Female suicide bomber kills 14 at Russian train station

Time for Russia to get serious about 'absolute security'.
Can't be having suicide bombers just waltzing into train stations and onto buses and setting off bombs.


No Harvard degree needed for this one either;


Doku Umarov, the leader of the Islamist insurgency in the North Caucasus region of Russia, has called for his Mujahideen to use “any methods” in order to disrupt the 2014 Winter Olympics.

Russia’s top Islamist leader Doku Umarov Photo: kavkacenter.com/AFP

“If you are a terrorist group in the Caucasus, the Sochi Olympics are going to be a very inviting target,” says Steven Pifer of the Brookings Institution’s Arms Control and Non-Proliferation Initiative.

Some Muslim terrorists view the Olympics as a provocation, says Jeffrey Mankoff of the Center for Strategic and International Studies’ Russia and Eurasia Program. Sochi was conquered in the 19th century. “They view it as a provocation on territory they consider stolen from Muslims,” he says.


Only one way to deal with Islamic terrorists, their leaders, enablers and supporters.
Turn them all into ash.
Where's the KGB and the Russian Air Force?
The Muslim terrorists want war...give it to them..."any methods"
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Now another 10 people dead in a second bombing in the same town/city.

There's one way to stop Islamics from blowing up Russia.

Russia tried that and it caused terrorism in Moscow.
Whilst I condemn murder of unarmed civilians, regardless of who kills whom, we also have to remember, Russia has done its portion of killing.

Obviously didn't try hard enough.

The Russians went into the North Caucasus in the late 1500s and were unwelcome.
The war has been going on since at least 1785 and can be traced back to Russia's aggression.
The Russians have mass murdered, used chemical weapons, raped and tortured in Chechnya so it's hardly a shock when we see an attack on Russia.

However, I still totally condemn actions against civilians, even if the Russian politicians deserve shooting, the civilians do not.
Olympics are expensive and boring, reminds me when I was in Greco-Roman wrestling tournaments.

Wait all day for one match.
I'd rather be in Hawaii with the Puna buds.

Russia on high alert after second deadly suicide bombing

MOSCOW: At least 14 people were killed on Monday when a suicide bomber blew himself up on a packed trolleybus in Volgograd, raising new concerns about security at the Sochi Olympics a day after a deadly attack on the southern Russian city's train station.

President Vladimir Putin, under pressure to show that Russia can assure the security of tens of thousands of guests when the Winter Games open on February 7, ordered stepped up security across the country.

The twin suicide attacks on Volgograd, which until this year had no record of recent unrest, have stunned Russia and troubled the authorities as people prepare for mass New Year celebrations. At least 17 people died in Sunday's attack blamed on a suspected female suicide bomber.

The force of the blast destroyed the number 15A trolleybus, which was packed with early morning commuters and was turned into a tangle of wreckage with only its roof and front remaining.

Health ministry spokesman Oleg Salagai told Russian state television that 14 people were killed in the trolleybus bombing and 28 wounded.

Russian investigators have opened a criminal probe into a suspected act of terror as well as the illegal carrying of weapons, the investigative committee said.

"The explosives were detonated by a male suicide bomber, fragments of whose body have been found and taken for genetic analysis to establish his identity," said spokesman Vladimir Markin.

He said that some four kilogrammes (nine pounds) of TNT equivalent had been used in the blast and noted the explosives were identical to those used in Sunday's train station bombing.

"This confirms the theory that the two attacks are linked. It is possible that they were prepared in the same place," he added.

The new attack will further heighten fears about security at the Winter Olympic Games in Russia's Black Sea resort of Sochi, which lies 690 kilometres (425 miles) southwest of Volgograd.

Putin ordered security stepped up across all of Russia after the bombings, with a special regime to be imposed in Volgograd, the national anti-terror committee announced.

Russia is already preparing to impose a "limited access" security cordon around Sochi from January 7 which will check all traffic and ban all non-resident cars from a wide area around the city.

State television said that after the latest blast in Volgograd commuters were abandoning buses and trolleybuses and going to work on foot in fear of a new attack.

Speculation swirled on social networking sites that there had been more blasts but the local authorities insisted that was not the case, the RIA Novosti news agency said.

The search for the perpetrators of the blast is expected to focus on Russia's largely Muslim North Caucasus region where Islamist militants have for years been fighting the Russian security forces.

Doku Umarov, the leader of militants seeking to impose an Islamist state throughout Russia's North Caucasus, has ordered rebels to target civilians outside the region and disrupt the Games.

The Moscow city hall's security chief Alexei Mayarov said security would be stepped up in the capital ahead of New Year, the biggest holiday of the year in Russia and traditionally marked by mass outdoor gatherings.

Reports said that Russia's second city of Saint Petersburg had already cancelled its planned New Year fireworks display.

Militant strikes have become part of daily life in the North Caucasus. But the Volgograd blasts will be a particular concern to the authorities as the bomber struck a city of more than one million people in the Russian heartland.

The city, known as Stalingrad in the Soviet era, is of huge importance to Russians as the scene of one of the key battles of World War II that led to the defeat of invading Nazi forces.

The city was already attacked on October 21 by a female suicide bomber with links to Islamists who killed six people on a crowded bus.

Russia's double Olympic pole vault champion Yelena Isinbayeva, Volgograd's best known current inhabitant, told ITAR-TASS she felt "terrible, simply terrible" after the attacks.

The blasts are the deadliest in Russia since a suicide bombing at Moscow's Domodedovo airport killed 37 people in January 2011.

Investigators said the suspected female suicide bomber who caused Sunday's bombing set off her charge after being stopped by a police officer at the metal detectors of the central entrance to the station.

Unconfirmed news reports identified the bomber as a Dagestani woman named Oksana Aslanova, a so-called "Black Widow" who had been married to two different Islamists killed in battles with federal forces.

However, amid conflicting reports, the investigative committee said they were examining a theory that the explosion could also have been set off by a male.

Russia on high alert after second deadly suicide bombing - The Times of India
Saudis Threaten Russia With Olympic Terrorist Attacks Unless It Abandons Syria Support

Details of secret talks between Putin, Saudi prince leaked; Intel head admits to controlling Chechen jihadists in Syria

Saudi intelligence has issued a tacit threat to have terrorist attacks carried out in Russia at the Winter Olympics in February 2014, should the state continue to support the Assad regime in Syria.
The threat was revealed in leaked transcripts of a closed-door meeting three weeks ago between Russia’s Vladimir Putin and Saudi Prince Bandar bin Sultan.

It appears that following initial vocal concerns expressed by Gulf state diplomats and senior leaders of the Syrian opposition, the leaked material was provided to the Russian media. More details then emerged in the Lebanese newspaper As-Safir, which is sympathetic to Hezbollah and thus extremely inhospitable toward Saudi Arabia.
The respected middle east news agency Al Monitor carries a translated version of the As-Safir report which suggests that during the talks, Bandar, who heads the primary Saudi intelligence agency, allegedly presented a cornucopia of offers and threats with regards to Syria.
In return for Russia’s cooperation, Bandar is alleged to have promised to safeguard Russia’s naval base in Syria should Assad be forced from power.
Perhaps the most interesting snippet in the report, has Bandar suggesting that should Russia elect not to reach an agreement over Syria, Chechen terrorist attacks may be carried out on the Russian hosted Winter Olympics next year in Sochi.
“I can give you a guarantee to protect the Winter Olympics next year.” Bandar is alleged to have said. What makes the pledge threatening is that he is also quoted as saying “The Chechen groups that threaten the security of the games are controlled by us.”
Bandar also allegedly stated that Chechen terrorists currently in Syria were a tool that could be used at will.
“The Chechen groups that threaten the security of the games are controlled by us, and they will not move in the Syrian territory’s direction without coordinating with us.” Bandar is quoted as saying. “These groups do not scare us. We use them in the face of the Syrian regime but they will have no role or influence in Syria’s political future.” he added.
Bandar also allegedly said that he was speaking with the full backing of the US government.
The London Telegraph also reported on the leaked notes, noting the Saudi prince’s attempt to further sweeten Putin with a secret sweeping oil deal and a pledge to safeguard Russia’s gas contracts should he abandon support for the Assad government.
The deal appears to be in the form of an offer to form a Russian/OPEC alliance on oil production that would significantly affect global markets. While Syria is not a major oil producer, any military action taken against the country could have wider repercussions on oil markets.
Vladimir Putin is said to have responded “We know that you have supported the Chechen terrorist groups for a decade. And that support, which you have frankly talked about just now, is completely incompatible with the common objectives of fighting global terrorism that you mentioned. We are interested in developing friendly relations according to clear and strong principles.”
The Russian president is also said to have commented “Our stance on Assad will never change. We believe that the Syrian regime is the best speaker on behalf of the Syrian people, and not those liver eaters.” referring to the rebels.
Bandar is said to have responded that there would be “no escape from the military option” if Russia were to decline the Saudi terms for accord.
The leaked transcripts do dovetail with initial reports that sourced anonymous European and Arab diplomats.
It is possible that the leaked transcripts could be embellished by Russian intelligence, for propaganda purposes. However, the detail contained within them makes them appear authentic. Regardless, the report makes for compelling reading, particularly considering Saudi Arabia’s eagerness to take decisive action to overthrow and remove the Syrian government permanently.
Webster Tarpley has also recently detailed the fallout of the Saudi/Russian standoff:

» Saudis Threaten Russia With Olympic Terrorist Attacks Unless It Abandons Syria Support Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
Russia to Saudi Arabia;

"First time you launch terrorist attack in Russia, we flatten your sand castles. Two can play the terrorist game. See our shiny new bombers, and shiny new submarines, ...push some buttons, big BOOMS! ...nothing left in Saudi Arabia above sand level, including palaces, harems etc...all gone!"


The Russian president is also said to have commented “Our stance on Assad will never change. We believe that the Syrian regime is the best speaker on behalf of the Syrian people, and not those liver eaters.” referring to the rebels.



Christians have the best chance of survival under Assad, seems to me.

Bandar is said to have responded that there would be “no escape from the military option” if Russia were to decline the Saudi terms for accord.]
Bandar also allegedly said that he was speaking with the full backing of the US government.


Saudi Arabia making big noise, backed by the US govt.
Lovely, America getting involved in another stoopid, useless, and unwinnable war.
Obama backing the Al Qaeda-linked rebels...it should not be allowed.

US backing Muslim Saudi Arabia and its Islamic terrorist cohorts against Russia...backing terrorist attacks on Russian soil.
Well ain't that just a great way to have the angry Russian Bear launch terrorist attacks on US soil.
And anyone who thinks it won't needs to have a serious re-think.
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Maybe she was one of the just released from prison member of the music group "Pussy Riot"? .... :cool:

More likely some brainwashed muslimah who believed that the Koran was right when it said those who died fighting for islam would go to heaven and receive 72 raisins ( a fly shit on the paper and it became 72 virgins ).

Now there is a question for the muslims, if homosexuality and alcohol are haram and punishable by stoning why did allah promise doe eyed boys and rivers of wine for the muslims who died fighting for islam ?
Do they get stoned in paradise if they partake of the forbidden pleasures of rent boys and falling down water ?

Putin Says "No Justification" for Volgograd Bombings

Russia's President Vladimir Putin has visited the city of Volgograd, the site this week's twin suicide bombings that left 34 people dead.

Mr. Putin laid flowers at the scene of one of the bombings and visited with survivors at a hospital in the city Wednesday.

In comments before a meeting with officials of the Interior Ministry and Federal Security Bureau, Mr. Putin said there was no justification for the attack.

"The abomination of this crime, that was - or crimes - that were committed here in Volgograd don't need any additional commentary. No matter what motivated the criminals' actions, there is no justification for committing crimes against civilians, especially against women and children."

Sunday's bombing at a security entrance of Volgograd's main train station killed 18 people and Monday's blast on a trolley bus left 16 dead.

Volgograd has been under heavy security since the attacks with authorities deploying more than 5,000 security personnel in and around the city.

No one has claimed responsibility for planting the bombs, which authorities say were similar in construction and likely linked.

Mr. Putin on Tuesday vowed to fight terrorists until their total destruction, saying Russia has always been united and consolidated at its most trying times.

The attacks came just weeks before the Winter Olympics open in Sochi, about 650 kilometers southwest of Volgograd. Islamist militants had threatened to attack civilians and disrupt the Winter Games.

The International Olympic Committee expressed its condolences over the bombings, but says it is confident of Russia's ability to provide security.

Russia has introduced some of the most stringent security at any international sporting event, including a limited access security cordon around the entire city of Sochi and requiring spectators to have accreditation documents that include passport details and contact information.

Putin Says "No Justification" for Volgograd Bombings
Olympics are expensive and boring, reminds me when I was in Greco-Roman wrestling tournaments.

Wait all day for one match.
I'd rather be in Hawaii with the Puna buds.

You must have lost your first match pretty often.
Sad news.

Although there was no claim of responsibility so far, this most certainly looks like another barbaric act carried out by a female suicide Islamic bomber known as "black widow".

But Putin -unlike Obama Hussein- is doing and will do everything in his power to combat terrorism and punish those criminals....that much we do know.

I'm sure Putin could use a bigot like you. Maybe to kick some gay kids at the Olympics.
Sad news.

Although there was no claim of responsibility so far, this most certainly looks like another barbaric act carried out by a female suicide Islamic bomber known as "black widow".

But Putin -unlike Obama Hussein- is doing and will do everything in his power to combat terrorism and punish those criminals....that much we do know.

I'm sure Putin could use a bigot like you. Maybe to kick some gay kids at the Olympics.

Skye a bigot ? Why? Because she exposed you for the lying sack of crap that you are?
Sad news.

Although there was no claim of responsibility so far, this most certainly looks like another barbaric act carried out by a female suicide Islamic bomber known as "black widow".

But Putin -unlike Obama Hussein- is doing and will do everything in his power to combat terrorism and punish those criminals....that much we do know.

I'm sure Putin could use a bigot like you. Maybe to kick some gay kids at the Olympics.

Skye a bigot ? Why? Because she exposed you for the lying sack of crap that you are?


Putin Says "No Justification" for Volgograd Bombings

Russia's President Vladimir Putin has visited the city of Volgograd, the site this week's twin suicide bombings that left 34 people dead.

Mr. Putin laid flowers at the scene of one of the bombings and visited with survivors at a hospital in the city Wednesday.

In comments before a meeting with officials of the Interior Ministry and Federal Security Bureau, Mr. Putin said there was no justification for the attack.

"The abomination of this crime, that was - or crimes - that were committed here in Volgograd don't need any additional commentary. No matter what motivated the criminals' actions, there is no justification for committing crimes against civilians, especially against women and children."

Sunday's bombing at a security entrance of Volgograd's main train station killed 18 people and Monday's blast on a trolley bus left 16 dead.

Volgograd has been under heavy security since the attacks with authorities deploying more than 5,000 security personnel in and around the city.

No one has claimed responsibility for planting the bombs, which authorities say were similar in construction and likely linked.

Mr. Putin on Tuesday vowed to fight terrorists until their total destruction, saying Russia has always been united and consolidated at its most trying times.

The attacks came just weeks before the Winter Olympics open in Sochi, about 650 kilometers southwest of Volgograd. Islamist militants had threatened to attack civilians and disrupt the Winter Games.

The International Olympic Committee expressed its condolences over the bombings, but says it is confident of Russia's ability to provide security.

Russia has introduced some of the most stringent security at any international sporting event, including a limited access security cordon around the entire city of Sochi and requiring spectators to have accreditation documents that include passport details and contact information.

Putin Says "No Justification" for Volgograd Bombings

What else would Putin say? I not surprised Zionist state run media would mention Islamic threats they did the same thing in the Atlanta Olympics bombing. If it turns out to be a Muslim it will be blamed on Islam and if it turns to be a Christian, like in the Atlanta bombing, it will be dropped from the media.

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