FEMA Deceives Nation About Twin Towers Core

in order to give some background on the claims of a concrete core i wish to copy a short paragraph from the website of the person making the claim. this is one paragraph from a long and rambling letter to Santa Barbara County District Attorney Thomas Sneddon from our very own christopher a brown, aka christophera.

i think it says a lot about his sanity and how some of his past claims reflect upon his current claims.

In 1996 Actor Michael Douglas' son drove drunk into the Dolphin fountain at Sterns wharf in an paranoid irrational encounter with a secret service agent. He was angered and confused by subconscious interaction with Medicine people trying to influence him to action. Dolphins are a sacred symbol for Chumash Medicine people and the subconscious anger or resentment of the subject concerning the use of his subconscious made him dangerous and uncontrolled towards the symbol. My dim recall of the mention of the incident might indicate I was told to not remember it because the driver wanted to hurt them. No one else involved, so far in 18 months of demonstration involving dozens of people, thought of hurting the Medicine people.

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in order to give some background on the claims of a concrete core i wish to copy a short paragraph from the website of the person making the claim. this is one paragraph from a long and rambling letter to Santa Barbara County District Attorney Thomas Sneddon from our very own christopher a brown, aka christophera.

i think it says a lot about his sanity and how some of his past claims reflect upon his current claims.

In 1996 Actor Michael Douglas' son drove drunk into the Dolphin fountain at Sterns wharf in an paranoid irrational encounter with a secret service agent. He was angered and confused by subconscious interaction with Medicine people trying to influence him to action. Dolphins are a sacred symbol for Chumash Medicine people and the subconscious anger or resentment of the subject concerning the use of his subconscious made him dangerous and uncontrolled towards the symbol. My dim recall of the mention of the incident might indicate I was told to not remember it because the driver wanted to hurt them. No one else involved, so far in 18 months of demonstration involving dozens of people, thought of hurting the Medicine people.

system of silence
HOLY SHIT!!!!!!!!!

that settles it
i was right, he is totally fucking batshit crazy
HOLY SHIT!!!!!!!!!

that settles it
i was right, he is totally fucking batshit crazy

lets see if he takes the web page down. maybe he will blame the aliens or a government conspiracy for that too. :lol:

(i already saved the webpage anyway)
well, this should be the end of this little debate. not that anyone actually thought there was a concrete core except one person.....

but here are pictures of the steel core during construction.
taken from The WTC Cores As Seen In Construction Photos - Evidence based research


In the above picture we get to see only the tops of the core columns sections with the floor built up around them.

Because you haven't shown the interconnecting braces, we can tell nothing from that photo. The fact the core is empty in all 9-11 images proves what is in the center has no overall strength. the elevator guide rail support steel was the same basic type steel as the interior box columns which surrounded the core, it had to be to resist the bow that would appear without any lateral support, which it couldn't have because then hallways and elevator doors would not be able to connect across the and open.

Show ANY plans that demonstrate needed cross bracing allowed openings where they were if these assertions I make are not true.

Again, inside the core area there are no interconnecting braces. Those verticals were not strong enough to even stand through the demise of the Twins on 9-11, too weak. That assertion is proven out because you cannot post an image of that vertical steel inthe core area on 9-11. The concrete was cast between the interior box columns, the heaviest box columns, and the first elevator guide rail support inside.


This is a very informative picture of the base of the core taken during construction. This photo was taken at about the same point of construction as the other black-an-white picture shown before.

Same situation NO DIAGONALS, no horizontal braces strong enough to create a core structure from the vertical steel in the core. The concrete was cast between the outer row of massive columns and the elevator guide rail support steel just inside. Do you even know which tower that is?

The core is basically empty. Your photo shows nothing you can identify. If that is not true, then name the elements next to the numbers in this image.



In the picture above, you can see a long lateral truss connected along the outside edges of the 500 columns.

Bwahaaaaaaaaa, long lateral truss. You are clueless. You cannot even locate the truss that is seen. If this is not true, then tell us where it is.

Your image DOES NOT look into the core. Therefore shows no core columns.

This lateral brace has small rectangular protrusions of steel spaced every 4 feet or so along it's side.

You are a lousy estimator. They are called "cletes" or "hangers" and they are 10 feet apart. How many trusses per floor panel were there? How wide were the floor panels?

The floor joists that support the flooring in the entire open office space will be bolted to these metal protrusions, so this lateral braces support all the floor joists to be suspended to make the next higher floor.

This gives us further evidence that the inside connections of all floor joists in the open office space were supported directly only by the strongest, outermost core columns.

Duh, that is not in question. Answer some questions, show you are capable of what you attempt.
in order to give some background on the claims of a concrete core i wish to copy a short paragraph from the website of the person making the claim. this is one paragraph from a long and rambling letter to Santa Barbara County District Attorney Thomas Sneddon from our very own christopher a brown, aka christophera.

i think it says a lot about his sanity and how some of his past claims reflect upon his current claims.

In 1996 Actor Michael Douglas' son drove drunk into the Dolphin fountain at Sterns wharf in an paranoid irrational encounter with a secret service agent. He was angered and confused by subconscious interaction with Medicine people trying to influence him to action. Dolphins are a sacred symbol for Chumash Medicine people and the subconscious anger or resentment of the subject concerning the use of his subconscious made him dangerous and uncontrolled towards the symbol. My dim recall of the mention of the incident might indicate I was told to not remember it because the driver wanted to hurt them. No one else involved, so far in 18 months of demonstration involving dozens of people, thought of hurting the Medicine people.

system of silence
HOLY SHIT!!!!!!!!!

that settles it
i was right, he is totally fucking batshit crazy

I guess this means you have no evidence of steel core columns and are attempting to venture into areas you know less about than the Twin towers. You act as if such control is not possible. The field of psychology has proof of it, but inference is needed because psychology avoids the truth.

Hyperamnesia makes memory control possible. So people influenced to the depth of hypnosis do not remember the events of the trance. See the notes lower in the page.

Below, "hypnotized people indignently deny being hypnotized".

This page shows that hypnotized people can be made to hallucinate things that are not there.

And, I have photos of the concrete core, so you might be hallucinating steel core columns.

This page shows where a subject was induced to execute "Repugnant or antisocial acts", or throw sulperic acid on someone.


this page explains how the subjects perceptions of the consequences and their desire for something can be made to do something they don't want to or would not ordinarily do.


Secret societies use the depth of hypnosis and they start with children. This is the ONLY statement I could find about using hypnosis on children under five. See the bottom right corner.


The reason why is because ALL secret societies use that depth of hypnosis on children to gain the level of control needed to execute their plans with secrecy.

JREF banned me because I asserted they supported lawless government that was allowing mass murders by people who were unconciously programmed, the darkest of the secret ones do that. I proved it in a thread using EVIDENCE showing dozens of violations of law, due process and Constitutional rights. Guess who runs the courts, right, secret societies. The Masonic order AND very dark forces infiltrated them to conduct 9-11. The church makes them hide, makes them vulnerable in order to be acceptable in the church society.

I understand them, they are our Fathers, our Uncles, our Grandfathers and they made this great nation and its Constitution. I seek to protect them and us, this nation its Constitution from a destruction by those forces. But morons like you just don't get it.
JREF banned me 3 hours after 33 people were killed in a mass murder at Virgina tech by a Chinese man programmed for mass murder. I was banned so I would not revive the thread that showed JREF supports lawless government, like you do.

Watch the video there, my "Victory Award". Created because they had no evidence, ... like you.

James Randi Educational Foundation forum
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Duh, that is not in question. Answer some questions, show you are capable of what you attempt.

you stupid delusional retard. i said this is copied from another web page. the comments arent mine.:cuckoo:

i will answer some questions as soon as you show ONE picture of a the concrete core before 9/11.

i also would like you to answer a few questions about your mental condition.

1. did you file a lawsuit in which you claimed

Plaintiff (thats you, chris) recalls seeing Defendant and the use of his eyes to perform hypnotic deepening techniques. Defendant approached Plaintiff quickly while blinking intensely looking into Plaintiff's eyes. Defendant made circular motions with his head accompanying the use of his eyes. Defendant's mode of speaking and breathing were used to effect deepening deepening of Plaintiff's trance.

so you basically filed a lawsuit because somebody walked towards you blinking and breathing?!! :cuckoo:

2. did you blame a cement truck (is there a theme here?) for dumping a rock on hwy 101 in front of you which caused to have a broken starter fuse? did you then go to the repair company with a bill for $66 and demand they pay it? did the police have to come to remove you from the premises? did you then blame this incident for you not being able to stop a school shooting in santa barbara?

3. was this also part of your complaint?
plaintiff was hurt and injured in his health, strength, reputation and activity, sustaining injury to his person, depriving the plaintiff of his economic ability and legal rights to protect his children and the community of children they are a part of. All of which injuries have caused, and continue to cause, plaintiff great mental, physical, nervous pain and suffering, humiliation, mental anguish and emotional distress. Plaintiff is informed and believes and thereon alleges that the injuries will result in some permanent disability to him. As a result of such injuries, Plaintiff has suffered general damages in an amount according to proof.
I guess this means you have no evidence of steel core columns and are attempting to venture into areas you know less about than the Twin towers.

i showed you PICTURES of the steel core you dumbfuck!!!!

now be nice to me or i will breathe and blink in your general direction.
Duh, that is not in question. Answer some questions, show you are capable of what you attempt.

you stupid delusional retard. i said this is copied from another web page. the comments arent mine.:cuckoo:

i will answer some questions as soon as you show ONE picture of a the concrete core before 9/11.

Stay on topic. If you want to discuss the human unconscious mind and what is possible, start a thread for it.

Because the perps know they took all the construction photos showing concrete, you ask for them, just as planned. You work for them.

FEMA deceived NIST and the cause of death is invalid in the case of a mass murder of 3,000, you are protecting the perps by attempting to protect the secrete methods of murder.

FEMA sasid the core looked like this,


On 9-11 we see this, not one stick of structural steel.


You have no evidence and no reason to think what you think after what you've seen.

It is logical to conclude you've been hypnotized to think what you think.
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I guess this means you have no evidence of steel core columns and are attempting to venture into areas you know less about than the Twin towers.

i showed you PICTURES of the steel core you dumbfuck!!!!

now be nice to me or i will breathe and blink in your general direction.

You showed pictures of steel box columns that were full length 100% welded surrounding the core.

The rest of what you showed were elevator guide rail support steel.


The butt plates are on support steel in the middle of the core. They are a very weak method of joining lengths of steel and cannot be used to make core columns. Because the core is empty on 9-11, my point is made.

There were no steel core columns in the core of the Twin Towers.
How about telling us what the various steel elements are near the numbers in the photo, ........ Einstien.


Show us what you really know about the twin towers. Simple as 1, 2, 3.
I guess this means you have no evidence of steel core columns and are attempting to venture into areas you know less about than the Twin towers.

i showed you PICTURES of the steel core you dumbfuck!!!!

now be nice to me or i will breathe and blink in your general direction.

Why do people like you constantly call others stupid after it has been proven when you fuck up you refuse to own responsibility? Why even pretend your allegiance is to accurate information? I think it's because you pick an issue where you never have to be accountable. Your main purpose here is to compensate for what you lack by doing nothing but tearing others down. Why not pick an insignificant issue instead of bringing nothing but harm to an extremely important topic?
I guess this means you have no evidence of steel core columns and are attempting to venture into areas you know less about than the Twin towers.

i showed you PICTURES of the steel core you dumbfuck!!!!

now be nice to me or i will breathe and blink in your general direction.

Why do people like you constantly call others stupid

I think they've been hypnotized and live in tunnels under military bases and their job is to get online and try and convince us up here that the world is a different place than it really is.

Project Camelot | Underground bases and tunnels

Every airbase in the country with stable geology under it has a pile of dirt a mile or so long, 200 foot tall and 1/2 mile wide.

Denver is special.


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I think they've been hypnotized and live in tunnels under military bases and their job is to get online and try and convince us up here that the world is a different place than it really is.

Project Camelot | Underground bases and tunnels

Every airbase in the country with stable geology under it has a pile of dirt a mile or so long, 200 foot tall and 1/2 mile wide.

Denver is special.



HAHAHAHAhahahahahaha!!!! :lol:

this is fucking priceless!! HAHAHAHAHAhahahaha!!!!

the reason i call people stupid is because they are. seriosuly, curvelight, are you buying any of this shit chris is saying? i mean, you agree that the pictures of the steel core are really concrete? you agree that people who think the core was steel were hypnotized? :lol:

i told you chris, i will answer your questions as soon as you show me a picture of the concrete core before 9/11 (because we all know that the crap your showing us on 9/11 isnt concrete).

so show us the concrete core being constructed or in place.
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I think they've been hypnotized and live in tunnels under military bases and their job is to get online and try and convince us up here that the world is a different place than it really is.

Project Camelot | Underground bases and tunnels

Every airbase in the country with stable geology under it has a pile of dirt a mile or so long, 200 foot tall and 1/2 mile wide.

Denver is special.



HAHAHAHAhahahahahaha!!!! :lol:

this is fucking priceless!! HAHAHAHAHAhahahaha!!!!

the reason i call people stupid is because they are. seriosuly, curvelight, are you buying any of this shit chris is saying? i mean, you agree that the pictures of the steel core are really concrete? you agree that people who think the core was steel were hypnotized? :lol:

i told you chris, i will answer your questions as soon as you show me a picture of the concrete core before 9/11 (because we all know that the crap your showing us on 9/11 isnt concrete).

so show us the concrete core being constructed or in place.

I haven't looked too closely at what Chris is saying.....I only responded when I saw you calling people names after you got completely pwned in my OCTA thread and have yet to admit you royally fucked up. I did see his thing about being hypnotized and I hope it was a joke. If he is seriously claiming disinfo agents are products of some sooper secret cia hypno program operating in secret tunnels then I would have to laugh. The cia is well aware there are millions of americans who willingly say whatever it takes to defend the OCT. So such a program would not only be far fetched but truly redundant.
i showed you PICTURES of the steel core you dumbfuck!!!!

now be nice to me or i will breathe and blink in your general direction.

Why do people like you constantly call others stupid

I think they've been hypnotized and live in tunnels under military bases and their job is to get online and try and convince us up here that the world is a different place than it really is.

Project Camelot | Underground bases and tunnels

Every airbase in the country with stable geology under it has a pile of dirt a mile or so long, 200 foot tall and 1/2 mile wide.

Denver is special.



Underground tunnels are nothing new.....but trying to attach disinfo internet psyops moles is a stretch that hurts stephen king's imagination.
I guess this means you have no evidence of steel core columns and are attempting to venture into areas you know less about than the Twin towers.

i showed you PICTURES of the steel core you dumbfuck!!!!

now be nice to me or i will breathe and blink in your general direction.

You showed pictures of steel box columns that were full length 100% welded surrounding the core.

The rest of what you showed were elevator guide rail support steel.


The butt plates are on support steel in the middle of the core. They are a very weak method of joining lengths of steel and cannot be used to make core columns. Because the core is empty on 9-11, my point is made.

There were no steel core columns in the core of the Twin Towers.
here he shows a photo of STEEL COLUMNS with cross members, yet denies they exist
that is classic delusion
I guess this means you have no evidence of steel core columns and are attempting to venture into areas you know less about than the Twin towers.

i showed you PICTURES of the steel core you dumbfuck!!!!

now be nice to me or i will breathe and blink in your general direction.

Why do people like you constantly call others stupid after it has been proven when you fuck up you refuse to own responsibility? Why even pretend your allegiance is to accurate information? I think it's because you pick an issue where you never have to be accountable. Your main purpose here is to compensate for what you lack by doing nothing but tearing others down. Why not pick an insignificant issue instead of bringing nothing but harm to an extremely important topic?
maybe because they display stupidity
like YOU you dumbfuck
I think they've been hypnotized and live in tunnels under military bases and their job is to get online and try and convince us up here that the world is a different place than it really is.

Project Camelot | Underground bases and tunnels

Every airbase in the country with stable geology under it has a pile of dirt a mile or so long, 200 foot tall and 1/2 mile wide.

Denver is special.



HAHAHAHAhahahahahaha!!!! :lol:

this is fucking priceless!! HAHAHAHAHAhahahaha!!!!

the reason i call people stupid is because they are. seriosuly, curvelight, are you buying any of this shit chris is saying? i mean, you agree that the pictures of the steel core are really concrete? you agree that people who think the core was steel were hypnotized? :lol:

i told you chris, i will answer your questions as soon as you show me a picture of the concrete core before 9/11 (because we all know that the crap your showing us on 9/11 isnt concrete).

so show us the concrete core being constructed or in place.

I haven't looked too closely at what Chris is saying.....I only responded when I saw you calling people names after you got completely pwned in my OCTA thread and have yet to admit you royally fucked up. I did see his thing about being hypnotized and I hope it was a joke. If he is seriously claiming disinfo agents are products of some sooper secret cia hypno program operating in secret tunnels then I would have to laugh. The cia is well aware there are millions of americans who willingly say whatever it takes to defend the OCT. So such a program would not only be far fetched but truly redundant.
the day you "pwn" anyone will be your first
you are as fucking stupid as chris but you dont claim to see concrete and rebar where none existed

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