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Really, has it never occurred to you that the lack of real economic opportunities, or even a decent education for children of poor US communities, is a large contributing factor to the number of black and hispanics currently incarcerated. Studies on justice in America have repeatedly shown that white offenders are far more likely to be given probation, community service or suspended sentences than blacks.

What I see is that things have changed for blacks in the US, in some ways for the worse. But the racism is more subtle. Over-policing of black neighbourhoods. Loss of physical education and sports programs in poor neighbourhood schools due to budget cuts, and closing of community centres. Americans are wasting their human resources.

And then we have the prison work programs, when prisoners are required to work for businesses for pennies a day, while operators of private prisons charge substantially more to the companies which employ them. The work is often dirty, dangerous, and it is not optional for the prisoners. This is modern day slavery.

1.) Decent education? CHI teachers make about $75K for 9mo work. USA spends huge on Education racket. Social Engineering and lack of discipline make the schools do poorly.

2.) Loss of sports programs? are you kidding me? First things first, reading writing arithmetic. They get free food, day care after school, head start. What you wan, every Child to move in to bigger homes?

3.) Prison labor? please. make it stop.
By the way . Where are trumps records ? He wanted Obama to release his? What's he hiding ? I'm guessing the don had is own affirmative action .

His record is on his buildings or the side of his plane or golf courses. He built that.
Odd don't you think that there was no race war until Soros conjured one up then paid to manifest it? Suckers.

There isn't a race war. I'm old enough to remember what race riots look like. We aren't having anything like that today.

What we are having is people being righteously upset that the police treat their lives with callous disregard.

What I see today reminds me a lot of what I saw years ago. In my opinion, the real difference is that back then they had a legitimate beef, now it is just all BS.

Really, has it never occurred to you that the lack of real economic opportunities, or even a decent education for children of poor US communities, is a large contributing factor to the number of black and hispanics currently incarcerated. Studies on justice in America have repeatedly shown that white offenders are far more likely to be given probation, community service or suspended sentences than blacks.

What I see is that things have changed for blacks in the US, in some ways for the worse. But the racism is more subtle. Over-policing of black neighbourhoods. Loss of physical education and sports programs in poor neighbourhood schools due to budget cuts, and closing of community centres. Americans are wasting their human resources.

And then we have the prison work programs, when prisoners are required to work for businesses for pennies a day, while operators of private prisons charge substantially more to the companies which employ them. The work is often dirty, dangerous, and it is not optional for the prisoners. This is modern day slavery.

Has it ever occurred to you that people of any color of skin has achieved success if their talent and ambition let them do so?

Has it ever occurred to you that those who accomplished success and recognition did so without the racist and discriminatory affirmative action? Has it ever occurred to you that no deserving person needs the cuddling and humiliating affirmative action? Has it ever occurred to you that Jesse Owens needed no affirmative action? Neither had Ella Fitzgerald or Louis Armstrong? Or Jessie Norman? (Never mind you probably don't even know who she is).

Has it ever occurred to you that more white people on death row get executed than black people on death row?

Or that proportionately there are more black people on death row than white people, because they deserve to be there?

Has it ever occurred to you that the economic opportunities are there for everyone, EQUALLY, and any denial of that is nothing less than the denial of reality.

Has it ever occurred to you that the opportunity for decent education is there for everyone by the voucher system that your cohorts the teachers unions and the Democrats want to kill every ways they can?

Has it ever occur to you that the greatest danger to your existence is NOT climate change but those crooks who insist that it is?
Odd don't you think that there was no race war until Soros conjured one up then paid to manifest it? Suckers.

There isn't a race war. I'm old enough to remember what race riots look like. We aren't having anything like that today.

What we are having is people being righteously upset that the police treat their lives with callous disregard.

Protecting ones self against a violent thug doesn't mean they treat that persons life with "callous disregard". It means self defense against someone who has chosen to threaten a cop.
Define Irony: calling those racist who challenge policies that result in high unemployment among blacks and deny black children the opportunity to attend parochial school via vouchers. How goddamn racist can that be?
that is a good synopsis of the PC meme that the left wing created, thanks. All BS but thanks.

So the Media and the left wing created this, not you guys and your statements that you were going to do everything you could to oppose anything this president did, including shutting down the government and oppossing ideas you previously supported, because the Black Guy was in the white house.

What I see today reminds me a lot of what I saw years ago. In my opinion, the real difference is that back then they had a legitimate beef, now it is just all BS.

Tamir Rice. - 12 years old and shot while playing with a gun.
Sandra Bland - arrested for a minor traffic violation and died in jail
LaQuan McDonald - Shot 16 times, 15 of them when he was on the ground.
Walter Scott- Shot in the back, attempted to plant his taser on the body.

I could list a lot more.


The Oregon Nutters- Allowed to waive their guns around for months.
Dylan Roof - Taken into custody and then they treated him to Burger King because the poor dear was looking peckish.
Joker Holmes - taken into custody without being shot.

Oh, but they were white.

You really need to watch the video. The same that was said about Obama was said about Clinton by Republicans. It was said about Bush and Reagan by democrats. It is what the two party system is. But it is your side the interjects race. It is your side that makes black a trait. You raise Obama onto a pedestal because he is black, not because he is accomplished. After all "I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy," Biden said. "I mean, that's storybook."

In other words, Obama is something other than a typical mumbling, stupid, dull and dirty mean looking guy, man that is so ghetto. That democrat racist gets away with saying that BS, how? If Trump would have said anything near that you folks would be swallowing your tongues, tear your clothes in anguish. But Biden, he gets a pass.

Or call blacks super-predators who need to be brought to heel. WTF is wrong with that racist?

You need to watch the video, then you will see you typify everything that the video talks about and you typify what is wrong in America.

No one is excusing cops gone bad, no one.

It seems to me that the facts presented are pretty persuasive. I don't think that answer is calling them super predators that need brought to heel. Somehow people need to be brought to believe that life does matter especially their own. Slogans that divide, BLM, isn't going to heal the nation from the mess Obama has created.

The race industry is far too powerful, they're not going to let that happen.

The race pimps must be culturally marginalized before any real healing can begin.

And that is the PCness you should be railing against, not some BS comment about hand sizes.
Its odd that we cant confront the facts. Blacks kill each other in huge numbers and a large number of race crimes. This Is 2016. Let's ignore that. Let's emphasize white racism like it was STILL 1916.
Its odd that we cant confront the facts. Blacks kill each other in huge numbers and a large number of race crimes. This Is 2016. Let's ignore that. Let's emphasize white racism like it was STILL 1916.

Watch the video, you will see why.
The modis operandi at the moment for conservatives. Blame the black guy for the racists in the conservative's political party.

Nothing new under the sun.
The modis operandi at the moment for conservatives. Blame the black guy for the racists in the conservative's political party.

Nothing new under the sun.

Oh Jiminy Cricket the Republican party is too scared to be racist. You are just repeating the same tired old mantra.

Meanwhile "Super predator" Clinton is the democrat front runner. Or "I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy," Biden said. "I mean, that's storybook." Racist being VP. Whow just whow.

Watch the damn video.
Its odd that we cant confront the facts. Blacks kill each other in huge numbers and a large number of race crimes. This Is 2016. Let's ignore that. Let's emphasize white racism like it was STILL 1916.

Watch the video, you will see why.
I watched it. Preaching to the choir, I lived through similar circumstances. Instead, I actually saw what happened. Loud mouthed Black demagogues, they fled and were threatened with perjury, alleging racism. That incident was my touchstone, they got away with it. Black racism, black hate, what do we do? Ignore it and pretend it doesn't mater or exist. It does, big-time.
Yeah, let's get this straight.

The black guy gets elected. And low and behold, the "RACIST" country elects him again. Real, Real Racist!!

The REAL racist assholes are the ones who try to excuse Obama for all his gigantic domestic and international failures by calling anyone who dares to disagree with his pro-black, pro-Muslim, pro-Communist, anti-capitalist back stabbing America agenda a racist, for lack of a valid argument.

These pro-Obama assholes would be hard pressed to show a Christian elected to be the head of state in a Muslim country. Or a white person in any of the African hell hole countries. Or a decent person in Cuba or any of the countries who are surviving the remnant of the Communist evil Empire that was destroyed by Ronald Reagan.

Obama showed no signs that he feels for or loves the country that put him in the highest office of the land, TWICE.

Some assholes simply don't have the words "gratitude" and "thanks" in their vocabulary.

if you guys afforded Obama the deference and respect and spirit of cooperation that every WHITE president was afforded, you might have an argument.

That isn't what happened, though.

But let's take this statement apart.

The REAL racist assholes are the ones who try to excuse Obama for all his gigantic domestic and international failures by calling anyone who dares to disagree with his pro-black, pro-Muslim, pro-Communist, anti-capitalist back stabbing America agenda a racist, for lack of a valid argument.

So let's look at this. "Pro-Black", are you saying that the Previous policies of Republican presidents were "anti-Black". What do you mean by "Pro-Black"? That they might get treated just the same as white people? The horror.

"pro-Muslim"? Really? Besides the fact that even George W. Stupid had the good sense to NOT make the War on an Emotional State a conflict of Christianity vs. Islam.

"pro-Communist, anti-capitalist" I missed the part where he nationalized the banks and the Auto INdustry... It looks like he bailed them out, and allowed them to make record obscene profits. So I'm just not seeing the "Pro-Communist". Similarly, instead of just going to some Commie Single Payer system, he built on the existing system of private insurance as advocated by the Heritage Foundation and Mitt Romney.

So, essentially, give your irrational statements, one can only sensible conclude "Racism".
Ole bull we disagreed with Obama's policies and liberals started calling everyone racist all the time. Liberals created this mess, by over using the race card.

I think that if you had to put up with what black folks in this country have to put up EVERY DAY, you wouldn't talk smack like that.

Check your privilage, buddy.

No Republican ever disgraced himself/herself, with false charges, lies, fabrications and imaginary wrong doings like the icon of the Left and probably the personal icon of JoeB131, the "Reverend" Al Sharpton. No Republican of Sharpton's stature ever lowered himself/herself to the same sewer as Sharpton resides. No Republican ever dreamed up a scenario where a black guy raped and vandalized a white girl. Did not need to dream it up because reality beats dreams.

So you are still whining about something that happened back in 1987? Really? I'm not fond of Sharpton particularly, but if that's the best answer to the murders of black citizens by police is "30 years ago, Sharpton promoted some dubious allegations", then I think you make my point for me.
Its odd that we cant confront the facts. Blacks kill each other in huge numbers and a large number of race crimes. This Is 2016. Let's ignore that. Let's emphasize white racism like it was STILL 1916.

Watch the video, you will see why.
I watched it. Preaching to the choir, I lived through similar circumstances. Instead, I actually saw what happened. Loud mouthed Black demagogues, they fled and were threatened with perjury, alleging racism. That incident was my touchstone, they got away with it. Black racism, black hate, what do we do? Ignore it and pretend it doesn't mater or exist. It does, big-time.

My point is that it isn't so much what the blacks do it is about an agenda. What the blacks are doing is the results of that agenda, PC is the cover.
1.) Decent education? CHI teachers make about $75K for 9mo work. USA spends huge on Education racket. Social Engineering and lack of discipline make the schools do poorly.

I think it's also the lack of infrastructure and resources that a large part of the problem. For instance, you gripe about that 76K, but how many of those teachers are paying for school supplies out of their own salaries?

2.) Loss of sports programs? are you kidding me? First things first, reading writing arithmetic. They get free food, day care after school, head start. What you wan, every Child to move in to bigger homes?

I have no problem reviewing things that arent' working, but it seems to me that you are upset that these poor black kids are getting things like food that white people take for granted.

3.) Prison labor? please. make it stop.

We've gone from 500,000 prisoners in 1980 to over 2 million today. Compare that to Germany or Japan, who lock up less than 100,000. We are locking up too many people for things they shouldn't be locked up for.

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