Finally! An Explanation!!

Reagan did cut the budget side, but it did start earlier, but then again Reagan was looking at cutting budget expenditures and wanted to eliminate it...but Congress would not let him......the compromise was 25% cut in the budget for the federal level of federal funding in 1981 with the Budget Reconciliation Act.

"... this federal program failed because ... it did not provide care for the sickest patients released from the state hospitals. When President Ronald Reagan finally block-granted federal CMHC funds to the states in 1981, he was not killing the program. He was disposing of the corpse.
.... Medicaid and Medicare... Supplemental Security Income and Social Security Disability Insurance programs.... The federal takeover of the mental-illness treatment system was complete."
E. Fuller Torrey: Fifty Years of Failing America's Mentally Ill -
The disappearance of 90% of beds for the MH population did not happen in five years.

It began with the Reaganites, and both parties have been culpable ever since.

And this is the explanation for your sleeping in a refrigerator box?

And again your ad hom invalidates your OP and cannot contradict the truth of what I have posted.

You can never be 1/100th as good as your heroines. The diff: they are far more intelligent and not self-absorbed as you. And they don't have your faith-centric approach of Jesus-in-America.
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It should have never been a federal issue. Mental health issues should be a state problem.

I've been waiting for one of our Democrat friends to ask why Kennedy took such an interest in the issue of mental illness....perhaps they know.

For those who don't, it is because John Kennedy's father was so very infected with the desire for power that he actually had his own daughter lobotomized as a bulwark against her behavior embarrassing the family,and ending his quest for the presidency.

1. In 1941, Joseph Kennedy, worried his daughter's mild mental retardation would lead her into situations that could damage the family's reputation, arranged for Rosemary to have a lobotomy at 23, author Laurence Leamer wrote in his book "The Kennedy Women: The Saga of an American Family."

"Rosemary was a woman, and there was a dread fear of pregnancy, disease and disgrace," Leamer wrote, adding that Rosemary, whose retardation possibly stemmed from brain damage at birth, had taken to sneaking out of the convent where she was staying at the time."
Why did Rosemary Kennedy undergo a lobotomy at the age of 23?

2. "Even if Rose believed that her daughter had been sent to her from God, however, this did not remove the shame that she and her husband felt toward Rosemary. This shame was a powerful, often overlooked force that influenced the family dynamics and brought it together as a cohesive family unit. It also had the effect of closing the family in upon itself, both to protect Rosemary from the outside world and “to protect the family image from the reality of Rosemary.”

In addition, her parents were concerned about Rosemary’s sexual awakening. Rosemary being widely regarded as one of the most attractive of the Kennedy girls, Joe and Rose were extremely worried about the possibility that she would become sexually abused or pregnant. The latter possibility was a special source of anxiety to a father who was constantly concerned about political implications and a mother who was raising her daughters to be “good Catholics.”

Because of concerns about her growing aggression and sexuality, Joe Sr. decided, without consulting or informing his wife, to have a prefrontal lobotomy performed on Rosemary. Because of its importance in this case, a few words about the prefrontal lobotomy are in order. First, Rosemary’s surgery was performed very soon after the introduction of the technique in this country. Fewer than one hundred such operations had been completed at this time, and the procedure was very much experimental. The operation was recommended for “ ‘hopeless’ patients who had failed to respond to other methods of treatment, people who had little to lose and everything to gain.”
Interesting article on Rosemary Kennedy and her impact on the family -- Kennedy Family Forum

3. "....she underwent a prefrontal lobotomy at age 23, which left her permanently incapacitated.

After the lobotomy, it quickly became apparent that the procedure was not successful. Kennedy's mental capacity diminished to that of a two year old child. She could not walk, speak intelligibly, and was considered incontinent.

Rose Kennedy did not visit her for twenty years. Joseph P. Kennedy, Sr., did not visit his daughter at the institution.

Rosemary Kennedy died from natural causes on January 7, 2005, at the Fort Atkinson Memorial Hospital in Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin, at the age of 86,...."
Rosemary Kennedy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Just imagine....had Joseph Kennedy had the same concerns about Ted Kennedy, Mary Jo Kopechne might still be alive.
Reagan did cut the budget side, but it did start earlier, but then again Reagan was looking at cutting budget expenditures and wanted to eliminate it...but Congress would not let him......the compromise was 25% cut in the budget for the federal level of federal funding in 1981 with the Budget Reconciliation Act.

"... this federal program failed because ... it did not provide care for the sickest patients released from the state hospitals. When President Ronald Reagan finally block-granted federal CMHC funds to the states in 1981, he was not killing the program. He was disposing of the corpse.
.... Medicaid and Medicare... Supplemental Security Income and Social Security Disability Insurance programs.... The federal takeover of the mental-illness treatment system was complete."
E. Fuller Torrey: Fifty Years of Failing America's Mentally Ill -
So Reagan made mental health a Federal matter? And you think that the Federal government is unfit to oversee matters of mental health? So shouldn't you be upset at Reagan for making mental health a Federal matter? And for arming and training Muslim terrorists? What does Rosemary Kennedy have to do with anything?

Is there a point in this discussion?
The disappearance of 90% of beds for the MH population did not happen in five years.

It began with the Reaganites, and both parties have been culpable ever since.

And this is the explanation for your sleeping in a refrigerator box?

And again your ad hom invalidates your OP and cannot contradict the truth of what I have posted.

You can never be 1/100th as good as your heroines. The diff: they are far more intelligent and not self-absorbed as you. And they don't have your faith-centric approach of Jesus-in-America.

"And again your ad hom invalidates your OP...."

You are both stupid and'd try to steal a free sample.
I've always felt that that double threat feature, stupidity and dishonesty, invalidated all of your attempted posts.

Waiting for you to say something intelligent is like putting a candle in the window for Jimmy Hoffa.

Some babies were dropped on their heads but you were clearly thrown at a wall.

But if I said anything to you that I should be sorry for, ...please believe me.
1. "In 2008 Obama won more than 69 million votes, and in 2012 he won more than 65 million. No other candidate has ever surpassed 65 million votes,...."
6 Facts About Barack Obama?s Reelection | Britannica Blog

2. "Police Confront Rising Number of Mentally Ill Suspects

In towns and cities across the United States, police officers find themselves playing dual roles as law enforcers and psychiatric social workers. County jails and state prisons have become de facto mental institutions; in New York, for instance, a surge of stabbings, beatings and other violence at Rikers Island has been attributed in part to an influx of mentally ill inmates, who respond erratically to discipline and are vulnerable targets for other prisoners. “Frequent fliers,” as mentally ill inmates who have repeated arrests are known in law enforcement circles, cycle from jail cells to halfway houses to the streets and back.

The problem has gotten worse in recent years, according to mental health and criminal justice experts,....."

The truth is really very simple, two factors have created the sad situation where we in America put the mentally ill into institutions built for criminals.

1. During his terms as Governor of California, Ronald Reagan closed nearly all State Institutions for the mentally ill. Claiming putting the mentally ill into such institutions was inhuman and they needed to be treated at the local level.

a. While Gov. Regan may have been correct as to the inhumanity of talking the mentally ill away from their families, the other agenda was to cut State costs and pass them on to local government.

b. Funding was never provided to the Counties of California, though it had been promised by Sir. Ronald and later, with the passage of prop. 13, counties lost revenue; soon services to the mentally ill began to disappear.

c. The result, too many homeless are mentally ill, and too many inmates in State Prison and County Jails are untreated and soon released to the streets.
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1. "In 2008 Obama won more than 69 million votes, and in 2012 he won more than 65 million. No other candidate has ever surpassed 65 million votes,...."
6 Facts About Barack Obama?s Reelection | Britannica Blog

2. "Police Confront Rising Number of Mentally Ill Suspects

In towns and cities across the United States, police officers find themselves playing dual roles as law enforcers and psychiatric social workers. County jails and state prisons have become de facto mental institutions; in New York, for instance, a surge of stabbings, beatings and other violence at Rikers Island has been attributed in part to an influx of mentally ill inmates, who respond erratically to discipline and are vulnerable targets for other prisoners. “Frequent fliers,” as mentally ill inmates who have repeated arrests are known in law enforcement circles, cycle from jail cells to halfway houses to the streets and back.

The problem has gotten worse in recent years, according to mental health and criminal justice experts,....."

The truth is really very simple, two factors have created the sad situation where we in America put the mentally ill into institutions built for criminals.

1. During his terms as Governor of California, Ronald Reagan closed nearly all State Institutions for the mentally ill. Claiming putting the mentally ill into such institutions was inhuman and they needed to be treated at the local level.

a. While Gov. Regan may have been correct as to the inhumanity of talking the mentally ill away from their families, the other agenda was to cut State costs and pass them on to local government.

b. Funding was never provided to the Counties of California, though it had been promised by Sir. Ronald and later, with the passage of prop. 13, counties lost revenue; soon services to the mentally ill began to disappear.

c. The result, too many homeless are mentally ill, and too many inmates in State Prison and County Jails are untreated and soon released to the streets.

For purposes of clarity.....which is it: are you more wrong, or more stupid??? could be a congenital liar!
That seems to happen to Leftists as soon as Reagan's name is brought up.

What's the explanation????

1. Ronald Reagan was the governor of California for two terms, once in 1967 and again in 1971.
Governorship of Ronald Reagan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

2. ." On Feb. 5, 1963, ... President John F. Kennedy addressed Congress on "Mental Illness and Mental Retardation." He proposed a new program under which the federal government would fund community mental-health centers, or CMHCs, to take the place of state mental hospitals."
E. Fuller Torrey: Fifty Years of Failing America's Mentally Ill -

Let's see if you provide the full apology to Reagan that he deserves.

Penitential prostration is acceptable.
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And PC stupidly stumbles by ignoring the fact that both parties are responsible for this. A Malkin and Coulter she can never be because they have the ability, she does not.

PC ad hom by you is not refutation, only an exposure of your inability to logically and objectively discuss the issues.
1. "In 2008 Obama won more than 69 million votes, and in 2012 he won more than 65 million. No other candidate has ever surpassed 65 million votes,...."
6 Facts About Barack Obama?s Reelection | Britannica Blog

2. "Police Confront Rising Number of Mentally Ill Suspects

In towns and cities across the United States, police officers find themselves playing dual roles as law enforcers and psychiatric social workers. County jails and state prisons have become de facto mental institutions; in New York, for instance, a surge of stabbings, beatings and other violence at Rikers Island has been attributed in part to an influx of mentally ill inmates, who respond erratically to discipline and are vulnerable targets for other prisoners. “Frequent fliers,” as mentally ill inmates who have repeated arrests are known in law enforcement circles, cycle from jail cells to halfway houses to the streets and back.

The problem has gotten worse in recent years, according to mental health and criminal justice experts,....."

The truth is really very simple, two factors have created the sad situation where we in America put the mentally ill into institutions built for criminals.

1. During his terms as Governor of California, Ronald Reagan closed nearly all State Institutions for the mentally ill. Claiming putting the mentally ill into such institutions was inhuman and they needed to be treated at the local level.

a. While Gov. Regan may have been correct as to the inhumanity of talking the mentally ill away from their families, the other agenda was to cut State costs and pass them on to local government.

b. Funding was never provided to the Counties of California, though it had been promised by Sir. Ronald and later, with the passage of prop. 13, counties lost revenue; soon services to the mentally ill began to disappear.

c. The result, too many homeless are mentally ill, and too many inmates in State Prison and County Jails are untreated and soon released to the streets.

For purposes of clarity.....which is it: are you more wrong, or more stupid??? could be a congenital liar!

What's the explanation????

1. Ronald Reagan was the governor of California for two terms, once in 1967 and again in 1971.
Governorship of Ronald Reagan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

2. ." On Feb. 5, 1963, ... President John F. Kennedy addressed Congress on "Mental Illness and Mental Retardation." He proposed a new program under which the federal government would fund community mental-health centers, or CMHCs, to take the place of state mental hospitals."
E. Fuller Torrey: Fifty Years of Failing America's Mentally Ill -

Let's see if you provide the full apology to Reagan that he deserves.

Penitential prostration is acceptable.

Thanks for you opinion, now let's look at some history:

Ronald Reagan?s shameful legacy: Violence, the homeless, mental illness -
The legacy of Ronald Reagan:

"Given the increasing number of seriously mentally ill individuals living in the community in California by the mid-1970s, it is not surprising to find that they were impacting the tasks of police officers. A study of 301 patients discharged from Napa State Hospital between 1972 and 1975 found that 41% of them had been arrested. According to the study, “patients who entered the hospital without a criminal record were subsequently arrested about three times as often as the average citizen.” Significantly, the majority of these patients had received no aftercare following their hospital discharge. By this time, police in other states were also beginning to feel the burden of the discharged, but often untreated, mentally ill individuals. In suburban Philadelphia, for example, “mental-illness-related incidents increased 227.6% from 1975 to 1979, whereas felonies increased only 5.6%.”

From the link posted above.
The truth is really very simple, two factors have created the sad situation where we in America put the mentally ill into institutions built for criminals.

1. During his terms as Governor of California, Ronald Reagan closed nearly all State Institutions for the mentally ill. Claiming putting the mentally ill into such institutions was inhuman and they needed to be treated at the local level.

a. While Gov. Regan may have been correct as to the inhumanity of talking the mentally ill away from their families, the other agenda was to cut State costs and pass them on to local government.

b. Funding was never provided to the Counties of California, though it had been promised by Sir. Ronald and later, with the passage of prop. 13, counties lost revenue; soon services to the mentally ill began to disappear.

c. The result, too many homeless are mentally ill, and too many inmates in State Prison and County Jails are untreated and soon released to the streets.

For purposes of clarity.....which is it: are you more wrong, or more stupid??? could be a congenital liar!

What's the explanation????

1. Ronald Reagan was the governor of California for two terms, once in 1967 and again in 1971.
Governorship of Ronald Reagan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

2. ." On Feb. 5, 1963, ... President John F. Kennedy addressed Congress on "Mental Illness and Mental Retardation." He proposed a new program under which the federal government would fund community mental-health centers, or CMHCs, to take the place of state mental hospitals."
E. Fuller Torrey: Fifty Years of Failing America's Mentally Ill -

Let's see if you provide the full apology to Reagan that he deserves.

Penitential prostration is acceptable.

Thanks for you opinion, now let's look at some history:

Ronald Reagan?s shameful legacy: Violence, the homeless, mental illness -

"Thanks for you opinion,...."

My opinion?

Both are direct quotes, with the links so that you can verify same.

Which, again, leads to the original query: are you wrong, stupid, or a congenital liar?

Here for your viewing pleasure:

1. Ronald Reagan was the governor of California for two terms, once in 1967 and again in 1971.
Governorship of Ronald Reagan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

2. ." On Feb. 5, 1963, ... President John F. Kennedy addressed Congress on "Mental Illness and Mental Retardation." He proposed a new program under which the federal government would fund community mental-health centers, or CMHCs, to take the place of state mental hospitals."
E. Fuller Torrey: Fifty Years of Failing America's Mentally Ill -
You are both stupid and'd try to steal a free sample.
I've always felt that that double threat feature, stupidity and dishonesty, invalidated all of your attempted posts.

Waiting for you to say something intelligent is like putting a candle in the window for Jimmy Hoffa.

Some babies were dropped on their heads but you were clearly thrown at a wall.

But if I said anything to you that I should be sorry for, ...please believe me.

If you can't say something nice..

You're probably talking to Fakey Jake....
The legacy of Ronald Reagan:

"Given the increasing number of seriously mentally ill individuals living in the community in California by the mid-1970s, it is not surprising to find that they were impacting the tasks of police officers. A study of 301 patients discharged from Napa State Hospital between 1972 and 1975 found that 41% of them had been arrested. According to the study, “patients who entered the hospital without a criminal record were subsequently arrested about three times as often as the average citizen.” Significantly, the majority of these patients had received no aftercare following their hospital discharge. By this time, police in other states were also beginning to feel the burden of the discharged, but often untreated, mentally ill individuals. In suburban Philadelphia, for example, “mental-illness-related incidents increased 227.6% from 1975 to 1979, whereas felonies increased only 5.6%.”

From the link posted above.

Well, the Salon link certainly verifies your claim to "stupid."

It says "... patients discharged..." and "... the mid-1970s,..."
I've shown...twice now....that JFK took over facilities from 1963.

Where is the proof of claim that you made that is was Reagan's doing?

" Kennedy's proposal was historic because the public care of mentally ill individuals had been exclusively a state responsibility for more than a century. The federal initiative encouraged the closing of state hospitals and aborted the development of state-funded outpatient clinics in process at that time.

.... the feds funded 789 CMHCs with a total of $2.7 billion ($20.3 billion in today's dollars). During those same years, the number of patients in state mental hospitals fell by three quarters—to 132,164 from 504,604—and those beds were closed down.

.... CMHCs were not interested in taking care of the patients being discharged from the state hospitals. Instead, they focused on individuals with less severe problems sometimes called "the worried well."

... this federal program failed because ... it did not provide care for the sickest patients released from the state hospitals. When President Ronald Reagan finally block-granted federal CMHC funds to the states in 1981, he was not killing the program. He was disposing of the corpse."
E. Fuller Torrey: Fifty Years of Failing America's Mentally Ill -

I await both your admission that you were wrong, and your over-due admission to a mental facility.

By the way, the author of the WSJ article has a best-seller, "American Psychosis: How the Federal Government Destroyed the Mental Illness Treatment System" by E. Fuller Torrey

....I'm sure your name appears throughout.
And PC stupidly stumbles by ignoring the fact that both parties are responsible for this. A Malkin and Coulter she can never be because they have the ability, she does not.

PC ad hom by you is not refutation, only an exposure of your inability to logically and objectively discuss the issues.


Both Jakal and Wry!!! ....Lenny and Squiggy…

Talk about a "wealth of targets"!!!!

Where to begin???

You're a pair o' pathetic peripatetics!

So...what's this I hear? You two have decided on "We've Only Just Begun" as your first song?

Just do you decide which of you picks up the check?
And PC stupidly stumbles by ignoring the fact that both parties are responsible for this. A Malkin and Coulter she can never be because they have the ability, she does not.

PC ad hom by you is not refutation, only an exposure of your inability to logically and objectively discuss the issues.


Both Jakal and Wry!!! ....Lenny and Squiggy…

Talk about a "wealth of targets"!!!!

Where to begin???

You're a pair o' pathetic peripatetics!

So...what's this I hear? You two have decided on "We've Only Just Begun" as your first song?

Just do you decide which of you picks up the check?

Where do you get the patience to joust with these imbeciles?
And PC stupidly stumbles by ignoring the fact that both parties are responsible for this. A Malkin and Coulter she can never be because they have the ability, she does not.

PC ad hom by you is not refutation, only an exposure of your inability to logically and objectively discuss the issues.


Both Jakal and Wry!!! ....Lenny and Squiggy…

Talk about a "wealth of targets"!!!!

Where to begin???

You're a pair o' pathetic peripatetics!

So...what's this I hear? You two have decided on "We've Only Just Begun" as your first song?

Just do you decide which of you picks up the check?

Where do you get the patience to joust with these imbeciles?

C'mon....who can resist taking a swing at a piñata???
Dr. E. Fuller Torrey - Treatment Advocacy Center

From the article linked below by Dr. Torrey:

"By the mid-1970s, studies in some states suggested that about 5% of jail inmates were seriously mentally ill. A study of five California county jails reported that 6.7% of the inmates were psychotic. A study of the Denver County Jail reported that 5% of prisoners had a “functional psychosis.” Such figures contrasted with studies from the 1930s that had reported less than 2% of jail inmates as being seriously mentally ill. In 1973 the jail in Santa Clara County, which included San Jose, “created a special ward…to house just the individuals who have such a mental condition”; this was apparently the first county jail to create a special mental illness unit.

"Given the increasing number of seriously mentally ill individuals living in the community in California by the mid-1970s, it is not surprising to find that they were impacting the tasks of police officers. A study of 301 patients discharged from Napa State Hospital between 1972 and 1975 found that 41% of them had been arrested. According to the study, “patients who entered the hospital without a criminal record were subsequently arrested about three times as often as the average citizen.” Significantly, the majority of these patients had received no aftercare following their hospital discharge. By this time, police in other states were also beginning to feel the burden of the discharged, but often untreated, mentally ill individuals. In suburban Philadelphia, for example, “mental-illness-related incidents increased 227.6% from 1975 to 1979, whereas felonies increased only 5.6%.”

If you and you personal sycophant B. Kidd weren't ignorant - willfully or congenitally - you would have read Dr. Torrey's article reprinted in Salon. As it stands you hold true to my assessment that you PC are a Narcissist and not able to engage in discourse with anyone who challenges your biases.

Thus you're compelled by your mental illness, always and in every thread you post, to attack the intelligence and character of anyone who dares to challenge you. Your use of logical fallacies in lieu of rational argument is a lesson in informal logic: Poisoning the Well, Appeal to Ridicule, Abusive Ad Hominem, Appeal to Common Belief, Assertion (you say that X is true. Therefore X is true) and others show your true metal and it is tin foil, much like the hats worn by those who feed your obese ego.
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The moonbats didn't want to see their brothers and sisters locked away in the nut hut, so USMB welcomed them with open arms.

No wonder this place is so much fun.

Engineers have almost developed a sonar strong enough plow through the blubber and find PC's brain. Shes patient zero for a new type of illness.

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