Fired for Being on the Pill

I haven't yet seen any evidence that the bill requires a woman to sign a declaration or lose her job?

There isn't any.

This is a classical example of the "Big Lie."

The lie that the scumbag left is telling is outrageous and absurd. This bill rescinds a requirement that all health plans cover the cost of contraception.

That's all it does. There was (now removed) a grievance process where the lack of coverage could be contested if there was medical necessity.

Scum like Rati and Jillian are simply doing what they learned from Goebbels. They aren't just lying, they have concocted the most absurd and outrageous lie they can, repeat it often, regardless of the fact that it's been refuted, and soon the really stupid people - the Obama base, will believe it.

A response would be for the GOP to start running stories that Obama is putting out an executive order that every male in the nation is to have their penis cut off. Then just keep pounding on it. Demand to know why Pelosi and Reid support the Obama plan to cut the penis of every male in the country off.

Just like what Jillian and Rati post, it's a complete lie, but the technique is to make the lie outrageous and keep repeating it.

I will not refer to the shameful part these scum belong to as "democrats," hence forth they are the fucking liars party.
As long as no one like Mittens Romney Or Barack Obummer are FORCING me to buy said affordable health care I'm on board ;)

Romneycare Vs. Obamacare

For a more detailed summary, click here to visit Mitt Romney Central's health care page.
RomneyCare – The Truth about Massachusetts Health Care | Mitt Romney Central

A recent article in The New Yorker magazine states that "Romney had accomplished a longstanding Democratic goal - universal health insurance - by combining three conservative policies." In other words, Romney had beaten Democrats at their own goal of providing universal health insurance. But Romney's novel approach accomplished this goal not with a government takeover, but with conservative principles. The success of Romney's healthcare law led many Democrats to consider adopting a similar approach to achieving universal health insurance.

The article goes on to say that in 2006 when Romneycare was passed, "most conservatives praised Romney's plan." The Bush administration sent a letter praising the passage of the new law. An often overlooked fact is that without the support of the Bush administration, Romney's healthcare law never would have become a reality.

The Boston Globe editorial board recently published an article defending Romneycare on conservative grounds. The editorial board states "the role Romney played on the state level was skillful, creative, and business friendly. Romney was a governor sensitive to business concerns and worried about the state's business climate."

Mitt Romney and Healthcare: Romneycare Vs. Obamacare

Valerie I'm experiencing a financial burden in my state personally right now because of romney care. I have to find new insurance before the end of next week because of changes in the law with small businesses from obamacare (basically its cheaper for my employer to kick me off insurance than to provide it for the other 8 employees, which he must do even if they don't want it under the law now)

So off looking for insurance I come to find that since romneycare the cost of insurance in my state has almost doubled....the two together are smacking me left and right (pun intended ;)).

I will NEVER accept obamacare because the federal govt does NOT have the authority to tell me I must buy a product from a private company or face fines/penalties from the federal govt, it is unconstitutional. I will NEVER accept Romneycare because it says I MUST buy insurance or pay a fine to my state government, which is constitutional (States rights) but still unnacceptable to me.

You can thank Romney that the situation isn't worse...

One of Romney's main goals in passing healthcare legislation was to counter many much more liberal attempts within Massachusetts to take over the healthcare system. The Boston Globe newspaper discusses in detail one plan that Romney feared would become law if action was not taken. That plan was the imposition of a payroll tax of up to $1,700 per employee on all businesses who did not offer health insurance to their employees. It was a serious threat. The plan had been voted on in the year 2000 and the law barely failed by 3%. In 2006 the employer mandate coupled with a heavy payroll tax was to be voted on again.

Mitt Romney and Healthcare: Romneycare Vs. Obamacare

Still, conservatives might be more favorably disposed if they understood the part Romney played in warding off various schemes feared by business. After an Urban Institute study recommended an individual mandate, Romney made that the core of his plan. That was a way of sidestepping the approach many Democrats favored: a payroll tax of 5 to 7 percent on businesses that did not offer health coverage. That idea, the subject of a planned ballot question, became the preferred approach of then-House speaker Sal DiMasi. Businesses worried, and with good reason, about the costs such a plan would impose.

DiMasi, however, remained adamant about putting much of the responsibility on business, something both Romney and then-Senate president Robert Travaglini opposed. At one point, DiMasi talked of forcing firms to pay $800 to $1,000 per uncovered employee.

The compromise that finally broke the long stalemate was based on an individual mandate, but called for companies without coverage to pay $295 per worker per year. That was essentially the Romney plan, but with enough of a business contribution to let DiMasi save face. In a move that angered DiMasi, Romney signed the bill, but vetoed the business levy. The Legislature overrode his veto, reimposing the fee.

All in all, then, the role Romney played was of a governor sensitive to business concerns and worried about the state’s business climate. Now, conservatives have come to view that individual mandate as an intolerable imposition on personal liberty, rather than an insistence on personal responsibility. In no small part that’s because such a mandate also plays a central role in Obama’s health care plan. But if they weren’t hyperventilating about the national law, they might come to recognize that the role Romney played on the state level was skillful, creative, and business-friendly.

Celebrating Romney?s true role -

This is just another OMG the sky is falling thread by USMB's resident dumbass affectionately known as CantHelpButBeStupid.

This isn't just the forum scum, it is a campaign by the fucking liars party to engage in Big Lie demagoguery. All of the common fucking liar hate sites, DailyKOS, Think Progress, HuffingGlue, Democratic Underground, et al. are participating in the Big Lie campaign.
Does Romney believe that the state of Arizona can force woman to pay an extra fee to their employer to prove that she isn't using birth control for birth control?

Oh, more Big Lie - cool....

Does Pelosi believe that the USA can force men to pay an extra fee to keep from having their penis cut off as Obama has ordered?
Does Romney believe that the state of Arizona can force woman to pay an extra fee to their employer to prove that she isn't using birth control for birth control?

Oh, more Big Lie - cool....

Does Pelosi believe that the USA can force men to pay an extra fee to keep from having their penis cut off as Obama has ordered?
I wasn't asking you, Eunuch2008. I was asking Valerie.
Does Romney believe that the state of Arizona can force woman to pay an extra fee to their employer to prove that she isn't using birth control for birth control?

Oh, more Big Lie - cool....

Does Pelosi believe that the USA can force men to pay an extra fee to keep from having their penis cut off as Obama has ordered?
I wasn't asking you, Eunuch2008. I was asking Valerie.

And since when is asking a question or having a concern a BIG LIE? :cuckoo: What an asshole that guy is, seriously...

To answer your question, I highly doubt Mitt would ever be in favor of handing over our personal liberties to our employers but I'm not sure if he has addressed this particular proposal in Arizona. As I posted above he favors a private option...

You can delve into the details of his plan here:
RomneyCare – The Truth about Massachusetts Health Care | Mitt Romney Central

Moreover, according to the American Civil Liberties Union, the law would give Arizona employers the green light to fire a woman upon finding out that she took birth control for the purpose of preventing pregnancy.

"The bill goes beyond guaranteeing a person's rights to express and practice their faith," Anjali Abraham, a lobbyist for the ACLU, told the Senate panel, "and instead lets employers prioritize their beliefs over the beliefs, the interests, the needs of their employees, in this case, particularly, female employees."

Arizona Birth Control Bill Penalizes Women For Using Contraception For Non-Medical Reasons
I wasn't asking you, Eunuch2008. I was asking Valerie.

You weren't "asking" anyone, you were spouting the Big Lie, since you are a demagogue.

BTW Rati, do you know what a Eunuch is? Obviously not, I guess the hate sites haven't told you - and we all know that the ONLY thoughts in your little rodent head are those programmed in by the hate sites...

So why do you support Obama in forcing every man in the nation to have their penis cut off?
Oh, more Big Lie - cool....

Does Pelosi believe that the USA can force men to pay an extra fee to keep from having their penis cut off as Obama has ordered?
I wasn't asking you, Eunuch2008. I was asking Valerie.

And since when is asking a question or having a concern a BIG LIE? :cuckoo: What an asshole that guy is, seriously...

To answer your question, I highly doubt Mitt would ever be in favor of handing over our personal liberties to our employers but I'm not sure if he has addressed this particular proposal in Arizona. As I posted above he favors a private option...

You can delve into the details of his plan here:
RomneyCare – The Truth about Massachusetts Health Care | Mitt Romney Central

Moreover, according to the American Civil Liberties Union, the law would give Arizona employers the green light to fire a woman upon finding out that she took birth control for the purpose of preventing pregnancy.

"The bill goes beyond guaranteeing a person's rights to express and practice their faith," Anjali Abraham, a lobbyist for the ACLU, told the Senate panel, "and instead lets employers prioritize their beliefs over the beliefs, the interests, the needs of their employees, in this case, particularly, female employees."

Arizona Birth Control Bill Penalizes Women For Using Contraception For Non-Medical Reasons

I asked because you said he favors letting states do their own health care plans. Which is what Arizona is doing....if he believes states can do their own thing, then he really can't be against this Arizona bill.
And since when is asking a question or having a concern a BIG LIE? :cuckoo: What an asshole that guy is, seriously...

{All this was inspired by the principle--which is quite true within itself--that in the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility; because the broad masses of a nation are always more easily corrupted in the deeper strata of their emotional nature than consciously or voluntarily; and thus in the primitive simplicity of their minds they more readily fall victims to the big lie than the small lie, since they themselves often tell small lies in little matters but would be ashamed to resort to large-scale falsehoods.} - Adolf Hitler, describing what you, Rati and the rest of the fucking liars party are doing.

To answer your question, I highly doubt Mitt would ever be in favor of handing over our personal liberties to our employers but I'm not sure if he has addressed this particular proposal in Arizona. As I posted above he favors a private option...

The proposal in Arizona to LIFT a government mandate - or the Big Lie that Rati and the fucking liars party is telling?

In regard to ObamaCare, Romney firmly believes that each state should have the right to craft its own health care program. In his book, No Apology, Romney states:

"My own preference is to let each state fashion its own program to meet the distinct needs of its citizens. States could follow the Massachusetts model if they choose, or they could develop plans of their own. These plans, tested in the state 'laboratories of democracy,' could be evaluated, compared, improved upon, and adopted by others."

In keeping with the belief that states should be able to craft their own programs, Romney has said that on his first day as president, he would issue a waiver to all 50 states allowing them to opt out of ObamaCare. This waiver would allow states to postpone the implementation of ObamaCare while Romney works with congress to formally repeal the bill.
Does Romney believe that the state of Arizona can force woman to pay an extra fee to their employer to prove that she isn't using birth control for birth control?

From Romney's own statements he believes that is an issue for the state of Arizona to decide for itself and that the federal govt has no authority to intervene in said decisions.

That doesn't mean Romney supports it or doesn't support it, it is just his personal ideology. His ideology is that the states have a right to govern themselves and that the constitution protects the rights of individual states to decide on anything that was not EXPRESSLY given as a power to the federal govt in the Constitution.
Although Obama's contraception mandate includes a broad exemption for churches and faith-based employers, Senate Republicans argued on Thursday that requiring any employer, even a non-religious one, to cover health services that they oppose is an attack on religious freedom.

"This is just the beginning," Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) said on the Senate floor before the vote. "If the government is allowed to tell people to buy health care, it won't stop there. I wonder what's next? This isn't about one particular religion -- it's about the right of any American to live out their faith without the government picking and choosing which doctrines they're allowed to follow."

Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine), one of the few Senate Republicans who identifies as pro-choice, reluctantly voted in favor of the measure, even though she admitted that it was "flawed." She said she was dissatisfied with the administration's response to her question about self-insured religious organizations, which may still be required to cover contraception for employees under the new rule.

"I feel I have to vote for the Blunt amendment with the hope that its scope will be further narrowed and refined as the legislative process proceeds," she said. "I do this with a lot of conflict, because I think the amendment does have its flaws, but when the administration cannot even assure me that self-insured faith-based organizations' religious freedom is protected, I feel I have no choice."

Opponents of the bill pointed out that the amendment not only would have allowed employers to cherry-pick women's health care options based on moral beliefs, but it also would have rolled back some of the basic anti-discrimination protections in the Affordable Care Act. For instance, under the amendment, an employer could refuse to cover things like HIV/AIDS screenings, prenatal care for single mothers, mammograms, vaccinations for children and even screenings for diabetes based on objections to a perceived immoral lifestyle.

Blunt Amendment Vote: Contraception Measure Fails In Senate
The Big Lie
The Big Lie is a technique that Adolf Hitler used with great success. The idea is that you just keep repeating the same lie over and over, in spite of all arguments or evidence to the contrary, until people believe it. Massive repetition is essential. (Think: "Why do they keep running the same stupid commercials on TV, over and over and over again, ad nauseum?")

"Tell a lie enough times and it will become the truth."
— Heinrich Himmler
"A big lie is more plausible than truth."
— Ernest Hemingway

Hitler explained his Big Lie technique in Mein Kampf,

The greatness of the lie is always a certain factor in being believed; at the bottom of their hearts, the great masses of a people are more likely to be misled than to be consciously and deliberately bad, and in the primitive simplicity of their minds, they are more easily victimized by a large than by a small lie.... Some part of even the boldest lie is sure to stick.

It's a strange fact of human psychology that giant, totally outrageous lies are sometimes more believable than small lies, just by virtue of their bodaciousness. People feel that there must be something to it, because the claims are so extreme. People can't help but feel that "Where there is so much smoke, there must be some fire."
In regard to ObamaCare, Romney firmly believes that each state should have the right to craft its own health care program. In his book, No Apology, Romney states:

"My own preference is to let each state fashion its own program to meet the distinct needs of its citizens. States could follow the Massachusetts model if they choose, or they could develop plans of their own. These plans, tested in the state 'laboratories of democracy,' could be evaluated, compared, improved upon, and adopted by others."

In keeping with the belief that states should be able to craft their own programs, Romney has said that on his first day as president, he would issue a waiver to all 50 states allowing them to opt out of ObamaCare. This waiver would allow states to postpone the implementation of ObamaCare while Romney works with congress to formally repeal the bill.
Does Romney believe that the state of Arizona can force woman to pay an extra fee to their employer to prove that she isn't using birth control for birth control?

From Romney's own statements he believes that is an issue for the state of Arizona to decide for itself and that the federal govt has no authority to intervene in said decisions.

That doesn't mean Romney supports it or doesn't support it, it is just his personal ideology. His ideology is that the states have a right to govern themselves and that the constitution protects the rights of individual states to decide on anything that was not EXPRESSLY given as a power to the federal govt in the Constitution.
A state doesn't have the right to give an employer the say so over contraception.

Romney will not get my vote.
Does Romney believe that the state of Arizona can force woman to pay an extra fee to their employer to prove that she isn't using birth control for birth control?

From Romney's own statements he believes that is an issue for the state of Arizona to decide for itself and that the federal govt has no authority to intervene in said decisions.

That doesn't mean Romney supports it or doesn't support it, it is just his personal ideology. His ideology is that the states have a right to govern themselves and that the constitution protects the rights of individual states to decide on anything that was not EXPRESSLY given as a power to the federal govt in the Constitution.
A state doesn't have the right to give an employer the say so over contraception.

Romney will not get my vote.

Show me where Arizona's state Constition denys the state that authority. Also show me where the United States Constitution gives the federal govt the authority to intervene in this type of situation.

If you can't then you are wrong, if you can then I am wrong.
In regard to ObamaCare, Romney firmly believes that each state should have the right to craft its own health care program. In his book, No Apology, Romney states:

"My own preference is to let each state fashion its own program to meet the distinct needs of its citizens. States could follow the Massachusetts model if they choose, or they could develop plans of their own. These plans, tested in the state 'laboratories of democracy,' could be evaluated, compared, improved upon, and adopted by others."

In keeping with the belief that states should be able to craft their own programs, Romney has said that on his first day as president, he would issue a waiver to all 50 states allowing them to opt out of ObamaCare. This waiver would allow states to postpone the implementation of ObamaCare while Romney works with congress to formally repeal the bill.
Does Romney believe that the state of Arizona can force woman to pay an extra fee to their employer to prove that she isn't using birth control for birth control?

From Romney's own statements he believes that is an issue for the state of Arizona to decide for itself and that the federal govt has no authority to intervene in said decisions.

That doesn't mean Romney supports it or doesn't support it, it is just his personal ideology. His ideology is that the states have a right to govern themselves and that the constitution protects the rights of individual states to decide on anything that was not EXPRESSLY given as a power to the federal govt in the Constitution.

They know that.

But as perpetrators of The Big Lie, they will never admit it, and will answer only with more Big Lies, or a repetition of the same Big Lie.
Does Romney believe that the state of Arizona can force woman to pay an extra fee to their employer to prove that she isn't using birth control for birth control?

From Romney's own statements he believes that is an issue for the state of Arizona to decide for itself and that the federal govt has no authority to intervene in said decisions.

That doesn't mean Romney supports it or doesn't support it, it is just his personal ideology. His ideology is that the states have a right to govern themselves and that the constitution protects the rights of individual states to decide on anything that was not EXPRESSLY given as a power to the federal govt in the Constitution.

A state doesn't have the right to give an employer the say so over contraception.

Romney will not get my vote.

We know you're voting Dem, but Romney's plan does not say the State has that right and it is a given that a State can't make unconstitutional laws. Mitt's plan favors access to private insurance options separate from your employer...

10 – Give Block Grants to States for Medicaid – Romney wants all states to have the same flexibility as he had when he crafted the Massachusetts health care plan. Providing block grants from the federal government to the states would reduce federal regulations on how medicaid funding can be used by the states. Currently, there are many restrictions placed on states regarding how each state is allowed to use federal money to provide health care. By providing block grants, states would have more room to experiment and craft their own unique healthcare solutions. One additional benefit of block grants is that these grants would make it so that medicaid would no longer be an “open checkbook” on the federal government.

11 – Provide “Innovation Grants” to States for Reform - Innovation grants would be extra funding used by the states for the development of unique healthcare reforms. These grants would be competed for by different states. Romney envisions these grants as the “carrot” that will entice states to begin reforming their healthcare systems, rather than the “stick” of federal laws that forces states to reform or face a penalty. Obamacare currently uses the “stick” approach rather than the “carrot.”


1 – Give tax deductions for purchasing health insurance to individuals who don’t have access to employer health insurance - Romney believes that individuals should be able to have the same tax advantages as an employer when purchasing health insurance. It isn’t fair that an individual be penalized with higher rates for health insurance simply because his/her employer doesn’t provide it. Such a penalty dissuades many from buying insurance when it is not offered by their employer. Romney wants to level the playing field so everyone gets equal tax treatment. Also, such a plan would give consumers a choice of accepting their employers plan or purchasing insurance on their own on the open market. If the tax incentives are the same, this would increase competition among insurers and allow individuals to pick a health plan more suitable for their needs.

2 – Allow people to purchase health insurance across state lines – This will increase competition and decrease monopolies of health insurers. It is interesting to note that current law in the U.S. actually allows for insurers to have a monopoly over a given region of the country. These monopolies need to end in order to let the free market work more effectively to lower health care costs. (Source, No Apology, pg 177.)

3 – Allow Individuals to form “purchasing pools” - Currently individuals not part of an employers group are penalized with much higher insurance premium costs. Individuals who currently don’t have the option to buy insurance through their employer are forced to buy a single policy on the “open market” which is much more expensive. Allowing individuals to form purchasing pools would give consumers a lower price for health insurance and more choice of healthcare plans. No longer would an individual have to take their employers health insurance if they didn’t like the plan offered by their employer. Individuals could choose to shop for insurance on their own with a purchasing pool that would have the similar tax advantages and discounts as their employer.

4 – Encourage a “Consumer Reports” style ratings system for insurance companies – Currently it is very difficult to compare one insurance company with another. Consumers need to have access to a ratings system in order to be better informed. For example, if a particular insurance company has poor customer service, a small network of doctors, has a habit of declining coverage of certain medical procedures, or simply mistreating their clients, then the public has a right to know. Currently there is no way consumers can discover which companies are truly providing the best customer service or value for their dollar. Romney wants to change that and make the insurance companies more accountable to how they treat their customers. In a similar vein, hospitals would have a rating system in order to establish cost and quality comparisons for the public. Romney knows from his days at Bain and Company when he advised hospitals that some hospitals charge exorbitant rates but have similar quality results when compared to other hospitals in the same area.

5 – Modify health savings accounts – Allow consumers to use HSA savings to pay health care premiums! It’s hard to believe that laws regulating HSA’s currently don’t allow consumers to pay insurance premiums with their HSA, but they do not. This simple change would have a profound impact for millions of Americans. On a different note, HSA’s help form cost-conscious consumers and motivate consumers to shop around for the best “deal” at the best price. HSA’s would get healthcare working more like a market. The current healthcare market, is really not a “market” at all because patients have very little incentive to price-compare, and find higher quality at lower prices.


RomneyCare – The Truth about Massachusetts Health Care | Mitt Romney Central
First of all, the bill doesn't state that a woman can be fired for being on the pill. It simply gives employers the right to require a woman to sign a statement that the pill is not being used for sexual purposes.

The article then points out that Arizona is a right to work state which means that if the woman claims it is for sexual purposes she could be fired for it and there would be nothing she or anyone else can do about it.

That being said, this is one mother f'ing stupid bill. The state has no business interfereing in this.


PS Please excuse the French.

WOW! If you are willing to go along with this bill you and your ilk are ready to take anything shoved down your throat.
Whose f*cking business is it anyway why a woman is taking BC. And especially my employer. I work for my money and they have zilch right in telling me how to spend it or live my life.
Yours always bitches about communism. This is the ground work for just that type of life.
Get a clue.

Are you addressing me?

Did you even read my post or any of my posts in this thread? Obviously you didn't, because I am opposed to this bill.

And, since, you may not have read it, or been able to read it, let me point out that I simply made some clarifications as to what the bill actually said then I denounced it.

Before you make an ass out of yourself, I think you should actually read the post you are condemning in full!


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