Finally! Supreme Court rules in favor of First Amendment rights for Christians etc.

Same sex marriage is legal in this country
Public accommodation laws say you can’t discriminate because of race, religion or sexuality
If you are in business, you need to follow existing laws
If your religious beliefs get in the way, you should find another business
As long as you understand traditional hetero marriage is suffering mightily. And only a massive increase in government subsidies from the federal, state, local and city entities keep things from disintegrating. Outlays from taxation and private entities are never taken into consideration. The well ends up running dry at some point and we are getting revenues every way possible now.
I just don't get this kind of attitude.

You may not agree with people who are gay.

But I seriously doubt the Saviour of the world who says he loves all equally would use your terminology.
He allows me to ridicule sicko queers.

Just like Jesus ridiculed the assholes of his day.
Actually, there was no complaining couple. The right wing set up a phony case to get it in front of the court without anyone arguing the other side.

So why not allow discrimination based on religion or race, under the same logic.
Do you eat dog food? You’d have to in order to be this stupid.
Sotomayor wrote the dissent that boils down to the ruling allows people to discriminate against LGBTQX+ etc.

But no, it does not. Gays or anybody else can still walk into any place of business and expect to buy anything the proprietor has for sale.

What it does is protect the proprietor from having to offer products for sale or provide services that are against his/her religious/moral beliefs and he/she does not wish to provide. And hopefully it means that nobody is required to provide products and services that are deeply offensive to them or immoral or improper to them.
When "christian" far right scum got a foothold in the political scene was the beginning of the end. And we can thank that bastard Reagen for opening the door for those fascist motherfuckers who use "God" to justfy their hate against anyone not like them.

Some day they'll come for YOU, so better stay on their good side.
I cannot imagine the Jesus I know acting that way.
Go read the New Testament. Everything from money changers to the Pharisees. Even rich people.

In the Old Testament at one time God was so pissed at all Sodomites that he destroyed a couple of their cities.

Another time he was so pissed that he killed everyone in the world except the one righteous family.

You can be a sicko asshole because you have free will but that don't mean you are in God's favor.
I think it is possible that in the future this Supreme Court may find that same sex marriages and mixed race marriages are not constitutional rights, the same as abortion isn't. They might be civil rights that Congress can specify as legal and authorized, but what Congress can create can also be changed or deleted by a future Congress. And of course if in time the Court's composition changes to be more progressive then who knows what will happen. I'm sure there will be legal challenges between individuals and the states vs Congress, and that which is legal or illegal now can change down the road. Not just these issues either.
Go read the New Testament. Everything from money changers to the Pharisees. Even rich people.

In the Old Testament at one time God was so pissed at all Sodomites that he destroyed a couple of their cities.

Another time he was so pissed that he killed everyone in the world except the one righteous family.

You can be a sicko asshole because you have free will but that don't mean you are in God's favor.
Well there is the Old Testament. Then Jesus really did get pretty pissed off about buisness/money changers in the Church. But Jesus is about Grace and love, not hate. Except for Trumpsters as far as I can tell.
I think it is possible that in the future this Supreme Court may find that same sex marriages and mixed race marriages are not constitutional rights, the same as abortion isn't. They might be civil rights that Congress can specify as legal and authorized, but what Congress can create can also be changed or deleted by a future Congress. And of course if in time the Court's composition changes to be more progressive then who knows what will happen. I'm sure there will be legal challenges between individuals and the states vs Congress, and that which is legal or illegal now can change down the road. Not just these issues either.
As long as Thomas is getting the yacht vacations interracial marriages are safe.
As I said, same sex marriage will be next
And you base that on what? So far the court has not made anything law as the constitutionalists on it understand it was never given constitutional authority to make law. And it has been consistent in striking down blatantly political rulings by errant courts that presume to make law they have no authority to make.

At the federal level only Congress, via the people's elected representatives, are given authority to make the laws we must live under with the President having the power of veto and Congress again having the power to override that veto. When laws are made by faceless bureaucrats and/or the courts, the people have no way to remedy harmful decisions as the people making the laws are not accountable to the people as the Constitution requires.

Using the courts and the bureaucracy and presidential executive order to bypass the people's elected representatives can cut both ways. Just because a militant left holds most of the power right now, that can change. Smart people would know that.

The High Court is 100% correct in its determination to take the courts out of the equation of law making and leaving that up to the people's representatives to do.
When "christian" far right scum got a foothold in the political scene was the beginning of the end. And we can thank that bastard Reagen for opening the door for those fascist motherfuckers who use "God" to justfy their hate against anyone not like them.

Some day they'll come for YOU, so better stay on their good side.
So, the founding of the country was the beginning to the end? Do you imbeciles read your own comments?
So, the founding of the country was the beginning to the end? Do you imbeciles read your own comments?
How so? Or are you going to spout the usual bullshit you right wingers spew about this Country being founded on "christian values"?
And you base that on what? So far the court has not made anything law as the constitutionalists on it understand it was never given constitutional authority to make law. And it has been consistent in striking down blatantly political rulings by errant courts that presume to make law they have no authority to make.

Including past Supreme Court rulings.

Justice Thomas said the same logic used on RvW should be applied to same sex marriage
Including past Supreme Court rulings.

Justice Thomas said the same logic used on RvW should be applied to same sex marriage
Yep. The court has authority neither to establish same sex marriage or forbid it. Justice Thomas is absolutely 100% correct in that. Historically for all the time we have been a nation, marriage laws are established in the various states and vary from state to state. And it should be the state legislatures that set reasonable laws in place for marriage now. The federal government is involved only in how taxes will be structured for families and singles and such as that.
That the SCOTUS came to the right conclusion is a genuine joy.

What kind of society would legally demand and command that any artist “must” create images which the artist finds objectionable on religious or moral grounds?

It is astounding to me that such a case ever made it to court at all.

If I were an artist and a gay couple asked me to render a pretty picture for them depicting a gay wedding, I’d do it in a heart beat. A paying gig is a paying gig and my own religious views (which barely even exist) wouldn’t be ruffled in the slightest.

But if my religious views advised me that homosexual weddings are somehow a sin, then you couldn’t ever compel me to do that little both of artwork for you.
No difference in a regular wedding cake and one for gay weddings
He just had to make a cake in the flavor requested and drop it off at the venue. They can put on any topper they want

No...they demanded he decorate it.......that was the problem.
That the SCOTUS came to the right conclusion is a genuine joy.

What kind of society would legally demand and command that any artist “must” create images which the artist finds objectionable on religious or moral grounds?

It is astounding to me that such a case ever made it to court at all.

If I were an artist and a gay couple asked me to render a pretty picture for them depicting a gay wedding, I’d do it in a heart beat. A paying gig is a paying gig and my own religious views (which barely even exist) wouldn’t be ruffled in the slightest.

But if my religious views advised me that homosexual weddings are somehow a sin, then you couldn’t ever compel me to do that little both of artwork for you.

Yep....that used to be called slavery...when you were forced to do work for someone else...

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