Ferguson its going to get ugly if riots begin. KKK warning to them..

so the people who live there should just let these rioters destroy their property because they are upset that the cop was NOT in the wrong.. They said they wont do anything unless they get threatened
In all seriousness, the reguler people should arm themselves and fire on rioters. When both sides of the issue start taking casualties maybe they'll take their fight outside.
If the Whites protecting their lives and property start firing on the negro rioters.........will that be considered a hate crime by the administration?
so the people who live there should just let these rioters destroy their property because they are upset that the cop was NOT in the wrong.. They said they wont do anything unless they get threatened
In all seriousness, the reguler people should arm themselves and fire on rioters. When both sides of the issue start taking casualties maybe they'll take their fight outside.
If the Whites protecting their lives and property start firing on the negro rioters.........will that be considered a hate crime by the administration?
Of course.
I am not a member of the KKK. Just got this on facebook. If true this is going to get ugly ..BREAKING The KKK Issues a Public Message to the Ferguson Rioters PHOTO
Interesting that you would have such connections on Facebook that you would even receive such a thing.

Interesting is that brainwashing only happens if you refuse the information from outside sources.

If you subscribe to all parties, you will be smart. If you refuse to take input from other sources, you will refuse information and call someone wrong if they post something outside of your brainwash.

I heard Fox News Radio last year talking it's viewers into turning off the TV if Obama speaks. They would call in and say, "I haven't heard his voice for over 6 months". This is brainwashing 101. Very David Koresh
Why riot? why not wait for the evidence and let the justice system work.

These people are idiots if they burn their city down. Do they want the police to stop doing their jobs?

BLACK people aren't too smart.
Michael Brown was a thug,he died being an asshole......getting exactly what he deserved.
It was simply a case of instant karma, he roughed up a little Korean 1/3 his size, stole some of his stuff, walked out strutting, and five minutes later he was dead in the streets like a dog.

I hope some other kids learn a lesson from that teachable moment.

That black people don't deserve due process? That's it's okay for a police officer to shoot an unarmed black person 6 times with his hands up? But when cops shoot dogs, that's reprehensible.

You don't know Michael Brown nor do you know Darren Wilson. Not to mention that NO ONE called the police to report the shoplifting incident. Not to mention you are 100% believing the cops story and you don't want to even consider the possibility that he might be lying about the incident.
LIES 3 autopsy have proven that your so called innocent man was in side the police car fighting for the police officers gun and he was shot close range in the thumb in the car . His blood was all over the police officers car
Autopsy Missouri teen not shot in back WREG.com

Did I say he didn't fight the officer? Nope.

Did I say he was innocent? Nope.

What I said was (and PAY ATTENTION) is that he was not given his right to due process and (As many witnesses have said) had his hands up when Officer Wilson shot him dead, then the officer committed murder because you are not allowed to kill a surrending suspect.

Also, the not being shot in the back doesn't help Wilson's case because a police officer is allowed to shoot a fleeing felon dead. If he wasn't shot in the back, that means Wilson shot him facing him. Even if he was "grabbing the gun" inside the car, he wasn't outside of the car when he was shot dead. Again the key issue is whether Darren Wilson killed Michael Brown while he was surrending.
He wasn't surrendering, he was charging the cop.

The witnesses have no credibility, as their stories do not add up to autopsy results.

white cop, black "victim"- black area. Yes, believe the black "witnesses". lol
What a disaster and how condescending liberals have been to the black race. This is the result.

The entire situation, all of it, is a result of the race baiting liberal media. All of it. All of their omissions, all of their deliberate skewed reporting, all to push the tired 50 year long narrative in order to get democrats in power to push the agenda that they all share.

They are all arrogant fucking liars, and even when their lies are revealed the liberals still think they are oh so smart.

I am telling you, treating them with any respect at all is an utter waste of time. They sure as shit do not respect you. Fuckem all.
Businesses are still picking up the pieces from the first time these fuckers ran wild.
This time they start up again I say shoot first and hope for the best with the cops.
Maybe they will be too busy to notice.
Michael Brown was a thug,he died being an asshole......getting exactly what he deserved.
It was simply a case of instant karma, he roughed up a little Korean 1/3 his size, stole some of his stuff, walked out strutting, and five minutes later he was dead in the streets like a dog.

I hope some other kids learn a lesson from that teachable moment.

That black people don't deserve due process? That's it's okay for a police officer to shoot an unarmed black person 6 times with his hands up? But when cops shoot dogs, that's reprehensible.

You don't know Michael Brown nor do you know Darren Wilson. Not to mention that NO ONE called the police to report the shoplifting incident. Not to mention you are 100% believing the cops story and you don't want to even consider the possibility that he might be lying about the incident.
So if black people don't like the verdict in your neighborhood, your okay with them looting your house?
I say kudos to them, if they would've been in los angeles to stop that riot, they probably would be smart enough not to rob, pillage, and kill people in their own town. Consequences can be like karma, a bitch.
Kudos to the KKK?
If they protect people and their property, than yeah. It was the democrats who started them, so you should be in support of them.
Michael Brown was a thug,he died being an asshole......getting exactly what he deserved.
It was simply a case of instant karma, he roughed up a little Korean 1/3 his size, stole some of his stuff, walked out strutting, and five minutes later he was dead in the streets like a dog.

I hope some other kids learn a lesson from that teachable moment.

That black people don't deserve due process? That's it's okay for a police officer to shoot an unarmed black person 6 times with his hands up? But when cops shoot dogs, that's reprehensible.

You don't know Michael Brown nor do you know Darren Wilson. Not to mention that NO ONE called the police to report the shoplifting incident. Not to mention you are 100% believing the cops story and you don't want to even consider the possibility that he might be lying about the incident.

He got his due process.

No he did not. Far from it. Darren Wilson took that away and you don't seem to care. And that's a problem for the freedom and constitution loving party.
Tell me, what is a black person's enemy? Answer another black person. You don't care about that.
I am not a member of the KKK. Just got this on facebook. If true this is going to get ugly ..BREAKING The KKK Issues a Public Message to the Ferguson Rioters PHOTO

So normal people will have to fight both the rioters from out of town, AND the slime in the KKK.

Eternal vigilance.

The criminal element there in Mizzou are enabled by our government machine, regardless of party. Race baiting by Obama, Sharpton, et al, is finally meeting some resistance

The 'KKK' only exists in the minds of delusional Democrat Race-Baiters. If there are any KKK members left, their numbers are so small, they don't pose a real significant threat. Any violence that does occur, will come from African American Democrats who've been encouraged by their Democratic Party Masters.

Anyone with common sense understands that the white Democrat Race-Baiters and racist African Americans at Media Outlets like CNN & MSNBC, have been inciting violence in Ferguson for several months. They want a Race-War. Both Networks' ratings are in the toilet. A good ole Race-War could give em the lift they desperately need. So any violence that does occur, is on racist African American Democrats and white Communist Democrats. Period, end of story.
I am not a member of the KKK. Just got this on facebook. If true this is going to get ugly ..BREAKING The KKK Issues a Public Message to the Ferguson Rioters PHOTO
Interesting that you would have such connections on Facebook that you would even receive such a thing.
are you really shocked...She is one brain cell away from coma

And yet you think you're right for supporting people that destroy other people's livelihoods?
no but i understand why they got to this point that they are rioting.
Oh really? Why is that? Because they're BLACK and we should give them a PASS?
Actually the Klan is a Leftist organization like nazis, communists, socialist and democrats.

The modern Klan is a right-wing organization.

Official Ku Klux Klan Party Platform IS The GOP And Tea Party Agenda
And some OPINION PIECE from some PROGTARD WEBSITE is the PROOF of that?

Sorry... doesn't wash, idiot.

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