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Finally a Democrat worth voting for

I do not hide the fact that I admire both Gravel and Ron Paul. That would be my ideal team for the top offices. They could flip a coin for the top spot.

The fact that you support either of these men is speaks volumes and is downright scary.
He is correct. World Domination as revealed by the Partnership for a New American Century, and named The New World Order.
People who believe that PNAC is competent enough to carry out their goals have little to no credibility to me. They've mismanaged Iraq, the PNAC members are split and divided on ideology, Wolfowitz is being ousted at the World Bank, and they've lost all influence and control of the Pentagon. They're the keystone cops of global domination. And what do conspiracy kooks like you believe? That their bungling and fuck ups are all part of a plan to make themselves look incompetent so they can fly under the radar. Get real.
People who believe that PNAC is competent enough to carry out their goals have little to no credibility to me. They've mismanaged Iraq, the PNAC members are split and divided on ideology, Wolfowitz is being ousted at the World Bank, and they've lost all influence and control of the Pentagon. They're the keystone cops of global domination. And what do conspiracy kooks like you believe? That their bungling and fuck ups are all part of a plan to make themselves look incompetent so they can fly under the radar. Get real.

It seems Bush Derangement Syndrome is still alive and well among liberals
I know Paul Revere very well

He is a left wing kook
Just because he believes that Bush is evil doesn't mean he's a liberal. Did it ever occur to you that on the political spectrum of political control that he's to the right of Bush and hates the Bush administration because Bush is not small government enough? I only needed to see a couple of his posts to figure it out. Maybe you're just limited by your talking points in that regard.
Just because he believes that Bush is evil doesn't mean he's a liberal. Did it ever occur to you that on the political spectrum of political control that he's to the right of Bush and hates the Bush administration because Bush is not small government enough? I only needed to see a couple of his posts to figure it out. Maybe you're just limited by your talking points in that regard.

and the 9-11 kook talking points
Paul is hardly a lib. More of an isolationist than anything. Which in my opinion is just as bad. Last two times we had isolationist stances World Wars broke out.

He's a strict constitutionalist Libertarian who believes that states have the right to, and should, make abortions illegal. Seriously, Ron Paul is not a liberal.
Actually, RSR and I somehow got engaged into a discussion about the politics of Paul Revere. Don't know how we got away from Ron Paul, but you guys are correct on both points.

Ron Paul is a libterarian's wet dream. I understand he appeals to you no1tovote4 but I agree with Avatar. Ron Paul would let a State sponsor of terror like Iran run amok and not do a thing to keep them in check. He ranks just above Kucinich on the pussy factor.

Listen to what Ron Paul says about Iran:
"If Iran had a nuclear weapon, the odds of her initiating an attack against anybody – which would guarantee her own annihilation – are zero. And the same goes for the possibility she would place weapons in the hands of a non-state terrorist group."

Do you honestly believe that Iran wouldn't arm Hezbollah or Hamas with a nuclear weapon???
Maybe you need to look up reactionary, conservative, liberal, and revolutionary and figure out which one he is.

This is what Paul suffers from

Kerry supporters seek therapy in South Florida
Boca Raton trauma specialist has treated 15 patients

Published Tuesday, November 9, 2004 1:00 am
by Sean Salai

More than a dozen traumatized John Kerry supporters have sought and received therapy from a licensed Florida psychologist since their candidate lost to President Bush, the Boca Raton News learned Monday.
Boca Raton trauma specialist Douglas Schooler said he has treated 15 clients and friends with “intense hypnotherapy” since the Democratic nominee conceded last Wednesday.
“I had one friend tell me he’s never been so depressed and angry in his life,” Schooler said. “I observed patients threatening to leave the country or staring listlessly into space. They were emotionally paralyzed, shocked and devastated.”
Schooler’s disclosure comes after the weekend discovery of a Kerry volunteer’s corpse at Ground Zero in New York City. Georgia resident Andrew Veal, 25, reportedly killed himself with a shotgun blast to the head due to Kerry’s loss and a girlfriend problem.
Some mental health professionals in South Florida said Monday they have already developed a new category for the Kerry-related stress reactions. Because Palm Beach County voted heavily for Kerry, the therapists said, many residents hurt themselves by so anxiously expecting the Massachusetts senator to win – especially those who maintained unrealistic recount hopes after their candidate’s concession.
“We’re calling it ‘post-election selection trauma’ and we’re working to develop a counseling program for it,” said Rob Gordon, the Boca-based executive director of the American Health Association. “It’s like post-traumatic stress syndrome, but it’s a short-term shock rather than a childhood trauma.”
Gordon, the first American Red Cross psychotherapist sent to Ground Zero after the 9/11 terror attacks, said therapists’ main concern is to prevent the recurrence of Kerry-related suicides like the one in New York City.
“There are definitely people depressed by John Kerry’s loss, and this can easily lead to suicides like the one we saw up in New York this weekend,” Gordon said. “Luckily, it can be treated if people seek help. We’re urging people to call us immediately if they feel depressed or know anyone who is seriously stressed out.”
Also in Boca, at least one counseling center and an emotional support group were preparing for an influx of Kerry supporters at their first post-election meetings today.
“We’ll let the Kerry voters talk about it and let off some steam, and by listening to other people’s stories, we’ll help them refocus and surrender to the things in their life which they can’t possibly change,” said a spokeswoman for Emotions Anonymous, a recovery group meeting tonight at Glades Presbyterian Church.
“We’re referring people with election-related stress to the Democratic National Committee,” said Karen Jacobs of the Center for Group Counseling. “We’ll do what we can for anyone who shows up for our support group programs this week, but we haven’t implemented a specific program for Kerry-related trauma.”
Schooler, practicing in Boca since 1984, said he treated his 15 patients last week with hypnosis-based rapid response trauma therapy. This week, he is charging a sliding fee to non-clients who feel they need the one-time “election therapy” session. South Floridians can contact him at 561-395-3033.
“A lot of Kerry voters don’t know what to do with their anger, because there was no recount, so they’ve kept it bottled up,” said Schooler, who also is a certified sex therapist. “I help them transform the anger into more positive emotions.”
Asked to describe symptoms of the post-election trauma, Schooler said, “They include feelings of extreme anger, despair, hopelessness, powerlessness, a failure to function behaviorally, a sense of disillusionment, of not wanting to vote anymore – that sort of thing. We’re talking about a deep, unhealthy personal suffering that can best be remedied by intensive short-term therapy.”

http://www.bocanews.com/index.php?src=news&prid=10127&category=Local News

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