CDZ Feminism promotes prostitution?

There's nothing wrong with prostitution (aside from a risk of STDs) conducted by a grown, independent woman. It's a potentially lucrative form of self employment, and God knows jobs are disappearing with increasing automation and computerization. So far, though, there are no robots capable of providing sexual services.
Now that the thread has descended into misogyny it is obvious that the OP question has an answer. NO.

Exactly when did honesty get labeled misogyny??
I complained about a few posts and the mods have deleted them. Cleaned up the thread. The point of my post still stands though.
What we have is a bunch of men telling women what they need to be happy. The OP is also a single guy so his coal face knowledge of the marriage situation is a bit questionable.

So, what you're basically saying is, that anybody who doesn't agree with your viewpoint MUST be wrong, and needs to be censored. The subject was raised - I don't recall anybody claiming that men shouldn't/couldn't comment on the subject at hand.

Frankly, I find this to be offensive in the extreme.

If you didn't want to know the answer, then you shouldn't have asked the question.
You need only rationalize to yourself ... which, I must admit, your post does a fine job.

Let me look here. Nope, not giving a damn what you think.

Then, I seriously suggest you go back and actually read the posts.

You're trolling. This is me, still not caring.

As you will ... but I don't believe a damn word of it.
You know, I heard that claim before too. I've heard some women say exactly what you just said "because the world is awesome and to be explored".

I actually heard that from a friend of mine. She gave me this long list of all the amazing things she wanted to do, and she didn't want to get married because she wanted to do all these things.

So I was curious about this. We have been friends for several years, and we talked openly. So I decided to ask her about this. What have you done so far? I was expecting the tales of her adventures. Instead she talked about getting a job, and working. Where have you gone? Well I don't have time, and I need to keep working at my career. Well how many years have you been doing this? 10 years.

So she has remained single, for the last 10 years, working a steady job, never having the time in 10 years apparently to do anything, hasn't gone anywhere, and all she does is play video games and go to work.

Of course the punchline of this story is, roughly 6 months later after this conversation, she came on saying she got married, and they were going on a trip to the Bahamas. And that has been my experience numerous times. I think I've met only one girl that was single, and actually went everywhere and did stuff. One.

All the rest have had stories like the above. They say they want to be single to do all these amazing things... but then they end up just working a job, living alone, and doing nothing. Just saying.... that's what I've seen.

Really? Of the women I know they travel frequently and do a great many things. Perhaps, it's the job? I work in a pretty demanding field that many people can't do. So, getting away is imperative. Hell, I worked with a nurse that would use all of her vacation time traveling to Central and South America bringing medical supplies and doing the same thing she did at work. Made no sense to me but that was her thang. That and hanging out in New Orleans. I have also met women who are terrified of the interstate. Perhaps it's the person?

Like I said, it's just been my experience. One thing I always do, is ask people if they really are happy. Is this life they now have that they always wanted, really as great as they expected? That's when the truth comes out.

But I accept that you say those you are around are happy with their life choices. Even then I always wonder about such people, because 10 or 20 years down the line, when all the hope of having a real marriage and a real family are past, do they really end up saying it was worth it. When they reach their final years, and they either have no kids, or they spent so much time at work their kids are completely disconnected to them, and they have no husband of course, and most of their friends have move on to their own families.... was that career really worth everything?

It's funny because for decades in American history, it was wives begging their husbands not to be workaholics, and end up at the end of their lives finding no one cared for them.

Now women do the exact same thing, to a larger degree.

It's just like that survey from before showed... single professional women without kids are the most unhappy workers in the entire country.

I have heard some Boomers say they regret not having children in their little 3 paragraphs of Huffington Post crap. So BUT, I have heard an equal amount of regret from people who married and had kids. They will tell you straight up that they were too selfish and should never have taken that on. Men and women equally.

Every so many years somebody kicks out a whose happier survey. Never mind the fact that emotions cannot be quantified.
Older women happier? Yep.
No Groom, No Gloom: Never-Married Women Just as Happy

Single women happier? Yep.
Why single ladies (and men, too!) might be happier

Widows happier? Yep.
Single women are healthier and happier than married women - and it's no surprise

Married women happier? Yep.
Why Married Women Are Happier Than Single Women

According to all of these surveys, everybody is happier than everyone else.

I have no regrets. Of my closest friends, if they have regrets they aren't sharing them.

As you will ... but I don't believe it.

I presume you didn't ACTUALLY read your links ... the first one says that only older women (over 60) are just as happy. In fact, it really makes a strong case for man/woman pairing, unless, of course, you're interpreting it with a preconceived viewpoint.

The second article - written by a life-long single woman - tries mightily to justify her decisions, with really cool facts about their health, not their happiness, and tries to claim that being self-centered and alone somehow makes them "happier". It further claims that the relationship with friends is a suitable substitute for intimacy and caring between a loving couple.

The third claims that widows are "happier" because they have less stress because their husbands are dead and they only have to focus on themselves ... duh! Not happier - less stressed. Of course, they didn't bother to ask the ladies if they were "happier" without their husbands.

In short, you posted a bunch of slanted feminist propaganda that tries to justify a preconceived position, rather than provide a valid proof of an enhanced lifestyle.

More rationalization ....

It's a wonder the world survived with all those women being forced to put up with men. Probably should just take them all out and kill them, huh?

You missed the point. Happiness is an emotion. Emotion can't be quantified. Every few years someone kicks out a survey one way or the other. I can find a survey to say what I want. If you are making the claim that single working women are the most unhappy then I can find one that says the opposite. If you are going to troll at least make an attempt to be .intelligent. Since you have decided to be intentionally obtuse and create issues where none exist, welcome to ignore.

No, I did not miss the point. You attempted to use surveys to prove your point. Now, you want to backtrack and claim that the very surveys you purported proved your point are flawed (which was my point in the first place).

I don't troll --- but I do directly, and explicitly, challenge your proposition that single/widowed women are intrinsically happier because they don't have men in their lives. Another "if you don't agree, I'm going to censor you" maven?
I agree with the survey, but for a different reason.

Yes, it's true the number of people who want to be married, has gone down. And to me, it's pretty obvious why. And I've actually heard a few honest men admit openly why.

What did I say before about why men get married? For sex. It may not be the only thing.... but it is by far the primary reason.

Based on that, if the man can get sex without getting married.... why would he get married?

Today in Western culture, women are really easy. I have personally had at least 3 offers, and that's without looking for them. Now if a Zero like me, can have women soliciting... that is a clear sign that standards are low.

And I've heard from men directly, why get married? I'm getting what I want from her, so why bother?

In fact, it's interesting, I have two co-workers that are getting married in the next few months. One is a girl, and she's been living with this dude for years and years. She's having panic attacks because while this is important to her, he (the guy she's marrying), couldn't care less. He's not going to pay for the wedding, not going to plan for the wedding, doesn't want to take work off for the wedding, even suggested postponing the wedding for a company trip. Completely indifferent. Doesn't matter to him at all. By the way, she, asked him, to marry her.

Now the other is a guy. He asked her to marry him. He planned it. He saved money for it. He's is actually taking a new job, that pays more, specifically for this purpose. He's eager to get married, and is looking forward to it.

She can't understand why this guy who hasn't lived with this girl for any time at all, is interested in getting married, but her guy that she has lived with for years, isn't interested at all.

To me this is obvious. Because he's not getting anything, so he's interested in getting married. Her guy is getting everything. So why bother getting married?

Women today give themselves to guys so easily and so often, that to the average American male, marriage doesn't have any meaning. After a women gives him sex, and after they give him their time, and relationship... what more can a women give him that would make him interested in getting married?

As for why women don't want to bother getting married, it's usually from the negative experience sleeping around with men who they are not married to. They bounce around from one lover to another, thinking that each one will be dedicated to them. Of course they run off with someone else, so they assume marriage is the same.

In reality, marriage is the best way to have a man be dedicated to you. Not getting married is almost a guarantee he won't be.

And I think this dynamic spills over to marriage too. I think far fewer people would ditch their spouses, if they couldn't find someone else. Why does a man ditch his wife, and divorce her? Because in today's culture he can find someone else by the end of the night.

That is one of the reasons that is often cited for men not getting married. Right up there with having to give up space, loss of friends and what is viewed as loss of power and.........paperwork. Men in the media are depicted as oafs. This is not a valued position. There is absolutely nothing to gain from being married.

Oddly enough you are wrong on why women choose not to get married and have children. They don't want to get married and have children because the world is awesome and to be explored, they watch others get married because they are afraid of being alone, and there are options. In fact, guys are a dime a dozen if that is what you're looking for. What you have depicted as married life is absolute misery. There is absolutely nothing to gain from being married.

You know, I heard that claim before too. I've heard some women say exactly what you just said "because the world is awesome and to be explored".

I actually heard that from a friend of mine. She gave me this long list of all the amazing things she wanted to do, and she didn't want to get married because she wanted to do all these things.

So I was curious about this. We have been friends for several years, and we talked openly. So I decided to ask her about this. What have you done so far? I was expecting the tales of her adventures. Instead she talked about getting a job, and working. Where have you gone? Well I don't have time, and I need to keep working at my career. Well how many years have you been doing this? 10 years.

So she has remained single, for the last 10 years, working a steady job, never having the time in 10 years apparently to do anything, hasn't gone anywhere, and all she does is play video games and go to work.

Of course the punchline of this story is, roughly 6 months later after this conversation, she came on saying she got married, and they were going on a trip to the Bahamas. And that has been my experience numerous times. I think I've met only one girl that was single, and actually went everywhere and did stuff. One.

All the rest have had stories like the above. They say they want to be single to do all these amazing things... but then they end up just working a job, living alone, and doing nothing. Just saying.... that's what I've seen.

Really? Of the women I know they travel frequently and do a great many things. Perhaps, it's the job? I work in a pretty demanding field that many people can't do. So, getting away is imperative. Hell, I worked with a nurse that would use all of her vacation time traveling to Central and South America bringing medical supplies and doing the same thing she did at work. Made no sense to me but that was her thang. That and hanging out in New Orleans. I have also met women who are terrified of the interstate. Perhaps it's the person?

Like I said, it's just been my experience. One thing I always do, is ask people if they really are happy. Is this life they now have that they always wanted, really as great as they expected? That's when the truth comes out.

But I accept that you say those you are around are happy with their life choices. Even then I always wonder about such people, because 10 or 20 years down the line, when all the hope of having a real marriage and a real family are past, do they really end up saying it was worth it. When they reach their final years, and they either have no kids, or they spent so much time at work their kids are completely disconnected to them, and they have no husband of course, and most of their friends have move on to their own families.... was that career really worth everything?

It's funny because for decades in American history, it was wives begging their husbands not to be workaholics, and end up at the end of their lives finding no one cared for them.

Now women do the exact same thing, to a larger degree.

It's just like that survey from before showed... single professional women without kids are the most unhappy workers in the entire country.

I have heard some Boomers say they regret not having children in their little 3 paragraphs of Huffington Post crap. So BUT, I have heard an equal amount of regret from people who married and had kids. They will tell you straight up that they were too selfish and should never have taken that on. Men and women equally.

Every so many years somebody kicks out a whose happier survey. Never mind the fact that emotions cannot be quantified.
Older women happier? Yep.
No Groom, No Gloom: Never-Married Women Just as Happy

Single women happier? Yep.
Why single ladies (and men, too!) might be happier

Widows happier? Yep.
Single women are healthier and happier than married women - and it's no surprise

Married women happier? Yep.
Why Married Women Are Happier Than Single Women

According to all of these surveys, everybody is happier than everyone else.

I have no regrets. Of my closest friends, if they have regrets they aren't sharing them.

I get your point, but I don't know if that is entirely valid.

If a woman, literally never wanted to be married, never had interest in being married, and in pure honest truth.... Then I would expect those never-marrieds to be just as happy as married women. Mother Teresa was likely happy.

Fact is, most women don't want to be alone. The comparison isn't legitimate.

The single ladies, I just flat out don't believe it. The claim they are just as happy, I doubt it. I think in the moment, these women seem happy, until they get older, and then suddenly they regret having someone who lives them their whole lives.

I base this on several experiences. My mother worked as a school teacher, and she had to teachers at the school who were single, and are still single to this day. Both of them at the time, would have swore up and down, that they were single, loved being single, and wouldn't change the world for being single.

That was then. This is now. Now they have no friends. They have no family. They have no children or grand children. No one visits them. No one talks to them. They are completely and utterly alone. My mother can't be there all the time for them anymore. She's got 6 grand kids, and family, and she is constantly busy.

Now I could be wrong. Wouldn't be the first time, or 800th... but I don't think should would have lived her life the way she did, had she known how it would end.

The other one was talking about Widows. That's an entirely different discussion. As the article said, women generally out live men. As a result, they end up being care taker of their husbands on their way out. Of course taking care of a dying person is stressful and tiresome.

So of course if you compare a widow to someone still taking care of their husbands, yeah the widow is going to have less stress, and be more happy. Thankfully we have research institutions with millions in government grants, and to figure out the obvious for us.
There's nothing wrong with prostitution (aside from a risk of STDs) conducted by a grown, independent woman. It's a potentially lucrative form of self employment, and God knows jobs are disappearing with increasing automation and computerization. So far, though, there are no robots capable of providing sexual services.

So..... If your wife or girlfriend, were to run off to a male prostitute..... You have no problem whatsoever with this? I mean you might not be very saticifying in bed, or just not showing her the attention she needs. And male prostitutes have many ways of meeting a girls needs.... and it's a lucrative form of self employment... and we know jobs are disappearing.... Man's gotta work, and there are no robots to meet a wife's sexual needs.

You would have no problem whatsoever, huh?
There's nothing wrong with prostitution (aside from a risk of STDs) conducted by a grown, independent woman. It's a potentially lucrative form of self employment, and God knows jobs are disappearing with increasing automation and computerization. So far, though, there are no robots capable of providing sexual services.

So..... If your wife or girlfriend, were to run off to a male prostitute..... You have no problem whatsoever with this? I mean you might not be very saticifying in bed, or just not showing her the attention she needs. And male prostitutes have many ways of meeting a girls needs.... and it's a lucrative form of self employment... and we know jobs are disappearing.... Man's gotta work, and there are no robots to meet a wife's sexual needs.

You would have no problem whatsoever, huh?
If SHE (your little Suzi Rottencrotch) ran OFF with HIM then HE WOULD NO LONGER BE a puto (male prostitute) would he ???
That is one of the reasons that is often cited for men not getting married. Right up there with having to give up space, loss of friends and what is viewed as loss of power and.........paperwork. Men in the media are depicted as oafs. This is not a valued position. There is absolutely nothing to gain from being married.

Oddly enough you are wrong on why women choose not to get married and have children. They don't want to get married and have children because the world is awesome and to be explored, they watch others get married because they are afraid of being alone, and there are options. In fact, guys are a dime a dozen if that is what you're looking for. What you have depicted as married life is absolute misery. There is absolutely nothing to gain from being married.

You know, I heard that claim before too. I've heard some women say exactly what you just said "because the world is awesome and to be explored".

I actually heard that from a friend of mine. She gave me this long list of all the amazing things she wanted to do, and she didn't want to get married because she wanted to do all these things.

So I was curious about this. We have been friends for several years, and we talked openly. So I decided to ask her about this. What have you done so far? I was expecting the tales of her adventures. Instead she talked about getting a job, and working. Where have you gone? Well I don't have time, and I need to keep working at my career. Well how many years have you been doing this? 10 years.

So she has remained single, for the last 10 years, working a steady job, never having the time in 10 years apparently to do anything, hasn't gone anywhere, and all she does is play video games and go to work.

Of course the punchline of this story is, roughly 6 months later after this conversation, she came on saying she got married, and they were going on a trip to the Bahamas. And that has been my experience numerous times. I think I've met only one girl that was single, and actually went everywhere and did stuff. One.

All the rest have had stories like the above. They say they want to be single to do all these amazing things... but then they end up just working a job, living alone, and doing nothing. Just saying.... that's what I've seen.

Really? Of the women I know they travel frequently and do a great many things. Perhaps, it's the job? I work in a pretty demanding field that many people can't do. So, getting away is imperative. Hell, I worked with a nurse that would use all of her vacation time traveling to Central and South America bringing medical supplies and doing the same thing she did at work. Made no sense to me but that was her thang. That and hanging out in New Orleans. I have also met women who are terrified of the interstate. Perhaps it's the person?

Like I said, it's just been my experience. One thing I always do, is ask people if they really are happy. Is this life they now have that they always wanted, really as great as they expected? That's when the truth comes out.

But I accept that you say those you are around are happy with their life choices. Even then I always wonder about such people, because 10 or 20 years down the line, when all the hope of having a real marriage and a real family are past, do they really end up saying it was worth it. When they reach their final years, and they either have no kids, or they spent so much time at work their kids are completely disconnected to them, and they have no husband of course, and most of their friends have move on to their own families.... was that career really worth everything?

It's funny because for decades in American history, it was wives begging their husbands not to be workaholics, and end up at the end of their lives finding no one cared for them.

Now women do the exact same thing, to a larger degree.

It's just like that survey from before showed... single professional women without kids are the most unhappy workers in the entire country.

I have heard some Boomers say they regret not having children in their little 3 paragraphs of Huffington Post crap. So BUT, I have heard an equal amount of regret from people who married and had kids. They will tell you straight up that they were too selfish and should never have taken that on. Men and women equally.

Every so many years somebody kicks out a whose happier survey. Never mind the fact that emotions cannot be quantified.
Older women happier? Yep.
No Groom, No Gloom: Never-Married Women Just as Happy

Single women happier? Yep.
Why single ladies (and men, too!) might be happier

Widows happier? Yep.
Single women are healthier and happier than married women - and it's no surprise

Married women happier? Yep.
Why Married Women Are Happier Than Single Women

According to all of these surveys, everybody is happier than everyone else.

I have no regrets. Of my closest friends, if they have regrets they aren't sharing them.

I get your point, but I don't know if that is entirely valid.

If a woman, literally never wanted to be married, never had interest in being married, and in pure honest truth.... Then I would expect those never-marrieds to be just as happy as married women. Mother Teresa was likely happy.

Fact is, most women don't want to be alone. The comparison isn't legitimate.

The single ladies, I just flat out don't believe it. The claim they are just as happy, I doubt it. I think in the moment, these women seem happy, until they get older, and then suddenly they regret having someone who lives them their whole lives.

I base this on several experiences. My mother worked as a school teacher, and she had to teachers at the school who were single, and are still single to this day. Both of them at the time, would have swore up and down, that they were single, loved being single, and wouldn't change the world for being single.

That was then. This is now. Now they have no friends. They have no family. They have no children or grand children. No one visits them. No one talks to them. They are completely and utterly alone. My mother can't be there all the time for them anymore. She's got 6 grand kids, and family, and she is constantly busy.

Now I could be wrong. Wouldn't be the first time, or 800th... but I don't think should would have lived her life the way she did, had she known how it would end.

The other one was talking about Widows. That's an entirely different discussion. As the article said, women generally out live men. As a result, they end up being care taker of their husbands on their way out. Of course taking care of a dying person is stressful and tiresome.

So of course if you compare a widow to someone still taking care of their husbands, yeah the widow is going to have less stress, and be more happy. Thankfully we have research institutions with millions in government grants, and to figure out the obvious for us.
Matrimony is the condemnation to monogamy.

1 - Not everyone is cut out for this, and

2 - half of everyone makes a very bad choice.
You need only rationalize to yourself ... which, I must admit, your post does a fine job.

Let me look here. Nope, not giving a damn what you think.

Then, I seriously suggest you go back and actually read the posts.

You're trolling. This is me, still not caring.

As you will ... but I don't believe a damn word of it.
Really? Of the women I know they travel frequently and do a great many things. Perhaps, it's the job? I work in a pretty demanding field that many people can't do. So, getting away is imperative. Hell, I worked with a nurse that would use all of her vacation time traveling to Central and South America bringing medical supplies and doing the same thing she did at work. Made no sense to me but that was her thang. That and hanging out in New Orleans. I have also met women who are terrified of the interstate. Perhaps it's the person?

Like I said, it's just been my experience. One thing I always do, is ask people if they really are happy. Is this life they now have that they always wanted, really as great as they expected? That's when the truth comes out.

But I accept that you say those you are around are happy with their life choices. Even then I always wonder about such people, because 10 or 20 years down the line, when all the hope of having a real marriage and a real family are past, do they really end up saying it was worth it. When they reach their final years, and they either have no kids, or they spent so much time at work their kids are completely disconnected to them, and they have no husband of course, and most of their friends have move on to their own families.... was that career really worth everything?

It's funny because for decades in American history, it was wives begging their husbands not to be workaholics, and end up at the end of their lives finding no one cared for them.

Now women do the exact same thing, to a larger degree.

It's just like that survey from before showed... single professional women without kids are the most unhappy workers in the entire country.

I have heard some Boomers say they regret not having children in their little 3 paragraphs of Huffington Post crap. So BUT, I have heard an equal amount of regret from people who married and had kids. They will tell you straight up that they were too selfish and should never have taken that on. Men and women equally.

Every so many years somebody kicks out a whose happier survey. Never mind the fact that emotions cannot be quantified.
Older women happier? Yep.
No Groom, No Gloom: Never-Married Women Just as Happy

Single women happier? Yep.
Why single ladies (and men, too!) might be happier

Widows happier? Yep.
Single women are healthier and happier than married women - and it's no surprise

Married women happier? Yep.
Why Married Women Are Happier Than Single Women

According to all of these surveys, everybody is happier than everyone else.

I have no regrets. Of my closest friends, if they have regrets they aren't sharing them.

As you will ... but I don't believe it.

I presume you didn't ACTUALLY read your links ... the first one says that only older women (over 60) are just as happy. In fact, it really makes a strong case for man/woman pairing, unless, of course, you're interpreting it with a preconceived viewpoint.

The second article - written by a life-long single woman - tries mightily to justify her decisions, with really cool facts about their health, not their happiness, and tries to claim that being self-centered and alone somehow makes them "happier". It further claims that the relationship with friends is a suitable substitute for intimacy and caring between a loving couple.

The third claims that widows are "happier" because they have less stress because their husbands are dead and they only have to focus on themselves ... duh! Not happier - less stressed. Of course, they didn't bother to ask the ladies if they were "happier" without their husbands.

In short, you posted a bunch of slanted feminist propaganda that tries to justify a preconceived position, rather than provide a valid proof of an enhanced lifestyle.

More rationalization ....

It's a wonder the world survived with all those women being forced to put up with men. Probably should just take them all out and kill them, huh?

You missed the point. Happiness is an emotion. Emotion can't be quantified. Every few years someone kicks out a survey one way or the other. I can find a survey to say what I want. If you are making the claim that single working women are the most unhappy then I can find one that says the opposite. If you are going to troll at least make an attempt to be .intelligent. Since you have decided to be intentionally obtuse and create issues where none exist, welcome to ignore.

No, I did not miss the point. You attempted to use surveys to prove your point. Now, you want to backtrack and claim that the very surveys you purported proved your point are flawed (which was my point in the first place).

I don't troll --- but I do directly, and explicitly, challenge your proposition that single/widowed women are intrinsically happier because they don't have men in their lives. Another "if you don't agree, I'm going to censor you" maven?
But you Spare_change omitted your point.

What is your point ???
There's nothing wrong with prostitution (aside from a risk of STDs) conducted by a grown, independent woman. It's a potentially lucrative form of self employment, and God knows jobs are disappearing with increasing automation and computerization. So far, though, there are no robots capable of providing sexual services.
This is certainly the French, German, Russian, and Ukrainian view.
You need only rationalize to yourself ... which, I must admit, your post does a fine job.

Let me look here. Nope, not giving a damn what you think.

Then, I seriously suggest you go back and actually read the posts.

You're trolling. This is me, still not caring.

As you will ... but I don't believe a damn word of it.
Like I said, it's just been my experience. One thing I always do, is ask people if they really are happy. Is this life they now have that they always wanted, really as great as they expected? That's when the truth comes out.

But I accept that you say those you are around are happy with their life choices. Even then I always wonder about such people, because 10 or 20 years down the line, when all the hope of having a real marriage and a real family are past, do they really end up saying it was worth it. When they reach their final years, and they either have no kids, or they spent so much time at work their kids are completely disconnected to them, and they have no husband of course, and most of their friends have move on to their own families.... was that career really worth everything?

It's funny because for decades in American history, it was wives begging their husbands not to be workaholics, and end up at the end of their lives finding no one cared for them.

Now women do the exact same thing, to a larger degree.

It's just like that survey from before showed... single professional women without kids are the most unhappy workers in the entire country.

I have heard some Boomers say they regret not having children in their little 3 paragraphs of Huffington Post crap. So BUT, I have heard an equal amount of regret from people who married and had kids. They will tell you straight up that they were too selfish and should never have taken that on. Men and women equally.

Every so many years somebody kicks out a whose happier survey. Never mind the fact that emotions cannot be quantified.
Older women happier? Yep.
No Groom, No Gloom: Never-Married Women Just as Happy

Single women happier? Yep.
Why single ladies (and men, too!) might be happier

Widows happier? Yep.
Single women are healthier and happier than married women - and it's no surprise

Married women happier? Yep.
Why Married Women Are Happier Than Single Women

According to all of these surveys, everybody is happier than everyone else.

I have no regrets. Of my closest friends, if they have regrets they aren't sharing them.

As you will ... but I don't believe it.

I presume you didn't ACTUALLY read your links ... the first one says that only older women (over 60) are just as happy. In fact, it really makes a strong case for man/woman pairing, unless, of course, you're interpreting it with a preconceived viewpoint.

The second article - written by a life-long single woman - tries mightily to justify her decisions, with really cool facts about their health, not their happiness, and tries to claim that being self-centered and alone somehow makes them "happier". It further claims that the relationship with friends is a suitable substitute for intimacy and caring between a loving couple.

The third claims that widows are "happier" because they have less stress because their husbands are dead and they only have to focus on themselves ... duh! Not happier - less stressed. Of course, they didn't bother to ask the ladies if they were "happier" without their husbands.

In short, you posted a bunch of slanted feminist propaganda that tries to justify a preconceived position, rather than provide a valid proof of an enhanced lifestyle.

More rationalization ....

It's a wonder the world survived with all those women being forced to put up with men. Probably should just take them all out and kill them, huh?

You missed the point. Happiness is an emotion. Emotion can't be quantified. Every few years someone kicks out a survey one way or the other. I can find a survey to say what I want. If you are making the claim that single working women are the most unhappy then I can find one that says the opposite. If you are going to troll at least make an attempt to be .intelligent. Since you have decided to be intentionally obtuse and create issues where none exist, welcome to ignore.

No, I did not miss the point. You attempted to use surveys to prove your point. Now, you want to backtrack and claim that the very surveys you purported proved your point are flawed (which was my point in the first place).

I don't troll --- but I do directly, and explicitly, challenge your proposition that single/widowed women are intrinsically happier because they don't have men in their lives. Another "if you don't agree, I'm going to censor you" maven?
But you Spare_change omitted your point.

What is your point ???

Simple ---- when the polls were used to supposedly prove that single/divorced/widowed women are happier, they were great polls.

When it was pointed out that polls didn't say that at all, they suddenly became tools of manipulation.

Both can't be true - since they came from the same person.

My overall point, however, was much more global ... I do not believe that the vast majority of women are happier without a romantic relationship. I DO believe, however, that most have to try to convince themselves they are happier, and by and large, that's what we see in this thread.
Now that the thread has descended into misogyny it is obvious that the OP question has an answer. NO.

Exactly when did honesty get labeled misogyny??
I complained about a few posts and the mods have deleted them. Cleaned up the thread. The point of my post still stands though.
What we have is a bunch of men telling women what they need to be happy. The OP is also a single guy so his coal face knowledge of the marriage situation is a bit questionable.

So, what you're basically saying is, that anybody who doesn't agree with your viewpoint MUST be wrong, and needs to be censored. The subject was raised - I don't recall anybody claiming that men shouldn't/couldn't comment on the subject at hand.

Frankly, I find this to be offensive in the extreme.

If you didn't want to know the answer, then you shouldn't have asked the question.
Im not the OP. I complained about some offensive posts. The thread is basically him,and others, telling women what they need to be happy. Why should you be offended ?
unequal protection of the law for poor; engenders prostitution.

unemployment compensation on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States, would mean only, "more efficient" labor market participants would be capitally motivated to engage in being "professional women", not "amateur women".

the same could be expected in the non-porn sector as well.
Now that the thread has descended into misogyny it is obvious that the OP question has an answer. NO.

Exactly when did honesty get labeled misogyny??
I complained about a few posts and the mods have deleted them. Cleaned up the thread. The point of my post still stands though.
What we have is a bunch of men telling women what they need to be happy. The OP is also a single guy so his coal face knowledge of the marriage situation is a bit questionable.

So, what you're basically saying is, that anybody who doesn't agree with your viewpoint MUST be wrong, and needs to be censored. The subject was raised - I don't recall anybody claiming that men shouldn't/couldn't comment on the subject at hand.

Frankly, I find this to be offensive in the extreme.

If you didn't want to know the answer, then you shouldn't have asked the question.
Im not the OP. I complained about some offensive posts. The thread is basically him,and others, telling women what they need to be happy. Why should you be offended ?
Now that the thread has descended into misogyny it is obvious that the OP question has an answer. NO.

Exactly when did honesty get labeled misogyny??
I complained about a few posts and the mods have deleted them. Cleaned up the thread. The point of my post still stands though.
What we have is a bunch of men telling women what they need to be happy. The OP is also a single guy so his coal face knowledge of the marriage situation is a bit questionable.

So, what you're basically saying is, that anybody who doesn't agree with your viewpoint MUST be wrong, and needs to be censored. The subject was raised - I don't recall anybody claiming that men shouldn't/couldn't comment on the subject at hand.

Frankly, I find this to be offensive in the extreme.

If you didn't want to know the answer, then you shouldn't have asked the question.
Im not the OP. I complained about some offensive posts. The thread is basically him,and others, telling women what they need to be happy. Why should you be offended ?
Your blatant attempt to discount comments, merely because they come from men, is offensive and repressive. To somehow presume that men don't dare have an opinion on this subject, or any other, simply because they are men is an insult and an attack on our personal rights.
To Post 1 - I didn't read every thread in here, how about the opposite side of the coin?

So I'm a 43 year old woman, big on mom duty, can't cook admittedly, but I love sex. I'd say I'm mostly traditional in the whole husband "role" vs wife "role"

I believed strongly in raising my kids myself even though I did want to have a career and originally planned to until my first baby boy looked up at me and I said hmm... So I stayed home with them and handled /everything/ to do with them. Ended up divorced - first husband fell in love with someone else, not too big a deal cause our marriage was idk too fast and we'd only stuck together for the kids. But ya know, I find another guy and he's West Point seems stand up with lots of ex girlfriend trouble. For 17 fucking years I do everything I can to help him, I spend as much time as I can with him, and I've only bitched about the fact that /he/ was too tired to have sex with me. I took care of his kid from another mother for 12 years, and my boys too; getting them to school and doctors appointments, all the cub/boy scouts, all the football, baseball, soccer, band, ice skating, swimming, you name it, it was /always/ me taking them.

He decides to go find someone else because I can't cook, can't fix cars, not a carpenter, not a plumber... It's not money, I have it all, but he still wants me to have a job so I'm being "productive" - I just left my last job 4 years ago and decided to work on a publishing another novel series and produce an anime. He bitches that I never do anything cause I'm on the computer all day... I'm like no shit Sherlock that's usually where fucking writers do their work... He says I haven't contributed anything to the household - the fuck... And as for "taking care of me" or "giving me his money" FUUUCK NO, in fact hes so greedy about /his/ money that he wouldn't give me a dime if it might save my life lol Not that I need it, I've got like a mil five in the market. Which is why him being pissed that I retired is so utterly stupid. I mean he pays bills, which I guess is the only really "traditional" thing about him, but he's fucking resentful about it, always bitching about he's working his ass off to pay them - and I'm like well fucking stop it and I'll pay for them then and he says basically "I'm not your bitch!" But he's like jealous as fuck or something that I could just not work anymore, hell he could not work anymore too and I'd pay for it but he doesn't want to be reliant on me or some shit. I don't get it at all.

So yea, other than the cooking thing I'm a pretty good wife and I got shit on for being a traditional wife instead of one who has a career.
You should keep paying for hookers.

If you think a wife is a "burden" who should pay you back with sex, I don't think feminists are the problem.
No need to raise your hackles. I see I've struck a nerve... Lemme guess... I sound like an ex husband? FWIW... I don't patronize hookers. Though I can understand the appeal. However if half my assets are on the line... That ass is mine. Simple as that.

I don't have an ex-husband.

My hackles are raised (not really) because you seem to see a wife as a piece of property, rather than a partner.

Which is why I think the smart thing for you to do is to keep paying for hookers.

Me, I was glad to have my best friend for the time I had him.
Your illiteracy isn't my problem. I don't see a wife as property. I one as a partner. And that includes sex. Sex is the only aspect that differentiates, wife from "friend". No sex? No wife. Deal with it...

Hey, don't get your hackles up. You're the one who wrote, "that ass is mine."

I can deal with your views on relationships, since they don't affect me. I'm trying to have a discussion.
As am I. As for "That ass is mine". It goes both ways. To be a spouse you need to be willing to be another person's "everything". isn't just about sex.
Having a wife, but not getting the sex; is like hosting a formal banquet, without the eating.
A complete, and total waste of time, effort, and money...
If all you want out of marriage is sex then why get married?
Who ever said that I did. That would be retarded. It'd be cheaper to pay for a hooker.
However a marriage without the sex, isn't a marriage. It's a needy ungrateful roomate, and another mouth to feed. Not to mention a serious impediment to the pursuits in life that make you happy.
It is always cheaper to pay for hookers than alimony.

But they don't teach you that in high school.
probanly because its not true.
I think sex is meaningless in the scope of any relationship, but especially marriage. Not that husband and wife shouldn't have sex, but that having sex with others isn't a reflection on the relationship. Marriage is about the /other/ things that mere sex can't touch. It's about commitment and long term plans together, about dying together...

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