Firearm registration = firearm confiscation

The second amendment encourages the registration of firearms

You could probably only make a case for that at the state level. Not the federal level. The second exists for the sole purpose of defending the states against federal usurpers. It'd be contradictory to say that the feds have that power. That's 10th amendment territory. Technically a federal registration would be usurpment in and of itself
The second amendment has nothing that even hints at registration. Only a idiot that surely doesn’t merit the right to own a firearm would support their registration.
The ONLY time a person is NOT required to submit FFL form is when a person builds a non-transferable firearm from scratch for personal use.

So, ALL guns are registered. Everybody can shut the fuck up about a NEW registration system. It's all bullshit to scare people into voting for commies.

(I built a firearm from scratch in the past. Tragically, the gun was lost in an unfortunate boating accident on the Sabine River near Deweyville. It is gone forever as far as you.)
The second amendment encourages the registration of firearms

You could probably only make a case for that at the state level. Not the federal level. The second exists for the sole purpose of defending the states against federal usurpers. It'd be contradictory to say that the feds have that power. That's 10th amendment territory. Technically a federal registration would be usurpment in and of itself
That is a correct interpretation of the 2nd Amendment. Because state militias are necessary, the Fed Gov will not infringe on the right of the people. That is all it means. It's a limit on Fedaral power.
Personal protection is the basis for the second amendment when it was penned just as it is now. Funny it takes longer now than it did then for a lawman to come to the rescue and he has to think whether saving your life is worth being charged with a crime by some liberal pile of shit, or being tried or sued for shooting some thug.
Any firearm I build from scratch is mine and not subject to ANY form of registration. I will not file form 4473 because I am not required to as I am neither considered a manufacturer for the purpose of the bullshit NFA, nor am I considered a dealer.

You can all fuck off and lick my butt. I will never ever ever register and you can't make me.
The facts that are completely against firearm registration are immeasurable. In all cases it was implemented it was used by some governing entity to CONFISCATE FIREARMS from the CITIZENS.
The facts that are completely against firearm registration are immeasurable. In all cases it was implemented it was used by some governing entity to CONFISCATE FIREARMS from the CITIZENS.

Immeasurable he says!!
The question remains...does filing BATF form 4473 constitute registration?

I argue that it does, and any gun-grabber bitching about registration, background checks, etc. can kindly shut their fucking shit hole.

We have absolutely NO NEED for any additional "gun control" legislation or regulation.
Where the fuck do you morons come from? Your parents and teachers should be ashamed.
Personal protection is the basis for the second amendment when it was penned just as it is now. Funny it takes longer now than it did then for a lawman to come to the rescue and he has to think whether saving your life is worth being charged with a crime by some liberal pile of shit, or being tried or sued for shooting some thug.
The second doesn’t mention personal protection...
The second amendment has nothing that even hints at registration. Only a idiot that surely doesn’t merit the right to own a firearm would support their registration.

Well, they're probably using that 'well regulated' line as the premise.
The second amendment encourages the registration of firearms

No, it doesn't. It's not even worth the time to elaborate as your statement is wrong on its face.
A well regulated militia is necessary to the security of a free state

You cannot regulate your militias without registering the weapons and knowing what you have available to you to keep your state secure
The second doesn’t mention personal protection...
You are correct, but it does declare that individuals have a pre-constitutional inalienable right to keep and bear arms, and that the power to regulate arms was to be strictly reserved to the States and kept from Federal authority.
The second amendment encourages the registration of firearms

No, it doesn't. It's not even worth the time to elaborate as your statement is wrong on its face.
A well regulated militia is necessary to the security of a free state

You cannot regulate your militias without registering the weapons and knowing what you have available to you to keep your state secure

"The phrase "well-regulated" was in common use long before 1789, and remained so for a century thereafter. It referred to the property of something being in proper working order. Something that was well-regulated was calibrated correctly, functioning as expected. Establishing government oversight of the people's arms was not only not the intent in using the phrase in the 2nd amendment, it was precisely to render the government powerless to do so that the founders wrote it."

Why are you leftists incapable of doing even the slightest bit of research?

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