Figures… Obama “Truth Team” Sends Out Email: Obamacare Is Not a Tax – It’s a Penalty

Hey Staph and all of you idiots supporting the presently failed health care system in the US.

I, and at least half the rest of the voting Americans, do not care what you call it. I would like to see a system here where over 750,000 American families a year are not going to be bankrupted by an illness or an accident. I would like to see our health stastics equal to other industrial nations, instead of being similiar to third world nations.

Tax? Penalty? Who cares. Fix a failing system before it crashes completely. It is not like we don't have working models in other nations that are far more successful than what we have at present.

B-b-b-b-but old rocks, you have forgotten the conservative mantra! it's all about me, me, me. Mine, mine, mine...

There is a reason conservatives are selfish fuckers..dontcha know...

well what is your mantra, I work and give everything I have to others?
you people crack me up
links in article at site
vote these people out of our lives

That didn’t take long.
After the Supreme Court confirmed yesterday that Obamacare is really just a ‘big f***ing tax’ the Obama Truth Team is already backing away from the ruling. Yesterday it was a tax. Today’s it’s not.

Friend –

I’d love to take a moment to savor yesterday’s Supreme Court decision, but we don’t have time.

Already, Mitt Romney and Republicans are out with outright falsehoods about Obamacare — their favorite distortion being that this is somehow a broad tax on the middle class. In reality, this is all about personal responsibility — and the “tax” they are trying to scare everyone about is actually a penalty for the 1 percent of people who can afford insurance but still choose not to buy it, leaving the rest of us to pay for their health care when they head to the emergency room.

Just like they did when the bill was before Congress, Republicans are playing fast and loose with the truth, making up scary consequences to keep you from knowing all the good things Obamacare does. They’re not telling the truth about what this reform means for millions of middle-class Americans, so I need you to help get the facts out there.

the rest at..

It was argued as a tax the Supreme Court ruled it was a tax so it's an obamatax
If it's a penalty that would mean it's unconstitutional because the Court ruled that the government cannot compel anyone to buy something. A penalty would imply you have to buy this product or pay a fine.
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The new Health Care bill, does not address all the illegals, that we are all still gonna pay for, in the emergency rooms.
The new Health Care bill, does not address all the illegals, that we are all still gonna pay for, in the emergency rooms.

....wouldn't we be paying for the illegal aliens with or without the Affordable Care Act?

PS: it's a law can stop calling it a bill.
The new Health Care bill, does not address all the illegals, that we are all still gonna pay for, in the emergency rooms.

....wouldn't we be paying for the illegal aliens with or without the Affordable Care Act?

PS: it's a law can stop calling it a bill.

And a LAW that isn't long for this world. It will go down.
Hey Staph and all of you idiots supporting the presently failed health care system in the US.

I, and at least half the rest of the voting Americans, do not care what you call it. I would like to see a system here where over 750,000 American families a year are not going to be bankrupted by an illness or an accident. I would like to see our health stastics equal to other industrial nations, instead of being similiar to third world nations.

Tax? Penalty? Who cares. Fix a failing system before it crashes completely. It is not like we don't have working models in other nations that are far more successful than what we have at present.

Who cares? Those whom are paying taxes care. The system was fine until Government meddling.


Fine for who?

Hey Staph and all of you idiots supporting the presently failed health care system in the US.

I, and at least half the rest of the voting Americans, do not care what you call it. I would like to see a system here where over 750,000 American families a year are not going to be bankrupted by an illness or an accident. I would like to see our health stastics equal to other industrial nations, instead of being similiar to third world nations.

Tax? Penalty? Who cares. Fix a failing system before it crashes completely. It is not like we don't have working models in other nations that are far more successful than what we have at present.

B-b-b-b-but old rocks, you have forgotten the conservative mantra! it's all about me, me, me. Mine, mine, mine...

There is a reason conservatives are selfish fuckers..dontcha know...

Liberal projection.


Not at all. I am deadly serious...

The one thing that separates the US neocon, whackjob, loon, moron from normal and left leaning Americans and all other Western nations (yes, you are THAT marginalised) is that you are the most self-centred, selfish, egocentric group of people on the planet. I really wish you'd just go live on an island. All you care about is you, you, you. Me, me, me.

"As long as MY needs are met. As long as it doesn't affect ME. As long as I have MY freedom"...and on it goes ad nauseum...
Hey Staph and all of you idiots supporting the presently failed health care system in the US.

I, and at least half the rest of the voting Americans, do not care what you call it. I would like to see a system here where over 750,000 American families a year are not going to be bankrupted by an illness or an accident. I would like to see our health stastics equal to other industrial nations, instead of being similiar to third world nations.

Tax? Penalty? Who cares. Fix a failing system before it crashes completely. It is not like we don't have working models in other nations that are far more successful than what we have at present.

B-b-b-b-but old rocks, you have forgotten the conservative mantra! it's all about me, me, me. Mine, mine, mine...

There is a reason conservatives are selfish fuckers..dontcha know...

well what is your mantra, I work and give everything I have to others?
you people crack me up

See, this is why you guys are loons. You give EVERYTHING to others? do you really?

Wanna come back to me again and tell me what really happens....

No exaggeration here...So, please tell me. What do you give? Your house? your car?

Your homework for the day: Find the meaning of hyperbole and use it in a sentence....:cuckoo: (PS - this is rhetorical. You have already done so. See the bolded part above)
B-b-b-b-but old rocks, you have forgotten the conservative mantra! it's all about me, me, me. Mine, mine, mine...

There is a reason conservatives are selfish fuckers..dontcha know...

well what is your mantra, I work and give everything I have to others?
you people crack me up

See, this is why you guys are loons. You give EVERYTHING to others? do you really?

Wanna come back to me again and tell me what really happens....

No exaggeration here...So, please tell me. What do you give? Your house? your car?

Your homework for the day: Find the meaning of hyperbole and use it in a sentence....:cuckoo: (PS - this is rhetorical. You have already done so. See the bolded part above)

I never insinuated I gave everything to others, that's you people when you call others greedy and only care about themselves.

I didn't have to look far for, hyperbole
B-b-b-b-but old rocks, you have forgotten the conservative mantra! it's all about me, me, me. Mine, mine, mine...

There is a reason conservatives are selfish fuckers..dontcha know...
It's a tax. The SC said so.

i don't know... it was a penalty when romney enacted it.


but i'm guessing you haven't read the decision, so of course you should repeat what the rightwingnut blogosphere says.

congrats for supporting the wackos, though. :thup:

reality: it is the job of the supreme court to uphold legislation on any possible constitutional basis.

i thought you hated activist judges. you really should complain to scalia about that whole activist thing.

It was a penalty tax Romney never felt the need to hide behind a lie to get it done.
It's a tax. The SC said so. you even know what the SC said? lulz....

Under the commerce clause, the "punishment" for being able to afford health insurance but not buying into it would have been a penalty. What the SC said was the under the commerce clause it would be unconstitional for the federal gov't to charge a penalty. However, under the taxing clause for congress, this would be perfectly fine and thats what they went with.

What went down: the individual mandate's penalty was changed to 2.5% of your total taxable income for people who can afford, but choose not to buy health insurance
Note: The 2.5% won't be phased fully til 2016. For 2014, if a person ends up having to pay the penatly they will only pay $95, or 1% of their taxable income (whichever is highest)

Minus the loss of a few, older tax-deductions
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obama lied when he said it wasn't a tax. Now, he's calling Justice Roberts a liar when it was ruled a tax. Roberts is wrong, he doens't know what he's talking about and the Supreme Court need not be obeyed. It's a tax and enforcement is going to be by the IRS who is the agency charged with ther collection of tax.
It's a tax. The SC said so. you even know what the SC said? lulz....

Under the commerce clause, the "punishment" for being able to afford health insurance but not buying into it would have been a penalty. What the SC said was the under the commerce clause it would be unconstitional for the federal gov't to charge a penalty. However, under the taxing clause for congress, this would be perfectly fine and thats what they went with.

What went down: the individual mandate's penalty was changed to 2.5% of your total taxable income for people who can afford, but choose not to buy health insurance
Note: The 2.5% won't be phased fully til 2016. For 2014, if a person ends up having to pay the penatly they will only pay $95, or 1% of their taxable income (whichever is highest)

Minus the loss of a few, older tax-deductions

How do you like that one folks, YOUR GOVERMENT is now PUNISHING you for not doing what they want to FORCE you do..

wake up
Hey Staph and all of you idiots supporting the presently failed health care system in the US.

I, and at least half the rest of the voting Americans, do not care what you call it. I would like to see a system here where over 750,000 American families a year are not going to be bankrupted by an illness or an accident. I would like to see our health stastics equal to other industrial nations, instead of being similiar to third world nations.

Tax? Penalty? Who cares. Fix a failing system before it crashes completely. It is not like we don't have working models in other nations that are far more successful than what we have at present.

Who cares? Those whom are paying taxes care. The system was fine until Government meddling.


Fine for who?


What is a FINE but a TAX?

B-b-b-b-but old rocks, you have forgotten the conservative mantra! it's all about me, me, me. Mine, mine, mine...

There is a reason conservatives are selfish fuckers..dontcha know...

Liberal projection.


Not at all. I am deadly serious...

The one thing that separates the US neocon, whackjob, loon, moron from normal and left leaning Americans and all other Western nations (yes, you are THAT marginalised) is that you are the most self-centred, selfish, egocentric group of people on the planet. I really wish you'd just go live on an island. All you care about is you, you, you. Me, me, me.

"As long as MY needs are met. As long as it doesn't affect ME. As long as I have MY freedom"...and on it goes ad nauseum...

Dude. You are projecting. All you want is free stuff and your Obamaphone.

America conservatives are the most generous people on earth.

Liberals are only generous with the other guy's money.
RomneyCare is a STATE issue

Don't let them distract you with that

Children that have to be ill enough to go the emergency room before they can recieve medical care is an issue in every state of the Union. Therefore, it is far more than just a 'state' issue. Families that lose their homes and all their resources because of an illness or accident is a fact in every state, therefore more than just a 'state' issue.

What the 'Conservatives' are saying is that we should accept that we have medical stats like a third world nation, because our present system makes a very few people really wealthy at the expense of tens of millions of other American Citizens.

BULL SHIT!! Peope from all over the world come here for treatment,this lame ass shlick about being 3rd world is just crap,It non on your business if I want to risk my home.

It more of a risk to me to pay an extra 10k a year I don't have to pay a insurance premium that I may or my not use.

Then to pay cash as I have for years,nobody has ever payed a single hospital bill of ours but me.

Just how much of that 10 k bill will this monstrosity save me?? Never never have any real dollar amounts that mean real things to people been brought forth,only generalizations ,like it SHOULD reduce costs,or the they bring up deficit numbers that are so large they mean nothing to the average Joe that is scratching out a living.

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