drugs and a major distraction during war.
SSM was questionable being SCOTUS pushed, I think it should have been left to the states.
I don't get why we couldn't just call SSM a "civil union" but activists ruin fucking everything by being dicks (kinda like you are being actually)
I despise third-wave feminists, they are ruining everything I fought for on women's rights.
Abortion is not a fucking "reproductive" right.
Roe vs Wade was a complete fuck up, should have been left to the states.
Transitions for children?! Fuck that shit, child abuse.
Get the teaching gay shit out of public schools - parents choice to teach just like religion is.

Shall I go on?
You can say whatever you like. It is your OP where YOU included your homosexuality as part of your political description.
I made my point and it was quite clear. Heterosexuals don't go out of their way to describe their sexual proclivities in an attempt to garner special attention they otherwise don't deserve.

You may not see it but it is quite obvious. Identity politics are a plague upon our nation.
almost as much as making rash judgements on a sole point.

i took it as a frame of reference to show how stereotypes can be misleading.
For those of you who may have missed my prior posts, I have been an independent my entire life, (voting nearly 30 years now.) If one looks at my sig they'll note where I lay on various political metrics. In general I refer to myself as a capitalist classical liberal; I'm bisexual, pro-choice, national capitalistic.

If you are in the "political situation" where you've kind of always had to essentially make concessions about what you believe in when you vote this message probably applies to you. [EDIT - note, if you're a partisan hack, this post probably doesn't apply to you heh]

We need to talk about what just happened with the Kavanaugh thing; the /principle/ of it. The D's could have started privately investigating this Ford case in July - they could have saved both Ford and Kavanaugh from the vitriol of making this case public and gotten to the /truth/ without all the hyperbolic bullshit. They /intentionally/ chose to destroy the lives and families of two people /simply/ to retain control of the SCOTUS at best, at worst they did it simply to "resist" the president.

A bit of an aside on Trump here; regardless of if you happen to like Trumps politics, as reasonable non-partisan's we know that Trump was chosen by the people and that there was no vote interference or anything that makes his election invalid, even at best - arguing that there were Russian ad campaigns - folks make their choice without anyone forcing them into it. Even if we want to entertain that "Russian's mislead the people with false claims and lies" that is certainly nothing new in politics, and effectually no different than the misleading and lies told by our own politicians of their opponents. The people voted of their own volition and Trump won.

Back to the Kavanaugh thing. So I didn't particularly care if he made it onto the SCOTUS honestly. I'm not a "fan" of him, he's got some rulings in the past I do not like; for example, the Patriot Act, the NSA recording and collecting all those phone calls - I was never entirely satisfied with the argument that "national security" is a good enough reason to invade the privacy of innocent American's without reason and necessity, even if I do recognize that it was/did indeed catch/stop terrorists. It was kind of one of those border-line issues for me where I wasn't quite feeling that the ends justified the means.

That's kind of what I want to talk about with you though, that "the ends justifying the means" thing...

What we just witnessed was the destruction of some very fundamental principles of America; innocent until proven guilty, guilt my mere accusation, and a complete discard of logical "credibility" and the "ends" part, keeping SCOTUS power or resisting Trump or whatever the hell was motivating the D's to discard those principles, and those two peoples lives/honor/etc, quite simply does /not/ justify the means in any way, shape, or form.

I am literally sick to my stomach. This past year has shown the most ridiculous and disgusting display of partisan hackery I've ever witnessed. Worse, this time, it's not the bumbling sheep followers, it's the fucking leaders who have completely abandoned, nay, in fact, spit in the face of, justice and all that is "right" for free American's.

We have witnessed these "leaders" /allowing/ physical violence against their political rivals - not the politicians who one could argue put themselves in the proverbial ring and open themselves up to nutcases, but THE FUCKING CITIZENS who's only "crime" is going to a political rally.

We have witnessed these "leaders" ACTIVELY CALLING for those attacks on INNOCENT CITIZENS who's only "crime" is taking a job with political opposition.

And yesterday, we learned that we have witnessed these "leaders" abandon the core values of this nation; that a man, who's only "crime" is being nominated to the SCOTUS by the president, and/or a woman, who's only "crime' was thinking/believing she was sexually assaulted, should /both/ be utterly destroyed simply to buy these "leaders" time...

This is no longer "politics as usual" and this cannot stand. (I have a husband, four sons, and likely grandsons some day that I'm thinking about here.)

I know our kind sometimes blows off mid-terms as "less important," but we really need to vote this time and as always, we must look at the whole picture when we do so.

And when you do vote, I ask that you ask yourself; what means justify what ends...
Dear EverCurious Thank you for summarizing what could have taken a much longer post to capture all you covered.

The solution is that people who do respect process and principle use that to check and correct abuses.

The reason this isn't getting done is if nobody asks. But look at how Grassley and Graham handled this, and now Flake. They were respectful and inclusive of Ford's right to petition to request fuller investigation to redress grievances. They respected the law and made very strong statements while remaining respectful of her.

We need more examples like this from more leaders. Lessons in due process. Examples how to receive each other's complaints and statements without bullying to shut down or shut up someone from speaking their perspective and defending their beliefs in truth.

Ford Kavanaugh and the prosecuting interviewer all set a much higher standard and example instead of the hateful bullying rhetoric that's become the media culture and bait of the day.

Let's look to and follow better examples of the Democratic process we want to see in our society and govt.

You speak candidly and transparently about your concerns and grievances with politics.

That's exactly what is needed, thank you!

The answer I'd give to ppl asking advice about voting is to promote and support candidates you believe will respond best to corrections and solutions with respect to the Constitution . It's not enough to judge on what they've supported or said in the past because most aren't offered the best Constitutional choice or ideas to solve problems, but most get painted into a corner and forced to vote Yes or no on a conpromised bill or option. So it's hard to know what they would have said had a better option or solution been offered instead of the party line crap that sets people up to fail.

But either imagine asking them to support something better, and if you can't see them agreeing to be the bigger person then vote for the person you feel would better agree to represent and include what you want as a solution .

If you don't know, then ask.

Write to the candidate or leader you would like to support and find out. Go meet with party chair or precinct members in your district. Whichever leader or group is open to working toward what you see as a solution, support that group or the people supporting that leader.

What I find is grassroots leaders all around me working on different parts of multiple solutions. So I support them all.

Life is like an orchestra and we all have different parts to play to make the symphony work. So find where your heart belongs and who sings the same song or same key. We align with our section and find where we fit in to contribute to the ensemble, and the whole symphony sings.

If people are clashing we need to get on the same page. By section or group but not competing to drown out or kick out another section off the stage. All voices are needed that make the population of America so beautiful and majestic in our full wealth of diversity.

Let's not allow fear to destroy that beauty love and pride in our country our states our brothers and sisters. We have much more to be proud of, and what we are ashamed of we grieve together.

Reach out and ask which leaders can help us achieve which solutions. Start there and help connect community groups with leaders who listen and include us.

Invest time energy efforts and resources in creating those solutions and relations and jobs so the right ppl and groups get paid to implement and replicate the right model programs.

Vote not just with your ballots and money but your words and actions. The people will end up leading our govt, as it should be, not the other way around.
Well here is the thing. First we have no idea who actually released Ford's identity.

Secondly, if we do dodge a bullet on Kavanaugh, the hearing exposed that he is not as non-partisan as a judge is supposed to be. He has a true hatred of the left, and actually used a conspiracy theory that is unproven, that the Clintons are behind this whole thing. He has no idea if that is true or not, and he used it in his hearing. We don't need conspiracy theory nutjobs serving on the Supreme Court.

Lastly, as a judge he should have known better than to say that statements made by Mark Judge and the other person Ford said was at the party, backed up his statement that he was never there. In fact that isn't true. They said they don't remember the party, that isn't the same as saying it didn't happen and that the party didn't happen. Those are two totally different things. A judge that is going to serve on the highest court in the land should know better, and if he does know better, but instead made that statement, then he was being dishonest.

This isn't exactly a debate post... Everyone is welcome to whatever opinion and whatever facts they find most compelling.

I am simply asking that folks decide where their principles lay - and to go vote for what they believe in.

And people should vote based on what is best for society as a whole, not what their party tells them to. Republicans are saying that Democrats are being so hard on Kavanaugh simply because he is being appointed by Trump. That's not true at all. There was no accusations or anything like this AT ALL with Gorsuch. The real issue here is, it's much easier for the Republicans to blame this on partisanship, and use that as a backdoor from the situation and to pump their base, than to take the time to find out if the accusations are true or not. It's plain as day.
Why should society vote themselves into poverty? To appease the lazy? Nope. We tried that and trillions of dollars later it has proven to be a failed idea.

"In the confirmation process, the FBI gathers information and stops there. The Senate must do the rest. In fact, as CBS News recently described it, the FBI “conducts a background check at the request of the White House, mainly to determine whether the nominee would pose a risk to national security interests of the United States, according to the Justice Department.”

That has already been done. It’s worth noting that this “full-field” FBI investigation has been conducted every time Kavanaugh was hired or appointed to a significant government position. Six times between 1993 and 2018, the FBI went talking to people about Kavanaugh. Six times, all after the incident that Ford alleges, the FBI never heard anyone even whisper a word about sexual misconduct."
I don't give a fuck what you are in the mood for bitch.

You toss around homosexuality and the woman card as if it entitles you to some kind of special status. It doesn't and you can get bent.

Exactly where did I say it "entitled" me to "special status"?

You called me a fag. "Fag" is a "male homosexual" term. I corrected you. I'm a biseuxal female.
A stupid bisexual female, playing identity politics.

Where exactly?

You are clearly clueless about my politics. You're coming off as an unhinged lunatic who doesn't even understand what's being said in this thread.

I'll clarify some more so you can show the entire board what a complete knee jerk partisan fuck you really are son:

I don't believe the baker should have baked the cake.
Transgenders in the bathroom is the stupidest fucking thing ever.
There are only two genders.
Homosexual's should /not/ be in the military because it's a lifetime expense for transition drugs and a major distraction during war.
SSM was questionable being SCOTUS pushed, I think it should have been left to the states.
I don't get why we couldn't just call SSM a "civil union" but activists ruin fucking everything by being dicks (kinda like you are being actually)
I despise third-wave feminists, they are ruining everything I fought for on women's rights.
Abortion is not a fucking "reproductive" right.
Roe vs Wade was a complete fuck up, should have been left to the states.
Transitions for children?! Fuck that shit, child abuse.
Get the teaching gay shit out of public schools - parents choice to teach just like religion is.

Shall I go on?
You can say whatever you like. It is your OP where YOU included your homosexuality as part of your political description.
I made my point and it was quite clear. Heterosexuals don't go out of their way to describe their sexual proclivities in an attempt to garner special attention they otherwise don't deserve.

You may not see it but it is quite obvious. Identity politics are a plague upon our nation.
almost as much as making rash judgements on a sole point.

i took it as a frame of reference to show how stereotypes can be misleading.
The inclusion served no purpose. I converse with MDK almost daily. I don't remember him ever using his homosexuality to describe his politics.
I does not belong in the conversation and serves no purpose
Anyone with a brain understands stereotyping and it too serves no purpose other than to divide.
You seriously need to step off son. I'm not in the mood for your shit.
I don't give a fuck what you are in the mood for bitch.

You toss around homosexuality and the woman card as if it entitles you to some kind of special status. It doesn't and you can get bent.

Exactly where did I say it "entitled" me to "special status"?

You called me a fag. "Fag" is a "male homosexual" term. I corrected you. I'm a biseuxal female.
A stupid bisexual female, playing identity politics.

Where exactly?

You are clearly clueless about my politics. You're coming off as an unhinged lunatic who doesn't even understand what's being said in this thread.

I'll clarify some more so you can show the entire board what a complete knee jerk partisan fuck you really are son:

I don't believe the baker should have baked the cake.
Transgenders in the bathroom is the stupidest fucking thing ever.
There are only two genders.
Homosexual's should /not/ be in the military because it's a lifetime expense for transition drugs and a major distraction during war.
SSM was questionable being SCOTUS pushed, I think it should have been left to the states.
I don't get why we couldn't just call SSM a "civil union" but activists ruin fucking everything by being dicks (kinda like you are being actually)
I despise third-wave feminists, they are ruining everything I fought for on women's rights.
Abortion is not a fucking "reproductive" right.
Roe vs Wade was a complete fuck up, should have been left to the states.
Transitions for children?! Fuck that shit, child abuse.
Get the teaching gay shit out of public schools - parents choice to teach just like religion is.

Shall I go on?
You can say whatever you like. It is your OP where YOU included your homosexuality as part of your political description.
I made my point and it was quite clear. Heterosexuals don't go out of their way to describe their sexual proclivities in an attempt to garner special attention they otherwise don't deserve.

You may not see it but it is quite obvious. Identity politics are a plague upon our nation.

Are you seriously going to argue that sexual orientation /isn't/ a political issue? Even after the long list of "sexual orientation" political items I gave?
So are you wearing blinders or do you think by ignoring it they will miraculously no longer be used by politicians to "buy" votes? You're a fool and a coward either way, as you basically want to run away from the fight on your doorstep. I simply chose to fight the battle for "live and let live" because that's what I believe in.

Again, /what/ "special attention" are you referring to asswipe? I asked for none, and, in fact, I completely refute the argument that I expect any in my list.

Apparently I /do/ need to continue...

Men should have some say in abortions - it's their kid too or perhaps they themselves would prefer an abortion for the same reasons a woman might.

How about some identity politics shit then?

Transgenders were tacked onto the "gay rights" issue by assholes. Their problems and issues are not the same as bi's and gay's. They should get off our fucking coat tails and stop pushing this "unlimited" fucking genders and pronouns crap because it's total horseshit and they're destroying the "live and let live" ideology that us "classical" "gay rights" folks spent our lives gaining (same as the third wave feminists.) To clarify - I won't mess around in your bedroom, you don't in mine = that's pretty much the "end" of the "fair" solution. Shouldn't be in school, shouldn't be in PA, shouldn't be "hate crimes" etc.

Destroying freedom of speech on colleges, FB, Twitter, YouTube to protect some self-conscious brat from the words of someone who doesn't happen to like gays is total bullshit. Toughen up my LGBT lovelies - if you believe in it then you face the fucking music and debate it, otherwise you're a fucking coward who doesn't deserve whatever you're wanting.

PA laws are in general bullshit invented specifically to give special interest votes special treatment
What's happening to Asians in colleges right now is 100% institutionalized racism
All people should be judged on character not skin color - /ALL/ people
Democrats are some of the most racist fucking people I've ever seen (my step-son is a half-black republican, I've seen the way they treat him on his FB)
I think it's disgusting what racial activists think of the intelligence of black folks. They are smart enough to get fucking IDs and jobs you racist white fucks.
Welfare is, mostly through the destruction of black families, both utterly patronizing and unhealthy - harming the very people the politicians and activists claim to be helping
Last edited:
Exactly where did I say it "entitled" me to "special status"?

You called me a fag. "Fag" is a "male homosexual" term. I corrected you. I'm a biseuxal female.
A stupid bisexual female, playing identity politics.

Where exactly?

You are clearly clueless about my politics. You're coming off as an unhinged lunatic who doesn't even understand what's being said in this thread.

I'll clarify some more so you can show the entire board what a complete knee jerk partisan fuck you really are son:

I don't believe the baker should have baked the cake.
Transgenders in the bathroom is the stupidest fucking thing ever.
There are only two genders.
Homosexual's should /not/ be in the military because it's a lifetime expense for transition drugs and a major distraction during war.
SSM was questionable being SCOTUS pushed, I think it should have been left to the states.
I don't get why we couldn't just call SSM a "civil union" but activists ruin fucking everything by being dicks (kinda like you are being actually)
I despise third-wave feminists, they are ruining everything I fought for on women's rights.
Abortion is not a fucking "reproductive" right.
Roe vs Wade was a complete fuck up, should have been left to the states.
Transitions for children?! Fuck that shit, child abuse.
Get the teaching gay shit out of public schools - parents choice to teach just like religion is.

Shall I go on?
You can say whatever you like. It is your OP where YOU included your homosexuality as part of your political description.
I made my point and it was quite clear. Heterosexuals don't go out of their way to describe their sexual proclivities in an attempt to garner special attention they otherwise don't deserve.

You may not see it but it is quite obvious. Identity politics are a plague upon our nation.
almost as much as making rash judgements on a sole point.

i took it as a frame of reference to show how stereotypes can be misleading.
The inclusion served no purpose. I converse with MDK almost daily. I don't remember him ever using his homosexuality to describe his politics.
I does not belong in the conversation and serves no purpose
Anyone with a brain understands stereotyping and it too serves no purpose other than to divide.

It is in the political arena regardless of if you like it or not. Deal with it.
For those of you who may have missed my prior posts, I have been an independent my entire life, (voting nearly 30 years now.) If one looks at my sig they'll note where I lay on various political metrics. In general I refer to myself as a capitalist classical liberal; I'm bisexual, pro-choice, national capitalistic.

If you are in the "political situation" where you've kind of always had to essentially make concessions about what you believe in when you vote this message probably applies to you. [EDIT - note, if you're a partisan hack, this post probably doesn't apply to you heh]

We need to talk about what just happened with the Kavanaugh thing; the /principle/ of it. The D's could have started privately investigating this Ford case in July - they could have saved both Ford and Kavanaugh from the vitriol of making this case public and gotten to the /truth/ without all the hyperbolic bullshit. They /intentionally/ chose to destroy the lives and families of two people /simply/ to retain control of the SCOTUS at best, at worst they did it simply to "resist" the president.

A bit of an aside on Trump here; regardless of if you happen to like Trumps politics, as reasonable non-partisan's we know that Trump was chosen by the people and that there was no vote interference or anything that makes his election invalid, even at best - arguing that there were Russian ad campaigns - folks make their choice without anyone forcing them into it. Even if we want to entertain that "Russian's mislead the people with false claims and lies" that is certainly nothing new in politics, and effectually no different than the misleading and lies told by our own politicians of their opponents. The people voted of their own volition and Trump won.

Back to the Kavanaugh thing. So I didn't particularly care if he made it onto the SCOTUS honestly. I'm not a "fan" of him, he's got some rulings in the past I do not like; for example, the Patriot Act, the NSA recording and collecting all those phone calls - I was never entirely satisfied with the argument that "national security" is a good enough reason to invade the privacy of innocent American's without reason and necessity, even if I do recognize that it was/did indeed catch/stop terrorists. It was kind of one of those border-line issues for me where I wasn't quite feeling that the ends justified the means.

That's kind of what I want to talk about with you though, that "the ends justifying the means" thing...

What we just witnessed was the destruction of some very fundamental principles of America; innocent until proven guilty, guilt my mere accusation, and a complete discard of logical "credibility" and the "ends" part, keeping SCOTUS power or resisting Trump or whatever the hell was motivating the D's to discard those principles, and those two peoples lives/honor/etc, quite simply does /not/ justify the means in any way, shape, or form.

I am literally sick to my stomach. This past year has shown the most ridiculous and disgusting display of partisan hackery I've ever witnessed. Worse, this time, it's not the bumbling sheep followers, it's the fucking leaders who have completely abandoned, nay, in fact, spit in the face of, justice and all that is "right" for free American's.

We have witnessed these "leaders" /allowing/ physical violence against their political rivals - not the politicians who one could argue put themselves in the proverbial ring and open themselves up to nutcases, but THE FUCKING CITIZENS who's only "crime" is going to a political rally.

We have witnessed these "leaders" ACTIVELY CALLING for those attacks on INNOCENT CITIZENS who's only "crime" is taking a job with political opposition.

And yesterday, we learned that we have witnessed these "leaders" abandon the core values of this nation; that a man, who's only "crime" is being nominated to the SCOTUS by the president, and/or a woman, who's only "crime' was thinking/believing she was sexually assaulted, should /both/ be utterly destroyed simply to buy these "leaders" time...

This is no longer "politics as usual" and this cannot stand. (I have a husband, four sons, and likely grandsons some day that I'm thinking about here.)

I know our kind sometimes blows off mid-terms as "less important," but we really need to vote this time and as always, we must look at the whole picture when we do so.

And when you do vote, I ask that you ask yourself; what means justify what ends...
Dear EverCurious Thank you for summarizing what could have taken a much longer post to capture all you covered.

The solution is that people who do respect process and principle use that to check and correct abuses.

The reason this isn't getting done is if nobody asks. But look at how Grassley and Graham handled this, and now Flake. They were respectful and inclusive of Ford's right to petition to request fuller investigation to redress grievances. They respected the law and made very strong statements while remaining respectful of her.

We need more examples like this from more leaders. Lessons in due process. Examples how to receive each other's complaints and statements without bullying to shut down or shut up someone from speaking their perspective and defending their beliefs in truth.

Ford Kavanaugh and the prosecuting interviewer all set a much higher standard and example instead of the hateful bullying rhetoric that's become the media culture and bait of the day.

Let's look to and follow better examples of the Democratic process we want to see in our society and govt.

You speak candidly and transparently about your concerns and grievances with politics.

That's exactly what is needed, thank you!

The answer I'd give to ppl asking advice about voting is to promote and support candidates you believe will respond best to corrections and solutions with respect to the Constitution . It's not enough to judge on what they've supported or said in the past because most aren't offered the best Constitutional choice or ideas to solve problems, but most get painted into a corner and forced to vote Yes or no on a conpromised bill or option. So it's hard to know what they would have said had a better option or solution been offered instead of the party line crap that sets people up to fail.

But either imagine asking them to support something better, and if you can't see them agreeing to be the bigger person then vote for the person you feel would better agree to represent and include what you want as a solution .

If you don't know, then ask.

Write to the candidate or leader you would like to support and find out. Go meet with party chair or precinct members in your district. Whichever leader or group is open to working toward what you see as a solution, support that group or the people supporting that leader.

What I find is grassroots leaders all around me working on different parts of multiple solutions. So I support them all.

Life is like an orchestra and we all have different parts to play to make the symphony work. So find where your heart belongs and who sings the same song or same key. We align with our section and find where we fit in to contribute to the ensemble, and the whole symphony sings.

If people are clashing we need to get on the same page. By section or group but not competing to drown out or kick out another section off the stage. All voices are needed that make the population of America so beautiful and majestic in our full wealth of diversity.

Let's not allow fear to destroy that beauty love and pride in our country our states our brothers and sisters. We have much more to be proud of, and what we are ashamed of we grieve together.

Reach out and ask which leaders can help us achieve which solutions. Start there and help connect community groups with leaders who listen and include us.

Invest time energy efforts and resources in creating those solutions and relations and jobs so the right ppl and groups get paid to implement and replicate the right model programs.

Vote not just with your ballots and money but your words and actions. The people will end up leading our govt, as it should be, not the other way around.

As always, your advise is sage.

Compromise has been getting more and more difficult to find these past decades. I often feel like it's "never enough" for too many, like... we give amnesty and it morphs into open borders somehow... We give a helping hand up and it morphs into we've now "adopted" 30-60 million financial children... We give "fine be gay whatever" and it morphs into hate speech should be illegal... Personally Emily, I'll level with you, I'm officially tired of letting things go, I'm tired of giving an inch and being taken for a mile. It's like when your kids are screaming in the store, it's bad enough they're screaming in the store like assholes to begin with, but when they start throwing stuff off the shelves that you're ultimately going to have to pay for, it's time for the belt...

Still, I'll try to keep my guns in the safe a bit longer heh
Wall of Words. Pass.
condensed version - stop being a dick to everyone and realize how getting what *we* demand for *our* side is killing the country as a whole.

back to candy crush for you now.

I read the comment again and it still is BS. Cleverly disguised rambling propaganda. Quotes of this and that, with conclusions that lead to conspiracy dead ends and caveats of nothing.
well glad you read it.

next up we work on comprehension.
I don't need your help to comprehend and I did indeed read it twice. Guess you missed that part. And it is still a Wall of Words.
you need someones help that's for sure.
i wasn't there either time you read it and i'll tell the liberals the same story when they press me for details.
never said it wasn't a wall of words, go back to what i did say about 'em.

night johnboy. you and ignore need to become good friends again.

Intelligent reply, IC. Have a good nappy night.
Well here is the thing. First we have no idea who actually released Ford's identity.

Secondly, if we do dodge a bullet on Kavanaugh, the hearing exposed that he is not as non-partisan as a judge is supposed to be. He has a true hatred of the left, and actually used a conspiracy theory that is unproven, that the Clintons are behind this whole thing. He has no idea if that is true or not, and he used it in his hearing. We don't need conspiracy theory nutjobs serving on the Supreme Court.

Lastly, as a judge he should have known better than to say that statements made by Mark Judge and the other person Ford said was at the party, backed up his statement that he was never there. In fact that isn't true. They said they don't remember the party, that isn't the same as saying it didn't happen and that the party didn't happen. Those are two totally different things. A judge that is going to serve on the highest court in the land should know better, and if he does know better, but instead made that statement, then he was being dishonest.
'I Don't Remember'
Is ALWAYS The Right Thing To Say

Well here is the thing. First we have no idea who actually released Ford's identity.

Secondly, if we do dodge a bullet on Kavanaugh, the hearing exposed that he is not as non-partisan as a judge is supposed to be. He has a true hatred of the left, and actually used a conspiracy theory that is unproven, that the Clintons are behind this whole thing. He has no idea if that is true or not, and he used it in his hearing. We don't need conspiracy theory nutjobs serving on the Supreme Court.

Lastly, as a judge he should have known better than to say that statements made by Mark Judge and the other person Ford said was at the party, backed up his statement that he was never there. In fact that isn't true. They said they don't remember the party, that isn't the same as saying it didn't happen and that the party didn't happen. Those are two totally different things. A judge that is going to serve on the highest court in the land should know better, and if he does know better, but instead made that statement, then he was being dishonest.
'I Don't Remember'
Is ALWAYS The Right Thing To Say


You may have just accidentally uncovered the underlying plot...

"I don't remember" is now irrelevant because the accusation is all that is necessary to condemn someone...

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