CDZ Feminism promotes prostitution?

I agree.

Feminism promotes the destruction of the two parent family and leaves women with little choice at the end of the day....

Women were better off when they had a husband that cared about them and would stay with them for life....This family unit was a good thing for women.

Prostitution is the act of having sex just to stay above water.

Which is why feminism is part of the DNC.

Destroying morals and the family is key to creating a lawless criminal society that will require government to take away more and more freedoms just to try and keep society somewhat civil, thus creating a police state.

Whose morals are destroyed, religious people, men's ideas of how women have to be, women's ideas of how women have to be? Who are these people that decide how everyone has to feel and be?

Also, if men are happy marrying international women how is there a problem? The men are happy the new wives are happy and the feminists are happy all living their own lives.
I agree.

Feminism promotes the destruction of the two parent family and leaves women with little choice at the end of the day....

Women were better off when they had a husband that cared about them and would stay with them for life....This family unit was a good thing for women.

Prostitution is the act of having sex just to stay above water.

Which is why feminism is part of the DNC.

Destroying morals and the family is key to creating a lawless criminal society that will require government to take away more and more freedoms just to try and keep society somewhat civil, thus creating a police state.

Whose morals are destroyed, religious people, men's ideas of how women have to be, women's ideas of how women have to be? Who are these people that decide how everyone has to feel and be?

Also, if men are happy marrying international women how is there a problem? The men are happy the new wives are happy and the feminists are happy all living their own lives.

Feminism promotes a Godless society that does not value marriage, chastity, sobriety, or humility.

The results are all around you. Society now has divorce rates that are skyrocketing, rampant drug use, single parented homes, and all the poverty and misery that follows.

People like yourself helped create this utopia, you just refuse to acknowledge it and take accountability for it.
I agree.

Feminism promotes the destruction of the two parent family and leaves women with little choice at the end of the day....

Women were better off when they had a husband that cared about them and would stay with them for life....This family unit was a good thing for women.

Prostitution is the act of having sex just to stay above water.

Which is why feminism is part of the DNC.

Destroying morals and the family is key to creating a lawless criminal society that will require government to take away more and more freedoms just to try and keep society somewhat civil, thus creating a police state.

Whose morals are destroyed, religious people, men's ideas of how women have to be, women's ideas of how women have to be? Who are these people that decide how everyone has to feel and be?

Also, if men are happy marrying international women how is there a problem? The men are happy the new wives are happy and the feminists are happy all living their own lives.

Feminism promotes a Godless society that does not value marriage, chastity, sobriety, or humility.

The results are all around you. Society now has divorce rates that are skyrocketing, rampant drug use, single parented homes, and all the poverty and misery that follows.

People like yourself helped create this utopia, you just refuse to acknowledge it and take accountability for it.

You don't know what my lifestyle is offline. :lol: Don't make things personal. Instead address the actual discussion.

People in this society are not required to be religious. They do not have to get married or conform to anyone's religious ideology.

It should not be a problem if these "men" are so happy getting their foreign wives. They said the men are happy, the new wives are happy. Should be no problem for them to live a religious moral life according to their choice of belief.
I agree.

Feminism promotes the destruction of the two parent family and leaves women with little choice at the end of the day....

Women were better off when they had a husband that cared about them and would stay with them for life....This family unit was a good thing for women.

Prostitution is the act of having sex just to stay above water.

Which is why feminism is part of the DNC.

Destroying morals and the family is key to creating a lawless criminal society that will require government to take away more and more freedoms just to try and keep society somewhat civil, thus creating a police state.

Whose morals are destroyed, religious people, men's ideas of how women have to be, women's ideas of how women have to be? Who are these people that decide how everyone has to feel and be?

Also, if men are happy marrying international women how is there a problem? The men are happy the new wives are happy and the feminists are happy all living their own lives.

Feminism promotes a Godless society that does not value marriage, chastity, sobriety, or humility.

The results are all around you. Society now has divorce rates that are skyrocketing, rampant drug use, single parented homes, and all the poverty and misery that follows.

People like yourself helped create this utopia, you just refuse to acknowledge it and take accountability for it.

Feminism promotes women who recognize that they were better off alone, rather than in a miserable marriage. Feminism promotes women as full human beings, rather than appendages of men.
So I've said this before. My observation in the US is that women treat their husbands like crap. I can't count the number of jobs I've had were women co-works routinely vomit how terrible of awful their husbands are.

Alternatively, I had a co-work at my current job I'll call Tim, and his wife Jessica. Jessica is from Napal (not her real name obviously). And you can clearly see the difference. She loves him. I mean really. He's love her, you can tell. I was shocked to find that Tim was in his mid 50s, and she was in her mid 40s. Ironically Tim was married before, which is exactly why he got a wife from Napal.

Now don't get me wrong, I am not suggesting they slobber all over each other like these idiotic college students. But you can see that even after being married 20 years, they still have something. Its one of the very few times where I saw a version of marriage that actually looks like something a man would want.

But what do we see in western 1st world countries? Women that don't do any of that. They don't want to give their husbands sex. Or time. Or affection. Sometimes not intimacy of any kind.

I happen to be listening to some podcasts, when one host mentioned in passing this article, and I was curious. So I looked it up.

Escorts are urging wives and girlfriends to listen to their men

One woman, who goes under the pseudonym Mrs Robinson, told she feels like a “marriage counsellor” and that Australian women are failing to understand the needs of their partners as more and more men are driven to online apps to find intimacy.

“I do see a lot of married men and they’re not getting that intimacy at home, at all,” Mrs Robinson told

“Men are looking to be understood and be heard. They’re looking for that bit of love that they’re obviously missing. I could open up a school to teach women how to be intimate because there are so many out there that are not giving intimacy to their husbands.”

The 58-year-old woman said that 90 per cent of her clients, ranging in age from 20-45, pay $350 for half an hour to engage in a heightened degree of emotional intimacy.

In some cases, they engage in reciprocal sexual pleasure (girlfriend experiences), but in other cases, they won’t have sex at all (companionship experiences).

“There’s definitely more demand for it. I can’t tell you the number of times a client and I haven’t had sex. We may have just sit there and talk, we may have dinner. There’s so many times that you will not have sex. Sometimes there will be a run of it when I think ... ‘wow’.

“It’s not this wild, crazy, hang-from-the-chandeliers porn star experience they want. They just want to be with a girlfriend for an hour. Cuddling, being together, talking, having that intimacy with somebody. I’ve got clients in their 20s who want that. It’s pretty amazing. I’m still in shock over how many young guys are into me. It’s bizarre.”​

Now I don't know about you, but the vast majority of women, you bloom in your 20s, you reach your prime by the age of 30, and from there... over time, the flower fades. This is normal. Right?

Here's a lady almost 60.... and men from 20 to age 45, are coming to her. Some for sex, and many.... just to be held. Just to have someone talk to them. Just to have a companion.

To me this is both fascinating, and expected at the same time. Fascinating because here a women, is telling other women, the whole reason their husbands are unfaithful, isn't because they are bad men, but rather they are bad women. They are being terrible wives.

I was reading an article, supposedly from a Prostitute, who wrote the title "Things I learned about your husband".

One of them was, "He'd rather be with you, but you don't take care of him. So I do". Men cheating on their wives, because their wives don't want to be the lover, and intimate they need. The prostitute doesn't criticize and critique everything he says. She simply supports him and listens to him.

That's why some of these guys are not even getting sex. You women are not doing this for your husbands.

And you starve them out, and then get all angry and bitter, when he cheats, or goes to see an escort? Really?

I posted that thread months ago about mail order brides, and the women here started foaming at the mouth. Now I get why. Those women are giving their husbands what American girls don't, and they end up with happy marriages and American girls end up on Jerry Springer, and Doctor Phil.

What's funny is at the bottom of a different article, a man wrote that everything on there was exactly true. He didn't like going to see the prostitute, but his wife simply didn't want to pay attention to him. Every time he wanted a alone time, she had a headache, or backache, or something ache, or was tired, or busy, or blaw blaw blaw. Finally he figured out it was too hard to be intimate with her, so he goes to an "adult escort" twice a week. He openly says, he'd rather be with his wife. But she doesn't want to be a wife.

I can't help but think about how Christians deal with this, because obviously I'm a Christian (as the sig makes clear). Christians today really suck at teaching this. But the fact is we used to get this.... The puritans used to teach that if a women refuses to provide for her husbands needs, and he cheats... he was not to be punished, but rather the woman was at fault.

No don't get me wrong. If she did provide for him, then it was his fault. A man could be beaten, flogged, or put in stocks if he cheated on his wife. But if the women caused it by starving him out, then no, it's her fault.

This is why marriages fall apart today. Yeah I know there is the occasional abuse, or drug / gambling or other addiction. But the majority I would be willing to bet... is this.

My conclusion to this, I think this is caused by Feminism. I think women today are more interested in their careers, and their own pursuits, and have gotten into their head that they should be able to have it all, and they should not have to do anything to keep their husbands. I've even heard women say "I shouldn't have to...." (insert whatever he needs). And they go to work, and barf all over their co-workers what terrible husbands they have. While they themselves do nothing... put in zero effort to meet their husbands needs.

The Nepalese wife at work last week said... "I am starting to see why men in American don't want to get married".

SO.... any opinions you'd like to add? Clean debate zone. (friendly reminder). :D

SO.....what I hear you saying is that a woman who gets PAID $350 for a half hour and does not have to take care of the kids, do his laundry, cook his food, listen to him snore or deal with his farting in bed has managed to figure out the secret to intimacy is 24/7 on demand sex. Is that right?

Quit whining ... if you don't want the job, don't sign up for it.
If your want a submissive 50%+ of the population wives "taking care of" their husbands is fine. Sounds like an ISIS dream.

I prefer to think of myself as at least equal and that I am in no greater need than anyone else of being taken care of.
Well. you certainly have cited the problem, that's for sure.
I agree.

Feminism promotes the destruction of the two parent family and leaves women with little choice at the end of the day....

Women were better off when they had a husband that cared about them and would stay with them for life....This family unit was a good thing for women.

Prostitution is the act of having sex just to stay above water.

Which is why feminism is part of the DNC.

Destroying morals and the family is key to creating a lawless criminal society that will require government to take away more and more freedoms just to try and keep society somewhat civil, thus creating a police state.

Whose morals are destroyed, religious people, men's ideas of how women have to be, women's ideas of how women have to be? Who are these people that decide how everyone has to feel and be?

Also, if men are happy marrying international women how is there a problem? The men are happy the new wives are happy and the feminists are happy all living their own lives.

Feminism promotes a Godless society that does not value marriage, chastity, sobriety, or humility.

The results are all around you. Society now has divorce rates that are skyrocketing, rampant drug use, single parented homes, and all the poverty and misery that follows.

People like yourself helped create this utopia, you just refuse to acknowledge it and take accountability for it.

Feminism promotes women who recognize that they were better off alone, rather than in a miserable marriage. Feminism promotes women as full human beings, rather than appendages of men.

Probably explains why so many "feminists" ARE alone, huh?
I agree.

Feminism promotes the destruction of the two parent family and leaves women with little choice at the end of the day....

Women were better off when they had a husband that cared about them and would stay with them for life....This family unit was a good thing for women.

Prostitution is the act of having sex just to stay above water.

Which is why feminism is part of the DNC.

Destroying morals and the family is key to creating a lawless criminal society that will require government to take away more and more freedoms just to try and keep society somewhat civil, thus creating a police state.

Whose morals are destroyed, religious people, men's ideas of how women have to be, women's ideas of how women have to be? Who are these people that decide how everyone has to feel and be?

Also, if men are happy marrying international women how is there a problem? The men are happy the new wives are happy and the feminists are happy all living their own lives.

Feminism promotes a Godless society that does not value marriage, chastity, sobriety, or humility.

The results are all around you. Society now has divorce rates that are skyrocketing, rampant drug use, single parented homes, and all the poverty and misery that follows.

People like yourself helped create this utopia, you just refuse to acknowledge it and take accountability for it.

You don't know what my lifestyle is offline. :lol: Don't make things personal. Instead address the actual discussion.

People in this society are not required to be religious. They do not have to get married or conform to anyone's religious ideology.

It should not be a problem if these "men" are so happy getting their foreign wives. They said the men are happy, the new wives are happy. Should be no problem for them to live a religious moral life according to their choice of belief.

I never said they were not free to do so.

Here is what Ben Franklin said of the Constitution.

“I agree to this Constitution with all its faults, if they are such: because I think a General Government necessary for us, and there is no Form of Government but what may be a Blessing to the People if well-administred; and I believe farther that this is likely to be well administred for a Course of Years and can only end in Despotism as other Forms have done before it, when the People shall become so corrupted as to need Despotic Government, being incapable of any other.”

Morality is the key to freedom, for only a moral people are capable of self governance.

The US used to be a God fearing nation capable of this. More and more it is increasingly not able to self govern, so the state will take away your freedoms and force you to behave
So I've said this before. My observation in the US is that women treat their husbands like crap. I can't count the number of jobs I've had were women co-works routinely vomit how terrible of awful their husbands are.

Alternatively, I had a co-work at my current job I'll call Tim, and his wife Jessica. Jessica is from Napal (not her real name obviously). And you can clearly see the difference. She loves him. I mean really. He's love her, you can tell. I was shocked to find that Tim was in his mid 50s, and she was in her mid 40s. Ironically Tim was married before, which is exactly why he got a wife from Napal.

Now don't get me wrong, I am not suggesting they slobber all over each other like these idiotic college students. But you can see that even after being married 20 years, they still have something. Its one of the very few times where I saw a version of marriage that actually looks like something a man would want.

But what do we see in western 1st world countries? Women that don't do any of that. They don't want to give their husbands sex. Or time. Or affection. Sometimes not intimacy of any kind.

I happen to be listening to some podcasts, when one host mentioned in passing this article, and I was curious. So I looked it up.

Escorts are urging wives and girlfriends to listen to their men

One woman, who goes under the pseudonym Mrs Robinson, told she feels like a “marriage counsellor” and that Australian women are failing to understand the needs of their partners as more and more men are driven to online apps to find intimacy.

“I do see a lot of married men and they’re not getting that intimacy at home, at all,” Mrs Robinson told

“Men are looking to be understood and be heard. They’re looking for that bit of love that they’re obviously missing. I could open up a school to teach women how to be intimate because there are so many out there that are not giving intimacy to their husbands.”

The 58-year-old woman said that 90 per cent of her clients, ranging in age from 20-45, pay $350 for half an hour to engage in a heightened degree of emotional intimacy.

In some cases, they engage in reciprocal sexual pleasure (girlfriend experiences), but in other cases, they won’t have sex at all (companionship experiences).

“There’s definitely more demand for it. I can’t tell you the number of times a client and I haven’t had sex. We may have just sit there and talk, we may have dinner. There’s so many times that you will not have sex. Sometimes there will be a run of it when I think ... ‘wow’.

“It’s not this wild, crazy, hang-from-the-chandeliers porn star experience they want. They just want to be with a girlfriend for an hour. Cuddling, being together, talking, having that intimacy with somebody. I’ve got clients in their 20s who want that. It’s pretty amazing. I’m still in shock over how many young guys are into me. It’s bizarre.”​

Now I don't know about you, but the vast majority of women, you bloom in your 20s, you reach your prime by the age of 30, and from there... over time, the flower fades. This is normal. Right?

Here's a lady almost 60.... and men from 20 to age 45, are coming to her. Some for sex, and many.... just to be held. Just to have someone talk to them. Just to have a companion.

To me this is both fascinating, and expected at the same time. Fascinating because here a women, is telling other women, the whole reason their husbands are unfaithful, isn't because they are bad men, but rather they are bad women. They are being terrible wives.

I was reading an article, supposedly from a Prostitute, who wrote the title "Things I learned about your husband".

One of them was, "He'd rather be with you, but you don't take care of him. So I do". Men cheating on their wives, because their wives don't want to be the lover, and intimate they need. The prostitute doesn't criticize and critique everything he says. She simply supports him and listens to him.

That's why some of these guys are not even getting sex. You women are not doing this for your husbands.

And you starve them out, and then get all angry and bitter, when he cheats, or goes to see an escort? Really?

I posted that thread months ago about mail order brides, and the women here started foaming at the mouth. Now I get why. Those women are giving their husbands what American girls don't, and they end up with happy marriages and American girls end up on Jerry Springer, and Doctor Phil.

What's funny is at the bottom of a different article, a man wrote that everything on there was exactly true. He didn't like going to see the prostitute, but his wife simply didn't want to pay attention to him. Every time he wanted a alone time, she had a headache, or backache, or something ache, or was tired, or busy, or blaw blaw blaw. Finally he figured out it was too hard to be intimate with her, so he goes to an "adult escort" twice a week. He openly says, he'd rather be with his wife. But she doesn't want to be a wife.

I can't help but think about how Christians deal with this, because obviously I'm a Christian (as the sig makes clear). Christians today really suck at teaching this. But the fact is we used to get this.... The puritans used to teach that if a women refuses to provide for her husbands needs, and he cheats... he was not to be punished, but rather the woman was at fault.

No don't get me wrong. If she did provide for him, then it was his fault. A man could be beaten, flogged, or put in stocks if he cheated on his wife. But if the women caused it by starving him out, then no, it's her fault.

This is why marriages fall apart today. Yeah I know there is the occasional abuse, or drug / gambling or other addiction. But the majority I would be willing to bet... is this.

My conclusion to this, I think this is caused by Feminism. I think women today are more interested in their careers, and their own pursuits, and have gotten into their head that they should be able to have it all, and they should not have to do anything to keep their husbands. I've even heard women say "I shouldn't have to...." (insert whatever he needs). And they go to work, and barf all over their co-workers what terrible husbands they have. While they themselves do nothing... put in zero effort to meet their husbands needs.

The Nepalese wife at work last week said... "I am starting to see why men in American don't want to get married".

SO.... any opinions you'd like to add? Clean debate zone. (friendly reminder). :D

Rich women who are married unhappily have sought male escorts too. Maybe those men should work harder to please their wives.
I agree.

Feminism promotes the destruction of the two parent family and leaves women with little choice at the end of the day....

Women were better off when they had a husband that cared about them and would stay with them for life....This family unit was a good thing for women.

Prostitution is the act of having sex just to stay above water.

Which is why feminism is part of the DNC.

Destroying morals and the family is key to creating a lawless criminal society that will require government to take away more and more freedoms just to try and keep society somewhat civil, thus creating a police state.

Whose morals are destroyed, religious people, men's ideas of how women have to be, women's ideas of how women have to be? Who are these people that decide how everyone has to feel and be?

Also, if men are happy marrying international women how is there a problem? The men are happy the new wives are happy and the feminists are happy all living their own lives.

Feminism promotes a Godless society that does not value marriage, chastity, sobriety, or humility.

The results are all around you. Society now has divorce rates that are skyrocketing, rampant drug use, single parented homes, and all the poverty and misery that follows.

People like yourself helped create this utopia, you just refuse to acknowledge it and take accountability for it.

Feminism promotes women who recognize that they were better off alone, rather than in a miserable marriage. Feminism promotes women as full human beings, rather than appendages of men.

Probably explains why so many "feminists" ARE alone, huh?

Link? Where's the statistics that feminists are alone?
A woman who is tired, has a headache, has a backache, etc, doesn't sound like someone who can fulfill a man's needs. It sounds like her own cry for help.

Could it be a signal for the man to ask what he can do to help?

Most men after a long day at the office, are exhausted when they get home. There are many days that I get home, and I'm simply beat.

And honestly, most people in general spend more than 30 minutes watching TV. So here's a thought.... give up your TV show, and spend that time with your husband, or your wife. Again, the article that I posted, these adult escorts, these men are spending just 30 minutes to an hour a week with them. That's enough to meet the needs these men have.

You are telling me, that all these wives can't possibly find 30 minutes to one hour... A WEEK.... to spend with their husbands?

I find that difficult to buy. Can you explain that?

So, presumably, two people get home from work. Both are exhausted. You're asking the woman to set aside her exhaustion to cater to the needs of husbad's need to be intimate. Never mind that she's exhausted from her work. Never mind that in many households, it's also on her to cook dinner, do the majority of childcare, and housekeeping duties.

Why should sex be treated as another chore on her list?
Don't like it? Don't take the job .... but, if you do, don't bitch. You knew what you were getting into.
I agree.

Feminism promotes the destruction of the two parent family and leaves women with little choice at the end of the day....

Women were better off when they had a husband that cared about them and would stay with them for life....This family unit was a good thing for women.

Prostitution is the act of having sex just to stay above water.

Which is why feminism is part of the DNC.

Destroying morals and the family is key to creating a lawless criminal society that will require government to take away more and more freedoms just to try and keep society somewhat civil, thus creating a police state.

Whose morals are destroyed, religious people, men's ideas of how women have to be, women's ideas of how women have to be? Who are these people that decide how everyone has to feel and be?

Also, if men are happy marrying international women how is there a problem? The men are happy the new wives are happy and the feminists are happy all living their own lives.

Feminism promotes a Godless society that does not value marriage, chastity, sobriety, or humility.

The results are all around you. Society now has divorce rates that are skyrocketing, rampant drug use, single parented homes, and all the poverty and misery that follows.

People like yourself helped create this utopia, you just refuse to acknowledge it and take accountability for it.

Feminism promotes women who recognize that they were better off alone, rather than in a miserable marriage. Feminism promotes women as full human beings, rather than appendages of men.

Probably explains why so many "feminists" ARE alone, huh?

Maybe. So?
I agree.

Feminism promotes the destruction of the two parent family and leaves women with little choice at the end of the day....

Women were better off when they had a husband that cared about them and would stay with them for life....This family unit was a good thing for women.

Prostitution is the act of having sex just to stay above water.

Which is why feminism is part of the DNC.

Destroying morals and the family is key to creating a lawless criminal society that will require government to take away more and more freedoms just to try and keep society somewhat civil, thus creating a police state.

Whose morals are destroyed, religious people, men's ideas of how women have to be, women's ideas of how women have to be? Who are these people that decide how everyone has to feel and be?

Also, if men are happy marrying international women how is there a problem? The men are happy the new wives are happy and the feminists are happy all living their own lives.

Feminism promotes a Godless society that does not value marriage, chastity, sobriety, or humility.

The results are all around you. Society now has divorce rates that are skyrocketing, rampant drug use, single parented homes, and all the poverty and misery that follows.

People like yourself helped create this utopia, you just refuse to acknowledge it and take accountability for it.

You don't know what my lifestyle is offline. :lol: Don't make things personal. Instead address the actual discussion.

People in this society are not required to be religious. They do not have to get married or conform to anyone's religious ideology.

It should not be a problem if these "men" are so happy getting their foreign wives. They said the men are happy, the new wives are happy. Should be no problem for them to live a religious moral life according to their choice of belief.

I never said they were not free to do so.

Here is what Ben Franklin said of the Constitution.

“I agree to this Constitution with all its faults, if they are such: because I think a General Government necessary for us, and there is no Form of Government but what may be a Blessing to the People if well-administred; and I believe farther that this is likely to be well administred for a Course of Years and can only end in Despotism as other Forms have done before it, when the People shall become so corrupted as to need Despotic Government, being incapable of any other.”

Morality is the key to freedom, for only a moral people are capable of self governance.

The US used to be a God fearing nation capable of this. More and more it is increasingly not able to self govern, so the state will take away your freedoms and force you to behave

You support Despotism?
Which is why feminism is part of the DNC.

Destroying morals and the family is key to creating a lawless criminal society that will require government to take away more and more freedoms just to try and keep society somewhat civil, thus creating a police state.

Whose morals are destroyed, religious people, men's ideas of how women have to be, women's ideas of how women have to be? Who are these people that decide how everyone has to feel and be?

Also, if men are happy marrying international women how is there a problem? The men are happy the new wives are happy and the feminists are happy all living their own lives.

Feminism promotes a Godless society that does not value marriage, chastity, sobriety, or humility.

The results are all around you. Society now has divorce rates that are skyrocketing, rampant drug use, single parented homes, and all the poverty and misery that follows.

People like yourself helped create this utopia, you just refuse to acknowledge it and take accountability for it.

Feminism promotes women who recognize that they were better off alone, rather than in a miserable marriage. Feminism promotes women as full human beings, rather than appendages of men.

Probably explains why so many "feminists" ARE alone, huh?

Link? Where's the statistics that feminists are alone?
Is feminism destroying the institution of marriage?

Did Feminism Cause Divorce? | The Huffington Post

'Feminists Love Divorce!' | The Huffington Post

Guess you learned a valuable lesson, huh?

Don't ask the question unless you want to hear the answer.
Whose morals are destroyed, religious people, men's ideas of how women have to be, women's ideas of how women have to be? Who are these people that decide how everyone has to feel and be?

Also, if men are happy marrying international women how is there a problem? The men are happy the new wives are happy and the feminists are happy all living their own lives.

Feminism promotes a Godless society that does not value marriage, chastity, sobriety, or humility.

The results are all around you. Society now has divorce rates that are skyrocketing, rampant drug use, single parented homes, and all the poverty and misery that follows.

People like yourself helped create this utopia, you just refuse to acknowledge it and take accountability for it.

Feminism promotes women who recognize that they were better off alone, rather than in a miserable marriage. Feminism promotes women as full human beings, rather than appendages of men.

Probably explains why so many "feminists" ARE alone, huh?

Link? Where's the statistics that feminists are alone?
Is feminism destroying the institution of marriage?

Did Feminism Cause Divorce? | The Huffington Post

'Feminists Love Divorce!' | The Huffington Post

Guess you learned a valuable lesson, huh?

Don't ask the question unless you want to hear the answer.

Those aren't statistics. Bring the facts from census records or research firms. Not an article written by a journalist.

Again, if feminists are Happy, and men who marry foreign women are happy, There is NO problem.

People who seem un happy about it are mad that they can't control all women's choices.
Let's just tell the unvarnished truth.

Women enter a relationship for security and permanency. Men enter a relationship for affection and intimacy.

Both get disappointed.
Feminism promotes a Godless society that does not value marriage, chastity, sobriety, or humility.

The results are all around you. Society now has divorce rates that are skyrocketing, rampant drug use, single parented homes, and all the poverty and misery that follows.

People like yourself helped create this utopia, you just refuse to acknowledge it and take accountability for it.

Feminism promotes women who recognize that they were better off alone, rather than in a miserable marriage. Feminism promotes women as full human beings, rather than appendages of men.

Probably explains why so many "feminists" ARE alone, huh?

Link? Where's the statistics that feminists are alone?
Is feminism destroying the institution of marriage?

Did Feminism Cause Divorce? | The Huffington Post

'Feminists Love Divorce!' | The Huffington Post

Guess you learned a valuable lesson, huh?

Don't ask the question unless you want to hear the answer.

Those aren't statistics. Bring the facts from census records or research firms. Not an article written by a journalist.

Again, if feminists are Happy, and men who marry foreign women are happy, There is NO problem.

People who seem un happy about it are mad that they can't control all women's choices.

What a dumb-ass question. When is the last time the census taker asked a woman if she was a feminist?

Demanding ridiculous statistics that cannot exist does not constitute an answer ... it only means how desperate you are to try to prove an invalid hypothesis.
Let's just tell the unvarnished truth.

Women enter a relationship for security and permanency. Men enter a relationship for affection and intimacy.

Both get disappointed.

If they care for each other they work on it. They both have to want to. Not all couples are the same, some are religious and have certain expectations according to those beliefs. If a woman or man can't live up to that then they shouldn't marry into it.

There is nothing wrong with choosing not to marry.

Also if men are happy in the new marriage with a compatible women why complain over a feminist woman who has no relevance to his lifestyle?
Feminism promotes women who recognize that they were better off alone, rather than in a miserable marriage. Feminism promotes women as full human beings, rather than appendages of men.

Probably explains why so many "feminists" ARE alone, huh?

Link? Where's the statistics that feminists are alone?
Is feminism destroying the institution of marriage?

Did Feminism Cause Divorce? | The Huffington Post

'Feminists Love Divorce!' | The Huffington Post

Guess you learned a valuable lesson, huh?

Don't ask the question unless you want to hear the answer.

Those aren't statistics. Bring the facts from census records or research firms. Not an article written by a journalist.

Again, if feminists are Happy, and men who marry foreign women are happy, There is NO problem.

People who seem un happy about it are mad that they can't control all women's choices.

What a dumb-ass question. When is the last time the census taker asked a woman if she was a feminist?

Demanding ridiculous statistics that cannot exist does not constitute an answer ... it only means how desperate you are to try to prove an invalid hypothesis.

Exactly, so making some statement that isn't provable is dumb. That feminist women are all alone. Prove it with facts.
So I've said this before. My observation in the US is that women treat their husbands like crap. I can't count the number of jobs I've had were women co-works routinely vomit how terrible of awful their husbands are.

Alternatively, I had a co-work at my current job I'll call Tim, and his wife Jessica. Jessica is from Napal (not her real name obviously). And you can clearly see the difference. She loves him. I mean really. He's love her, you can tell. I was shocked to find that Tim was in his mid 50s, and she was in her mid 40s. Ironically Tim was married before, which is exactly why he got a wife from Napal.

Now don't get me wrong, I am not suggesting they slobber all over each other like these idiotic college students. But you can see that even after being married 20 years, they still have something. Its one of the very few times where I saw a version of marriage that actually looks like something a man would want.

But what do we see in western 1st world countries? Women that don't do any of that. They don't want to give their husbands sex. Or time. Or affection. Sometimes not intimacy of any kind.

I happen to be listening to some podcasts, when one host mentioned in passing this article, and I was curious. So I looked it up.

Escorts are urging wives and girlfriends to listen to their men

One woman, who goes under the pseudonym Mrs Robinson, told she feels like a “marriage counsellor” and that Australian women are failing to understand the needs of their partners as more and more men are driven to online apps to find intimacy.

“I do see a lot of married men and they’re not getting that intimacy at home, at all,” Mrs Robinson told

“Men are looking to be understood and be heard. They’re looking for that bit of love that they’re obviously missing. I could open up a school to teach women how to be intimate because there are so many out there that are not giving intimacy to their husbands.”

The 58-year-old woman said that 90 per cent of her clients, ranging in age from 20-45, pay $350 for half an hour to engage in a heightened degree of emotional intimacy.

In some cases, they engage in reciprocal sexual pleasure (girlfriend experiences), but in other cases, they won’t have sex at all (companionship experiences).

“There’s definitely more demand for it. I can’t tell you the number of times a client and I haven’t had sex. We may have just sit there and talk, we may have dinner. There’s so many times that you will not have sex. Sometimes there will be a run of it when I think ... ‘wow’.

“It’s not this wild, crazy, hang-from-the-chandeliers porn star experience they want. They just want to be with a girlfriend for an hour. Cuddling, being together, talking, having that intimacy with somebody. I’ve got clients in their 20s who want that. It’s pretty amazing. I’m still in shock over how many young guys are into me. It’s bizarre.”​

Now I don't know about you, but the vast majority of women, you bloom in your 20s, you reach your prime by the age of 30, and from there... over time, the flower fades. This is normal. Right?

Here's a lady almost 60.... and men from 20 to age 45, are coming to her. Some for sex, and many.... just to be held. Just to have someone talk to them. Just to have a companion.

To me this is both fascinating, and expected at the same time. Fascinating because here a women, is telling other women, the whole reason their husbands are unfaithful, isn't because they are bad men, but rather they are bad women. They are being terrible wives.

I was reading an article, supposedly from a Prostitute, who wrote the title "Things I learned about your husband".

One of them was, "He'd rather be with you, but you don't take care of him. So I do". Men cheating on their wives, because their wives don't want to be the lover, and intimate they need. The prostitute doesn't criticize and critique everything he says. She simply supports him and listens to him.

That's why some of these guys are not even getting sex. You women are not doing this for your husbands.

And you starve them out, and then get all angry and bitter, when he cheats, or goes to see an escort? Really?

I posted that thread months ago about mail order brides, and the women here started foaming at the mouth. Now I get why. Those women are giving their husbands what American girls don't, and they end up with happy marriages and American girls end up on Jerry Springer, and Doctor Phil.

What's funny is at the bottom of a different article, a man wrote that everything on there was exactly true. He didn't like going to see the prostitute, but his wife simply didn't want to pay attention to him. Every time he wanted a alone time, she had a headache, or backache, or something ache, or was tired, or busy, or blaw blaw blaw. Finally he figured out it was too hard to be intimate with her, so he goes to an "adult escort" twice a week. He openly says, he'd rather be with his wife. But she doesn't want to be a wife.

I can't help but think about how Christians deal with this, because obviously I'm a Christian (as the sig makes clear). Christians today really suck at teaching this. But the fact is we used to get this.... The puritans used to teach that if a women refuses to provide for her husbands needs, and he cheats... he was not to be punished, but rather the woman was at fault.

No don't get me wrong. If she did provide for him, then it was his fault. A man could be beaten, flogged, or put in stocks if he cheated on his wife. But if the women caused it by starving him out, then no, it's her fault.

This is why marriages fall apart today. Yeah I know there is the occasional abuse, or drug / gambling or other addiction. But the majority I would be willing to bet... is this.

My conclusion to this, I think this is caused by Feminism. I think women today are more interested in their careers, and their own pursuits, and have gotten into their head that they should be able to have it all, and they should not have to do anything to keep their husbands. I've even heard women say "I shouldn't have to...." (insert whatever he needs). And they go to work, and barf all over their co-workers what terrible husbands they have. While they themselves do nothing... put in zero effort to meet their husbands needs.

The Nepalese wife at work last week said... "I am starting to see why men in American don't want to get married".

SO.... any opinions you'd like to add? Clean debate zone. (friendly reminder). :D

Rich women who are married unhappily have sought male escorts too. Maybe those men should work harder to please their wives.

And maybe, just maybe, couples should place God at the center of their lives and realize that their happiness should not be their number one focus.

Instead, if they learn to love each other by serving one another's needs and learn to be happy once God frees them from sin and hate, maybe marriages can be saved.

I watched the movie "The Case for Christ" where this man's wife converted to Christianity. He hated the idea and threatened to leave her and drank and became abusive. By all rights she had the option to divorce him and move on, however, she inexplicably stayed with him and prayed for him and he later converted himself. They have been happily married ever since.

Does this always happen? No. Am I saying women need to stay in abusive relationships? No, but it does show us what the real problem is.

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