Ferguson its going to get ugly if riots begin. KKK warning to them..

I believe violence will occur. But it won't be the 'KKK' Boogeyman doing it. It will be racist African American Democrats doing it. The 'KKK' Boogeyman is just a White Communist Media scam.
Oh, and become a 'Prepper.' Don't listen to assholes who ridicule and dismiss. Arm yourself. Protect yourself and your family. Don't leave yourself defenseless for when the SHTF.

Human Beings can become rabid wild animals at the drop of a hat. It really doesn't take much to turn a Human Being's life upside down. Ferguson is just a tiny preview of what's to come. Much darker days are ahead. Get prepared.
As soon as the THUGERY starts to loot, they should be shot! End of riot when a few dozen are reduced to a few dollars worth of chemicals!

We abolished the death penalty for misdemeanors buddy. I know, they're black so it's okay.
You stupid cock sucker.
BM was NOT committing a "misdemeanor".
The GJ has heard testimony from at least six NEGROES who all state BM was running towards Wilson when Wilson shot in self defense.
That is NOT surrendering you fool.
Fucking go away and take your 'Tree Dwelling' 'Special Needs' Negro, dope smoking stink with you.
are you really shocked...She is one brain cell away from coma

And yet you think you're right for supporting people that destroy other people's livelihoods?
nope i do not. They said they will not do anything until their life or property is threatened. They have every right just like you and me to protect themselves and i think the KKK are some of the worst people in the world. Democrats should be proud of them since they started the Klan .. Look what the rioters did the last time . Ruined peoples property that had nothing to do with anything .. I dont think anyone in St Louis should sit back and let them have field day just because they dont like the truth
Rioting sets the black man back 50 years. If it take vigilantes (ie KKK) to fight back or keep the peace, then so be it. Rioters have to pay for their lawlessness no matter their skin color.

So the KKK should be allowed to kill black people? Ah, the longing for the Jim Crow days is strong with this one.
I believe the KKK will be there protecting businesses from the looters. If the cop is indicted, then the KKK won't need to show up unless the looters come out in celebration which they've been known to do.
Ya. IF Wilson is indicted, the 'Special Needs' race will come out and loot and burn in celebration.
Bottom line is they couldn't give a shit about the town bully getting 'offed'. Hundreds of the Tree Dwellers' murder each other every fucking day for a pair of fucking Nikes. The Tree Dwellers never 'march' and protest about that fact. They want that fucking big screen in the window they know they would never be able to afford.
BOBO has had the GJ decision in his desk drawer for two weeks. BOBO is waiting for the best time to cause as much violence as possible among the 'Special Needs' race in order to take the focus off his Immigration Reform Bill.
You fucking read it here.
Michael Brown was a thug,he died being an asshole......getting exactly what he deserved.
So, we now kill thugs and assholes in this nation without a jury trial and day in court, and THAT is what you say they deserve?? The death penalty, for thuggery, and without a trial...just a wonderful thoughtless comment..... :(

The Grand Jury is not going to indict.

The kid came at the Police Officer.

Goodnight Irene.
Let chaos reign. Fucking wrong again. Poor liberals and their pathetic attempts at dividing the races.

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Actually the Klan is a Leftist organization like nazis, communists, socialist and democrats.

The modern Klan is a right-wing organization.

Official Ku Klux Klan Party Platform IS The GOP And Tea Party Agenda
The so-called modern KKK is spouting the same racist democrat nonsense they have since founded by that party. The KKK espouses using government to control certain groups. That is what liberals believe. Using the government to control people. Obamacare anyone? It's a stretch to suggest the TEA party and GOP are behind Obamacare. Arguing the KKK is the TEA Party has been debunked successfully every time liberals attempt it. There has never been a connection of the KKK and the GOP, but I can show volumes where the Democrat party embraced it and shares its goals.
Actually the Klan is a Leftist organization like nazis, communists, socialist and democrats.
The Right pushes that, but you know it's not true. The KKK was founded by Right Wing Democrats and is run by Right Wing Republicans today. Nazis and Neo Nazis .. the same ... Right Wing.
Debunked. KKK shares the liberal philosophy of controlling people and using the government to do it. That is not what conservatives believe.
Michael Brown was a thug,he died being an asshole......getting exactly what he deserved.
So, we now kill thugs and assholes in this nation without a jury trial and day in court, and THAT is what you say they deserve?? The death penalty, for thuggery, and without a trial...just a wonderful thoughtless comment..... :(
You are against self defense? That's lunacy.
Wait until the 'Special Needs' negroes are setting fire to the LIB pussy's homes. Who are these 'pyjama-boys' going to run to for help?
That's right. The men with the NRA signs in their windows.
And the racism from the uber far right ony grows.
Expecting blacks to assemble lawfully to protest what they consider injustice is now racist? Nobody has said blacks should not have the right to protest. It's incredible you uberLiberals believe the rioting is justified, but we know why you stand by and not criticize it.
FACT: The Klan values parallel those of the far right Republicans and Teabaggers.
Michael Brown was a thug,he died being an asshole......getting exactly what he deserved.
So, we now kill thugs and assholes in this nation without a jury trial and day in court, and THAT is what you say they deserve?? The death penalty, for thuggery, and without a trial...just a wonderful thoughtless comment..... :(
You are against self defense? That's lunacy.
Antares said he deserved to be killed because he was a thug and an asshole...well a thug and an asshole is not a reason to kill someone. Antares said nothing about it being Wilson's duty to kill him due to being certain he was going to be killed himself if he hadn't shot him in the head....you know, in self defense....Antares simply told the world it was okay to kill him because he was an asshole and a thug....and if Antares didn't mean that, then why say it?
Oh, and become a 'Prepper.' Don't listen to assholes who ridicule and dismiss. Arm yourself. Protect yourself and your family. Don't leave yourself defenseless for when the SHTF.

Human Beings can become rabid wild animals at the drop of a hat. It really doesn't take much to turn a Human Being's life upside down. Ferguson is just a tiny preview of what's to come. Much darker days are ahead. Get prepared.
Absolutely. It will spread to LA, Chucago, St Louis, Kansas City, New Orleans, Detriot. All liberal controlled cities.
Michael Brown was a thug,he died being an asshole......getting exactly what he deserved.
So, we now kill thugs and assholes in this nation without a jury trial and day in court, and THAT is what you say they deserve?? The death penalty, for thuggery, and without a trial...just a wonderful thoughtless comment..... :(
You are against self defense? That's lunacy.
Antares said he deserved to be killed because he was a thug and an asshole...well a thug and an asshole is not a reason to kill someone. Antares said nothing about it being Wilson's duty to kill him due to being certain he was going to be killed himself if he hadn't shot him in the head....you know, in self defense....Antares simply told the world it was okay to kill him because he was an asshole and a thug....and if Antares didn't mean that, then why say it?
if you carefully reread Antares, he's saying Brown died because of his actions, not because he was a thug.
Michael Brown was a thug,he died being an asshole......getting exactly what he deserved.
So, we now kill thugs and assholes in this nation without a jury trial and day in court, and THAT is what you say they deserve?? The death penalty, for thuggery, and without a trial...just a wonderful thoughtless comment..... :(
You are against self defense? That's lunacy.
Antares said he deserved to be killed because he was a thug and an asshole...well a thug and an asshole is not a reason to kill someone. Antares said nothing about it being Wilson's duty to kill him due to being certain he was going to be killed himself if he hadn't shot him in the head....you know, in self defense....Antares simply told the world it was okay to kill him because he was an asshole and a thug....and if Antares didn't mean that, then why say it?
if you carefully reread Antares, he's saying Brown died because of his actions, not because he was a thug.

Care knows that of course
FACT: The Klan values parallel those of the far right Republicans and Teabaggers.
Really? Then enumerate those parallels for us and back it up with facts, not your bigoted opinions. We know you think George Bush and Hitler are one in the same. But that's bullshit.
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