#FireKushner takes over twitter

Lefties pretending to be righties.
Like Hitler loving National SOCIALISTS?
Yes Yes we know a jew loving cuck like you has no clue what National Socialism truly is.
The day Trump fires Ivanka's husband??? Over Bannon? That's some funny shit right there. :lmao::lmao::lmao:
Figuring Trump listened to a literal PUSSY over reason I would have to agree with you. You would think Trump would realize pissing off his core supporters AND a media empire giant in Bannon would HARM his 2020 chances but his decision to strike Syria shows me he is NOT in control his jewess whore daughter is.

And you people claim that you're not Nazi pieces of shit.
I don't advocate National Socialism so no not a "nazi" I am Anti Jew...I DESPISE Jews.

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