Fired for Being on the Pill

For example, a woman who wanted to prevent pregnancy would not be allowed health insurance coverage for oral contraceptives or a tubal ligation, a surgical procedure in which a woman's fallopian tubes are blocked, tied, or cut to permanently prevent pregnancy.

However, the bill does provide that a woman with endometriosis, which causes pain, irregular bleeding and infertility, could be treated using oral contraceptives, but she would have to first submit a claim to her employer providing evidence of the medical condition. If the employer decided to cover the oral contraceptive for medical reasons and not pregnancy prevention, the woman would be charged an administrative fee.

Ariz.: Boss can ask about birth control - Health - Lifestyle -

It is no employer's business to be privy to the private lives of their employees in this manner.

Employers can decide what type of coverage they wish to provide as an employment benefit (for example not paying for contraception coverage if it violates their religious views), however I do agree with you that it is not the employers business what goes on between me and my doctor, just like its not the govt's business either (obamacare).

Just goes to show the health insurance mandate is a slippery slope which goes against the best interest of individual freedom... Let's insist on access to affordable health insurance entirely independent of employment!
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who go fired?

Hell, everybody knows the answer to that. It is the woman who won't put out for the horny boss once he finds out that she is on birth control pills.

I can see it now, in the bosses office, "Damn it bitch either put out or get out. I'm in charge here and one of my benefits is sex with whomever I want. If you don't want to play, go find another job."

And yes there really are people like that. In my home town my father helped men like that to disappear never to be seen again. Now a days that is considered illegal (the disapearances) and most men will not protect their women or girlfriends from predators.

Oh wonderful, Nuebarth the retard is back. Do you realize how colossally stupid you come off?
It authorizes employers the right to use health care coverage that does not provide for contraception. This can be overcome by a medical report that the medication is necessary to treat a medical condition. It takes away no more rights than requiring a medical report that a nose job or eyelift is necessary to treat a medical condition rather than used for elective cosmetic surgery.

No one is denying women the right to use contraceptives at all. Libs are presenting this as some sort of right of an employer to fire women who are on the pill. Obviously that's not true. If a woman lies and presents a fraudulent medical report, that is fraud separate from her right to take the pill. Not to mention that a doctor writing a fraudulent medical report would have his own problems.
A proposed new law in Arizona would give employers the power to request that women being prescribed birth control pills provide proof that they're using it for non-sexual reasons. And because Arizona's an at-will employment state, that means that bosses critical of their female employees' sex lives could fire them as a result.
Yesterday, a Senate Judiciary Committee endorsed Republican Debbie Lesko's HB2625 by a vote of 6-2, which would allow an employer to request proof that a woman using insurance to buy birth control was being prescribed the birth control for reasons other than not wanting to get pregnant. It's all about freedom, she said
Law Will Allow Employers to Fire Women for Using Whore Pills

The freedom comment was really the icing on the cake.

And ... cue the "conservatives" saying there is not a war on women.

I've seen some over blown rhetoric in my time and this matches up with PA, a blue state, employers have the right to check for nicotine.

but hey, that's war on the poor, and we know libs don't care about them.
who go fired?

Hell, everybody knows the answer to that. It is the woman who won't put out for the horny boss once he finds out that she is on birth control pills.

I can see it now, in the bosses office, "Damn it bitch either put out or get out. I'm in charge here and one of my benefits is sex with whomever I want. If you don't want to play, go find another job."

And yes there really are people like that. In my home town my father helped men like that to disappear never to be seen again. Now a days that is considered illegal (the disapearances) and most men will not protect their women or girlfriends from predators.
LOL OK stretch armstrong
It authorizes employers the right to use health care coverage that does not provide for contraception. This can be overcome by a medical report that the medication is necessary to treat a medical condition. It takes away no more rights than requiring a medical report that a nose job or eyelift is necessary to treat a medical condition rather than used for elective cosmetic surgery.

No one is denying women the right to use contraceptives at all. Libs are presenting this as some sort of right of an employer to fire women who are on the pill. Obviously that's not true. If a woman lies and presents a fraudulent medical report, that is fraud separate from her right to take the pill. Not to mention that a doctor writing a fraudulent medical report would have his own problems.

If you read the text of the bill that was passed through committee, it isn't even requiring a 'medical' report. Just a letter from the insured.
For example, a woman who wanted to prevent pregnancy would not be allowed health insurance coverage for oral contraceptives or a tubal ligation, a surgical procedure in which a woman's fallopian tubes are blocked, tied, or cut to permanently prevent pregnancy.

However, the bill does provide that a woman with endometriosis, which causes pain, irregular bleeding and infertility, could be treated using oral contraceptives, but she would have to first submit a claim to her employer providing evidence of the medical condition. If the employer decided to cover the oral contraceptive for medical reasons and not pregnancy prevention, the woman would be charged an administrative fee.

Ariz.: Boss can ask about birth control - Health - Lifestyle -

It is no employer's business to be privy to the private lives of their employees in this manner.

Employers can decide what type of coverage they wish to provide as an employment benefit (for example not paying for contraception coverage if it violates their religious views), however I do agree with you that it is not the employers business what goes on between me and my doctor, just like its not the govt's business either (obamacare).

Just goes to show the health insurance mandate is a slippery slope which goes against the best interest of individual freedom... Let's insist on access to affordable health insurance entirely independent of employment!

As long as no one like Mittens Romney Or Barack Obummer are FORCING me to buy said affordable health care I'm on board ;)
I guess she'd get fired.

I also wonder, what would happen if the doctor lied? A doctor is ethically bound to treat their patients, not dance to some stupid corporate bullshit. Is it ethical to deny a woman a birth control prescription out of fear of reprisal?

You are a fucking liar.

The proposed law RESCINDS the MANDATE that all plans provide coverage for contraception.

It does NOT outlaw birth control - despite the BIG LIE that you shameful scum float.

It does NOT prohibit covering birth control in plans - despite the BIG LIE that you shameful scum float.

It DOES restore the FREEDOM of the purchasing party to decide what they will purchase, which is what outrages you fascist fucks.
Give Tax Deductions to Individuals Who Don't Have Access to Employer Health Insurance - Romney believes that individuals should be able to have the same tax advantages as an employer when purchasing health insurance. It isn't fair that an individual be penalized with higher rates for health insurance simply because his/her employer doesn't provide it. Such a penalty dissuades many from buying insurance when it is not offered by their employer. Romney wants to level the playing field. Give consumers a choice of going with their employers plan or purchasing insurance on their own on the open market. Don't lock consumers into one path.

Mitt Romney and Healthcare: Romney's Healthcare Fix
if you sign such a statement falsely, your insurance will be terminated for fraud. because insurance companies will do medical audits. they will also have the right to deny coverage if they think the contraceptives are "medically unnecessary".

More Big Lie demagoguery from the shameful scum of the fucking liars party.

Piss on you, you lying pile of shit.
Employers can decide what type of coverage they wish to provide as an employment benefit (for example not paying for contraception coverage if it violates their religious views), however I do agree with you that it is not the employers business what goes on between me and my doctor, just like its not the govt's business either (obamacare).

Just goes to show the health insurance mandate is a slippery slope which goes against the best interest of individual freedom... Let's insist on access to affordable health insurance entirely independent of employment!

As long as no one like Mittens Romney Or Barack Obummer are FORCING me to buy said affordable health care I'm on board ;)

Romneycare Vs. Obamacare

For a more detailed summary, click here to visit Mitt Romney Central's health care page.
RomneyCare – The Truth about Massachusetts Health Care | Mitt Romney Central

A recent article in The New Yorker magazine states that "Romney had accomplished a longstanding Democratic goal - universal health insurance - by combining three conservative policies." In other words, Romney had beaten Democrats at their own goal of providing universal health insurance. But Romney's novel approach accomplished this goal not with a government takeover, but with conservative principles. The success of Romney's healthcare law led many Democrats to consider adopting a similar approach to achieving universal health insurance.

The article goes on to say that in 2006 when Romneycare was passed, "most conservatives praised Romney's plan." The Bush administration sent a letter praising the passage of the new law. An often overlooked fact is that without the support of the Bush administration, Romney's healthcare law never would have become a reality.

The Boston Globe editorial board recently published an article defending Romneycare on conservative grounds. The editorial board states "the role Romney played on the state level was skillful, creative, and business friendly. Romney was a governor sensitive to business concerns and worried about the state's business climate."

Mitt Romney and Healthcare: Romneycare Vs. Obamacare
Just goes to show the health insurance mandate is a slippery slope which goes against the best interest of individual freedom... Let's insist on access to affordable health insurance entirely independent of employment!

As long as no one like Mittens Romney Or Barack Obummer are FORCING me to buy said affordable health care I'm on board ;)

Romneycare Vs. Obamacare

For a more detailed summary, click here to visit Mitt Romney Central's health care page.
RomneyCare – The Truth about Massachusetts Health Care | Mitt Romney Central

A recent article in The New Yorker magazine states that "Romney had accomplished a longstanding Democratic goal - universal health insurance - by combining three conservative policies." In other words, Romney had beaten Democrats at their own goal of providing universal health insurance. But Romney's novel approach accomplished this goal not with a government takeover, but with conservative principles. The success of Romney's healthcare law led many Democrats to consider adopting a similar approach to achieving universal health insurance.

The article goes on to say that in 2006 when Romneycare was passed, "most conservatives praised Romney's plan." The Bush administration sent a letter praising the passage of the new law. An often overlooked fact is that without the support of the Bush administration, Romney's healthcare law never would have become a reality.

The Boston Globe editorial board recently published an article defending Romneycare on conservative grounds. The editorial board states "the role Romney played on the state level was skillful, creative, and business friendly. Romney was a governor sensitive to business concerns and worried about the state's business climate."

Mitt Romney and Healthcare: Romneycare Vs. Obamacare

In regard to ObamaCare, Romney firmly believes that each state should have the right to craft its own health care program. In his book, No Apology, Romney states:

"My own preference is to let each state fashion its own program to meet the distinct needs of its citizens. States could follow the Massachusetts model if they choose, or they could develop plans of their own. These plans, tested in the state 'laboratories of democracy,' could be evaluated, compared, improved upon, and adopted by others."

In keeping with the belief that states should be able to craft their own programs, Romney has said that on his first day as president, he would issue a waiver to all 50 states allowing them to opt out of ObamaCare. This waiver would allow states to postpone the implementation of ObamaCare while Romney works with congress to formally repeal the bill.
Just goes to show the health insurance mandate is a slippery slope which goes against the best interest of individual freedom... Let's insist on access to affordable health insurance entirely independent of employment!

As long as no one like Mittens Romney Or Barack Obummer are FORCING me to buy said affordable health care I'm on board ;)

Romneycare Vs. Obamacare

For a more detailed summary, click here to visit Mitt Romney Central's health care page.
RomneyCare – The Truth about Massachusetts Health Care | Mitt Romney Central

A recent article in The New Yorker magazine states that "Romney had accomplished a longstanding Democratic goal - universal health insurance - by combining three conservative policies." In other words, Romney had beaten Democrats at their own goal of providing universal health insurance. But Romney's novel approach accomplished this goal not with a government takeover, but with conservative principles. The success of Romney's healthcare law led many Democrats to consider adopting a similar approach to achieving universal health insurance.

The article goes on to say that in 2006 when Romneycare was passed, "most conservatives praised Romney's plan." The Bush administration sent a letter praising the passage of the new law. An often overlooked fact is that without the support of the Bush administration, Romney's healthcare law never would have become a reality.

The Boston Globe editorial board recently published an article defending Romneycare on conservative grounds. The editorial board states "the role Romney played on the state level was skillful, creative, and business friendly. Romney was a governor sensitive to business concerns and worried about the state's business climate."

Mitt Romney and Healthcare: Romneycare Vs. Obamacare

Valerie I'm experiencing a financial burden in my state personally right now because of romney care. I have to find new insurance before the end of next week because of changes in the law with small businesses from obamacare (basically its cheaper for my employer to kick me off insurance than to provide it for the other 8 employees, which he must do even if they don't want it under the law now)

So off looking for insurance I come to find that since romneycare the cost of insurance in my state has almost doubled....the two together are smacking me left and right (pun intended ;)).

I will NEVER accept obamacare because the federal govt does NOT have the authority to tell me I must buy a product from a private company or face fines/penalties from the federal govt, it is unconstitutional. I will NEVER accept Romneycare because it says I MUST buy insurance or pay a fine to my state government, which is constitutional (States rights) but still unnacceptable to me.
if you sign such a statement falsely, your insurance will be terminated for fraud. because insurance companies will do medical audits. they will also have the right to deny coverage if they think the contraceptives are "medically unnecessary".

More Big Lie demagoguery from the shameful scum of the fucking liars party.

Piss on you, you lying pile of shit.

Calm down, asshole... :uhoh3:
As long as no one like Mittens Romney Or Barack Obummer are FORCING me to buy said affordable health care I'm on board ;)

Romneycare Vs. Obamacare

For a more detailed summary, click here to visit Mitt Romney Central's health care page.
RomneyCare – The Truth about Massachusetts Health Care | Mitt Romney Central

A recent article in The New Yorker magazine states that "Romney had accomplished a longstanding Democratic goal - universal health insurance - by combining three conservative policies." In other words, Romney had beaten Democrats at their own goal of providing universal health insurance. But Romney's novel approach accomplished this goal not with a government takeover, but with conservative principles. The success of Romney's healthcare law led many Democrats to consider adopting a similar approach to achieving universal health insurance.

The article goes on to say that in 2006 when Romneycare was passed, "most conservatives praised Romney's plan." The Bush administration sent a letter praising the passage of the new law. An often overlooked fact is that without the support of the Bush administration, Romney's healthcare law never would have become a reality.

The Boston Globe editorial board recently published an article defending Romneycare on conservative grounds. The editorial board states "the role Romney played on the state level was skillful, creative, and business friendly. Romney was a governor sensitive to business concerns and worried about the state's business climate."

Mitt Romney and Healthcare: Romneycare Vs. Obamacare

In regard to ObamaCare, Romney firmly believes that each state should have the right to craft its own health care program. In his book, No Apology, Romney states:

"My own preference is to let each state fashion its own program to meet the distinct needs of its citizens. States could follow the Massachusetts model if they choose, or they could develop plans of their own. These plans, tested in the state 'laboratories of democracy,' could be evaluated, compared, improved upon, and adopted by others."

In keeping with the belief that states should be able to craft their own programs, Romney has said that on his first day as president, he would issue a waiver to all 50 states allowing them to opt out of ObamaCare. This waiver would allow states to postpone the implementation of ObamaCare while Romney works with congress to formally repeal the bill.
Does Romney believe that the state of Arizona can force woman to pay an extra fee to their employer to prove that she isn't using birth control for birth control?
First of all, the bill doesn't state that a woman can be fired for being on the pill. It simply gives employers the right to require a woman to sign a statement that the pill is not being used for sexual purposes.

The article then points out that Arizona is a right to work state which means that if the woman claims it is for sexual purposes she could be fired for it and there would be nothing she or anyone else can do about it.

That being said, this is one mother f'ing stupid bill. The state has no business interfereing in this.


PS Please excuse the French.

WOW! If you are willing to go along with this bill you and your ilk are ready to take anything shoved down your throat.
Whose f*cking business is it anyway why a woman is taking BC. And especially my employer. I work for my money and they have zilch right in telling me how to spend it or live my life.
Yours always bitches about communism. This is the ground work for just that type of life.
Get a clue.

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