Finally, Israel and Palestine is a US election issue.

"...but they are the ones that were driven from their homes and relegated to refugee camps."

I mean, what a shame that the Arabs-Moslem squatters were forced from their homes in 1948 when the failed genocide by the Arab-Moslem armies was begun.

And, I think we can agree that the treatment of the Pal'istanians by the Arab-Moslem world is terrible. Those Pal'istanian internment camps in Jordan and elsewhere in the Arab-Moslem Middle East..., oh, the humanity, (sniff sniff).

Thank you for agreeing that the native people of Palestine were forced from their homes by European invaders.

I never agreed to that. Your reading comprehension skills are lacking.

As you should know, the Egyptian, Syrian and Lebanese squatters were not "native people".

How can the people that were living in Palestine for thousands of years before the Europeans arrived be squatters. How can people born in Europe be natives of Palestine. Do you have a different definition of native than the standard one?
How could there be natives of Palestine for thousands of years when there was no such nation for people to native to?

It appears you have your own invention of things.

People are natives to land, not a nation. The Aborigines never had a nation, but they are certainly the natives of the land that was named Australia by the British.

So you admit they were Syrians, Egyptians or Saudi's then, as that is how they saw the land
I never agreed to that. Your reading comprehension skills are lacking.

As you should know, the Egyptian, Syrian and Lebanese squatters were not "native people".

How can the people that were living in Palestine for thousands of years before the Europeans arrived be squatters. How can people born in Europe be natives of Palestine. Do you have a different definition of native than the standard one?
How could there be natives of Palestine for thousands of years when there was no such nation for people to native to?

It appears you have your own invention of things.

People are natives to land, not a nation. The Aborigines never had a nation, but they are certainly the natives of the land that was named Australia by the British.
How are Egyptian, Syrian and Lebanese "native" to a geographic area that was largely undefined?

Have you somehow missed that Egyptians, Syrians and Lebanese would be native to places called Egypt, Syria and Lebanon?

Are you saying that Egyptians, Syrians and Lebanese are natives of those places, but Palestinians are not natives to a place called Palestine?

Are you claiming that there were no people in Palestine when the European Zionists began invading, oh wait "migrating", there from Europe. One Zionist fantasy is as good as another.

Are you claiming that there were no indigenous Jews living in the area who could trace their ancestry back over 100 generations. Are you claiming that the Ottomans or LoN gave the land to the arab muslims to rule over under International laws in force in 1923. Are you claiming that the world owes the arab muslims a different set of laws that don't apply to any other group of people.

One islamonazi fantasy is worth even less than the last one you posted
montelatici, et al,

If I "despise the Muslims and Christians of Palestine" --- it is not for any racial or religious reason. This is your standby claim to avoid the point under discussion. And in fact, it is an attempt to associate the Arab Palestinians with an entirely different culture; because the Arab Palestinian have no real character to be proud of --- and have made no significant contribution to humanity.

In fact, I am quite surprised that anyone would claim to be Palestinian. I would hide the fact --- and claim another nationality.
You really despise the Muslims and Christians of Palestine. Unbelievable racism Rocco, that comment really takes the cake. I am sure you felt the same about the non-whites in South Africa. They should have claimed they were Kenyans, right. Would you have said the same about the Irish Catholics in Northern Ireland? Should they have claimed they weren't Irish?

I think that if you Posting #24 of this Discussion, you will find that I made no reference at all to race or religion. In fact, the criteria I used was not based on a --- non-white 'vs' white --- or a --- Protestant 'vs' Catholic conflict (or in celebration of the The Battle of The Boyne). No, I'm talking about those Arab Palestinians who are proud of the heritage they have set in “utilizing the presence of a civilian or other protected person to render certain points, areas or military forces immune from military operations;” and the Arabs of Palestine have to be continuously reminded that they have no special dispensation to target unarmed civilians.

The is a world of difference between the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) counterfire on a HAMAS Rocket Launch site intentionally placed in the middle of a densely populated area; and the indiscriminate firing of the rocket into a densely populated area, or the deliberately targeting of an Israeli school bus for a rocket attack. Or more recently --- the case in which HAMAS on Wednesday (Newsweek BY JACK MOORE ON 4/21/16) said that "a member of its group was behind the bus bombing that wounded more than 20 people in Jerusalem earlier this week. The group that rules the Gaza Strip praised Abdel Hamid Abu Srour, a 19-year-old from the Aida refugee camp near the West Bank city of Bethlehem, after he succumbed to his wounds from the blast on Wednesday."

Most Respectfully,
montelatici, et al,

If I "despise the Muslims and Christians of Palestine" --- it is not for any racial or religious reason. This is your standby claim to avoid the point under discussion. And in fact, it is an attempt to associate the Arab Palestinians with an entirely different culture; because the Arab Palestinian have no real character to be proud of --- and have made no significant contribution to humanity.

In fact, I am quite surprised that anyone would claim to be Palestinian. I would hide the fact --- and claim another nationality.
You really despise the Muslims and Christians of Palestine. Unbelievable racism Rocco, that comment really takes the cake. I am sure you felt the same about the non-whites in South Africa. They should have claimed they were Kenyans, right. Would you have said the same about the Irish Catholics in Northern Ireland? Should they have claimed they weren't Irish?

I think that if you Posting #24 of this Discussion, you will find that I made no reference at all to race or religion. In fact, the criteria I used was not based on a --- non-white 'vs' white --- or a --- Protestant 'vs' Catholic conflict (or in celebration of the The Battle of The Boyne). No, I'm talking about those Arab Palestinians who are proud of the heritage they have set in “utilizing the presence of a civilian or other protected person to render certain points, areas or military forces immune from military operations;” and the Arabs of Palestine have to be continuously reminded that they have no special dispensation to target unarmed civilians.

The is a world of difference between the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) counterfire on a HAMAS Rocket Launch site intentionally placed in the middle of a densely populated area; and the indiscriminate firing of the rocket into a densely populated area, or the deliberately targeting of an Israeli school bus for a rocket attack. Or more recently --- the case in which HAMAS on Wednesday (Newsweek BY JACK MOORE ON 4/21/16) said that "a member of its group was behind the bus bombing that wounded more than 20 people in Jerusalem earlier this week. The group that rules the Gaza Strip praised Abdel Hamid Abu Srour, a 19-year-old from the Aida refugee camp near the West Bank city of Bethlehem, after he succumbed to his wounds from the blast on Wednesday."

Most Respectfully,
Israel really needs to stop its war.
montelatici, et al,

If I "despise the Muslims and Christians of Palestine" --- it is not for any racial or religious reason. This is your standby claim to avoid the point under discussion. And in fact, it is an attempt to associate the Arab Palestinians with an entirely different culture; because the Arab Palestinian have no real character to be proud of --- and have made no significant contribution to humanity.

In fact, I am quite surprised that anyone would claim to be Palestinian. I would hide the fact --- and claim another nationality.
You really despise the Muslims and Christians of Palestine. Unbelievable racism Rocco, that comment really takes the cake. I am sure you felt the same about the non-whites in South Africa. They should have claimed they were Kenyans, right. Would you have said the same about the Irish Catholics in Northern Ireland? Should they have claimed they weren't Irish?

I think that if you Posting #24 of this Discussion, you will find that I made no reference at all to race or religion. In fact, the criteria I used was not based on a --- non-white 'vs' white --- or a --- Protestant 'vs' Catholic conflict (or in celebration of the The Battle of The Boyne). No, I'm talking about those Arab Palestinians who are proud of the heritage they have set in “utilizing the presence of a civilian or other protected person to render certain points, areas or military forces immune from military operations;” and the Arabs of Palestine have to be continuously reminded that they have no special dispensation to target unarmed civilians.

The is a world of difference between the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) counterfire on a HAMAS Rocket Launch site intentionally placed in the middle of a densely populated area; and the indiscriminate firing of the rocket into a densely populated area, or the deliberately targeting of an Israeli school bus for a rocket attack. Or more recently --- the case in which HAMAS on Wednesday (Newsweek BY JACK MOORE ON 4/21/16) said that "a member of its group was behind the bus bombing that wounded more than 20 people in Jerusalem earlier this week. The group that rules the Gaza Strip praised Abdel Hamid Abu Srour, a 19-year-old from the Aida refugee camp near the West Bank city of Bethlehem, after he succumbed to his wounds from the blast on Wednesday."

Most Respectfully,

You are speaking in code, you don't have to mention race or religion. You are propaganda mongering. Gaza is the most densely populated area on earth, while I would suggest to the Palestinians to have patience and and wait peacefully for a generation or two and see if their demographic advantage will result in a peaceful shift of power to non-Jews, if the Palestinians elect to resist rather than accept their condition, where would they fight from. Set up in one of the rare open spaces of Gaza and invite the Jews to kill them? In the battle of Stalingrad, did the Russians set up in the few open areas of the city to facilitate their destruction by the Germans? Did the Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto set up in open areas? You see, you just don't think it through. Your hate makes it impossible for you to reach a reasoned conclusion.

When the ANC killed dozens of civilians with the Church Street bombing, two of the bombers Freddie Shangwe and Ezekial Maseko were killed in the explosion. The ANC at the time praised them as heroes of the liberation struggle. Today they are national heroes in South Africa.

You and I may not agree with praising bombers, but you try to claim that somehow the Palestinians are doing something extraordinary when they praise the bombers when in fact every national liberation organization has done the same in the past. That's why you are a racist, your hate for the Palestinians makes it impossible for you to recognize that the Palestinians are behaving in the same manner as other people in the past have behaved when in a similar situation. For example, how is the Hamas praising of the bombing different from Gerry Adam's (IRA) praising of the Oct. 12 bombing that wiped out most of Thatcher's cabinet? It has nothing to do with the race, ethnicity, religion or other characteristic. It has to do with the situation people are in. That is the catalyst. No people that have found themselves in the situation the Palestinians are in have behaved much differently than the Palestinians. In fact, among all these groups, the Palestinians have been the least violent.

Lawrence Journal-World - Google News Archive Search
montelatici, et al,

If I "despise the Muslims and Christians of Palestine" --- it is not for any racial or religious reason. This is your standby claim to avoid the point under discussion. And in fact, it is an attempt to associate the Arab Palestinians with an entirely different culture; because the Arab Palestinian have no real character to be proud of --- and have made no significant contribution to humanity.

In fact, I am quite surprised that anyone would claim to be Palestinian. I would hide the fact --- and claim another nationality.
You really despise the Muslims and Christians of Palestine. Unbelievable racism Rocco, that comment really takes the cake. I am sure you felt the same about the non-whites in South Africa. They should have claimed they were Kenyans, right. Would you have said the same about the Irish Catholics in Northern Ireland? Should they have claimed they weren't Irish?

I think that if you Posting #24 of this Discussion, you will find that I made no reference at all to race or religion. In fact, the criteria I used was not based on a --- non-white 'vs' white --- or a --- Protestant 'vs' Catholic conflict (or in celebration of the The Battle of The Boyne). No, I'm talking about those Arab Palestinians who are proud of the heritage they have set in “utilizing the presence of a civilian or other protected person to render certain points, areas or military forces immune from military operations;” and the Arabs of Palestine have to be continuously reminded that they have no special dispensation to target unarmed civilians.

The is a world of difference between the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) counterfire on a HAMAS Rocket Launch site intentionally placed in the middle of a densely populated area; and the indiscriminate firing of the rocket into a densely populated area, or the deliberately targeting of an Israeli school bus for a rocket attack. Or more recently --- the case in which HAMAS on Wednesday (Newsweek BY JACK MOORE ON 4/21/16) said that "a member of its group was behind the bus bombing that wounded more than 20 people in Jerusalem earlier this week. The group that rules the Gaza Strip praised Abdel Hamid Abu Srour, a 19-year-old from the Aida refugee camp near the West Bank city of Bethlehem, after he succumbed to his wounds from the blast on Wednesday."

Most Respectfully,

You are speaking in code, you don't have to mention race or religion. You are propaganda mongering. Gaza is the most densely populated area on earth, while I would suggest to the Palestinians to have patience and and wait peacefully for a generation or two and see if their demographic advantage will result in a peaceful shift of power to non-Jews, if the Palestinians elect to resist rather than accept their condition, where would they fight from. Set up in one of the rare open spaces of Gaza and invite the Jews to kill them? In the battle of Stalingrad, did the Russians set up in the few open areas of the city to facilitate their destruction by the Germans? Did the Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto set up in open areas? You see, you just don't think it through. Your hate makes it impossible for you to reach a reasoned conclusion.

When the ANC killed dozens of civilians with the Church Street bombing, two of the bombers Freddie Shangwe and Ezekial Maseko were killed in the explosion. The ANC at the time praised them as heroes of the liberation struggle. Today they are national heroes in South Africa.

You and I may not agree with praising bombers, but you try to claim that somehow the Palestinians are doing something extraordinary when they praise the bombers when in fact every national liberation organization has done the same in the past. That's why you are a racist, your hate for the Palestinians makes it impossible for you to recognize that the Palestinians are behaving in the same manner as other people in the past have behaved when in a similar situation. For example, how is the Hamas praising of the bombing different from Gerry Adam's (IRA) praising of the Oct. 12 bombing that wiped out most of Thatcher's cabinet? It has nothing to do with the race, ethnicity, religion or other characteristic. It has to do with the situation people are in. That is the catalyst. No people that have found themselves in the situation the Palestinians are in have behaved much differently than the Palestinians. In fact, among all these groups, the Palestinians have been the least violent.

Lawrence Journal-World - Google News Archive Search

I'm afraid the above was simply a vehicle for you to espouse your Jew hatreds by way of excusing Islamic terrorism.

I'll be honest (because you are not), and acknowledge that Hamas, like other Islamic terrorist franchises, have nothing to do at all with "liberation". Their goal is to install a Dark Ages theocratic code as outlined in their charter. There is not a single Islamic terrorist organization that liberates anyone from anything. In fact, all the Islamic terrorist organizations that we see have a demonstrated pattern of stripping away individual rights while installing retrograde and corrupt islamo-thugs and social misfits.
montelatici, et al,

You and I may not agree with praising bombers, but you try to claim that somehow the Palestinians are doing something extraordinary when they praise the bombers when in fact every national liberation organization has done the same in the past.

I'm not making an association between any two organizations, or comparing similarities. I am saying that it is that --- no matter who you are --- if you advocate the deliberate targeting of defenseless women and children (no matter you justification), you are a coward. I don't care which movement you are associated with, there is NO CHIVALRY in the murder of defenseless women and children; no matter what the cause.

That's why you are a racist, your hate for the Palestinians makes it impossible for you to recognize that the Palestinians are behaving in the same manner as other people in the past have behaved when in a similar situation.

I did not say that I "HATE" the Arab Palestinian. But I did imply that I look down upon them with contempt, ethically weak minded, and totally unable to develop their own original thought (plagiarizing their action and motives from other cultures); regarding them as intellectually negligible to the development of humanity, worthless as an example of ethical and moral characteristics, and very much distasteful in form or manner in demonstrating a righteous cause.

For example, how is the Hamas praising of the bombing different from Gerry Adam's (IRA) praising of the Oct. 12 bombing that wiped out most of Thatcher's cabinet? It has nothing to do with the race, ethnicity, religion or other characteristic. It has to do with the situation people are in. That is the catalyst. No people that have found themselves in the situation the Palestinians are in have behaved much differently than the Palestinians. In fact, among all these groups, the Palestinians have been the least violent.

POINT OF ORDER: Gerry Adam's was not a Provisional and was not involved in the bombing plot. He was an opposition party politician in the Sinn Féin, and eventually worked his way through the chairs to become the Party President in 1983. The Brighton Bomber was Patrick McGee (Provisional Irish Republican Army) that planned, organized and was responsible for the attempted murder of Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and Cabinet. (But like most of the facts relative to the even, they are still sealed under the Official Secrets Act by HM's Security Service and HM's Secret Intelligence Service.) BUT I actually understand what you are driving at here.​

It will not be uncommon, during your travels in Northern Ireland, to come across remembrance memorials dedicated to members of the Irish Republican Army and those of the Ulster Defence Force (UDF) and the Ulster Freedom Fighters (UFF), as well as the brave of the Royal Ulster Constabulary (RUC). The pain and anguish over the casualties on all sides are equally sorrowful.

As far as the level of violence, the Conflict Deaths (Northern Ireland) between 1969 and 2010 was less than 4000. But the conflict over the Partition dates back to 1920. Almost all the parties to the conflict, in some measure, used political violence and territorial terrorism to impose their will and achieve objectives. But there was a real internal conflict within a number of these parties concerning the death and ill treatment of women and children on both sides. Even in the conflict over Northern Ireland, there were both internal and external debates relative to the moral and ethical considerations affecting the region. It is probably why there are so many fewer casualties to that conflict than those of the Israeli-Arab Palestinian Conflict.

NOTE: The various parties to the conflict adopted a ceasefires in Northern Ireland --- The Good Friday Agreement of 1998, which saw direct rule of Northern Ireland being placed in the hands of locally elected government, a much more peaceful era had emerged. But it wasn't until 2005 that the Provisionals decommissioned their weapons and announced the formal end of the IRA Campaign. The British Loyalist disbanded in 2009.

While there were over the 8 decades of fighting, incidents in which innocent civilians (including women and children), neither side argued that they had a right to target and kill women and children in the same way as the Arab Palestinians do. And over time, the number of inadvertent killings of innocent women and children diminished.

Most Respectfully,
... some great power makes a Balfour type declaration that would authorize the removal of the Jews as the Balfour declaration authorized the removal of the native people to make room for the Europeans.

Wait, what? You think the Balfour Declaration authorized the removal of people based on their ethnicity (ethnic cleansing)?
The fact is, Israel has the most powerful terrorist organization in the world, the IDF, and has killed 1000s more times the innocent civilians than any Palestinian national liberation has or will ever kill.

Good. I support Israel pushing the Pales out.
Shusha, et al,

Let this one go.

... some great power makes a Balfour type declaration that would authorize the removal of the Jews as the Balfour declaration authorized the removal of the native people to make room for the Europeans.
Wait, what? You think the Balfour Declaration authorized the removal of people based on their ethnicity (ethnic cleansing)?

People who think on this order, no matter the explanation, will always think on this order. It is what makes them what they are.

You have no chance to convince them otherwise.

Mst Respectfully,
Shusha, et al,

Let this one go.

... some great power makes a Balfour type declaration that would authorize the removal of the Jews as the Balfour declaration authorized the removal of the native people to make room for the Europeans.
Wait, what? You think the Balfour Declaration authorized the removal of people based on their ethnicity (ethnic cleansing)?

People who think on this order, no matter the explanation, will always think on this order. It is what makes them what they are.

You have no chance to convince them otherwise.

Mst Respectfully,

What do you think the Balfour Declaration intended?
The fact is, Israel has the most powerful terrorist organization in the world, the IDF, and has killed 1000s more times the innocent civilians than any Palestinian national liberation has or will ever kill.
you took everyone to school there and the Israel apologists can only whine and cry in
The fact is, Israel has the most powerful terrorist organization in the world, the IDF, and has killed 1000s more times the innocent civilians than any Palestinian national liberation has or will ever kill.
you took everyone to school there and the Israel apologists can only whine and cry in
I'm afraid his schoolboy knowledge of the situation impressed only people like yourself.
montelatici, et al,

If I "despise the Muslims and Christians of Palestine" --- it is not for any racial or religious reason. This is your standby claim to avoid the point under discussion. And in fact, it is an attempt to associate the Arab Palestinians with an entirely different culture; because the Arab Palestinian have no real character to be proud of --- and have made no significant contribution to humanity.

In fact, I am quite surprised that anyone would claim to be Palestinian. I would hide the fact --- and claim another nationality.
You really despise the Muslims and Christians of Palestine. Unbelievable racism Rocco, that comment really takes the cake. I am sure you felt the same about the non-whites in South Africa. They should have claimed they were Kenyans, right. Would you have said the same about the Irish Catholics in Northern Ireland? Should they have claimed they weren't Irish?

I think that if you Posting #24 of this Discussion, you will find that I made no reference at all to race or religion. In fact, the criteria I used was not based on a --- non-white 'vs' white --- or a --- Protestant 'vs' Catholic conflict (or in celebration of the The Battle of The Boyne). No, I'm talking about those Arab Palestinians who are proud of the heritage they have set in “utilizing the presence of a civilian or other protected person to render certain points, areas or military forces immune from military operations;” and the Arabs of Palestine have to be continuously reminded that they have no special dispensation to target unarmed civilians.

The is a world of difference between the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) counterfire on a HAMAS Rocket Launch site intentionally placed in the middle of a densely populated area; and the indiscriminate firing of the rocket into a densely populated area, or the deliberately targeting of an Israeli school bus for a rocket attack. Or more recently --- the case in which HAMAS on Wednesday (Newsweek BY JACK MOORE ON 4/21/16) said that "a member of its group was behind the bus bombing that wounded more than 20 people in Jerusalem earlier this week. The group that rules the Gaza Strip praised Abdel Hamid Abu Srour, a 19-year-old from the Aida refugee camp near the West Bank city of Bethlehem, after he succumbed to his wounds from the blast on Wednesday."

Most Respectfully,
Israel really needs to stop its war.

It is a two way street and when you look you see that it is Islam's war. Show one declaration of war by Israel against the islamonazi Palestinians, one premeditated act of war against Palestine that was not justified by Palestinian illegal weapon attacks.

So it is time for your lot to stop their war and look to peace instead, a peace that is mutually just and workable for all sides.
montelatici, et al,

If I "despise the Muslims and Christians of Palestine" --- it is not for any racial or religious reason. This is your standby claim to avoid the point under discussion. And in fact, it is an attempt to associate the Arab Palestinians with an entirely different culture; because the Arab Palestinian have no real character to be proud of --- and have made no significant contribution to humanity.

In fact, I am quite surprised that anyone would claim to be Palestinian. I would hide the fact --- and claim another nationality.
You really despise the Muslims and Christians of Palestine. Unbelievable racism Rocco, that comment really takes the cake. I am sure you felt the same about the non-whites in South Africa. They should have claimed they were Kenyans, right. Would you have said the same about the Irish Catholics in Northern Ireland? Should they have claimed they weren't Irish?

I think that if you Posting #24 of this Discussion, you will find that I made no reference at all to race or religion. In fact, the criteria I used was not based on a --- non-white 'vs' white --- or a --- Protestant 'vs' Catholic conflict (or in celebration of the The Battle of The Boyne). No, I'm talking about those Arab Palestinians who are proud of the heritage they have set in “utilizing the presence of a civilian or other protected person to render certain points, areas or military forces immune from military operations;” and the Arabs of Palestine have to be continuously reminded that they have no special dispensation to target unarmed civilians.

The is a world of difference between the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) counterfire on a HAMAS Rocket Launch site intentionally placed in the middle of a densely populated area; and the indiscriminate firing of the rocket into a densely populated area, or the deliberately targeting of an Israeli school bus for a rocket attack. Or more recently --- the case in which HAMAS on Wednesday (Newsweek BY JACK MOORE ON 4/21/16) said that "a member of its group was behind the bus bombing that wounded more than 20 people in Jerusalem earlier this week. The group that rules the Gaza Strip praised Abdel Hamid Abu Srour, a 19-year-old from the Aida refugee camp near the West Bank city of Bethlehem, after he succumbed to his wounds from the blast on Wednesday."

Most Respectfully,

You are speaking in code, you don't have to mention race or religion. You are propaganda mongering. Gaza is the most densely populated area on earth, while I would suggest to the Palestinians to have patience and and wait peacefully for a generation or two and see if their demographic advantage will result in a peaceful shift of power to non-Jews, if the Palestinians elect to resist rather than accept their condition, where would they fight from. Set up in one of the rare open spaces of Gaza and invite the Jews to kill them? In the battle of Stalingrad, did the Russians set up in the few open areas of the city to facilitate their destruction by the Germans? Did the Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto set up in open areas? You see, you just don't think it through. Your hate makes it impossible for you to reach a reasoned conclusion.

When the ANC killed dozens of civilians with the Church Street bombing, two of the bombers Freddie Shangwe and Ezekial Maseko were killed in the explosion. The ANC at the time praised them as heroes of the liberation struggle. Today they are national heroes in South Africa.

You and I may not agree with praising bombers, but you try to claim that somehow the Palestinians are doing something extraordinary when they praise the bombers when in fact every national liberation organization has done the same in the past. That's why you are a racist, your hate for the Palestinians makes it impossible for you to recognize that the Palestinians are behaving in the same manner as other people in the past have behaved when in a similar situation. For example, how is the Hamas praising of the bombing different from Gerry Adam's (IRA) praising of the Oct. 12 bombing that wiped out most of Thatcher's cabinet? It has nothing to do with the race, ethnicity, religion or other characteristic. It has to do with the situation people are in. That is the catalyst. No people that have found themselves in the situation the Palestinians are in have behaved much differently than the Palestinians. In fact, among all these groups, the Palestinians have been the least violent.

Lawrence Journal-World - Google News Archive Search

Shows that freddy does not have a clue as those " rare open spaces" amount to 50% or more of gaza. Any idiot with a computer can go to Google maps and look at a satellite image of gaza.
As you should know the Geneva conventions set out rules that are there to be followed or else. And in this case the rule is use civilian areas as a war zone and you commit war crimes. Then you have the problem of your civilians being killed in return fire that is your fault for not taking adeqyate precations to stop this from happening.
Once again you go of topic and try and derail the thread because you are losing the argument

And the best you have is an ultra left wing rag that supports terrorism and mass murder
... some great power makes a Balfour type declaration that would authorize the removal of the Jews as the Balfour declaration authorized the removal of the native people to make room for the Europeans.

Wait, what? You think the Balfour Declaration authorized the removal of people based on their ethnicity (ethnic cleansing)?

He has to justify his Jew hatred to himself first, so he tells himself LIES
Shusha, et al,

Let this one go.

... some great power makes a Balfour type declaration that would authorize the removal of the Jews as the Balfour declaration authorized the removal of the native people to make room for the Europeans.
Wait, what? You think the Balfour Declaration authorized the removal of people based on their ethnicity (ethnic cleansing)?

People who think on this order, no matter the explanation, will always think on this order. It is what makes them what they are.

You have no chance to convince them otherwise.

Mst Respectfully,

What do you think the Balfour Declaration intended?

Not what you think for starters
9/11 inside job, montelatici, et al,

Oh, more whining.

The fact is, Israel has the most powerful terrorist organization in the world, the IDF, and has killed 1000s more times the innocent civilians than any Palestinian national liberation has or will ever kill.

And I suppose that the Arab Palestinian is clean as the driven snow; 99 and 44 one-hundredths percent pure. And the Arab Palestinians never attacked the Olympics, and the Palestinians never killed a single American, and the Palestinians never hijacked a single plane or committed piracy on the high seas. I suppose that the Palestinians never committed a suicide bombing in against a purely civilian target, never attacked a school bus or the infirm or disabled. And I suppose that the Arab Palestinian did not fire a single rocket indiscriminately into Israel.

I suppose that all these civilians were located away from Arab Palestinian paramilitary activities. I suppose that there were not paramilitary targets in close proximity to densely populated civilian vicinities.

The lack of military prowess and the ineffectiveness of paramilitary activities and terrorist operations is no excuse. The Arab Palestinian Terrorist have said many times that they would kill more Israeli civilians if they could. It has only been within the last week that we discussed how the barbaric and bloodthirsty Arab Palestinians want to legitimize the Arabs in killing civilians.

If the international community places a moratorium on the prohibition against directly targeting the civilian population (as suggested), that would make your whole argument here invalid and immaterial. That would place the Arab Palestinian Population in great peril; not that the Israelis would intentionally target innocent civilians.

Most Respectfully,
One of your best posts. :clap2:

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