Firearm confiscation...

Trump believes in taking guns first, due process second. The republican plan is confiscation over citizens rights.
Most of the "Molon Labe" types will happily accept existing, and even new gun legislation. So long as they believe that it won't effect them personally. Many are as eager as the most ardent Leftist; to Virtue Signal that, they "are one of the Good Guys"...
They're a minority. The only people in an uproar about gun confiscation are the radical democrat trash living in shit hole cities. They have no idea what they're up against...

The "Patriot" types would be more believable if they constantly put pressure on law makers to rescind current restrictions of firearm ownership. Rather than accept the liens placed on the citizens unaleiable rights. Making noise only when the word "confiscation" rears it's ugly head.
Meanwhile there are many instances where confiscation happens regularly, through "due process"; and they accept it without protest. Either as a show of support for "common sense" gun regulation; or out of relief that they themselves weren't the subject of its focus...
The "patriot" types aye... who are they again?
Most of the "Molon Labe" types will happily accept existing, and even new gun legislation. So long as they believe that it won't effect them personally. Many are as eager as the most ardent Leftist; to Virtue Signal that, they "are one of the Good Guys"...
They're a minority. The only people in an uproar about gun confiscation are the radical democrat trash living in shit hole cities. They have no idea what they're up against...

The "Patriot" types would be more believable if they constantly put pressure on law makers to rescind current restrictions of firearm ownership. Rather than accept the liens placed on the citizens unaleiable rights. Making noise only when the word "confiscation" rears it's ugly head.
Meanwhile there are many instances where confiscation happens regularly, through "due process"; and they accept it without protest. Either as a show of support for "common sense" gun regulation; or out of relief that they themselves weren't the subject of its focus...
The "patriot" types aye... who are they again?
Ask “them”... They’re more than happy to proclaim themselves...
Most of the "Molon Labe" types will happily accept existing, and even new gun legislation. So long as they believe that it won't effect them personally. Many are as eager as the most ardent Leftist; to Virtue Signal that, they "are one of the Good Guys"...
They're a minority. The only people in an uproar about gun confiscation are the radical democrat trash living in shit hole cities. They have no idea what they're up against...

The "Patriot" types would be more believable if they constantly put pressure on law makers to rescind current restrictions of firearm ownership. Rather than accept the liens placed on the citizens unaleiable rights. Making noise only when the word "confiscation" rears it's ugly head.
Meanwhile there are many instances where confiscation happens regularly, through "due process"; and they accept it without protest. Either as a show of support for "common sense" gun regulation; or out of relief that they themselves weren't the subject of its focus...
The "patriot" types aye... who are they again?
Ask “them”... They’re more than happy to proclaim themselves...
I figured since you called them out you'd know who you were talking about.

Guess not.
Most of the "Molon Labe" types will happily accept existing, and even new gun legislation. So long as they believe that it won't effect them personally. Many are as eager as the most ardent Leftist; to Virtue Signal that, they "are one of the Good Guys"...
They're a minority. The only people in an uproar about gun confiscation are the radical democrat trash living in shit hole cities. They have no idea what they're up against...

The "Patriot" types would be more believable if they constantly put pressure on law makers to rescind current restrictions of firearm ownership. Rather than accept the liens placed on the citizens unaleiable rights. Making noise only when the word "confiscation" rears it's ugly head.
Meanwhile there are many instances where confiscation happens regularly, through "due process"; and they accept it without protest. Either as a show of support for "common sense" gun regulation; or out of relief that they themselves weren't the subject of its focus...
There is no common sense in progressives
Most of the "Molon Labe" types will happily accept existing, and even new gun legislation. So long as they believe that it won't effect them personally. Many are as eager as the most ardent Leftist; to Virtue Signal that, they "are one of the Good Guys"...
They're a minority. The only people in an uproar about gun confiscation are the radical democrat trash living in shit hole cities. They have no idea what they're up against...

The "Patriot" types would be more believable if they constantly put pressure on law makers to rescind current restrictions of firearm ownership. Rather than accept the liens placed on the citizens unaleiable rights. Making noise only when the word "confiscation" rears it's ugly head.
Meanwhile there are many instances where confiscation happens regularly, through "due process"; and they accept it without protest. Either as a show of support for "common sense" gun regulation; or out of relief that they themselves weren't the subject of its focus...
The "patriot" types aye... who are they again?
Ask “them”... They’re more than happy to proclaim themselves...
I figured since you called them out you'd know who you were talking about.

Guess not.
You figured wrong. I didn’t call anyone out. Guess work is often pointless, and is best avoided when not necessary...
Most of the "Molon Labe" types will happily accept existing, and even new gun legislation. So long as they believe that it won't effect them personally. Many are as eager as the most ardent Leftist; to Virtue Signal that, they "are one of the Good Guys"...
They're a minority. The only people in an uproar about gun confiscation are the radical democrat trash living in shit hole cities. They have no idea what they're up against...

The "Patriot" types would be more believable if they constantly put pressure on law makers to rescind current restrictions of firearm ownership. Rather than accept the liens placed on the citizens unaleiable rights. Making noise only when the word "confiscation" rears it's ugly head.
Meanwhile there are many instances where confiscation happens regularly, through "due process"; and they accept it without protest. Either as a show of support for "common sense" gun regulation; or out of relief that they themselves weren't the subject of its focus...
There is no common sense in progressives
While I’m inclined to agree; people vary quite greatly in what they consider “sensible”. “Common” agreement, is rather uncommon.
This is their chance, a progressives dream... an all out firearm confiscation.
Progressives will have to use the CIA, FBI, US Marshals along with other civilian Agencies.
The military and local Sheriff dept and police will never go along with it.

I can see you are back to pushing for your Armed Revolution again. I guess you want to use your guns before someone in a black chopper lands on your lawn and storms the root cellar you are living and takes all your guns. Are you aware that some of the fringe nutcase alt-rWingers will take that as permission to kill more people? Even the 3% wouldn't back what you are spewing.
This is their chance, a progressives dream... an all out firearm confiscation.
Progressives will have to use the CIA, FBI, US Marshals along with other civilian Agencies.
The military and local Sheriff dept and police will never go along with it.

I can see you are back to spreading your hate and fear mongering again. They may come for your guns if and when they pass a law in SD where they take the guns from the fruitcakes most likely to murder people. But my weapons are going to be doing just fine and so am I. That is, unless some nutcase like you decides to go on a killing spree around here. And with the BS you are posting, some nutcase just might take that as permission to do just that. You aren't a Patriot, you are a Nationalist like your God Trump is. And the sooner we get well from that the sooner America can get back to being Great again.
Welfare, food stamps and socialist entitlement programs are how progressives control poor people and minority’s...

Welfare, food stamps and most entitlements are controlled at the local level. The Red States take more Federal Money for these programs that THEY control than the Blue states do. In fact, the Red States are actually taking money from the Blue States to pay for their own Welfare, Food Stamps and Entitlements while the Blue states are paying to the Federal Government more than they take out.

You live in South Dakota. I spent 4 years there. It's a friggin cesspool when it comes to what you claim to hate. And it's a deep Red State where almost all of it is Republican Controlled. It's sucking the rest of the nation dry. And don't give me the crap that it's the Native Americans that are doing it. There are one hell of a lot more White Americans doing it in South Dakota than any other race. They pull the Red Lever because of the free shit that they get. All your bitches need to be directed to the Republicans that run South Dakota since it's the Locals that control all those programs. Now, before you blame other states or even the Federal Government, I suggest you clean up your own act.

BTW, I can pretty much pinpoint where you live by your claim of selling to Service People. Ever wonder why the real name is Rancid City?
Most of the "Molon Labe" types will happily accept existing, and even new gun legislation. So long as they believe that it won't effect them personally. Many are as eager as the most ardent Leftist; to Virtue Signal that, they "are one of the Good Guys"...
They're a minority. The only people in an uproar about gun confiscation are the radical democrat trash living in shit hole cities. They have no idea what they're up against...

The "Patriot" types would be more believable if they constantly put pressure on law makers to rescind current restrictions of firearm ownership. Rather than accept the liens placed on the citizens unaleiable rights. Making noise only when the word "confiscation" rears it's ugly head.
Meanwhile there are many instances where confiscation happens regularly, through "due process"; and they accept it without protest. Either as a show of support for "common sense" gun regulation; or out of relief that they themselves weren't the subject of its focus...
There is no common sense in progressives
While I’m inclined to agree; people vary quite greatly in what they consider “sensible”. “Common” agreement, is rather uncommon.

Most of us here pushed for common sense Gun Regulations and we have all but one that we want. The NRA has spent millions and cost us millions in defending those regulations and they have failed. This is also one reason why the Republicans lost the Colorado Senate. They got way too cozy with the NRA and wouldn't even let the last part of the common sense regulation get out of committee. Screaming that we have to do something about crazies having guns to do murder and then bouncing a law that gives the Judges the tools to do just that means that they aren't serious and just want to yell stupid sound bites. Colorado is more Blue than Purple now due to the Republicans misbehaving. So the got spanked. The Reps that are still in office are not having to behave themselves and work for a living for a change. Maybe in 2 years, the percentage might change again, who knows. But by then, crazies will find it hard to own, purchase guns at all if it's brought to the attention of a Judge.
I figured as much
All out Forcible firearm confiscation...

Democrats Plan to Pursue Most Aggressive Gun-Control Legislation in Decades
That's right! We're coming to GETCHA!!

Democrats.... Democrats everywhere!!

Around every corner, in every tree, under your bed, INSIDE YOUR HEAD!!!!!

The drum beat of firearm confiscation sounds like this to me...

Your fear mongering ain't working so good around here anymore. I live in an extremely red part of the state and you can't even give an AR away. In the shops, they are just gathering dust. Your 499 buck MP-15 I saw on a shelf for 399 on sale and no one is buying it. If it were to get down to 99.95 maybe it might sell. Or maybe they can come up with a deal where you buy a real gun and they throw in the MP-15 in for free.
Good look with that. You will get you’re civil war for sure.

The Senate will never pass it and also The Donald could Veto anything, as I read it if something is passed in The House it then goes to The Senate and then they have to pass it and it then goes to The White House and The Donald either signs it into law or Vetoes it. The House cannot make laws without Senate and also Presidential approval.

It should be a wake-up call for independents and libertarians to think about in 2020 with regard to if they are willing to risk losing their right to own a firearm by voting 3rd party. It would be foolish to not think if democrats won in 2020 that they wouldn't hesitate to put together some form of executive order to confiscate/ban firearms.

Jeez, the Federal Government CANNOT confiscate or even outlaw handguns and hunting rifles or shotguns, period. The Spreading of more of this hate only gets more people killed. IF you are that afraid of something like this happening look to your local governments because they DO have that right using various methods that have all been discussed here. But the Federal Government cannot do any of this. So come out from under that bed, the Dem Control of the US House of Representatives has nothing to gun regulation and NO President can use an EO to do it either. How the Brady Bill snuck by is beyond me. It should have been contested right away and overturned. But it was never contested and allowed to just run out the clock. I don't see that happening ever again. Where were YOU when that law was in affect?
Trump believes in taking guns first, due process second. The republican plan is confiscation over citizens rights.

That would be a State's choice. And you can get a Court Order in under an Hour. Due Process is taken care of. If the person wants his guns back, he can then get another judge to override the first judge. But chances are. the original Judge will have enough information provided to issue the court order that the overturn just won't happen. The Cops CANNOT just come in and take your guns unless you are openly demonstrating that are going to use them for murder. They can't take your guns if they "Think" you might. As much as I dislike Trump, he more right here than wrong. He just has trouble expressing complete thoughts.
Trump believes in taking guns first, due process second. The republican plan is confiscation over citizens rights.

That would be a State's choice. And you can get a Court Order in under an Hour. Due Process is taken care of. If the person wants his guns back, he can then get another judge to override the first judge. But chances are. the original Judge will have enough information provided to issue the court order that the overturn just won't happen. The Cops CANNOT just come in and take your guns unless you are openly demonstrating that are going to use them for murder. They can't take your guns if they "Think" you might. As much as I dislike Trump, he more right here than wrong. He just has trouble expressing complete thoughts.

Trouble expressing complete thoughts is an understatement.
This is their chance, a progressives dream... an all out firearm confiscation.
Progressives will have to use the CIA, FBI, US Marshals along with other civilian Agencies.
The military and local Sheriff dept and police will never go along with it.

Do you often have these paranoid delusions?
Welfare, food stamps and socialist entitlement programs are how progressives control poor people and minority’s...

Welfare, food stamps and most entitlements are controlled at the local level. The Red States take more Federal Money for these programs that THEY control than the Blue states do. In fact, the Red States are actually taking money from the Blue States to pay for their own Welfare, Food Stamps and Entitlements while the Blue states are paying to the Federal Government more than they take out.

You live in South Dakota. I spent 4 years there. It's a friggin cesspool when it comes to what you claim to hate. And it's a deep Red State where almost all of it is Republican Controlled. It's sucking the rest of the nation dry. And don't give me the crap that it's the Native Americans that are doing it. There are one hell of a lot more White Americans doing it in South Dakota than any other race. They pull the Red Lever because of the free shit that they get. All your bitches need to be directed to the Republicans that run South Dakota since it's the Locals that control all those programs. Now, before you blame other states or even the Federal Government, I suggest you clean up your own act.

BTW, I can pretty much pinpoint where you live by your claim of selling to Service People. Ever wonder why the real name is Rancid City?
Well, you claim to know the state. Then you would know with its 9 Indian reservations more than any other state(and north rapid city one could say its the states tenth reservation:dunno:)
South Dakotas Reservations are notorious for their election fraud, like Dead people voting multiple times how else would lobbyist Thomas Andrew Daschle win more than one state wide election? :lmao:
Yes I live about 100 miles north west of Rapid City… It’s great I can’t hear or see any neighbors.
The Western South Dakota population exists because of oil, coal and natural gas workers working in Wyoming, North Dakota and Montana. You could pretty much classify South Dakota as two states - East River and West River… They are entirely different from each other. Obviously you have no understanding of South Dakota.
The Indian reservations are what drag down the state… No two ways about it. I know, because my whole adolescent life was living on the Pineridge Indian reservation THE shit hole among shit holes...


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