FEMA Deceives Nation About Twin Towers Core


Look at the spacing between the interior box columns right of the spire. About 20 feet.


the spire IS the interior box columns.

Dammit fizz, now you are trying to confuse him with the obvious!
the spire IS the interior box columns.

Dammit fizz, now you are trying to confuse him with the obvious!

Yep, not a core column.

Then this is rebar.


NO no no you fucking delusional retard, it is the columns. There is no core shown in those pictures, the steel columns are what is sticking up in the air.

Holy goat shit, this is what you've been going on for all these years about?

Get some help before you hurt yourself dude............really!


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only from a different angle and closer

No one is going to believe you are anything but an agent protecting the secret methods of mass murder with an answer like that,

every time you are proven wrong (which is very often) you start with the secret agent shit. how about just addressing the fact that you were caught bullshitting again and there is no rebar? :cuckoo:


only from a different angle and closer

No one is going to believe you are anything but an agent protecting the secret methods of mass murder with an answer like that,

every time you are proven wrong (which is very often) you start with the secret agent shit. how about just addressing the fact that you were caught bullshitting again and there is no rebar? :cuckoo:
did you notice how he used different photos but from the SAME angle?


No one is going to believe you are anything but an agent protecting the secret methods of mass murder with an answer like that,

every time you are proven wrong (which is very often) you start with the secret agent shit. how about just addressing the fact that you were caught bullshitting again and there is no rebar? :cuckoo:
did you notice how he used different photos but from the SAME angle?

It does not matter, both images of the interior box columns are totally different from the rebar and they both show 20 foot spacing between the interior box columns.

every time you are proven wrong (which is very often) you start with the secret agent shit. how about just addressing the fact that you were caught bullshitting again and there is no rebar? :cuckoo:
did you notice how he used different photos but from the SAME angle?

It does not matter, both images of the interior box columns are totally different from the rebar and they both show 20 foot spacing between the interior box columns.
either way you are still fucking delusional
no concrete core in your pcitures

not all the core columns were spaced the same so how do oyu know what core columns these were?

again, you simply are making shit up. :cuckoo:
no concrete core in your pcitures

not all the core columns were spaced the same so how do oyu know what core columns these were?

again, you simply are making shit up. :cuckoo:
ROFLMAO he's been winning on the internets for years
And guess who was in charge of upgrading security after 1993 garage bombing of WTC One of several companies that won contracts for the upgrade was Securacom. The same company, with ties to George W. Bush and Marvin Bush, later won an $8.3 million contract for World Trade Center security. Well the plot thickens.

what plot?:cuckoo:


Plot a literature term, a plot is all the events in a story particularly rendered toward the achievement of some particular artistic or emotional effect or general theme. An intricate, complicated plot is known as an imbroglio.
the spire IS the interior box columns.

Dammit fizz, now you are trying to confuse him with the obvious!

Yep, not a core column.

Then this is rebar.


It has to be based on this photo:

You say that no core columns used grillages. The photo above proves you wrong. All the columns used grillages, which makes your claim that those grillages are not sufficient for core columns, a bunch of crap.

How come in that photo you claim that light band area was where your core was placed and the light squares is where the core columns were?

HUGE mistakes in just one photo from you. The number of errors is increasing Chris. You're looking less and less credible with each post.

Errors based on your memory, blatant lies, constant changes to your theory, dimensional errors, incorrect photo analysis...

Where does it end?

You rank up there with Terral.
The elevator guide rail support steel used grillages.

where is your documentation on elevator guide rail supports. without any documentation to back it up this claim is just another instance of you talking out of your ass and making shit up.

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