Final word on Tea Party and 2010 elections: Libs, it gets worse

A few? Yes. However, O'Donnell, Miller, Buck and Angle lost seats that could have easily been won by less extreme candidates. Are you trying to say that a Democrat in the seat is better than a Republican who is not as conservative as you want them to be? If so, congratulations. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!

We didn't want the RINO's.. that's the point; we're willing to take the loss. We don't all subscribe to the notion that any Republican is better than any Democrat. That's a bit to Rovian for me.
Clean up? Clean up how? You have tea party candidates advocating for violent revolution, preaching religious and ethnic bigotry, calling the President the "worst" in history, shilling for big business and the rich, playing "dress up" in Nazi uniforms, wanting to eviserate the United States Constitution, and preaching lockstep fealty to the notion that compromise is not an option.

I wish people were paying more attention. Perhaps when they are living in cardboard boxes..

LOL That read as a soap opera. OH THE DRAMA!!!!
Most Americans want to see spending addressed first and foremost... the notion that all spending except military is off the table is absurd. Entitlement spending has to be addressed along with the gazzillions wasted on the USDA, EPA, Dept. of Energy & Education, etc. Every year we're told we need to spend more, and every year the same idiots tell us it is worse.. then we need to spend more, then it is worse, then we need to spend more, then it is worse, then we need to spend more...... Bullshit.
Most Americans want to see spending addressed first and foremost... the notion that all spending except military is off the table is absurd. Entitlement spending has to be addressed along with the gazzillions wasted on the USDA, EPA, Dept. of Energy & Education, etc. Every year we're told we need to spend more, and every year the same idiots tell us it is worse.. then we need to spend more, then it is worse, then we need to spend more, then it is worse, then we need to spend more...... Bullshit.

I believe most people would be more than happy to see entitlement programs cut as long as "defense" spending is cut by the same proportion. Would you go for that?
Most Americans want to see spending addressed first and foremost... the notion that all spending except military is off the table is absurd. Entitlement spending has to be addressed along with the gazzillions wasted on the USDA, EPA, Dept. of Energy & Education, etc. Every year we're told we need to spend more, and every year the same idiots tell us it is worse.. then we need to spend more, then it is worse, then we need to spend more, then it is worse, then we need to spend more...... Bullshit.

I believe most people would be more than happy to see entitlement programs cut as long as "defense" spending is cut by the same proportion. Would you go for that?

Who are "most people?"
Most Americans want to see spending addressed first and foremost... the notion that all spending except military is off the table is absurd. Entitlement spending has to be addressed along with the gazzillions wasted on the USDA, EPA, Dept. of Energy & Education, etc. Every year we're told we need to spend more, and every year the same idiots tell us it is worse.. then we need to spend more, then it is worse, then we need to spend more, then it is worse, then we need to spend more...... Bullshit.

I believe most people would be more than happy to see entitlement programs cut as long as "defense" spending is cut by the same proportion. Would you go for that?

Who are "most people?"

My bad. "Most people" I know...
So, let's assume the new, new GOP wants to get the Bush tax cuts extended. How will they get it done. AND if they want the tax cuts so bad, where will they cut spending. And with gridlock, how will they cut spending?

I have posted numerous times about what agencies and programs should be cut or targeted by the GOP...

And even if it gets chopped out at the knees by the Senate or Obutthole... stick to their guns and put it all on the shoulders of the opposition as things get worse

While I appreciate your input, YOU are not a member of Congress (at least not that I am aware of), so what do your elected Republicans and Tea Partiers plan to cut? I mean they presented the "Contract to America" already, I am sure it is all spelled out in there, right?

No... specifics are rarely put out there by either party.. though I have written to my Senator before, and will write to my congressman again as well, to push for specifics to be laid out and I went along the same lines as I have on here, in pointing out the bullshit that is being funded by government...

I wish I could speak for other elected officials on this... but since I am not one myself at this time... I simply put out my thoughts both on here and to my elected officials
REALLY? How do you expect to pay down the debt if you cut taxes?

Oh boy, another "TAXES HIGHER, DEBT LOWER" post.


I'm trying to understand Eric Cantor's vision of lowering taxes while also lowering our national debt. Can you explain it?

Google it. There is a balance between taxes and spending, obviously as there is also a balance between taxes and growth. Merely taxing the shit out of people while spending like drunken sailors is not the answer. Again, Google it.

Most of us here understand that the debt has to be addressed. But, the notion that there are only two avenues, and that they are mutually exclusive, i.e., raising taxes or cutting spending, is bullshit. And BTW.. amidst a recession, taking more of people's money via taxation is not smart. Tax receipts are off not because the tax rates are too low, they are off because economic growth is too low.
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Most Americans want to see spending addressed first and foremost... the notion that all spending except military is off the table is absurd. Entitlement spending has to be addressed along with the gazzillions wasted on the USDA, EPA, Dept. of Energy & Education, etc. Every year we're told we need to spend more, and every year the same idiots tell us it is worse.. then we need to spend more, then it is worse, then we need to spend more, then it is worse, then we need to spend more...... Bullshit.

I believe most people would be more than happy to see entitlement programs cut as long as "defense" spending is cut by the same proportion. Would you go for that?

I think there is a LOT that could be cut from Defense... But let's be clear... entitlement spending growth has outpaced defense spending for nearly 40 years.
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Is the social spending paid for, but the military just debt?

At least the social spending is partially paid for with our taxes. The Bush wars were never budgeted for and taxes cannot and do not cover those costs.
Oh boy, another "TAXES HIGHER, DEBT LOWER" post.


I'm trying to understand Eric Cantor's vision of lowering taxes while also lowering our national debt. Can you explain it?

Google it. There is a balance between taxes and spending, obviously as there is also a balance between taxes and growth. Merely taxing the shit out of people while spending like drunken sailors is not the answer. Again, Google it.

Most of us here understand that the debt has to be addressed. But, the notion that there are only two avenues, and that they are mutually exclusive, i.e., raising taxes or cutting spending, is bullshit. And BTW.. amidst a recession, taking more of people's money via taxation is not smart. Tax receipts are off not because the tax rates are too low, they are off because economic growth is too low.

Fair enough...I can Google all day long, but neither Eric Cantor nor John Boehner have provided anything substantive on the subject. SOOOOOOOOOOO how does the GOP plan to lower our national debt. That IS one of the things they ran on, and since I am fairly certain you voted for one of them, I assume you understand how they plan to do it.
Is the social spending paid for, but the military just debt?

At least the social spending is partially paid for with our taxes. The Bush wars were never budgeted for and taxes cannot and do not cover those costs.

Obama has had off budget war appropriations.

And he has compelled future congresses to pay for much of his future spending in order to game the numbers for his "deficit reduction."

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