Fire Protection Engineer: 9/11 BOMBSHELL INTERVIEW

Kinetic energy can only be expelled once. You dont know what you're talking about.

:lol: So then kinetic energy ISN'T being constantly generated through gravity converting the potential energy of every single ounce of the tower that is coming down? Wow. Better take a step back and realize you're the one who doesn't know what the hell he is talking about!

Look at the example of the semi getting hit by the train. The kinetic energy of the train overcoming the resistance of the semi is used up, but it is a very small fraction of the total kinetic energy of the moving train. Thus the train does not slow down perceptibly. The situation is even worse in the case of the towers because gravity is constantly causing everything to accelerate downwards. Every inch of collapse generates MORE energy through converting the potential energy into kinetic energy.
You need to reexamine the evidence, apparently. The fall point begins from the sub floor. You can clearly then watch each floor from the impact zone begin to pulverize. Expelling the energy OUT, yet maintaining near free fall speed. It breaks the rules. Further, even if the main structure was stable when the top came "down", it completely pulverized. Expelling it's will to propel down. Again only once on kinetics. I've worked in this field for a time.
More opinion without any evidence. SSDD.

Well educated and very experienced "opinions" from experts in the field......oh but that would hurt your feelings so don't believe them.....
I have read and heard from quite a few well educated experts in a variety of fields who insist that the fires caused by airliners striking World Trade Center Towers One and Two could not have caused the kind of collapse of those two buildings, plus Building Seven, which we all saw happen on television. While most of these experts go into extensive technical detail to explain why such an effect is scientifically infeasible, which unavoidably implies that some sort of deliberate effort was made to facilitate the collapses, not one of them has volunteered so much as an educated guess on specifically what was done to facilitate those perfectly vertical collapses.

The term, controlled demolition, is frequently tossed out by conspiracy theorists, including some experts, most if not all of whom have seen tv documentary clips of buildings which have been collapsed by the strategic placement of explosive charges, thus their firmly imbedded belief that this is what was done to the World Trade Center. But I wonder if any of these conspiracy theorists, in both the "expert" and the lay categories, have given any thought to just what so massive and intricate a project would entail.

To begin, just one of the Twin Towers is roughly eight times bigger than the biggest building ever brought down by controlled demolition anywhere in the world. And the biggest buildings brought down by explosives are rigged while the buildings are completely emptied and their interiors are stripped to their structural skeletons.

Next, even if the Towers were emptied and stripped there are only two explosive demolition contractors in the U.S. with the experience and expertise to even attempt such a project. And even if one of these contractors were willing to undertake such an incredibly heinous mission, which certainly is unimaginable, the task itself, which would take weeks with at least six or eight sappers working ten hour days, would be impossible to carry out without detection -- as anyone who ever has actually been inside one or both of the Towers would assume.

Last, who would be willing to involve himself in such a damnable project? Even the most reprehensible sociopath would know that the odds of such a conspiracy either coming to light or being detected after the fact are significant.

And presuming that all of the impossible factors could somehow be carried out, how do the hijacked airliners fit into the plot? Was this whole thing the result of a magnificently timed and choreographed scheme that turned out just a bit too perfect? If the explosive charges were in place, the planes were not needed. And the effect of those planes striking the Towers eliminated any need for the redundant collapses. A nice touch, but really not necessary to make a point.

So, are there any "experts" out there who would like to explain how (with some detail, please) and why the World Trade Center buildings were brought down by controlled demolition -- in addition to the airliners striking them?
Many people have spoken out in the field. I've seen many hypothesis. Ultimately, the entire thing left loaming anomalies that many cant solve. Even the official report omits them. SO, clearly we don't know everything there is to know. What THAT is, we may never know....
You need to reexamine the evidence, apparently. The fall point begins from the sub floor. You can clearly then watch each floor from the impact zone begin to pulverize. Expelling the energy OUT, yet maintaining near free fall speed. It breaks the rules. Further, even if the main structure was stable when the top came "down", it completely pulverized. Expelling it's will to propel down. Again only once on kinetics. I've worked in this field for a time.

:lol: You think all the energy was expelled out? Man. You need to seriously take a physics course. The collapse broke no rules. You just have no concept of the energies involved in the collapse or how those energies were expended.

As for you working in this field, bullshit. You clearly have no concept of what is going on or what energies we are dealing with here. You might con some of the truthtards into thinking you're some kind of expert, but anyone who knows anything about the forces involved would just sit, point and laugh at your ludicrous bullshit.
Many people have spoken out in the field. I've seen many hypothesis. Ultimately, the entire thing left loaming anomalies that many cant solve. Even the official report omits them. SO, clearly we don't know everything there is to know. What THAT is, we may never know....

The "loaming" (pretty sure you meant looming) anomalies are easily solved with simple physics. It is easy to compute the total kinetic energy stored in the towers. Try it. It isn't hard.
I have. I guess my eyes and my knowledge on the subject, like so many, eludes me. I frankly dont even care anymore. Even if the truth came out, nothing would change. Even worse scientific reality has been high jacked forever.
I have. I guess my eyes and my knowledge on the subject, like so many, eludes me. I frankly dont even care anymore. Even if the truth came out, nothing would change. Even worse scientific reality has been high jacked forever.

Only if you are so delusional that you actually think the entire scientific community would turn it's back on something you claim is wrong. But they haven't. The collapse event has been studied at great lengths. The fact you're not smart enough to understand some very simple concepts doesn't mean "reality has been hijacked forever". Your credibility as some kind of expert in the field is further undermined by your constant mis-use of English. High jack is not the same as hijack. :lol: Sorry to harsh your mellow, but maybe some time out in the sunlight would do you good.
More opinion without any evidence. SSDD.

Well educated and very experienced "opinions" from experts in the field......oh but that would hurt your feelings so don't believe them.....

Well educated and experience means nothing without actual physical evidence. You don't even have the explosions that some witnesses reported on tape... Zero audio of the demolitions. With how many cameras trained on them? You got nothing but opinion.
More opinion without any evidence. SSDD.

Well educated and very experienced "opinions" from experts in the field......oh but that would hurt your feelings so don't believe them.....

Well educated and experience means nothing without actual physical evidence. You don't even have the explosions that some witnesses reported on tape... Zero audio of the demolitions. With how many cameras trained on them? You got nothing but opinion.

Same as the official story. Opinion.
I have. I guess my eyes and my knowledge on the subject, like so many, eludes me. I frankly dont even care anymore. Even if the truth came out, nothing would change. Even worse scientific reality has been high jacked forever.

Only if you are so delusional that you actually think the entire scientific community would turn it's back on something you claim is wrong. But they haven't. The collapse event has been studied at great lengths. The fact you're not smart enough to understand some very simple concepts doesn't mean "reality has been hijacked forever". Your credibility as some kind of expert in the field is further undermined by your constant mis-use of English. High jack is not the same as hijack. :lol: Sorry to harsh your mellow, but maybe some time out in the sunlight would do you good.

You're insulting my intelligence. Trust that I am far from delusional. The scientific community has CNN film to base their hypothesis off and little else. As there was no independent scientific investigation.
Well educated and very experienced "opinions" from experts in the field......oh but that would hurt your feelings so don't believe them.....

Well educated and experience means nothing without actual physical evidence. You don't even have the explosions that some witnesses reported on tape... Zero audio of the demolitions. With how many cameras trained on them? You got nothing but opinion.

Same as the official story. Opinion.

Really? Are you sure you want to go with that?

The official investigation has DNA, Black boxes, personal effects, and tons of sworn statements and video tape. They even presented a bunch of it in court, where it held up as actual evidence.

If you want to disagree with that you need some evidence of your own, not opinion.
Opinions of "evidence". The official report omits several anomalies. So, yes I'll go with that.
Site what source? That you are another idiot?

Or that Black Boxes are not Opinion?

How about DNA having nothing to do with opinion.

Cold hard facts, face em.....
Don't bother. i dont care about the boogey man argument any longer. Like I said, none of this is currently significant. Believe whatever you want.
You don't know what DNA has to do with anything? My goodness you are further gone than most of the truthers on here....
I have. I guess my eyes and my knowledge on the subject, like so many, eludes me. I frankly dont even care anymore. Even if the truth came out, nothing would change. Even worse scientific reality has been high jacked forever.

Only if you are so delusional that you actually think the entire scientific community would turn it's back on something you claim is wrong. But they haven't. The collapse event has been studied at great lengths. The fact you're not smart enough to understand some very simple concepts doesn't mean "reality has been hijacked forever". Your credibility as some kind of expert in the field is further undermined by your constant mis-use of English. High jack is not the same as hijack. :lol: Sorry to harsh your mellow, but maybe some time out in the sunlight would do you good.

You're insulting my intelligence. Trust that I am far from delusional. The scientific community has CNN film to base their hypothesis off and little else. As there was no independent scientific investigation.

You insult your own intelligence and the intelligence of everyone else when you pretend the scientific community gets the basis of their hypthesises from CNN. :lol: That is fucking RE TAR DED!!!!! Go back and crawl under your truthtard rock. You're not even worthy of being called a truthtard.

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