Figures… Obama “Truth Team” Sends Out Email: Obamacare Is Not a Tax – It’s a Penalty

The alternative is to carry as little insurance as you can manage. To save the health care market we need to reverse all the policies that have promoted the habits that have destroyed it. That means getting rid of all the tax and regulatory policies that have encouraged people to over-insure. Most importantly it means allowing them to have as little insurance as they are willing to live with. The less insurance we have, and the more we pay for our health care out of pocket, the better.

The very last thing we should do is double down on bad policy and force everyone into a sinking boat. Which is exactly what ACA does.

I agree and it makes sense, but thats not something that can happen today, tomorrow or next month.

It's something that's happening already. And it would happen even quicker if we made some relatively minor changes to our tax and regulatory structure.

But the insurance lobby will have none of it. It's why they successfully lobbied to turn health care reform into an insurance mandate. It's why they spent so much money making sure the Republican alternative to Obama was also one of theirs.

Yup, no disagreements there. But I'm guessing that you omitted the rest of my last post because you don't have an answer for what I asked. Not that I expected you to, but it's why I say that that making this transition is not a simple feat.
On April 12, 2006, Mit Romney signed legislation that mandates that nearly all Massachusetts residents buy or obtain health insurance...

SO? how did that affect YOU unless you LIVED there?
go ahead and run on that one...:eusa_clap:
On April 12, 2006, Mit Romney signed legislation that mandates that nearly all Massachusetts residents buy or obtain health insurance...

SO? how did that affect YOU unless you LIVED there?
go ahead and run on that one...:eusa_clap:

Exactly. This is the same Chrissy that trumpets EU Healthcare. And he as well doesn't understand the concept of a STATE doing it versus the FED. But then he doesn't recognize the 9th and 10th Amemndments. What progressive creep does?

If he likes it so much...? Move there. Just don't dictate what the rest of us have to do.
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On April 12, 2006, Mit Romney signed legislation that mandates that nearly all Massachusetts residents buy or obtain health insurance...

SO? how did that affect YOU unless you LIVED there?
go ahead and run on that one...:eusa_clap:

So how will YOUR taxes be raised?

Everyone can see you ignoring this question. It's because you can't answer and are a parrot with no brain.
links in article at site
vote these people out of our lives

That didn’t take long.
After the Supreme Court confirmed yesterday that Obamacare is really just a ‘big f***ing tax’ the Obama Truth Team is already backing away from the ruling. Yesterday it was a tax. Today’s it’s not.

Friend –

I’d love to take a moment to savor yesterday’s Supreme Court decision, but we don’t have time.

Already, Mitt Romney and Republicans are out with outright falsehoods about Obamacare — their favorite distortion being that this is somehow a broad tax on the middle class. In reality, this is all about personal responsibility — and the “tax” they are trying to scare everyone about is actually a penalty for the 1 percent of people who can afford insurance but still choose not to buy it, leaving the rest of us to pay for their health care when they head to the emergency room.

Just like they did when the bill was before Congress, Republicans are playing fast and loose with the truth, making up scary consequences to keep you from knowing all the good things Obamacare does. They’re not telling the truth about what this reform means for millions of middle-class Americans, so I need you to help get the facts out there.

the rest at..
Figures… Obama “Truth Team” Sends Out Email: Obamacare Is Not a Tax – It’s a Penalty | The Gateway Pundit
The truth is obamaturd and his team are a bunch of idiots, much like his loyal butt kissing followers.
Yup, no disagreements there. But I'm guessing that you omitted the rest of my last post because you don't have an answer for what I asked. Not that I expected you to, but it's why I say that that making this transition is not a simple feat.

Fair to say, and yes, on a personal level things won't be easy. I raised two sons and I understand why you wouldn't want to go without insurance entirely with kids in the house. But it behooves all of us to have as little insurance as we can afford. For example, if you can manage $5000 a year for medical expenses in a pinch, instead of sinking all that into insurance premiums that may never pay off, you should have a policy with a $3000 deductible that only costs $2000 in premiums for the year. That's three grand NOT being skimmed by the insurance corps and, most importantly, if you stay healthy you keep the money.
It's a tax. The SC said so.

i don't know... it was a penalty when romney enacted it.


but i'm guessing you haven't read the decision, so of course you should repeat what the rightwingnut blogosphere says.

congrats for supporting the wackos, though. :thup:

reality: it is the job of the supreme court to uphold legislation on any possible constitutional basis.

i thought you hated activist judges. you really should complain to scalia about that whole activist thing.

The Supreme Court didn't rule on the Massachusetts law, they did rule on the so-called Obamacare.

By a 5-4 vote, the Supreme court held the law's mandate requiring Americans to carry health insurance or pay a penalty valid under Congress's constitutional authority to levy taxes. The financial penalty for failing to carry insurance possesses "the essential feature of any tax," producing revenue for the government, Chief Justice Roberts wrote.

The only way it could be constitutional is if it is a tax.

Scalia voted against it you idiot.
B-b-b-b-but old rocks, you have forgotten the conservative mantra! it's all about me, me, me. Mine, mine, mine...

There is a reason conservatives are selfish fuckers..dontcha know...

Liberal projection.


Not at all. I am deadly serious...

The one thing that separates the US neocon, whackjob, loon, moron from normal and left leaning Americans and all other Western nations (yes, you are THAT marginalised) is that you are the most self-centred, selfish, egocentric group of people on the planet. I really wish you'd just go live on an island. All you care about is you, you, you. Me, me, me.

"As long as MY needs are met. As long as it doesn't affect ME. As long as I have MY freedom"...and on it goes ad nauseum...

I work to take care of me and my own. For the brain impaired, that is called personal responsibility. We had three and adopted two children. I give to charity to help those that are less fortunate and are unable or unwilling to work.

You can go suck on a dead liberals nose until his head caves in as far as I am concerned.
Liberal projection.


Not at all. I am deadly serious...

The one thing that separates the US neocon, whackjob, loon, moron from normal and left leaning Americans and all other Western nations (yes, you are THAT marginalised) is that you are the most self-centred, selfish, egocentric group of people on the planet. I really wish you'd just go live on an island. All you care about is you, you, you. Me, me, me.

"As long as MY needs are met. As long as it doesn't affect ME. As long as I have MY freedom"...and on it goes ad nauseum...

I work to take care of me and my own. For the brain impaired, that is called personal responsibility. We had three and adopted two children. I give to charity to help those that are less fortunate and are unable or unwilling to work.

You can go suck on a dead liberals nose until his head caves in as far as I am concerned.

People like him love to ride their high horse but want other people to pay for feeding it
Not at all. I am deadly serious...

The one thing that separates the US neocon, whackjob, loon, moron from normal and left leaning Americans and all other Western nations (yes, you are THAT marginalised) is that you are the most self-centred, selfish, egocentric group of people on the planet. I really wish you'd just go live on an island. All you care about is you, you, you. Me, me, me.

"As long as MY needs are met. As long as it doesn't affect ME. As long as I have MY freedom"...and on it goes ad nauseum...

I work to take care of me and my own. For the brain impaired, that is called personal responsibility. We had three and adopted two children. I give to charity to help those that are less fortunate and are unable or unwilling to work.

You can go suck on a dead liberals nose until his head caves in as far as I am concerned.

People like him love to ride their high horse but want other people to pay for feeding it

People like you continue to post even thought you obviously have no clue what you're talking about.
I noticed the letter did not mention all the other taxes in the Health Care Bill.

Maybe because there are so many of them that to list
them would have exceeded the bandwidth of the email server.
The email would not have gone through. :D

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