Ferguson its going to get ugly if riots begin. KKK warning to them..

I think clearly a case could be made here that if the KKK showed up in Ferguson, most people wouldn't give a fuck.
nope i do not. They said they will not do anything until their life or property is threatened. They have every right just like you and me to protect themselves and i think the KKK are some of the worst people in the world. Democrats should be proud of them since they started the Klan .. Look what the rioters did the last time . Ruined peoples property that had nothing to do with anything .. I dont think anyone in St Louis should sit back and let them have field day just because they dont like the truth
Rioting sets the black man back 50 years. If it take vigilantes (ie KKK) to fight back or keep the peace, then so be it. Rioters have to pay for their lawlessness no matter their skin color.

So the KKK should be allowed to kill black people? Ah, the longing for the Jim Crow days is strong with this one.
I believe the KKK will be there protecting businesses from the looters. If the cop is indicted, then the KKK won't need to show up unless the looters come out in celebration which they've been known to do.
not their job
Citizens have a responsibility to protect their neighborhoods if the police are overwhelmed.

not their job..I bet you get a tingle down your leg at the thought though
Hold on there, naysayers. Didn't this already get blown way out of proportion when the Black Panthers did the same thing? Where were you all then, wringing your hands and having a cow over the KKK deciding to throw in to the mix as well?

Personally, I figured this would happen. A sleeping giant HAS been awakened. Unfortunately, the ones speaking up are black thugs and now white sheet wearing thugs. Still, underneath all the smoldering is the crux of WHAT started all this. Or rather, WHO. And there are many many Who. Media, idiots ready to jump on the bandwagon without evidence forthcoming, and wannabe leaders like Sharpton and Jackson.

So....if KKK wants to jump on in there too...shrug. Why the fuck not. Everyone else has.
Yeah, I look forward to the Klan and the Cliven Bundy militia retards all showing up in Ferguson.
I am not a member of the KKK. Just got this on facebook. If true this is going to get ugly ..BREAKING The KKK Issues a Public Message to the Ferguson Rioters PHOTO
the link triggered an alert on my security program...
Attention: To the terrorists masquerading as ‘peaceful protestors’! [sic]”

“You have awakened a sleeping giant. The good people of St. Louis County of all races, colors, and creeds will not tolerate your threats of violence against our police officers, their families, and our communities.”

“We will not sit by and allow you to harm our families, communities, property nor [sic] disrupt our daily lives.”

{After pasting the Missouri code for the justification of self defense, the Klan flier reads,) “You have been warned by the Ku Klux Klan! There will be consequences for your acts of violence against the peaceful, law abiding citizens of Missouri.”

It ends with contact info for people who want help from the Klan in setting up a neighborhood watch in their area.
Black Panthers were telling rioters and looters to KILL white people.
Michael Brown was a thug,he died being an asshole......getting exactly what he deserved.
So, we now kill thugs and assholes in this nation without a jury trial and day in court, and THAT is what you say they deserve?? The death penalty, for thuggery, and without a trial...just a wonderful thoughtless comment..... :(
Some asshole attack me and threaten me with bodily harm, yep. Today, people kill you for just looking at them funny. Well, they better make damn sure I am dead cuz if I'm not, they WILL be.

Willynilly killing thugs? Depends on what they did. Steal something? no. Sell drugs? no. rape a child? oh hell yeah. Attack you? Again, hell yes.
Michael Brown was a thug,he died being an asshole......getting exactly what he deserved.
So, we now kill thugs and assholes in this nation without a jury trial and day in court, and THAT is what you say they deserve?? The death penalty, for thuggery, and without a trial...just a wonderful thoughtless comment..... :(
The violent negro feeling gratified from conquering a small gook for some cigars attacked the cop Wilson Care4all. What was the guy to do When the negro felt it was neccessary to reach for his gun and fight over it?
so the people who live there should just let these rioters destroy their property because they are upset that the cop was NOT in the wrong.. They said they wont do anything unless they get threatened
In all seriousness, the reguler people should arm themselves and fire on rioters. When both sides of the issue start taking casualties maybe they'll take their fight outside.

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