CDZ Feminism promotes prostitution?

When you say it doesn't work for men to be at home and women in the workforce that might be true in a religious or traditional beliefs household. However, if both adults are not coming from religious or traditional belief expectations then there is no problem. They are happy in how they choose to live their coupling household.

The conflict is when the man and woman don't really have compatible core beliefs and then get married.

Actually it has nothing to do with religion. Across the board, men who stay at home, while the wife works, are more likely to suffer depression, more likely to cheat on their wives., more likely to divorce.

That isn't to say there are no exceptions. Of course there are always exceptions.

But exceptions, are just that. Exceptions. In the broad context of society... men generally do not want to wash dishes, clean the house, and take care of the kids all day.

The problem with the 'core compatible beliefs' is that people think they can simply choose to be different than what they are. And I don't think so. Call me crazy, old fashioned, religious lunatic... that's fine... I think you are wrong.

I've seen it hundreds on hundreds of times, where people make claims that they believe X.... usually because of the new trendy movement, but when push comes to shove, the traditional motivations always come.

For example, I met a couple that had an open marriage. They both agreed they wanted an open marriage. Completely compatible core beliefs. Until the man found out she was sleeping with a friend.... suddenly that open marriage crap, gone. He wanted someone dedicated to him... like the last 6,000 years of traditional marriage.

Another couple, both said they didn't want kids. No kids. She agreed. No kids. Completely compatible core beliefs. Except when she turned 30, and realized she really wasn't going to have kids, suddenly guess who really wants kids like the vast majority of women since the dawn of human existence? Of course he refused, so she left him, and now he's bitter about it. (idiot).

Just like this article here.
Depression and the Stay-At-Home Dad | Alpha Mom

Both of them agreed. They both signed up to a plan for him to stay at home. And he was 100% on board. Then when he's been at home a few weeks, he's going crazy. Yelling, punching holes in walls.

But wait! They had 100% compatible core values! What happened?

Men.... are men. Women.... are women. The pattern of 6,000 years of human history, doesn't magically change places because you just decided it does.

This is that same stupidity as "I identify as....." as if what you decided to identify as has any bearing on what you actually are.

He was struggling with depression. He could have depression whether at home or working.

That was also part of the article. Men who stay at home have a much higher rate of depression.

Then they should go to work. They have options.

Which changes nothing about my point.

Mine neither. And we already agreed to disagree. Do you want the last word or something?
I agree.

Feminism promotes the destruction of the two parent family and leaves women with little choice at the end of the day....

Women were better off when they had a husband that cared about them and would stay with them for life....This family unit was a good thing for women.

Prostitution is the act of having sex just to stay above water.

Which is why feminism is part of the DNC.

Destroying morals and the family is key to creating a lawless criminal society that will require government to take away more and more freedoms just to try and keep society somewhat civil, thus creating a police state.

Whose morals are destroyed, religious people, men's ideas of how women have to be, women's ideas of how women have to be? Who are these people that decide how everyone has to feel and be?

Also, if men are happy marrying international women how is there a problem? The men are happy the new wives are happy and the feminists are happy all living their own lives.

Feminism promotes a Godless society that does not value marriage, chastity, sobriety, or humility.

The results are all around you. Society now has divorce rates that are skyrocketing, rampant drug use, single parented homes, and all the poverty and misery that follows.

People like yourself helped create this utopia, you just refuse to acknowledge it and take accountability for it.
Neither does the right wing and their policies.
Do Not Malign, but Instead Marvel at the Coachella Peacocks

This article about this survey showed that even when unemployed, men do less 'housework' than women do.

Of course they didn't go into religious views, so perhaps every single one was a religious nut? Or maybe it's more universal.
domestic housework has been a stereotypical "female" job; most of history.

Men tend to "place more emphasis" on "what they do" for a living; surnames are an example of, "value and self worth". Women, "lose no identity" if they "lose their job".

However, once a male has "adapted" to the new, "market equilibrium", he is still a male; and must do, "male stuff" to be happy as a male. "Once we get over our bad attitude".

Guys can always learn to cook and become chefs, both in the kitchen, and out of it.

Outdoor domestic chores can be, "done in the shade" or when more convenient, if you have all day to do them.
No, feminism doesn't promote prostitution, Jesus Christ. And this is coming from a far right member of this forum. Feminism only demand the freedom and equal treatment of girly curves. Feminism tries to desexualize most of the curves, so that girls can walk any way they like, like they used to before patriarchal ownership destroyed them a 1000 years ago. But even then, for example in Ancient Rome, girls could go half naked, and could work in brothels, make money pay taxes from it, like everybody using hands legs head all parts of body to make money and pay taxes. I am not a feminist and feminists have done many evil, but their support for prostitution is not one of those. If that is even a support for prostitution and not just an equal rights for curves.
So I've said this before. My observation in the US is that women treat their husbands like crap. I can't count the number of jobs I've had were women co-works routinely vomit how terrible of awful their husbands are.

Alternatively, I had a co-work at my current job I'll call Tim, and his wife Jessica. Jessica is from Napal (not her real name obviously). And you can clearly see the difference. She loves him. I mean really. He's love her, you can tell. I was shocked to find that Tim was in his mid 50s, and she was in her mid 40s. Ironically Tim was married before, which is exactly why he got a wife from Napal.

Now don't get me wrong, I am not suggesting they slobber all over each other like these idiotic college students. But you can see that even after being married 20 years, they still have something. Its one of the very few times where I saw a version of marriage that actually looks like something a man would want.

But what do we see in western 1st world countries? Women that don't do any of that. They don't want to give their husbands sex. Or time. Or affection. Sometimes not intimacy of any kind.

I happen to be listening to some podcasts, when one host mentioned in passing this article, and I was curious. So I looked it up.

Escorts are urging wives and girlfriends to listen to their men

One woman, who goes under the pseudonym Mrs Robinson, told she feels like a “marriage counsellor” and that Australian women are failing to understand the needs of their partners as more and more men are driven to online apps to find intimacy.

“I do see a lot of married men and they’re not getting that intimacy at home, at all,” Mrs Robinson told

“Men are looking to be understood and be heard. They’re looking for that bit of love that they’re obviously missing. I could open up a school to teach women how to be intimate because there are so many out there that are not giving intimacy to their husbands.”

The 58-year-old woman said that 90 per cent of her clients, ranging in age from 20-45, pay $350 for half an hour to engage in a heightened degree of emotional intimacy.

In some cases, they engage in reciprocal sexual pleasure (girlfriend experiences), but in other cases, they won’t have sex at all (companionship experiences).

“There’s definitely more demand for it. I can’t tell you the number of times a client and I haven’t had sex. We may have just sit there and talk, we may have dinner. There’s so many times that you will not have sex. Sometimes there will be a run of it when I think ... ‘wow’.

“It’s not this wild, crazy, hang-from-the-chandeliers porn star experience they want. They just want to be with a girlfriend for an hour. Cuddling, being together, talking, having that intimacy with somebody. I’ve got clients in their 20s who want that. It’s pretty amazing. I’m still in shock over how many young guys are into me. It’s bizarre.”​

Now I don't know about you, but the vast majority of women, you bloom in your 20s, you reach your prime by the age of 30, and from there... over time, the flower fades. This is normal. Right?

Here's a lady almost 60.... and men from 20 to age 45, are coming to her. Some for sex, and many.... just to be held. Just to have someone talk to them. Just to have a companion.

To me this is both fascinating, and expected at the same time. Fascinating because here a women, is telling other women, the whole reason their husbands are unfaithful, isn't because they are bad men, but rather they are bad women. They are being terrible wives.

I was reading an article, supposedly from a Prostitute, who wrote the title "Things I learned about your husband".

One of them was, "He'd rather be with you, but you don't take care of him. So I do". Men cheating on their wives, because their wives don't want to be the lover, and intimate they need. The prostitute doesn't criticize and critique everything he says. She simply supports him and listens to him.

That's why some of these guys are not even getting sex. You women are not doing this for your husbands.

And you starve them out, and then get all angry and bitter, when he cheats, or goes to see an escort? Really?

I posted that thread months ago about mail order brides, and the women here started foaming at the mouth. Now I get why. Those women are giving their husbands what American girls don't, and they end up with happy marriages and American girls end up on Jerry Springer, and Doctor Phil.

What's funny is at the bottom of a different article, a man wrote that everything on there was exactly true. He didn't like going to see the prostitute, but his wife simply didn't want to pay attention to him. Every time he wanted a alone time, she had a headache, or backache, or something ache, or was tired, or busy, or blaw blaw blaw. Finally he figured out it was too hard to be intimate with her, so he goes to an "adult escort" twice a week. He openly says, he'd rather be with his wife. But she doesn't want to be a wife.

I can't help but think about how Christians deal with this, because obviously I'm a Christian (as the sig makes clear). Christians today really suck at teaching this. But the fact is we used to get this.... The puritans used to teach that if a women refuses to provide for her husbands needs, and he cheats... he was not to be punished, but rather the woman was at fault.

No don't get me wrong. If she did provide for him, then it was his fault. A man could be beaten, flogged, or put in stocks if he cheated on his wife. But if the women caused it by starving him out, then no, it's her fault.

This is why marriages fall apart today. Yeah I know there is the occasional abuse, or drug / gambling or other addiction. But the majority I would be willing to bet... is this.

My conclusion to this, I think this is caused by Feminism. I think women today are more interested in their careers, and their own pursuits, and have gotten into their head that they should be able to have it all, and they should not have to do anything to keep their husbands. I've even heard women say "I shouldn't have to...." (insert whatever he needs). And they go to work, and barf all over their co-workers what terrible husbands they have. While they themselves do nothing... put in zero effort to meet their husbands needs.

The Nepalese wife at work last week said... "I am starting to see why men in American don't want to get married".

SO.... any opinions you'd like to add? Clean debate zone. (friendly reminder). :D

SO.....what I hear you saying is that a woman who gets PAID $350 for a half hour and does not have to take care of the kids, do his laundry, cook his food, listen to him snore or deal with his farting in bed has managed to figure out the secret to intimacy is 24/7 on demand sex. Is that right?

Quit whining ... if you don't want the job, don't sign up for it.

Who is whining, sweetie?
So I've said this before. My observation in the US is that women treat their husbands like crap. I can't count the number of jobs I've had were women co-works routinely vomit how terrible of awful their husbands are.

Alternatively, I had a co-work at my current job I'll call Tim, and his wife Jessica. Jessica is from Napal (not her real name obviously). And you can clearly see the difference. She loves him. I mean really. He's love her, you can tell. I was shocked to find that Tim was in his mid 50s, and she was in her mid 40s. Ironically Tim was married before, which is exactly why he got a wife from Napal.

Now don't get me wrong, I am not suggesting they slobber all over each other like these idiotic college students. But you can see that even after being married 20 years, they still have something. Its one of the very few times where I saw a version of marriage that actually looks like something a man would want.

But what do we see in western 1st world countries? Women that don't do any of that. They don't want to give their husbands sex. Or time. Or affection. Sometimes not intimacy of any kind.

I happen to be listening to some podcasts, when one host mentioned in passing this article, and I was curious. So I looked it up.

Escorts are urging wives and girlfriends to listen to their men

One woman, who goes under the pseudonym Mrs Robinson, told she feels like a “marriage counsellor” and that Australian women are failing to understand the needs of their partners as more and more men are driven to online apps to find intimacy.

“I do see a lot of married men and they’re not getting that intimacy at home, at all,” Mrs Robinson told

“Men are looking to be understood and be heard. They’re looking for that bit of love that they’re obviously missing. I could open up a school to teach women how to be intimate because there are so many out there that are not giving intimacy to their husbands.”

The 58-year-old woman said that 90 per cent of her clients, ranging in age from 20-45, pay $350 for half an hour to engage in a heightened degree of emotional intimacy.

In some cases, they engage in reciprocal sexual pleasure (girlfriend experiences), but in other cases, they won’t have sex at all (companionship experiences).

“There’s definitely more demand for it. I can’t tell you the number of times a client and I haven’t had sex. We may have just sit there and talk, we may have dinner. There’s so many times that you will not have sex. Sometimes there will be a run of it when I think ... ‘wow’.

“It’s not this wild, crazy, hang-from-the-chandeliers porn star experience they want. They just want to be with a girlfriend for an hour. Cuddling, being together, talking, having that intimacy with somebody. I’ve got clients in their 20s who want that. It’s pretty amazing. I’m still in shock over how many young guys are into me. It’s bizarre.”​

Now I don't know about you, but the vast majority of women, you bloom in your 20s, you reach your prime by the age of 30, and from there... over time, the flower fades. This is normal. Right?

Here's a lady almost 60.... and men from 20 to age 45, are coming to her. Some for sex, and many.... just to be held. Just to have someone talk to them. Just to have a companion.

To me this is both fascinating, and expected at the same time. Fascinating because here a women, is telling other women, the whole reason their husbands are unfaithful, isn't because they are bad men, but rather they are bad women. They are being terrible wives.

I was reading an article, supposedly from a Prostitute, who wrote the title "Things I learned about your husband".

One of them was, "He'd rather be with you, but you don't take care of him. So I do". Men cheating on their wives, because their wives don't want to be the lover, and intimate they need. The prostitute doesn't criticize and critique everything he says. She simply supports him and listens to him.

That's why some of these guys are not even getting sex. You women are not doing this for your husbands.

And you starve them out, and then get all angry and bitter, when he cheats, or goes to see an escort? Really?

I posted that thread months ago about mail order brides, and the women here started foaming at the mouth. Now I get why. Those women are giving their husbands what American girls don't, and they end up with happy marriages and American girls end up on Jerry Springer, and Doctor Phil.

What's funny is at the bottom of a different article, a man wrote that everything on there was exactly true. He didn't like going to see the prostitute, but his wife simply didn't want to pay attention to him. Every time he wanted a alone time, she had a headache, or backache, or something ache, or was tired, or busy, or blaw blaw blaw. Finally he figured out it was too hard to be intimate with her, so he goes to an "adult escort" twice a week. He openly says, he'd rather be with his wife. But she doesn't want to be a wife.

I can't help but think about how Christians deal with this, because obviously I'm a Christian (as the sig makes clear). Christians today really suck at teaching this. But the fact is we used to get this.... The puritans used to teach that if a women refuses to provide for her husbands needs, and he cheats... he was not to be punished, but rather the woman was at fault.

No don't get me wrong. If she did provide for him, then it was his fault. A man could be beaten, flogged, or put in stocks if he cheated on his wife. But if the women caused it by starving him out, then no, it's her fault.

This is why marriages fall apart today. Yeah I know there is the occasional abuse, or drug / gambling or other addiction. But the majority I would be willing to bet... is this.

My conclusion to this, I think this is caused by Feminism. I think women today are more interested in their careers, and their own pursuits, and have gotten into their head that they should be able to have it all, and they should not have to do anything to keep their husbands. I've even heard women say "I shouldn't have to...." (insert whatever he needs). And they go to work, and barf all over their co-workers what terrible husbands they have. While they themselves do nothing... put in zero effort to meet their husbands needs.

The Nepalese wife at work last week said... "I am starting to see why men in American don't want to get married".

SO.... any opinions you'd like to add? Clean debate zone. (friendly reminder). :D

Western women don't want to get married. What they want is to get fat and alimony. They have national legal guarantees for this. Men are not in the equation. Hopefully the continued western de industrialization will change that. But until then, how do you stop a woman that goes out only to get pregnant and collect money with that? Western liberal love life complete. Soon there will be more western laws too to prevent western men from marrying real women from other countries. There are already a few on the books that target them.
You still have not been able to explain to me why it is the man cannot move on and divorce. The answer to that, and what you keep avoiding, is that whole live in maid/cook thing that you think men are entitled to while having sex with someone else.

Because they don't want to. Again... back to the original article.... men want to be with their wives. It's only that their wives are refusing to meet this particular need.

I never said that "men are entitled to", only that this is the result of the choices being made. That whole argument of yours is completely irrelevant.

Let's both agree that men shouldn't cheat on their wives. Simple enough. Done. Argument about "whether men should, or should not" is now over. That discussion is finished. They should not.

Ok, so back to the problem. Men who don't get their needs met by their wives, find other women who will meet those needs. Moralizing doesn't change the reality we're in. What will change it, is if women start being wives, and then husbands won't be driven away.

Of course they don't want to because they want the maid/cook. It's absolutely relevant and at the heart of the matter.
So I've said this before. My observation in the US is that women treat their husbands like crap. I can't count the number of jobs I've had were women co-works routinely vomit how terrible of awful their husbands are.

Alternatively, I had a co-work at my current job I'll call Tim, and his wife Jessica. Jessica is from Napal (not her real name obviously). And you can clearly see the difference. She loves him. I mean really. He's love her, you can tell. I was shocked to find that Tim was in his mid 50s, and she was in her mid 40s. Ironically Tim was married before, which is exactly why he got a wife from Napal.

Now don't get me wrong, I am not suggesting they slobber all over each other like these idiotic college students. But you can see that even after being married 20 years, they still have something. Its one of the very few times where I saw a version of marriage that actually looks like something a man would want.

But what do we see in western 1st world countries? Women that don't do any of that. They don't want to give their husbands sex. Or time. Or affection. Sometimes not intimacy of any kind.

I happen to be listening to some podcasts, when one host mentioned in passing this article, and I was curious. So I looked it up.

Escorts are urging wives and girlfriends to listen to their men

One woman, who goes under the pseudonym Mrs Robinson, told she feels like a “marriage counsellor” and that Australian women are failing to understand the needs of their partners as more and more men are driven to online apps to find intimacy.

“I do see a lot of married men and they’re not getting that intimacy at home, at all,” Mrs Robinson told

“Men are looking to be understood and be heard. They’re looking for that bit of love that they’re obviously missing. I could open up a school to teach women how to be intimate because there are so many out there that are not giving intimacy to their husbands.”

The 58-year-old woman said that 90 per cent of her clients, ranging in age from 20-45, pay $350 for half an hour to engage in a heightened degree of emotional intimacy.

In some cases, they engage in reciprocal sexual pleasure (girlfriend experiences), but in other cases, they won’t have sex at all (companionship experiences).

“There’s definitely more demand for it. I can’t tell you the number of times a client and I haven’t had sex. We may have just sit there and talk, we may have dinner. There’s so many times that you will not have sex. Sometimes there will be a run of it when I think ... ‘wow’.

“It’s not this wild, crazy, hang-from-the-chandeliers porn star experience they want. They just want to be with a girlfriend for an hour. Cuddling, being together, talking, having that intimacy with somebody. I’ve got clients in their 20s who want that. It’s pretty amazing. I’m still in shock over how many young guys are into me. It’s bizarre.”​

Now I don't know about you, but the vast majority of women, you bloom in your 20s, you reach your prime by the age of 30, and from there... over time, the flower fades. This is normal. Right?

Here's a lady almost 60.... and men from 20 to age 45, are coming to her. Some for sex, and many.... just to be held. Just to have someone talk to them. Just to have a companion.

To me this is both fascinating, and expected at the same time. Fascinating because here a women, is telling other women, the whole reason their husbands are unfaithful, isn't because they are bad men, but rather they are bad women. They are being terrible wives.

I was reading an article, supposedly from a Prostitute, who wrote the title "Things I learned about your husband".

One of them was, "He'd rather be with you, but you don't take care of him. So I do". Men cheating on their wives, because their wives don't want to be the lover, and intimate they need. The prostitute doesn't criticize and critique everything he says. She simply supports him and listens to him.

That's why some of these guys are not even getting sex. You women are not doing this for your husbands.

And you starve them out, and then get all angry and bitter, when he cheats, or goes to see an escort? Really?

I posted that thread months ago about mail order brides, and the women here started foaming at the mouth. Now I get why. Those women are giving their husbands what American girls don't, and they end up with happy marriages and American girls end up on Jerry Springer, and Doctor Phil.

What's funny is at the bottom of a different article, a man wrote that everything on there was exactly true. He didn't like going to see the prostitute, but his wife simply didn't want to pay attention to him. Every time he wanted a alone time, she had a headache, or backache, or something ache, or was tired, or busy, or blaw blaw blaw. Finally he figured out it was too hard to be intimate with her, so he goes to an "adult escort" twice a week. He openly says, he'd rather be with his wife. But she doesn't want to be a wife.

I can't help but think about how Christians deal with this, because obviously I'm a Christian (as the sig makes clear). Christians today really suck at teaching this. But the fact is we used to get this.... The puritans used to teach that if a women refuses to provide for her husbands needs, and he cheats... he was not to be punished, but rather the woman was at fault.

No don't get me wrong. If she did provide for him, then it was his fault. A man could be beaten, flogged, or put in stocks if he cheated on his wife. But if the women caused it by starving him out, then no, it's her fault.

This is why marriages fall apart today. Yeah I know there is the occasional abuse, or drug / gambling or other addiction. But the majority I would be willing to bet... is this.

My conclusion to this, I think this is caused by Feminism. I think women today are more interested in their careers, and their own pursuits, and have gotten into their head that they should be able to have it all, and they should not have to do anything to keep their husbands. I've even heard women say "I shouldn't have to...." (insert whatever he needs). And they go to work, and barf all over their co-workers what terrible husbands they have. While they themselves do nothing... put in zero effort to meet their husbands needs.

The Nepalese wife at work last week said... "I am starting to see why men in American don't want to get married".

SO.... any opinions you'd like to add? Clean debate zone. (friendly reminder). :D

Western women don't want to get married. What they want is to get fat and alimony. They have national legal guarantees for this. Men are not in the equation. Hopefully the continued western de industrialization will change that. But until then, how do you stop a woman that goes out only to get pregnant and collect money with that? Western liberal love life complete. Soon there will be more western laws too to prevent western men from marrying real women from other countries. There are already a few on the books that target them.

That is an interesting statement or two. Could you point out the national legal guarantee for that? Could you identify the laws preventing western men from marrying women from other countries?
A new Pew Research survey finds that about half of all never-married adults (53%) say they would like to marry eventually. This share is down somewhat from 2010, when 61% of never-married adults said they would like to marry someday. Roughly one-third of today’s never-married adults (32%) say they are not sure if they would like to get married, while 13% say they do not want to marry.5
Record Share of Americans Have Never Married

Number of people never married not sure and definitely don't want to be married is rising.

By the way, women cheat almost as much as men. It is emotional.

And for women it is a biological need. Welcome to the world of oxytocin
The orgasmic history of Oxycontin: Love, lust, and labor

More recently there has been attempts to tie vasopressin to women that cheat.

I agree with the survey, but for a different reason.

Yes, it's true the number of people who want to be married, has gone down. And to me, it's pretty obvious why. And I've actually heard a few honest men admit openly why.

What did I say before about why men get married? For sex. It may not be the only thing.... but it is by far the primary reason.

Based on that, if the man can get sex without getting married.... why would he get married?

Today in Western culture, women are really easy. I have personally had at least 3 offers, and that's without looking for them. Now if a Zero like me, can have women soliciting... that is a clear sign that standards are low.

And I've heard from men directly, why get married? I'm getting what I want from her, so why bother?

In fact, it's interesting, I have two co-workers that are getting married in the next few months. One is a girl, and she's been living with this dude for years and years. She's having panic attacks because while this is important to her, he (the guy she's marrying), couldn't care less. He's not going to pay for the wedding, not going to plan for the wedding, doesn't want to take work off for the wedding, even suggested postponing the wedding for a company trip. Completely indifferent. Doesn't matter to him at all. By the way, she, asked him, to marry her.

Now the other is a guy. He asked her to marry him. He planned it. He saved money for it. He's is actually taking a new job, that pays more, specifically for this purpose. He's eager to get married, and is looking forward to it.

She can't understand why this guy who hasn't lived with this girl for any time at all, is interested in getting married, but her guy that she has lived with for years, isn't interested at all.

To me this is obvious. Because he's not getting anything, so he's interested in getting married. Her guy is getting everything. So why bother getting married?

Women today give themselves to guys so easily and so often, that to the average American male, marriage doesn't have any meaning. After a women gives him sex, and after they give him their time, and relationship... what more can a women give him that would make him interested in getting married?

As for why women don't want to bother getting married, it's usually from the negative experience sleeping around with men who they are not married to. They bounce around from one lover to another, thinking that each one will be dedicated to them. Of course they run off with someone else, so they assume marriage is the same.

In reality, marriage is the best way to have a man be dedicated to you. Not getting married is almost a guarantee he won't be.

And I think this dynamic spills over to marriage too. I think far fewer people would ditch their spouses, if they couldn't find someone else. Why does a man ditch his wife, and divorce her? Because in today's culture he can find someone else by the end of the night.

That is one of the reasons that is often cited for men not getting married. Right up there with having to give up space, loss of friends and what is viewed as loss of power and.........paperwork. Men in the media are depicted as oafs. This is not a valued position. There is absolutely nothing to gain from being married.

Oddly enough you are wrong on why women choose not to get married and have children. They don't want to get married and have children because the world is awesome and to be explored, they watch others get married because they are afraid of being alone, and there are options. In fact, guys are a dime a dozen if that is what you're looking for. What you have depicted as married life is absolute misery. There is absolutely nothing to gain from being married.
So I've said this before. My observation in the US is that women treat their husbands like crap. I can't count the number of jobs I've had were women co-works routinely vomit how terrible of awful their husbands are.

Alternatively, I had a co-work at my current job I'll call Tim, and his wife Jessica. Jessica is from Napal (not her real name obviously). And you can clearly see the difference. She loves him. I mean really. He's love her, you can tell. I was shocked to find that Tim was in his mid 50s, and she was in her mid 40s. Ironically Tim was married before, which is exactly why he got a wife from Napal.

Now don't get me wrong, I am not suggesting they slobber all over each other like these idiotic college students. But you can see that even after being married 20 years, they still have something. Its one of the very few times where I saw a version of marriage that actually looks like something a man would want.

But what do we see in western 1st world countries? Women that don't do any of that. They don't want to give their husbands sex. Or time. Or affection. Sometimes not intimacy of any kind.

I happen to be listening to some podcasts, when one host mentioned in passing this article, and I was curious. So I looked it up.

Escorts are urging wives and girlfriends to listen to their men

One woman, who goes under the pseudonym Mrs Robinson, told she feels like a “marriage counsellor” and that Australian women are failing to understand the needs of their partners as more and more men are driven to online apps to find intimacy.

“I do see a lot of married men and they’re not getting that intimacy at home, at all,” Mrs Robinson told

“Men are looking to be understood and be heard. They’re looking for that bit of love that they’re obviously missing. I could open up a school to teach women how to be intimate because there are so many out there that are not giving intimacy to their husbands.”

The 58-year-old woman said that 90 per cent of her clients, ranging in age from 20-45, pay $350 for half an hour to engage in a heightened degree of emotional intimacy.

In some cases, they engage in reciprocal sexual pleasure (girlfriend experiences), but in other cases, they won’t have sex at all (companionship experiences).

“There’s definitely more demand for it. I can’t tell you the number of times a client and I haven’t had sex. We may have just sit there and talk, we may have dinner. There’s so many times that you will not have sex. Sometimes there will be a run of it when I think ... ‘wow’.

“It’s not this wild, crazy, hang-from-the-chandeliers porn star experience they want. They just want to be with a girlfriend for an hour. Cuddling, being together, talking, having that intimacy with somebody. I’ve got clients in their 20s who want that. It’s pretty amazing. I’m still in shock over how many young guys are into me. It’s bizarre.”​

Now I don't know about you, but the vast majority of women, you bloom in your 20s, you reach your prime by the age of 30, and from there... over time, the flower fades. This is normal. Right?

Here's a lady almost 60.... and men from 20 to age 45, are coming to her. Some for sex, and many.... just to be held. Just to have someone talk to them. Just to have a companion.

To me this is both fascinating, and expected at the same time. Fascinating because here a women, is telling other women, the whole reason their husbands are unfaithful, isn't because they are bad men, but rather they are bad women. They are being terrible wives.

I was reading an article, supposedly from a Prostitute, who wrote the title "Things I learned about your husband".

One of them was, "He'd rather be with you, but you don't take care of him. So I do". Men cheating on their wives, because their wives don't want to be the lover, and intimate they need. The prostitute doesn't criticize and critique everything he says. She simply supports him and listens to him.

That's why some of these guys are not even getting sex. You women are not doing this for your husbands.

And you starve them out, and then get all angry and bitter, when he cheats, or goes to see an escort? Really?

I posted that thread months ago about mail order brides, and the women here started foaming at the mouth. Now I get why. Those women are giving their husbands what American girls don't, and they end up with happy marriages and American girls end up on Jerry Springer, and Doctor Phil.

What's funny is at the bottom of a different article, a man wrote that everything on there was exactly true. He didn't like going to see the prostitute, but his wife simply didn't want to pay attention to him. Every time he wanted a alone time, she had a headache, or backache, or something ache, or was tired, or busy, or blaw blaw blaw. Finally he figured out it was too hard to be intimate with her, so he goes to an "adult escort" twice a week. He openly says, he'd rather be with his wife. But she doesn't want to be a wife.

I can't help but think about how Christians deal with this, because obviously I'm a Christian (as the sig makes clear). Christians today really suck at teaching this. But the fact is we used to get this.... The puritans used to teach that if a women refuses to provide for her husbands needs, and he cheats... he was not to be punished, but rather the woman was at fault.

No don't get me wrong. If she did provide for him, then it was his fault. A man could be beaten, flogged, or put in stocks if he cheated on his wife. But if the women caused it by starving him out, then no, it's her fault.

This is why marriages fall apart today. Yeah I know there is the occasional abuse, or drug / gambling or other addiction. But the majority I would be willing to bet... is this.

My conclusion to this, I think this is caused by Feminism. I think women today are more interested in their careers, and their own pursuits, and have gotten into their head that they should be able to have it all, and they should not have to do anything to keep their husbands. I've even heard women say "I shouldn't have to...." (insert whatever he needs). And they go to work, and barf all over their co-workers what terrible husbands they have. While they themselves do nothing... put in zero effort to meet their husbands needs.

The Nepalese wife at work last week said... "I am starting to see why men in American don't want to get married".

SO.... any opinions you'd like to add? Clean debate zone. (friendly reminder). :D

Western women don't want to get married. What they want is to get fat and alimony. They have national legal guarantees for this. Men are not in the equation. Hopefully the continued western de industrialization will change that. But until then, how do you stop a woman that goes out only to get pregnant and collect money with that? Western liberal love life complete. Soon there will be more western laws too to prevent western men from marrying real women from other countries. There are already a few on the books that target them.

That is an interesting statement or two. Could you point out the national legal guarantee for that? Could you identify the laws preventing western men from marrying women from other countries?

He's saying there soon will be.

I doubt it.
I agree.

Feminism promotes the destruction of the two parent family and leaves women with little choice at the end of the day....

Women were better off when they had a husband that cared about them and would stay with them for life....This family unit was a good thing for women.

Prostitution is the act of having sex just to stay above water.

Which is why feminism is part of the DNC.

Destroying morals and the family is key to creating a lawless criminal society that will require government to take away more and more freedoms just to try and keep society somewhat civil, thus creating a police state.

Whose morals are destroyed, religious people, men's ideas of how women have to be, women's ideas of how women have to be? Who are these people that decide how everyone has to feel and be?

Also, if men are happy marrying international women how is there a problem? The men are happy the new wives are happy and the feminists are happy all living their own lives.

Feminism promotes a Godless society that does not value marriage, chastity, sobriety, or humility.

The results are all around you. Society now has divorce rates that are skyrocketing, rampant drug use, single parented homes, and all the poverty and misery that follows.

People like yourself helped create this utopia, you just refuse to acknowledge it and take accountability for it.

Feminism promotes women who recognize that they were better off alone, rather than in a miserable marriage. Feminism promotes women as full human beings, rather than appendages of men.

Which is why women are more miserable today, than their ancestors.

In the attempt to get everything, and have a more 'fair' system, they have ended up with nothing, and a more unfair system.
I rather think that our ancestors would be jealous of todays woman.

Todays woman can vote,work, get married or not. In fact she can do all sorts of shit that she couldnt do a century back.

Why do you have a problem with girls having freedom of choice ?
A new Pew Research survey finds that about half of all never-married adults (53%) say they would like to marry eventually. This share is down somewhat from 2010, when 61% of never-married adults said they would like to marry someday. Roughly one-third of today’s never-married adults (32%) say they are not sure if they would like to get married, while 13% say they do not want to marry.5
Record Share of Americans Have Never Married

Number of people never married not sure and definitely don't want to be married is rising.

By the way, women cheat almost as much as men. It is emotional.

And for women it is a biological need. Welcome to the world of oxytocin
The orgasmic history of Oxycontin: Love, lust, and labor

More recently there has been attempts to tie vasopressin to women that cheat.

I agree with the survey, but for a different reason.

Yes, it's true the number of people who want to be married, has gone down. And to me, it's pretty obvious why. And I've actually heard a few honest men admit openly why.

What did I say before about why men get married? For sex. It may not be the only thing.... but it is by far the primary reason.

Based on that, if the man can get sex without getting married.... why would he get married?

Today in Western culture, women are really easy. I have personally had at least 3 offers, and that's without looking for them. Now if a Zero like me, can have women soliciting... that is a clear sign that standards are low.

And I've heard from men directly, why get married? I'm getting what I want from her, so why bother?

In fact, it's interesting, I have two co-workers that are getting married in the next few months. One is a girl, and she's been living with this dude for years and years. She's having panic attacks because while this is important to her, he (the guy she's marrying), couldn't care less. He's not going to pay for the wedding, not going to plan for the wedding, doesn't want to take work off for the wedding, even suggested postponing the wedding for a company trip. Completely indifferent. Doesn't matter to him at all. By the way, she, asked him, to marry her.

Now the other is a guy. He asked her to marry him. He planned it. He saved money for it. He's is actually taking a new job, that pays more, specifically for this purpose. He's eager to get married, and is looking forward to it.

She can't understand why this guy who hasn't lived with this girl for any time at all, is interested in getting married, but her guy that she has lived with for years, isn't interested at all.

To me this is obvious. Because he's not getting anything, so he's interested in getting married. Her guy is getting everything. So why bother getting married?

Women today give themselves to guys so easily and so often, that to the average American male, marriage doesn't have any meaning. After a women gives him sex, and after they give him their time, and relationship... what more can a women give him that would make him interested in getting married?

As for why women don't want to bother getting married, it's usually from the negative experience sleeping around with men who they are not married to. They bounce around from one lover to another, thinking that each one will be dedicated to them. Of course they run off with someone else, so they assume marriage is the same.

In reality, marriage is the best way to have a man be dedicated to you. Not getting married is almost a guarantee he won't be.

And I think this dynamic spills over to marriage too. I think far fewer people would ditch their spouses, if they couldn't find someone else. Why does a man ditch his wife, and divorce her? Because in today's culture he can find someone else by the end of the night.

That is one of the reasons that is often cited for men not getting married. Right up there with having to give up space, loss of friends and what is viewed as loss of power and.........paperwork. Men in the media are depicted as oafs. This is not a valued position. There is absolutely nothing to gain from being married.

Oddly enough you are wrong on why women choose not to get married and have children. They don't want to get married and have children because the world is awesome and to be explored, they watch others get married because they are afraid of being alone, and there are options. In fact, guys are a dime a dozen if that is what you're looking for. What you have depicted as married life is absolute misery. There is absolutely nothing to gain from being married.

You know, I heard that claim before too. I've heard some women say exactly what you just said "because the world is awesome and to be explored".

I actually heard that from a friend of mine. She gave me this long list of all the amazing things she wanted to do, and she didn't want to get married because she wanted to do all these things.

So I was curious about this. We have been friends for several years, and we talked openly. So I decided to ask her about this. What have you done so far? I was expecting the tales of her adventures. Instead she talked about getting a job, and working. Where have you gone? Well I don't have time, and I need to keep working at my career. Well how many years have you been doing this? 10 years.

So she has remained single, for the last 10 years, working a steady job, never having the time in 10 years apparently to do anything, hasn't gone anywhere, and all she does is play video games and go to work.

Of course the punchline of this story is, roughly 6 months later after this conversation, she came on saying she got married, and they were going on a trip to the Bahamas. And that has been my experience numerous times. I think I've met only one girl that was single, and actually went everywhere and did stuff. One.

All the rest have had stories like the above. They say they want to be single to do all these amazing things... but then they end up just working a job, living alone, and doing nothing. Just saying.... that's what I've seen.
Which is why feminism is part of the DNC.

Destroying morals and the family is key to creating a lawless criminal society that will require government to take away more and more freedoms just to try and keep society somewhat civil, thus creating a police state.

Whose morals are destroyed, religious people, men's ideas of how women have to be, women's ideas of how women have to be? Who are these people that decide how everyone has to feel and be?

Also, if men are happy marrying international women how is there a problem? The men are happy the new wives are happy and the feminists are happy all living their own lives.

Feminism promotes a Godless society that does not value marriage, chastity, sobriety, or humility.

The results are all around you. Society now has divorce rates that are skyrocketing, rampant drug use, single parented homes, and all the poverty and misery that follows.

People like yourself helped create this utopia, you just refuse to acknowledge it and take accountability for it.

Feminism promotes women who recognize that they were better off alone, rather than in a miserable marriage. Feminism promotes women as full human beings, rather than appendages of men.

Which is why women are more miserable today, than their ancestors.

In the attempt to get everything, and have a more 'fair' system, they have ended up with nothing, and a more unfair system.
I rather think that our ancestors would be jealous of todays woman.

Todays woman can vote,work, get married or not. In fact she can do all sorts of shit that she couldnt do a century back.

Why do you have a problem with girls having freedom of choice ?

Never said that. Why do you have a problem with making up stuff people never said?

The left wing always assumes things are better under their ideology.

Is 'Opting Out' The New American Dream For Working Women?

When Forbes surveyed working mothers, fully 84% of them said being at home with their children was their dream, and of that 84%, one third said they resented their husbands for not making that possible.

But things are so much better. They should be ecstatic with all the choices they now have.

Single, nearly 35, feeling profoundly alone and terrified.

Five Ways Feminism Has Made Women Miserable

Gains in women’s rights haven't made women happier. Why is that?

This trend that women are less and less happy, while you claim those in the past should be jealous, isn't new.

This has been going on for ages now.
There is a theory I've read, that the more choices a person has, the less happy they can be. But it's a good thing, because it is a sign of participating fully in the human struggle for growth and meaning, rather than unquestioningly fulfilling what've others tell you is your biological destiny.

My own personal happiness has had its ups and downs, but I take solace in the fact that I can choose my destiny.
Whose morals are destroyed, religious people, men's ideas of how women have to be, women's ideas of how women have to be? Who are these people that decide how everyone has to feel and be?

Also, if men are happy marrying international women how is there a problem? The men are happy the new wives are happy and the feminists are happy all living their own lives.

Feminism promotes a Godless society that does not value marriage, chastity, sobriety, or humility.

The results are all around you. Society now has divorce rates that are skyrocketing, rampant drug use, single parented homes, and all the poverty and misery that follows.

People like yourself helped create this utopia, you just refuse to acknowledge it and take accountability for it.

Feminism promotes women who recognize that they were better off alone, rather than in a miserable marriage. Feminism promotes women as full human beings, rather than appendages of men.

Which is why women are more miserable today, than their ancestors.

In the attempt to get everything, and have a more 'fair' system, they have ended up with nothing, and a more unfair system.
I rather think that our ancestors would be jealous of todays woman.

Todays woman can vote,work, get married or not. In fact she can do all sorts of shit that she couldnt do a century back.

Why do you have a problem with girls having freedom of choice ?

Never said that. Why do you have a problem with making up stuff people never said?

The left wing always assumes things are better under their ideology.

Is 'Opting Out' The New American Dream For Working Women?

When Forbes surveyed working mothers, fully 84% of them said being at home with their children was their dream, and of that 84%, one third said they resented their husbands for not making that possible.

But things are so much better. They should be ecstatic with all the choices they now have.

Single, nearly 35, feeling profoundly alone and terrified.

Five Ways Feminism Has Made Women Miserable

Gains in women’s rights haven't made women happier. Why is that?

This trend that women are less and less happy, while you claim those in the past should be jealous, isn't new.

This has been going on for ages now.
You quote a few opinion pieces against the facts that women can now vote. Live their lives as they please and cant be married off to a wife beater at the age of 16.
Relationships have always created misery and joy. Feminism has nothing to do with it.

Why do you want to put the clock back ?
So I've said this before. My observation in the US is that women treat their husbands like crap. I can't count the number of jobs I've had were women co-works routinely vomit how terrible of awful their husbands are.

Alternatively, I had a co-work at my current job I'll call Tim, and his wife Jessica. Jessica is from Napal (not her real name obviously). And you can clearly see the difference. She loves him. I mean really. He's love her, you can tell. I was shocked to find that Tim was in his mid 50s, and she was in her mid 40s. Ironically Tim was married before, which is exactly why he got a wife from Napal.

Now don't get me wrong, I am not suggesting they slobber all over each other like these idiotic college students. But you can see that even after being married 20 years, they still have something. Its one of the very few times where I saw a version of marriage that actually looks like something a man would want.

But what do we see in western 1st world countries? Women that don't do any of that. They don't want to give their husbands sex. Or time. Or affection. Sometimes not intimacy of any kind.

I happen to be listening to some podcasts, when one host mentioned in passing this article, and I was curious. So I looked it up.

Escorts are urging wives and girlfriends to listen to their men

One woman, who goes under the pseudonym Mrs Robinson, told she feels like a “marriage counsellor” and that Australian women are failing to understand the needs of their partners as more and more men are driven to online apps to find intimacy.

“I do see a lot of married men and they’re not getting that intimacy at home, at all,” Mrs Robinson told

“Men are looking to be understood and be heard. They’re looking for that bit of love that they’re obviously missing. I could open up a school to teach women how to be intimate because there are so many out there that are not giving intimacy to their husbands.”

The 58-year-old woman said that 90 per cent of her clients, ranging in age from 20-45, pay $350 for half an hour to engage in a heightened degree of emotional intimacy.

In some cases, they engage in reciprocal sexual pleasure (girlfriend experiences), but in other cases, they won’t have sex at all (companionship experiences).

“There’s definitely more demand for it. I can’t tell you the number of times a client and I haven’t had sex. We may have just sit there and talk, we may have dinner. There’s so many times that you will not have sex. Sometimes there will be a run of it when I think ... ‘wow’.

“It’s not this wild, crazy, hang-from-the-chandeliers porn star experience they want. They just want to be with a girlfriend for an hour. Cuddling, being together, talking, having that intimacy with somebody. I’ve got clients in their 20s who want that. It’s pretty amazing. I’m still in shock over how many young guys are into me. It’s bizarre.”​

Now I don't know about you, but the vast majority of women, you bloom in your 20s, you reach your prime by the age of 30, and from there... over time, the flower fades. This is normal. Right?

Here's a lady almost 60.... and men from 20 to age 45, are coming to her. Some for sex, and many.... just to be held. Just to have someone talk to them. Just to have a companion.

To me this is both fascinating, and expected at the same time. Fascinating because here a women, is telling other women, the whole reason their husbands are unfaithful, isn't because they are bad men, but rather they are bad women. They are being terrible wives.

I was reading an article, supposedly from a Prostitute, who wrote the title "Things I learned about your husband".

One of them was, "He'd rather be with you, but you don't take care of him. So I do". Men cheating on their wives, because their wives don't want to be the lover, and intimate they need. The prostitute doesn't criticize and critique everything he says. She simply supports him and listens to him.

That's why some of these guys are not even getting sex. You women are not doing this for your husbands.

And you starve them out, and then get all angry and bitter, when he cheats, or goes to see an escort? Really?

I posted that thread months ago about mail order brides, and the women here started foaming at the mouth. Now I get why. Those women are giving their husbands what American girls don't, and they end up with happy marriages and American girls end up on Jerry Springer, and Doctor Phil.

What's funny is at the bottom of a different article, a man wrote that everything on there was exactly true. He didn't like going to see the prostitute, but his wife simply didn't want to pay attention to him. Every time he wanted a alone time, she had a headache, or backache, or something ache, or was tired, or busy, or blaw blaw blaw. Finally he figured out it was too hard to be intimate with her, so he goes to an "adult escort" twice a week. He openly says, he'd rather be with his wife. But she doesn't want to be a wife.

I can't help but think about how Christians deal with this, because obviously I'm a Christian (as the sig makes clear). Christians today really suck at teaching this. But the fact is we used to get this.... The puritans used to teach that if a women refuses to provide for her husbands needs, and he cheats... he was not to be punished, but rather the woman was at fault.

No don't get me wrong. If she did provide for him, then it was his fault. A man could be beaten, flogged, or put in stocks if he cheated on his wife. But if the women caused it by starving him out, then no, it's her fault.

This is why marriages fall apart today. Yeah I know there is the occasional abuse, or drug / gambling or other addiction. But the majority I would be willing to bet... is this.

My conclusion to this, I think this is caused by Feminism. I think women today are more interested in their careers, and their own pursuits, and have gotten into their head that they should be able to have it all, and they should not have to do anything to keep their husbands. I've even heard women say "I shouldn't have to...." (insert whatever he needs). And they go to work, and barf all over their co-workers what terrible husbands they have. While they themselves do nothing... put in zero effort to meet their husbands needs.

The Nepalese wife at work last week said... "I am starting to see why men in American don't want to get married".

SO.... any opinions you'd like to add? Clean debate zone. (friendly reminder). :D

Western women don't want to get married. What they want is to get fat and alimony. They have national legal guarantees for this. Men are not in the equation. Hopefully the continued western de industrialization will change that. But until then, how do you stop a woman that goes out only to get pregnant and collect money with that? Western liberal love life complete. Soon there will be more western laws too to prevent western men from marrying real women from other countries. There are already a few on the books that target them.

That is an interesting statement or two. Could you point out the national legal guarantee for that? Could you identify the laws preventing western men from marrying women from other countries?

In the US it is increasingly difficult for 20 year olds to get jobs unless they have genius IQ or fast talking skills at sales. The only existing alternative is the US pregnancy based welfare system, which guarantees a roof and basic income for homeless women, this is one of the legal guarantees. Similar laws exist in Europe too.

As for marriage, the US created a separate visa category called fiancée visa and they grant it only after the US party if male proves that his criminal background check is clean. There is no such requirement for female Americans. In any case, great way to chat up a girl by starting with whether you are a criminal. The US does not issue fiancée visas unless the male US party can prove that he started with such a disclosure as a first communication to the woman. The UK is even more interesting, the UK denies all marriages unless they are made abroad and they lived together abroad before moving to the UK. Then there is also the German law ...
A new Pew Research survey finds that about half of all never-married adults (53%) say they would like to marry eventually. This share is down somewhat from 2010, when 61% of never-married adults said they would like to marry someday. Roughly one-third of today’s never-married adults (32%) say they are not sure if they would like to get married, while 13% say they do not want to marry.5
Record Share of Americans Have Never Married

Number of people never married not sure and definitely don't want to be married is rising.

By the way, women cheat almost as much as men. It is emotional.

And for women it is a biological need. Welcome to the world of oxytocin
The orgasmic history of Oxycontin: Love, lust, and labor

More recently there has been attempts to tie vasopressin to women that cheat.

I agree with the survey, but for a different reason.

Yes, it's true the number of people who want to be married, has gone down. And to me, it's pretty obvious why. And I've actually heard a few honest men admit openly why.

What did I say before about why men get married? For sex. It may not be the only thing.... but it is by far the primary reason.

Based on that, if the man can get sex without getting married.... why would he get married?

Today in Western culture, women are really easy. I have personally had at least 3 offers, and that's without looking for them. Now if a Zero like me, can have women soliciting... that is a clear sign that standards are low.

And I've heard from men directly, why get married? I'm getting what I want from her, so why bother?

In fact, it's interesting, I have two co-workers that are getting married in the next few months. One is a girl, and she's been living with this dude for years and years. She's having panic attacks because while this is important to her, he (the guy she's marrying), couldn't care less. He's not going to pay for the wedding, not going to plan for the wedding, doesn't want to take work off for the wedding, even suggested postponing the wedding for a company trip. Completely indifferent. Doesn't matter to him at all. By the way, she, asked him, to marry her.

Now the other is a guy. He asked her to marry him. He planned it. He saved money for it. He's is actually taking a new job, that pays more, specifically for this purpose. He's eager to get married, and is looking forward to it.

She can't understand why this guy who hasn't lived with this girl for any time at all, is interested in getting married, but her guy that she has lived with for years, isn't interested at all.

To me this is obvious. Because he's not getting anything, so he's interested in getting married. Her guy is getting everything. So why bother getting married?

Women today give themselves to guys so easily and so often, that to the average American male, marriage doesn't have any meaning. After a women gives him sex, and after they give him their time, and relationship... what more can a women give him that would make him interested in getting married?

As for why women don't want to bother getting married, it's usually from the negative experience sleeping around with men who they are not married to. They bounce around from one lover to another, thinking that each one will be dedicated to them. Of course they run off with someone else, so they assume marriage is the same.

In reality, marriage is the best way to have a man be dedicated to you. Not getting married is almost a guarantee he won't be.

And I think this dynamic spills over to marriage too. I think far fewer people would ditch their spouses, if they couldn't find someone else. Why does a man ditch his wife, and divorce her? Because in today's culture he can find someone else by the end of the night.

That is one of the reasons that is often cited for men not getting married. Right up there with having to give up space, loss of friends and what is viewed as loss of power and.........paperwork. Men in the media are depicted as oafs. This is not a valued position. There is absolutely nothing to gain from being married.

Oddly enough you are wrong on why women choose not to get married and have children. They don't want to get married and have children because the world is awesome and to be explored, they watch others get married because they are afraid of being alone, and there are options. In fact, guys are a dime a dozen if that is what you're looking for. What you have depicted as married life is absolute misery. There is absolutely nothing to gain from being married.

You know, I heard that claim before too. I've heard some women say exactly what you just said "because the world is awesome and to be explored".

I actually heard that from a friend of mine. She gave me this long list of all the amazing things she wanted to do, and she didn't want to get married because she wanted to do all these things.

So I was curious about this. We have been friends for several years, and we talked openly. So I decided to ask her about this. What have you done so far? I was expecting the tales of her adventures. Instead she talked about getting a job, and working. Where have you gone? Well I don't have time, and I need to keep working at my career. Well how many years have you been doing this? 10 years.

So she has remained single, for the last 10 years, working a steady job, never having the time in 10 years apparently to do anything, hasn't gone anywhere, and all she does is play video games and go to work.

Of course the punchline of this story is, roughly 6 months later after this conversation, she came on saying she got married, and they were going on a trip to the Bahamas. And that has been my experience numerous times. I think I've met only one girl that was single, and actually went everywhere and did stuff. One.

All the rest have had stories like the above. They say they want to be single to do all these amazing things... but then they end up just working a job, living alone, and doing nothing. Just saying.... that's what I've seen.

Really? Of the women I know they travel frequently and do a great many things. Perhaps, it's the job? I work in a pretty demanding field that many people can't do. So, getting away is imperative. Hell, I worked with a nurse that would use all of her vacation time traveling to Central and South America bringing medical supplies and doing the same thing she did at work. Made no sense to me but that was her thang. That and hanging out in New Orleans. I have also met women who are terrified of the interstate. Perhaps it's the person?
So I've said this before. My observation in the US is that women treat their husbands like crap. I can't count the number of jobs I've had were women co-works routinely vomit how terrible of awful their husbands are.

Alternatively, I had a co-work at my current job I'll call Tim, and his wife Jessica. Jessica is from Napal (not her real name obviously). And you can clearly see the difference. She loves him. I mean really. He's love her, you can tell. I was shocked to find that Tim was in his mid 50s, and she was in her mid 40s. Ironically Tim was married before, which is exactly why he got a wife from Napal.

Now don't get me wrong, I am not suggesting they slobber all over each other like these idiotic college students. But you can see that even after being married 20 years, they still have something. Its one of the very few times where I saw a version of marriage that actually looks like something a man would want.

But what do we see in western 1st world countries? Women that don't do any of that. They don't want to give their husbands sex. Or time. Or affection. Sometimes not intimacy of any kind.

I happen to be listening to some podcasts, when one host mentioned in passing this article, and I was curious. So I looked it up.

Escorts are urging wives and girlfriends to listen to their men

One woman, who goes under the pseudonym Mrs Robinson, told she feels like a “marriage counsellor” and that Australian women are failing to understand the needs of their partners as more and more men are driven to online apps to find intimacy.

“I do see a lot of married men and they’re not getting that intimacy at home, at all,” Mrs Robinson told

“Men are looking to be understood and be heard. They’re looking for that bit of love that they’re obviously missing. I could open up a school to teach women how to be intimate because there are so many out there that are not giving intimacy to their husbands.”

The 58-year-old woman said that 90 per cent of her clients, ranging in age from 20-45, pay $350 for half an hour to engage in a heightened degree of emotional intimacy.

In some cases, they engage in reciprocal sexual pleasure (girlfriend experiences), but in other cases, they won’t have sex at all (companionship experiences).

“There’s definitely more demand for it. I can’t tell you the number of times a client and I haven’t had sex. We may have just sit there and talk, we may have dinner. There’s so many times that you will not have sex. Sometimes there will be a run of it when I think ... ‘wow’.

“It’s not this wild, crazy, hang-from-the-chandeliers porn star experience they want. They just want to be with a girlfriend for an hour. Cuddling, being together, talking, having that intimacy with somebody. I’ve got clients in their 20s who want that. It’s pretty amazing. I’m still in shock over how many young guys are into me. It’s bizarre.”​

Now I don't know about you, but the vast majority of women, you bloom in your 20s, you reach your prime by the age of 30, and from there... over time, the flower fades. This is normal. Right?

Here's a lady almost 60.... and men from 20 to age 45, are coming to her. Some for sex, and many.... just to be held. Just to have someone talk to them. Just to have a companion.

To me this is both fascinating, and expected at the same time. Fascinating because here a women, is telling other women, the whole reason their husbands are unfaithful, isn't because they are bad men, but rather they are bad women. They are being terrible wives.

I was reading an article, supposedly from a Prostitute, who wrote the title "Things I learned about your husband".

One of them was, "He'd rather be with you, but you don't take care of him. So I do". Men cheating on their wives, because their wives don't want to be the lover, and intimate they need. The prostitute doesn't criticize and critique everything he says. She simply supports him and listens to him.

That's why some of these guys are not even getting sex. You women are not doing this for your husbands.

And you starve them out, and then get all angry and bitter, when he cheats, or goes to see an escort? Really?

I posted that thread months ago about mail order brides, and the women here started foaming at the mouth. Now I get why. Those women are giving their husbands what American girls don't, and they end up with happy marriages and American girls end up on Jerry Springer, and Doctor Phil.

What's funny is at the bottom of a different article, a man wrote that everything on there was exactly true. He didn't like going to see the prostitute, but his wife simply didn't want to pay attention to him. Every time he wanted a alone time, she had a headache, or backache, or something ache, or was tired, or busy, or blaw blaw blaw. Finally he figured out it was too hard to be intimate with her, so he goes to an "adult escort" twice a week. He openly says, he'd rather be with his wife. But she doesn't want to be a wife.

I can't help but think about how Christians deal with this, because obviously I'm a Christian (as the sig makes clear). Christians today really suck at teaching this. But the fact is we used to get this.... The puritans used to teach that if a women refuses to provide for her husbands needs, and he cheats... he was not to be punished, but rather the woman was at fault.

No don't get me wrong. If she did provide for him, then it was his fault. A man could be beaten, flogged, or put in stocks if he cheated on his wife. But if the women caused it by starving him out, then no, it's her fault.

This is why marriages fall apart today. Yeah I know there is the occasional abuse, or drug / gambling or other addiction. But the majority I would be willing to bet... is this.

My conclusion to this, I think this is caused by Feminism. I think women today are more interested in their careers, and their own pursuits, and have gotten into their head that they should be able to have it all, and they should not have to do anything to keep their husbands. I've even heard women say "I shouldn't have to...." (insert whatever he needs). And they go to work, and barf all over their co-workers what terrible husbands they have. While they themselves do nothing... put in zero effort to meet their husbands needs.

The Nepalese wife at work last week said... "I am starting to see why men in American don't want to get married".

SO.... any opinions you'd like to add? Clean debate zone. (friendly reminder). :D

Western women don't want to get married. What they want is to get fat and alimony. They have national legal guarantees for this. Men are not in the equation. Hopefully the continued western de industrialization will change that. But until then, how do you stop a woman that goes out only to get pregnant and collect money with that? Western liberal love life complete. Soon there will be more western laws too to prevent western men from marrying real women from other countries. There are already a few on the books that target them.

That is an interesting statement or two. Could you point out the national legal guarantee for that? Could you identify the laws preventing western men from marrying women from other countries?

In the US it is increasingly difficult for 20 year olds to get jobs unless they have genius IQ or fast talking skills at sales. The only existing alternative is the US pregnancy based welfare system, which guarantees a roof and basic income for homeless women, this is one of the legal guarantees. Similar laws exist in Europe too.

As for marriage, the US created a separate visa category called fiancée visa and they grant it only after the US party if male proves that his criminal background check is clean. There is no such requirement for female Americans. In any case, great way to chat up a girl by starting with whether you are a criminal. The US does not issue fiancée visas unless the male US party can prove that he started with such a disclosure as a first communication to the woman. The UK is even more interesting, the UK denies all marriages unless they are made abroad and they lived together abroad before moving to the UK. Then there is also the German law ...

It is increasingly difficult to get any job in the US no matter what your age is. That's what happens when you flood the nation with undocumented workers and H1B visas and outsource and offshore your jobs.

And there is no system in the US that guarantees a roof and basic income for homeless women. That doesn't exist. If there did, we would not have so many homeless children in the US or homeless women. We know that is not the case.

The K-1 visa applies to men and women
K-1 Process: Step by Step

My BFF was married in the UK after we went and they did not live together before hand.
So I've said this before. My observation in the US is that women treat their husbands like crap. I can't count the number of jobs I've had were women co-works routinely vomit how terrible of awful their husbands are.

Alternatively, I had a co-work at my current job I'll call Tim, and his wife Jessica. Jessica is from Napal (not her real name obviously). And you can clearly see the difference. She loves him. I mean really. He's love her, you can tell. I was shocked to find that Tim was in his mid 50s, and she was in her mid 40s. Ironically Tim was married before, which is exactly why he got a wife from Napal.

Now don't get me wrong, I am not suggesting they slobber all over each other like these idiotic college students. But you can see that even after being married 20 years, they still have something. Its one of the very few times where I saw a version of marriage that actually looks like something a man would want.

But what do we see in western 1st world countries? Women that don't do any of that. They don't want to give their husbands sex. Or time. Or affection. Sometimes not intimacy of any kind.

I happen to be listening to some podcasts, when one host mentioned in passing this article, and I was curious. So I looked it up.

Escorts are urging wives and girlfriends to listen to their men

One woman, who goes under the pseudonym Mrs Robinson, told she feels like a “marriage counsellor” and that Australian women are failing to understand the needs of their partners as more and more men are driven to online apps to find intimacy.

“I do see a lot of married men and they’re not getting that intimacy at home, at all,” Mrs Robinson told

“Men are looking to be understood and be heard. They’re looking for that bit of love that they’re obviously missing. I could open up a school to teach women how to be intimate because there are so many out there that are not giving intimacy to their husbands.”

The 58-year-old woman said that 90 per cent of her clients, ranging in age from 20-45, pay $350 for half an hour to engage in a heightened degree of emotional intimacy.

In some cases, they engage in reciprocal sexual pleasure (girlfriend experiences), but in other cases, they won’t have sex at all (companionship experiences).

“There’s definitely more demand for it. I can’t tell you the number of times a client and I haven’t had sex. We may have just sit there and talk, we may have dinner. There’s so many times that you will not have sex. Sometimes there will be a run of it when I think ... ‘wow’.

“It’s not this wild, crazy, hang-from-the-chandeliers porn star experience they want. They just want to be with a girlfriend for an hour. Cuddling, being together, talking, having that intimacy with somebody. I’ve got clients in their 20s who want that. It’s pretty amazing. I’m still in shock over how many young guys are into me. It’s bizarre.”​

Now I don't know about you, but the vast majority of women, you bloom in your 20s, you reach your prime by the age of 30, and from there... over time, the flower fades. This is normal. Right?

Here's a lady almost 60.... and men from 20 to age 45, are coming to her. Some for sex, and many.... just to be held. Just to have someone talk to them. Just to have a companion.

To me this is both fascinating, and expected at the same time. Fascinating because here a women, is telling other women, the whole reason their husbands are unfaithful, isn't because they are bad men, but rather they are bad women. They are being terrible wives.

I was reading an article, supposedly from a Prostitute, who wrote the title "Things I learned about your husband".

One of them was, "He'd rather be with you, but you don't take care of him. So I do". Men cheating on their wives, because their wives don't want to be the lover, and intimate they need. The prostitute doesn't criticize and critique everything he says. She simply supports him and listens to him.

That's why some of these guys are not even getting sex. You women are not doing this for your husbands.

And you starve them out, and then get all angry and bitter, when he cheats, or goes to see an escort? Really?

I posted that thread months ago about mail order brides, and the women here started foaming at the mouth. Now I get why. Those women are giving their husbands what American girls don't, and they end up with happy marriages and American girls end up on Jerry Springer, and Doctor Phil.

What's funny is at the bottom of a different article, a man wrote that everything on there was exactly true. He didn't like going to see the prostitute, but his wife simply didn't want to pay attention to him. Every time he wanted a alone time, she had a headache, or backache, or something ache, or was tired, or busy, or blaw blaw blaw. Finally he figured out it was too hard to be intimate with her, so he goes to an "adult escort" twice a week. He openly says, he'd rather be with his wife. But she doesn't want to be a wife.

I can't help but think about how Christians deal with this, because obviously I'm a Christian (as the sig makes clear). Christians today really suck at teaching this. But the fact is we used to get this.... The puritans used to teach that if a women refuses to provide for her husbands needs, and he cheats... he was not to be punished, but rather the woman was at fault.

No don't get me wrong. If she did provide for him, then it was his fault. A man could be beaten, flogged, or put in stocks if he cheated on his wife. But if the women caused it by starving him out, then no, it's her fault.

This is why marriages fall apart today. Yeah I know there is the occasional abuse, or drug / gambling or other addiction. But the majority I would be willing to bet... is this.

My conclusion to this, I think this is caused by Feminism. I think women today are more interested in their careers, and their own pursuits, and have gotten into their head that they should be able to have it all, and they should not have to do anything to keep their husbands. I've even heard women say "I shouldn't have to...." (insert whatever he needs). And they go to work, and barf all over their co-workers what terrible husbands they have. While they themselves do nothing... put in zero effort to meet their husbands needs.

The Nepalese wife at work last week said... "I am starting to see why men in American don't want to get married".

SO.... any opinions you'd like to add? Clean debate zone. (friendly reminder). :D

Western women don't want to get married. What they want is to get fat and alimony. They have national legal guarantees for this. Men are not in the equation. Hopefully the continued western de industrialization will change that. But until then, how do you stop a woman that goes out only to get pregnant and collect money with that? Western liberal love life complete. Soon there will be more western laws too to prevent western men from marrying real women from other countries. There are already a few on the books that target them.

That is an interesting statement or two. Could you point out the national legal guarantee for that? Could you identify the laws preventing western men from marrying women from other countries?

In the US it is increasingly difficult for 20 year olds to get jobs unless they have genius IQ or fast talking skills at sales. The only existing alternative is the US pregnancy based welfare system, which guarantees a roof and basic income for homeless women, this is one of the legal guarantees. Similar laws exist in Europe too.

As for marriage, the US created a separate visa category called fiancée visa and they grant it only after the US party if male proves that his criminal background check is clean. There is no such requirement for female Americans. In any case, great way to chat up a girl by starting with whether you are a criminal. The US does not issue fiancée visas unless the male US party can prove that he started with such a disclosure as a first communication to the woman. The UK is even more interesting, the UK denies all marriages unless they are made abroad and they lived together abroad before moving to the UK. Then there is also the German law ...

It is increasingly difficult to get any job in the US no matter what your age is. That's what happens when you flood the nation with undocumented workers and H1B visas and outsource and offshore your jobs.

And there is no system in the US that guarantees a roof and basic income for homeless women. That doesn't exist. If there did, we would not have so many homeless children in the US or homeless women. We know that is not the case.

The K-1 visa applies to men and women
K-1 Process: Step by Step

My BFF was married in the UK after we went and they did not live together before hand.

Automation is the leading cause of joblessness but it is not important here.

Yes there is such a guarantee system in the US. I am not saying that it is for everyone, but categorically, women if pregnant can apply for it and get it. Women without children and men can't get it, categorically.

The UK changed the law like 10 years ago, before that time your BFF was possible.
So I've said this before. My observation in the US is that women treat their husbands like crap. I can't count the number of jobs I've had were women co-works routinely vomit how terrible of awful their husbands are.

Alternatively, I had a co-work at my current job I'll call Tim, and his wife Jessica. Jessica is from Napal (not her real name obviously). And you can clearly see the difference. She loves him. I mean really. He's love her, you can tell. I was shocked to find that Tim was in his mid 50s, and she was in her mid 40s. Ironically Tim was married before, which is exactly why he got a wife from Napal.

Now don't get me wrong, I am not suggesting they slobber all over each other like these idiotic college students. But you can see that even after being married 20 years, they still have something. Its one of the very few times where I saw a version of marriage that actually looks like something a man would want.

But what do we see in western 1st world countries? Women that don't do any of that. They don't want to give their husbands sex. Or time. Or affection. Sometimes not intimacy of any kind.

I happen to be listening to some podcasts, when one host mentioned in passing this article, and I was curious. So I looked it up.

Escorts are urging wives and girlfriends to listen to their men

One woman, who goes under the pseudonym Mrs Robinson, told she feels like a “marriage counsellor” and that Australian women are failing to understand the needs of their partners as more and more men are driven to online apps to find intimacy.

“I do see a lot of married men and they’re not getting that intimacy at home, at all,” Mrs Robinson told

“Men are looking to be understood and be heard. They’re looking for that bit of love that they’re obviously missing. I could open up a school to teach women how to be intimate because there are so many out there that are not giving intimacy to their husbands.”

The 58-year-old woman said that 90 per cent of her clients, ranging in age from 20-45, pay $350 for half an hour to engage in a heightened degree of emotional intimacy.

In some cases, they engage in reciprocal sexual pleasure (girlfriend experiences), but in other cases, they won’t have sex at all (companionship experiences).

“There’s definitely more demand for it. I can’t tell you the number of times a client and I haven’t had sex. We may have just sit there and talk, we may have dinner. There’s so many times that you will not have sex. Sometimes there will be a run of it when I think ... ‘wow’.

“It’s not this wild, crazy, hang-from-the-chandeliers porn star experience they want. They just want to be with a girlfriend for an hour. Cuddling, being together, talking, having that intimacy with somebody. I’ve got clients in their 20s who want that. It’s pretty amazing. I’m still in shock over how many young guys are into me. It’s bizarre.”​

Now I don't know about you, but the vast majority of women, you bloom in your 20s, you reach your prime by the age of 30, and from there... over time, the flower fades. This is normal. Right?

Here's a lady almost 60.... and men from 20 to age 45, are coming to her. Some for sex, and many.... just to be held. Just to have someone talk to them. Just to have a companion.

To me this is both fascinating, and expected at the same time. Fascinating because here a women, is telling other women, the whole reason their husbands are unfaithful, isn't because they are bad men, but rather they are bad women. They are being terrible wives.

I was reading an article, supposedly from a Prostitute, who wrote the title "Things I learned about your husband".

One of them was, "He'd rather be with you, but you don't take care of him. So I do". Men cheating on their wives, because their wives don't want to be the lover, and intimate they need. The prostitute doesn't criticize and critique everything he says. She simply supports him and listens to him.

That's why some of these guys are not even getting sex. You women are not doing this for your husbands.

And you starve them out, and then get all angry and bitter, when he cheats, or goes to see an escort? Really?

I posted that thread months ago about mail order brides, and the women here started foaming at the mouth. Now I get why. Those women are giving their husbands what American girls don't, and they end up with happy marriages and American girls end up on Jerry Springer, and Doctor Phil.

What's funny is at the bottom of a different article, a man wrote that everything on there was exactly true. He didn't like going to see the prostitute, but his wife simply didn't want to pay attention to him. Every time he wanted a alone time, she had a headache, or backache, or something ache, or was tired, or busy, or blaw blaw blaw. Finally he figured out it was too hard to be intimate with her, so he goes to an "adult escort" twice a week. He openly says, he'd rather be with his wife. But she doesn't want to be a wife.

I can't help but think about how Christians deal with this, because obviously I'm a Christian (as the sig makes clear). Christians today really suck at teaching this. But the fact is we used to get this.... The puritans used to teach that if a women refuses to provide for her husbands needs, and he cheats... he was not to be punished, but rather the woman was at fault.

No don't get me wrong. If she did provide for him, then it was his fault. A man could be beaten, flogged, or put in stocks if he cheated on his wife. But if the women caused it by starving him out, then no, it's her fault.

This is why marriages fall apart today. Yeah I know there is the occasional abuse, or drug / gambling or other addiction. But the majority I would be willing to bet... is this.

My conclusion to this, I think this is caused by Feminism. I think women today are more interested in their careers, and their own pursuits, and have gotten into their head that they should be able to have it all, and they should not have to do anything to keep their husbands. I've even heard women say "I shouldn't have to...." (insert whatever he needs). And they go to work, and barf all over their co-workers what terrible husbands they have. While they themselves do nothing... put in zero effort to meet their husbands needs.

The Nepalese wife at work last week said... "I am starting to see why men in American don't want to get married".

SO.... any opinions you'd like to add? Clean debate zone. (friendly reminder). :D

Western women don't want to get married. What they want is to get fat and alimony. They have national legal guarantees for this. Men are not in the equation. Hopefully the continued western de industrialization will change that. But until then, how do you stop a woman that goes out only to get pregnant and collect money with that? Western liberal love life complete. Soon there will be more western laws too to prevent western men from marrying real women from other countries. There are already a few on the books that target them.

That is an interesting statement or two. Could you point out the national legal guarantee for that? Could you identify the laws preventing western men from marrying women from other countries?

In the US it is increasingly difficult for 20 year olds to get jobs unless they have genius IQ or fast talking skills at sales. The only existing alternative is the US pregnancy based welfare system, which guarantees a roof and basic income for homeless women, this is one of the legal guarantees. Similar laws exist in Europe too.

As for marriage, the US created a separate visa category called fiancée visa and they grant it only after the US party if male proves that his criminal background check is clean. There is no such requirement for female Americans. In any case, great way to chat up a girl by starting with whether you are a criminal. The US does not issue fiancée visas unless the male US party can prove that he started with such a disclosure as a first communication to the woman. The UK is even more interesting, the UK denies all marriages unless they are made abroad and they lived together abroad before moving to the UK. Then there is also the German law ...

It is increasingly difficult to get any job in the US no matter what your age is. That's what happens when you flood the nation with undocumented workers and H1B visas and outsource and offshore your jobs.

And there is no system in the US that guarantees a roof and basic income for homeless women. That doesn't exist. If there did, we would not have so many homeless children in the US or homeless women. We know that is not the case.

The K-1 visa applies to men and women
K-1 Process: Step by Step

My BFF was married in the UK after we went and they did not live together before hand.

Automation is the leading cause of joblessness but it is not important here.

Yes there is such a guarantee system in the US. I am not saying that it is for everyone, but categorically, women if pregnant can apply for it and get it. Women without children and men can't get it, categorically.

The UK changed the law like 10 years ago, before that time your BFF was possible.

:rolleyes: No, there is no guarantee that is one of the populations I work with. Men and women single or with children can apply for SNAP. TANF is a limited amount for a limited time that either parent can apply for. That said, a lot of this comes down to the state. Had this come up 20 years ago then you could easily have made the case that for many things men were excluded. Most applications for housing have waiting lists about 16 months or longer.

Keep blaming it on automation. :rolleyes-41:

The major changes in the UK appear to be related to income.

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