Ferguson its going to get ugly if riots begin. KKK warning to them..

Your next cl
I don't like it as they're supporting the people doing the crimes. So we defund law enforcement and hang wilson without a trial?

Where did I say hang officer Wilson? Nowhere, you're hallucinating.

And most protest groups have been handing out flyers telling people to protest peacefully and to not riot. So how are these protestors supporting the people doing the crimes? Or do you believe that the fact that they are protesting police action that they are encouraging these acts (which they are not)?

Why protest? Do they have any real evidence that thye're not going to get a fair trial??? This is a environment that is causing a lot of problems.

Because they have a constitutional right to do so regardless of what you think? I mean seriously why do you think black people don't deserve to assemble and express their grievances toward the government?
Looting is not an acceptable form of expressing grievances.

When the Rodney King riots were going I was stunned that the blacks there were so stupid that they were burning down their own homes and neighborhoods.
When New Orleans was flooded, those who stayed behind to loot found you cannot swim with a 44 inch TV.
Your next cl
Where did I say hang officer Wilson? Nowhere, you're hallucinating.

And most protest groups have been handing out flyers telling people to protest peacefully and to not riot. So how are these protestors supporting the people doing the crimes? Or do you believe that the fact that they are protesting police action that they are encouraging these acts (which they are not)?

Why protest? Do they have any real evidence that thye're not going to get a fair trial??? This is a environment that is causing a lot of problems.

Because they have a constitutional right to do so regardless of what you think? I mean seriously why do you think black people don't deserve to assemble and express their grievances toward the government?
Looting is not an acceptable form of expressing grievances.

When the Rodney King riots were going I was stunned that the blacks there were so stupid that they were burning down their own homes and neighborhoods.
When New Orleans was flooded, those who stayed behind to loot found you cannot swim with a 44 inch TV.
Lootie had the right idea!

If you get your home or business looted. Will you be angry?

If simply wanting to live and follow the law now makes you a racist. What does that say about the people calling you that?
Michael Brown was a thug,he died being an asshole......getting exactly what he deserved.
It was simply a case of instant karma, he roughed up a little Korean 1/3 his size, stole some of his stuff, walked out strutting, and five minutes later he was dead in the streets like a dog.

I hope some other kids learn a lesson from that teachable moment.

That black people don't deserve due process? That's it's okay for a police officer to shoot an unarmed black person 6 times with his hands up? But when cops shoot dogs, that's reprehensible.

You don't know Michael Brown nor do you know Darren Wilson. Not to mention that NO ONE called the police to report the shoplifting incident. Not to mention you are 100% believing the cops story and you don't want to even consider the possibility that he might be lying about the incident.
LIES 3 autopsy have proven that your so called innocent man was in side the police car fighting for the police officers gun and he was shot close range in the thumb in the car . His blood was all over the police officers car
Autopsy Missouri teen not shot in back WREG.com

Did I say he didn't fight the officer? Nope.

Did I say he was innocent? Nope.

What I said was (and PAY ATTENTION) is that he was not given his right to due process and (As many witnesses have said) had his hands up when Officer Wilson shot him dead, then the officer committed murder because you are not allowed to kill a surrending suspect.

Also, the not being shot in the back doesn't help Wilson's case because a police officer is allowed to shoot a fleeing felon dead. If he wasn't shot in the back, that means Wilson shot him facing him. Even if he was "grabbing the gun" inside the car, he wasn't outside of the car when he was shot dead. Again the key issue is whether Darren Wilson killed Michael Brown while he was surrending.
He wasn't surrendering, he was charging the cop.

The witnesses have no credibility, as their stories do not add up to autopsy results.
. Look at the store robbery video and watch the gentle giant turn back on the Korean as he was leaving the store.
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If they don't like someting...riots?

Since when?

Law and order ladies and gents.....a little bit of order here!

bloody hell... what a stupid world we are living in.

I want to get off I'd had enough.
Interesting that you would have such connections on Facebook that you would even receive such a thing.
are you really shocked...She is one brain cell away from coma

And yet you think you're right for supporting people that destroy other people's livelihoods?
nope i do not. They said they will not do anything until their life or property is threatened. They have every right just like you and me to protect themselves and i think the KKK are some of the worst people in the world. Democrats should be proud of them since they started the Klan .. Look what the rioters did the last time . Ruined peoples property that had nothing to do with anything .. I dont think anyone in St Louis should sit back and let them have field day just because they dont like the truth
Rioting sets the black man back 50 years. If it take vigilantes (ie KKK) to fight back or keep the peace, then so be it. Rioters have to pay for their lawlessness no matter their skin color.

So the KKK should be allowed to kill black people? Ah, the longing for the Jim Crow days is strong with this one.
I believe the KKK will be there protecting businesses from the looters. If the cop is indicted, then the KKK won't need to show up unless the looters come out in celebration which they've been known to do.
are you really shocked...She is one brain cell away from coma

And yet you think you're right for supporting people that destroy other people's livelihoods?
nope i do not. They said they will not do anything until their life or property is threatened. They have every right just like you and me to protect themselves and i think the KKK are some of the worst people in the world. Democrats should be proud of them since they started the Klan .. Look what the rioters did the last time . Ruined peoples property that had nothing to do with anything .. I dont think anyone in St Louis should sit back and let them have field day just because they dont like the truth
Rioting sets the black man back 50 years. If it take vigilantes (ie KKK) to fight back or keep the peace, then so be it. Rioters have to pay for their lawlessness no matter their skin color.

So the KKK should be allowed to kill black people? Ah, the longing for the Jim Crow days is strong with this one.
I believe the KKK will be there protecting businesses from the looters. If the cop is indicted, then the KKK won't need to show up unless the looters come out in celebration which they've been known to do.
not their job
And yet you think you're right for supporting people that destroy other people's livelihoods?
nope i do not. They said they will not do anything until their life or property is threatened. They have every right just like you and me to protect themselves and i think the KKK are some of the worst people in the world. Democrats should be proud of them since they started the Klan .. Look what the rioters did the last time . Ruined peoples property that had nothing to do with anything .. I dont think anyone in St Louis should sit back and let them have field day just because they dont like the truth
Rioting sets the black man back 50 years. If it take vigilantes (ie KKK) to fight back or keep the peace, then so be it. Rioters have to pay for their lawlessness no matter their skin color.

So the KKK should be allowed to kill black people? Ah, the longing for the Jim Crow days is strong with this one.
I believe the KKK will be there protecting businesses from the looters. If the cop is indicted, then the KKK won't need to show up unless the looters come out in celebration which they've been known to do.
not their job
Citizens have a responsibility to protect their neighborhoods if the police are overwhelmed.
are you really shocked...She is one brain cell away from coma

And yet you think you're right for supporting people that destroy other people's livelihoods?
nope i do not. They said they will not do anything until their life or property is threatened. They have every right just like you and me to protect themselves and i think the KKK are some of the worst people in the world. Democrats should be proud of them since they started the Klan .. Look what the rioters did the last time . Ruined peoples property that had nothing to do with anything .. I dont think anyone in St Louis should sit back and let them have field day just because they dont like the truth
Rioting sets the black man back 50 years. If it take vigilantes (ie KKK) to fight back or keep the peace, then so be it. Rioters have to pay for their lawlessness no matter their skin color.

So the KKK should be allowed to kill black people? Ah, the longing for the Jim Crow days is strong with this one.
I believe the KKK will be there protecting businesses from the looters. If the cop is indicted, then the KKK won't need to show up unless the looters come out in celebration which they've been known to do.

I side with people that protect businesses from thugs and attempt to restore civilzation. Anyone that wouldn't is a domestic enemy of mine.

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