Finally! An Explanation!!

Dr. E. Fuller Torrey - Treatment Advocacy Center

From the article linked below by Dr. Torrey:

"By the mid-1970s, studies in some states suggested that about 5% of jail inmates were seriously mentally ill. A study of five California county jails reported that 6.7% of the inmates were psychotic. A study of the Denver County Jail reported that 5% of prisoners had a “functional psychosis.” Such figures contrasted with studies from the 1930s that had reported less than 2% of jail inmates as being seriously mentally ill. In 1973 the jail in Santa Clara County, which included San Jose, “created a special ward…to house just the individuals who have such a mental condition”; this was apparently the first county jail to create a special mental illness unit.

"Given the increasing number of seriously mentally ill individuals living in the community in California by the mid-1970s, it is not surprising to find that they were impacting the tasks of police officers. A study of 301 patients discharged from Napa State Hospital between 1972 and 1975 found that 41% of them had been arrested. According to the study, “patients who entered the hospital without a criminal record were subsequently arrested about three times as often as the average citizen.” Significantly, the majority of these patients had received no aftercare following their hospital discharge. By this time, police in other states were also beginning to feel the burden of the discharged, but often untreated, mentally ill individuals. In suburban Philadelphia, for example, “mental-illness-related incidents increased 227.6% from 1975 to 1979, whereas felonies increased only 5.6%.”

Ronald Reagan?s shameful legacy: Violence, the homeless, mental illness -

If you and you personal sycophant B. Kidd weren't ignorant - willfully or congenitally - you would have read Dr. Torrey's article reprinted in Salon. As it stands you hold true to my assessment that you PC are a Narcissist and not able to engage in discourse with anyone who challenges your biases.

Thus you're compelled by your mental illness, always and in every thread you post, to attack the intelligence and character of anyone who dares to challenge you. Your use of logical fallacies in lieu of rational argument is a lesson in informal logic: Poisoning the Well, Appeal to Ridicule, Abusive Ad Hominem, Appeal to Common Belief, Assertion (you say that X is true. Therefore X is true) and others show your true metal and it is tin foil, much like the hats worn by those who feed your obese ego.

You blamed Reagan.

I provided this:

" On Feb. 5, 1963, ... President John F. Kennedy addressed Congress on "Mental Illness and Mental Retardation." He proposed a new program under which the federal government would fund community mental-health centers, or CMHCs, to take the place of state mental hospitals."
E. Fuller Torrey: Fifty Years of Failing America's Mentally Ill -

Was Reagan governor of California in 1963?

The answer to that query is the same as to this one: Do you have a functioning brain?
The moonbats didn't want to see their brothers and sisters locked away in the nut hut, so USMB welcomed them with open arms.

No wonder this place is so much fun.

Engineers have almost developed a sonar strong enough plow through the blubber and find PC's brain. Shes patient zero for a new type of illness.

Awwww.....aren't you even going to thank me for teaching you morality, and making you embarrassed about the wanted-poster you had as an avi?

Some people: no gratitude.

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