Fewer doctors take Medicare

WHen you limit price you increase demand and decrease supply, leading to shortages. This is Econ 101, a subject Democrats seem to have flunked.
Why does anyone think Obamacare will somehow repeal laws of economics?
More Doctors Steer Clear of Medicare - Yahoo! Finance

Can't get link to open.

I can tell you that a lot of the issue is the number of hoops they have to jump through to get paid. When I retired and Medicare became primary for me, this illness turned into a royal cluster fuck. Fortunately I have, not only Medicare and Medigap, I also have my retirement insurance through my last employer. As it stands, the issue with me is not the doctor visits. The issue with me is this $100K/year medication I'm on. So it is the specialty pharmacy that is doing handsprings. It will get worked out though, if there is any portion left uncovered for a person living on pensions, they automatically find a grant that will cover what is left over. Still, I'm just thankful that I kept working after the MD told me to quit and get on disability. If I had quit at that point I would not have had my 4th pension, or my retirement insurance.

PS: I wish you had a different avvy. I always think you are zona when I see it.
This is just a preview of coming attractions for ObamaCare.

I expect we'll see more and more doctors move to concierge-subscription services which eschew insurance altogether.
WHen you limit price you increase demand and decrease supply, leading to shortages. This is Econ 101, a subject Democrats seem to have flunked.
Why does anyone think Obamacare will somehow repeal laws of economics?
More Doctors Steer Clear of Medicare - Yahoo! Finance

What's the better alternative? Let seniors who can afford market prices get healthcare, and the rest go without?

Is that really the kind of society you want to live in? Where the market becomes the death panel?
WHen you limit price you increase demand and decrease supply, leading to shortages. This is Econ 101, a subject Democrats seem to have flunked.
Why does anyone think Obamacare will somehow repeal laws of economics?
More Doctors Steer Clear of Medicare - Yahoo! Finance

What's the better alternative? Let seniors who can afford market prices get healthcare, and the rest go without?

Is that really the kind of society you want to live in? Where the market becomes the death panel?

Yeah, everyone should have the same shitty substandard health care. Hey, it's "equal" and "fair"!
There are loads of doctors right now who aren't taking Medicare or Medicaid.

Why should they? They get shortchanged moneywise and have to do loads of paperwork just to get what they do get. And who the hell wants deal with all that red tape?

Hell. If I were a Doctor I wouldn't take either of those Fed programs either.
More Doctors Steer Clear of Medicare - Yahoo! Finance

More Doctors Steer Clear of Medicare

Some Doctors Opt Out of Program, Frustrated With Payment Rates and Mounting Rules

Fewer American doctors are treating patients enrolled in the Medicare health program for seniors, reflecting frustration with its payment rates and pushback against mounting rules, according to health experts.

The number of doctors who opted out of Medicare last year, while a small proportion of the nation's health professionals, nearly tripled from three years earlier, according to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, the government agency that administers the program. Other doctors are limiting the number of Medicare patients they treat even if they don't formally opt out of the system.

its a Stampede ... (reflecting frustration with its payment rates and pushback against mounting rules) just ask your local Republican.

"some" doctors feel the Science of Medicine belongs to only their discretion at the expense of those who have laboured for the success's against maladies rather than for the generation of personal life styles of certain doctors -

Medicine is not and should never be held prisoner to Licensed Doctors.
WHen you limit price you increase demand and decrease supply, leading to shortages. This is Econ 101, a subject Democrats seem to have flunked.
Why does anyone think Obamacare will somehow repeal laws of economics?
More Doctors Steer Clear of Medicare - Yahoo! Finance

What's the better alternative? Let seniors who can afford market prices get healthcare, and the rest go without?

Is that really the kind of society you want to live in? Where the market becomes the death panel?

No, I want your society where some faceless bureaucrats in DC are the death panels...
Medicine is not and should never be held prisoner to Licensed Doctors.

Far better to go on letting big insurance and big pharma decide who gets health care and who does not.
WHen you limit price you increase demand and decrease supply, leading to shortages. This is Econ 101, a subject Democrats seem to have flunked.
Why does anyone think Obamacare will somehow repeal laws of economics?
More Doctors Steer Clear of Medicare - Yahoo! Finance

What's the better alternative? Let seniors who can afford market prices get healthcare, and the rest go without?

Is that really the kind of society you want to live in? Where the market becomes the death panel?

No, I want your society where some faceless bureaucrats in DC are the death panels...

LOL. Now what you have faceless bureaucrats in your hospital's 'Ethic Committee' who are delighted to pull the plug when your insurance runs out.

Bottom line, everyone needs to put in writing what they want their end of life decisions to be, when they are made, and who makes them. It is just dumb to sit an wait on someone you don't know, never have known, never will know to make your end of life decisions. Most states have a 'form' online for what they accept as a Living Will. Once you do one, if someone can produce it, it is given full faith and credit in other states.

I get really disgusted when I hear this 'death panel' shit. We have been pulling the plug on people for decades. If you don't want the plug pulled, then make Living Will that does not allow any plug pulling. People need to step up and take responsibility.
As America has schools to teach the art of war, i.e. West Point and others, perhaps American should have a top notch medical school. Graduates would owe a few years to government service as do West Point graduates. If not a school, more scholarships awarded to medical Kaydets, nurses and so forth. Seems that learning to help the sick and disabled is as important learning how to kill people.
WHen you limit price you increase demand and decrease supply, leading to shortages. This is Econ 101, a subject Democrats seem to have flunked.
Why does anyone think Obamacare will somehow repeal laws of economics?
More Doctors Steer Clear of Medicare - Yahoo! Finance

Full Universal Single Payer Healthcare. Works in the other industrial nations, it would work here also. Just would not have millions per year CEO's bragging about how they made their millions by denying care to people that had been paying the whole lives into the insurance.

We will have this, sooner or later, better for all, sooner. Probably under President Hillary.:razz:
But with our present system, Rabid can proudly point out

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yVgOl3cETb4]"We're Number 37" - Paul Hipp - YouTube[/ame]
WHen you limit price you increase demand and decrease supply, leading to shortages. This is Econ 101, a subject Democrats seem to have flunked.
Why does anyone think Obamacare will somehow repeal laws of economics?
More Doctors Steer Clear of Medicare - Yahoo! Finance

"The first lesson of economics is scarcity: there is never enough of anything to fully satisfy all those who want it. The first lesson of politics is to disregard the first lesson of economics." ---Thomas Sowell
As America has schools to teach the art of war, i.e. West Point and others, perhaps American should have a top notch medical school. Graduates would owe a few years to government service as do West Point graduates. If not a school, more scholarships awarded to medical Kaydets, nurses and so forth. Seems that learning to help the sick and disabled is as important learning how to kill people.

Ignoring your stupid irony, here the link: Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences

Attend, do your residency in a military hospital, get your license, and serve by giving medical care to military and their families.
WHen you limit price you increase demand and decrease supply, leading to shortages. This is Econ 101, a subject Democrats seem to have flunked.
Why does anyone think Obamacare will somehow repeal laws of economics?
More Doctors Steer Clear of Medicare - Yahoo! Finance

Full Universal Single Payer Healthcare. Works in the other industrial nations, it would work here also. Just would not have millions per year CEO's bragging about how they made their millions by denying care to people that had been paying the whole lives into the insurance.

We will have this, sooner or later, better for all, sooner. Probably under President Hillary.:razz:
As long as you don't count the incredible debt and taxes that's associated with it. :rolleyes:
As America has schools to teach the art of war, i.e. West Point and others, perhaps American should have a top notch medical school. Graduates would owe a few years to government service as do West Point graduates. If not a school, more scholarships awarded to medical Kaydets, nurses and so forth. Seems that learning to help the sick and disabled is as important learning how to kill people.

Ignoring your stupid irony, here the link: Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences

Attend, do your residency in a military hospital, get your license, and serve by giving medical care to military and their families.

I was not thinking of a military medical school but a government civilian school that trained not for the military but for the nation.

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