The CIA destroyed the torture tapes after the rest of the US Govt pretended they were going to look intO the torture policy LOL More RECENTLY THE Orange asshole Trump SAID HE WOULD HAVE A MORE INTENSE TORTURE POLICY
You mean killing citizens without due process? Oh, wait....that was your Obama....
I have no problem with putting every living US President on trial at the Hague including Obama ....what about you
The CIA destroyed the torture tapes after the rest of the US Govt pretended they were going to look intO the torture policy LOL More RECENTLY THE Orange asshole Trump SAID HE WOULD HAVE A MORE INTENSE TORTURE POLICY
You mean killing citizens without due process? Oh, wait....that was your Obama....
I have no problem with putting every living US President on trial at the Hague including Obama ....what about you
I'm not a globalist....
The CIA destroyed the torture tapes after the rest of the US Govt pretended they were going to look intO the torture policy LOL More RECENTLY THE Orange asshole Trump SAID HE WOULD HAVE A MORE INTENSE TORTURE POLICY
You mean killing citizens without due process? Oh, wait....that was your Obama....
I have no problem with putting every living US President on trial at the Hague including Obama ....what about you
I'm not a globalist....
One does not have to be a globalist to have integrity LOL
The CIA destroyed the torture tapes after the rest of the US Govt pretended they were going to look intO the torture policy LOL More RECENTLY THE Orange asshole Trump SAID HE WOULD HAVE A MORE INTENSE TORTURE POLICY
You mean killing citizens without due process? Oh, wait....that was your Obama....
I have no problem with putting every living US President on trial at the Hague including Obama ....what about you

Then what happens?
The CIA destroyed the torture tapes after the rest of the US Govt pretended they were going to look intO the torture policy LOL More RECENTLY THE Orange asshole Trump SAID HE WOULD HAVE A MORE INTENSE TORTURE POLICY
You mean killing citizens without due process? Oh, wait....that was your Obama....
I have no problem with putting every living US President on trial at the Hague including Obama ....what about you
I'm not a globalist....
One does not have to be a globalist to have integrity LOL
The Hague....

American Stock Archive via Getty Images
American author Ernest Hemingway speaks with Castro in Cuba in late 1959.
Cuba's Fidel Castro, former president, dies aged 90 - BBC News

Fidel Castro, Cuba's former president and leader of the Communist revolution, has died aged 90, state TV has announced.

It provided no further details.

Fidel Castro ruled Cuba as a one-party state for almost half a century before handing over the powers to his brother Raul in 2008.

His supporters praised him as a man who had given Cuba back to the people. But his opponents accused him of brutally suppressing opposition.

In April, Fidel Castro gave a rare speech on the final day of the country's Communist Party congress.

He acknowledged his advanced age but said Cuban communist concepts were still valid and the Cuban people "will be victorious".

Damn. Now we need to find a new world leader to hate for some reason. Who's running things in Canada right now?

I remember when Fidel Castro evacuated his mental institutions and prisons and sent them to Miami. They set up temporary quarters beneath the Interstate hiway and about 100,000 of them lived under there till they were run off. Back then, about 1980 I was traveling to the Keys nearly every winter and it was a site to behold. It looked like a major clusterphuck!
And once again, you attempt to smear. What you show was NEVER US policy. What don't you get? It was NEVER sanctioned policy and the perpetrators punished. And it was ABUSE by a few asshole soldiers-sickening, but not torture.

Invading Iraq.
Torturing prisoners.
Causing a political vacuum which led to the deaths of possibly a million or more people and the rise of ISIS which has spread.

There's enough.

So "Invading Iraq" was a war crime? Guess Hillary is guilty then? She was right there with Bush beating the drums of war.

What prisoners were ever tortured? It was the Bush admin that exposed abuses at Abu Gharib, but there was no torture there.

ISIS was created under Obama, so if that is a war crime, it's on the Hussein, not Bush. But even I don't hold Obama responsible for Muslims killing each other, it's in their nature. It's like blaming a President for an earthquake.

Yes, it's a war crime. But we all know the US wouldn't let a US president go to the Hague, don't we?

You think Hillary did anything anywhere near like Bush? But you can make that case if you want.

The Bush administration exposed abuses, but there was no torture? Huh?

Torture at Abu Ghraib

No torture?







No torture to see here huh? Just the normal thing you do with the guys in the bar on a Friday night, huh?

It wasn't torture, just humiliation. It was illegal and the US Army was already investigating it. How is Bush responsible for the actions of a few idiots? They were held accountable.

If you want to see torture and real atrocities maybe you should google ISIS, people being dismembered, burned alive, etc. Then there is normal Islamic "justice", in countries we call our "allies". Like the stoning to death of women, and executions of homosexuals. But hey, that's not important, we have to act outraged over a couple of dumb hicks that shamed a few Iraqis over the course of a few days.

Ah.... torture is only when other people do it then...

I should google ISIS because then you can deflect from the US committing torture. Also, these are the photos we have. There were many cases where photos weren't taken.

Wasn't US policy? It wasn't official US policy. However there's a big difference between an army that is committing these acts, and an army that doesn't. Why was it allowed to happen?

Besides, torture WAS an official policy of the Bush govt.

Bush on waterboarding: 'Damn right' -

"Bush takes responsibility for giving the go-ahead for waterboarding terror suspects,"

Bush on torture: Waterboarding helped prevent attacks on London

Bush on torture: Waterboarding helped prevent attacks on London"

So, you have a president who gave the order to commit torture, you have a president who allowed torture to happen on his watch, and probably accepted it until people criticized it.

So your attempts at saying this is smear and not policy, is, well, nonsense.
And once again, you attempt to smear. What you show was NEVER US policy. What don't you get? It was NEVER sanctioned policy and the perpetrators punished. And it was ABUSE by a few asshole soldiers-sickening, but not torture.
So "Invading Iraq" was a war crime? Guess Hillary is guilty then? She was right there with Bush beating the drums of war.

What prisoners were ever tortured? It was the Bush admin that exposed abuses at Abu Gharib, but there was no torture there.

ISIS was created under Obama, so if that is a war crime, it's on the Hussein, not Bush. But even I don't hold Obama responsible for Muslims killing each other, it's in their nature. It's like blaming a President for an earthquake.

Yes, it's a war crime. But we all know the US wouldn't let a US president go to the Hague, don't we?

You think Hillary did anything anywhere near like Bush? But you can make that case if you want.

The Bush administration exposed abuses, but there was no torture? Huh?

Torture at Abu Ghraib

No torture?







No torture to see here huh? Just the normal thing you do with the guys in the bar on a Friday night, huh?

It wasn't torture, just humiliation. It was illegal and the US Army was already investigating it. How is Bush responsible for the actions of a few idiots? They were held accountable.

If you want to see torture and real atrocities maybe you should google ISIS, people being dismembered, burned alive, etc. Then there is normal Islamic "justice", in countries we call our "allies". Like the stoning to death of women, and executions of homosexuals. But hey, that's not important, we have to act outraged over a couple of dumb hicks that shamed a few Iraqis over the course of a few days.

Ah.... torture is only when other people do it then...

I should google ISIS because then you can deflect from the US committing torture. Also, these are the photos we have. There were many cases where photos weren't taken.

Wasn't US policy? It wasn't official US policy. However there's a big difference between an army that is committing these acts, and an army that doesn't. Why was it allowed to happen?

Besides, torture WAS an official policy of the Bush govt.

Bush on waterboarding: 'Damn right' -

"Bush takes responsibility for giving the go-ahead for waterboarding terror suspects,"

Bush on torture: Waterboarding helped prevent attacks on London

Bush on torture: Waterboarding helped prevent attacks on London"

So, you have a president who gave the order to commit torture, you have a president who allowed torture to happen on his watch, and probably accepted it until people criticized it.

So your attempts at saying this is smear and not policy, is, well, nonsense.
We call it enhanced

Invading Iraq.
Torturing prisoners.
Causing a political vacuum which led to the deaths of possibly a million or more people and the rise of ISIS which has spread.

There's enough.

So "Invading Iraq" was a war crime? Guess Hillary is guilty then? She was right there with Bush beating the drums of war.

What prisoners were ever tortured? It was the Bush admin that exposed abuses at Abu Gharib, but there was no torture there.

ISIS was created under Obama, so if that is a war crime, it's on the Hussein, not Bush. But even I don't hold Obama responsible for Muslims killing each other, it's in their nature. It's like blaming a President for an earthquake.

Yes, it's a war crime. But we all know the US wouldn't let a US president go to the Hague, don't we?

You think Hillary did anything anywhere near like Bush? But you can make that case if you want.

The Bush administration exposed abuses, but there was no torture? Huh?

Torture at Abu Ghraib

No torture?







No torture to see here huh? Just the normal thing you do with the guys in the bar on a Friday night, huh?

It wasn't torture, just humiliation. It was illegal and the US Army was already investigating it. How is Bush responsible for the actions of a few idiots? They were held accountable.

If you want to see torture and real atrocities maybe you should google ISIS, people being dismembered, burned alive, etc. Then there is normal Islamic "justice", in countries we call our "allies". Like the stoning to death of women, and executions of homosexuals. But hey, that's not important, we have to act outraged over a couple of dumb hicks that shamed a few Iraqis over the course of a few days.

Ah.... torture is only when other people do it then...

I should google ISIS because then you can deflect from the US committing torture. Also, these are the photos we have. There were many cases where photos weren't taken.

Men being forced to stand naked while in prison isn't torture. Don't forget this lot were captured enemies.

I don't get how the two sentences here join together.

So they're captured enemies. That doesn't mean you go about torturing them. It doesn't mean you go about degrading them.

What is torture?

It's either immense physical pain or mental pain. Now, those photos don't look like those guys are comfortable. To me it looks like torture. I wouldn't want to be treated like that, and I don't think anyone who isn't causing physical harm to anyone should have to suffer that.
So "Invading Iraq" was a war crime? Guess Hillary is guilty then? She was right there with Bush beating the drums of war.

What prisoners were ever tortured? It was the Bush admin that exposed abuses at Abu Gharib, but there was no torture there.

ISIS was created under Obama, so if that is a war crime, it's on the Hussein, not Bush. But even I don't hold Obama responsible for Muslims killing each other, it's in their nature. It's like blaming a President for an earthquake.

Yes, it's a war crime. But we all know the US wouldn't let a US president go to the Hague, don't we?

You think Hillary did anything anywhere near like Bush? But you can make that case if you want.

The Bush administration exposed abuses, but there was no torture? Huh?

Torture at Abu Ghraib

No torture?







No torture to see here huh? Just the normal thing you do with the guys in the bar on a Friday night, huh?

It wasn't torture, just humiliation. It was illegal and the US Army was already investigating it. How is Bush responsible for the actions of a few idiots? They were held accountable.

If you want to see torture and real atrocities maybe you should google ISIS, people being dismembered, burned alive, etc. Then there is normal Islamic "justice", in countries we call our "allies". Like the stoning to death of women, and executions of homosexuals. But hey, that's not important, we have to act outraged over a couple of dumb hicks that shamed a few Iraqis over the course of a few days.

Ah.... torture is only when other people do it then...

I should google ISIS because then you can deflect from the US committing torture. Also, these are the photos we have. There were many cases where photos weren't taken.

Men being forced to stand naked while in prison isn't torture. Don't forget this lot were captured enemies.

I don't get how the two sentences here join together.

So they're captured enemies. That doesn't mean you go about torturing them. It doesn't mean you go about degrading them.

What is torture?

It's either immense physical pain or mental pain. Now, those photos don't look like those guys are comfortable. To me it looks like torture. I wouldn't want to be treated like that, and I don't think anyone who isn't causing physical harm to anyone should have to suffer that.
Torture is what you liberals do to gays and women.......

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