Firearm confiscation...

I figured as much
All out Forcible firearm confiscation...

Democrats Plan to Pursue Most Aggressive Gun-Control Legislation in Decades

The commie house can pass any damned thing they want, it will just end up in McConnell's trash. BTW try to find a link without a pay wall.

Thousands of Pennsylvania firearms confiscated in court-ordered seizures

I don't get the connection with this link and the link in the OP. What Pennsylvania is doing has nothing to do with the commie house plans come Jan.

I figured as much
All out Forcible firearm confiscation...

Democrats Plan to Pursue Most Aggressive Gun-Control Legislation in Decades

The commie house can pass any damned thing they want, it will just end up in McConnell's trash. BTW try to find a link without a pay wall.

Thousands of Pennsylvania firearms confiscated in court-ordered seizures

I don't get the connection with this link and the link in the OP. What Pennsylvania is doing has nothing to do with the commie house plans come Jan.

It’s the trend now...
These filthy libstains do not understand resolve.
They're dumb, no doubt, but they're not that stupid. They're ginning up support from an ignorant base. They know damn well they'll never confiscate anything in this country because, well, molon labe. They can try, but they'll lose....and they know it.

Now, chipping endlessly away at our rights as free people? That you can count on. Such is the evil of the hall monitor mentality.
Good look with that. You will get you’re civil war for sure.

The Senate will never pass it and also The Donald could Veto anything, as I read it if something is passed in The House it then goes to The Senate and then they have to pass it and it then goes to The White House and The Donald either signs it into law or Vetoes it. The House cannot make laws without Senate and also Presidential approval.

It should be a wake-up call for independents and libertarians to think about in 2020 with regard to if they are willing to risk losing their right to own a firearm by voting 3rd party. It would be foolish to not think if democrats won in 2020 that they wouldn't hesitate to put together some form of executive order to confiscate/ban firearms.
Would the NRA be satisfied if Congress just introduced a few deadly diseases to replace guns?
They already shit me out of my guns, they shit me out of my money, out of my house and home and working career, and just plain shit me out cold on the streets.

And these are your minority-loving LGBT-friendly Democrats.
I know this is a wet dream of the fascist mongrel dems, but it will never, ever, EVER happen... not without an all out civil war. It would rip America into pieces and every POS in Washington knows it. This is what the dems do to rile up their base looking for donations.

There's 600,000 hunters here in Wisconsin alone that are armed with high powered rifles that hunt deer every year, and that's the ONE rifle they're hunting with. Like most here in Wisconsin we have another TEN OR TWELVE or THIRTY GUNS back at HOME. Deer hunting is a BILLION DOLLAR INCOME for Wisconsin yearly. Wisconsin even sends out EMAIL NOTICES to go BUY YOUR DEER HUNTING LICENSE. Not even in this half way leftist state would they give up THAT. But think about trying to take all those guns away. Who in their right mind is going to go DOOR TO DOOR and DEMAND those 600,000 people give up their LEGALLY, CONSTITUTIONALLY OWNED GUNS? NO ONE! No local cop would even ATTEMPT it. They'd be DEAD before they got to the SECOND HOUSE. And I'm only talking about the HUNTERS. There's MILLIONS MORE in this state that DON'T hunt that OWN GUNS.

Again, that's ONLY Wisconsin, now figure all the OTHER STATES. Total confiscation will NEVER happen, EVER, PERIOD. That's a FANTASY, and that's not even talking about all the guns that AREN'T registered. It's ASININE to even THINK it would ever happen. This shit only exists in the brains of CITY SLICKER MONGREL CONSTITUTION HATING DEMTARDS that have never even SEEN a gun in their LIFE except in a PICTURE. They have NO IDEA how the other 99% OF THE NATION exists.
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Most of the "Molon Labe" types will happily accept existing, and even new gun legislation. So long as they believe that it won't effect them personally. Many are as eager as the most ardent Leftist; to Virtue Signal that, they "are one of the Good Guys"...
Most of the "Molon Labe" types will happily accept existing, and even new gun legislation. So long as they believe that it won't effect them personally. Many are as eager as the most ardent Leftist; to Virtue Signal that, they "are one of the Good Guys"...
They're a minority. The only people in an uproar about gun confiscation are the radical democrat trash living in shit hole cities. They have no idea what they're up against...

Most of the "Molon Labe" types will happily accept existing, and even new gun legislation. So long as they believe that it won't effect them personally. Many are as eager as the most ardent Leftist; to Virtue Signal that, they "are one of the Good Guys"...
They're a minority. The only people in an uproar about gun confiscation are the radical democrat trash living in shit hole cities. They have no idea what they're up against...

The "Patriot" types would be more believable if they constantly put pressure on law makers to rescind current restrictions of firearm ownership. Rather than accept the liens placed on the citizens unaleiable rights. Making noise only when the word "confiscation" rears it's ugly head.
Meanwhile there are many instances where confiscation happens regularly, through "due process"; and they accept it without protest. Either as a show of support for "common sense" gun regulation; or out of relief that they themselves weren't the subject of its focus...

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