#FireKushner takes over twitter

The day Trump fires Ivanka's husband??? Over Bannon? That's some funny shit right there. :lmao::lmao::lmao:
Figuring Trump listened to a literal PUSSY over reason I would have to agree with you. You would think Trump would realize pissing off his core supporters AND a media empire giant in Bannon would HARM his 2020 chances but his decision to strike Syria shows me he is NOT in control his jewess whore daughter is.

No, like you are demonstrating right here... Trump is pissing off his racist supporters that supported Bannon and Breitbart.
And we see why Trump won and Clinton lost. You tards think HALF of Trump's supporters were waccccccissssstttttssss. Keep dreaming snowflake.

Not half maybe >1%.

Which is why he will go with family.
The day Trump fires Ivanka's husband??? Over Bannon? That's some funny shit right there. :lmao::lmao::lmao:
Figuring Trump listened to a literal PUSSY over reason I would have to agree with you. You would think Trump would realize pissing off his core supporters AND a media empire giant in Bannon would HARM his 2020 chances but his decision to strike Syria shows me he is NOT in control his jewess whore daughter is.

And you people claim that you're not Nazi pieces of shit.
Take a deep breath lefties. It's going to be a loooong four years (probably eight years) for y'all so you might as well put your angry fantasies to rest and start thinking logically.
The day Trump fires Ivanka's husband??? Over Bannon? That's some funny shit right there. :lmao::lmao::lmao:
Figuring Trump listened to a literal PUSSY over reason I would have to agree with you. You would think Trump would realize pissing off his core supporters AND a media empire giant in Bannon would HARM his 2020 chances but his decision to strike Syria shows me he is NOT in control his jewess whore daughter is.

And you people claim that you're not Nazi pieces of shit.
They lie incessantly to try to show they're not. Odd how David Duke endorses them along with the Nazi Part.
The day Trump fires Ivanka's husband??? Over Bannon? That's some funny shit right there. :lmao::lmao::lmao:
Figuring Trump listened to a literal PUSSY over reason I would have to agree with you. You would think Trump would realize pissing off his core supporters AND a media empire giant in Bannon would HARM his 2020 chances but his decision to strike Syria shows me he is NOT in control his jewess whore daughter is.

And you people claim that you're not Nazi pieces of shit.
They lie incessantly to try to show they're not. Odd how David Duke endorses them along with the Nazi Part.
David Duke never endorsed Trump. Stop lying!
The day Trump fires Ivanka's husband??? Over Bannon? That's some funny shit right there. :lmao::lmao::lmao:
Figuring Trump listened to a literal PUSSY over reason I would have to agree with you. You would think Trump would realize pissing off his core supporters AND a media empire giant in Bannon would HARM his 2020 chances but his decision to strike Syria shows me he is NOT in control his jewess whore daughter is.

And you people claim that you're not Nazi pieces of shit.
We're not. We're Constitution loving America firsters!
The day Trump fires Ivanka's husband??? Over Bannon? That's some funny shit right there. :lmao::lmao::lmao:
Figuring Trump listened to a literal PUSSY over reason I would have to agree with you. You would think Trump would realize pissing off his core supporters AND a media empire giant in Bannon would HARM his 2020 chances but his decision to strike Syria shows me he is NOT in control his jewess whore daughter is.

And you people claim that you're not Nazi pieces of shit.
We're not. We're Constitution loving America firsters!

Your certainly not a lover of the Constitution, and you're most definitely a racist, Nazi, piece of shit. You hate blacks, jews, and and women. You are inferior to all of them and you know it.
The day Trump fires Ivanka's husband??? Over Bannon? That's some funny shit right there. :lmao::lmao::lmao:
Figuring Trump listened to a literal PUSSY over reason I would have to agree with you. You would think Trump would realize pissing off his core supporters AND a media empire giant in Bannon would HARM his 2020 chances but his decision to strike Syria shows me he is NOT in control his jewess whore daughter is.

And you people claim that you're not Nazi pieces of shit.
They lie incessantly to try to show they're not. Odd how David Duke endorses them along with the Nazi Part.
David Duke never endorsed Trump. Stop lying!
The day Trump fires Ivanka's husband??? Over Bannon? That's some funny shit right there. :lmao::lmao::lmao:
Figuring Trump listened to a literal PUSSY over reason I would have to agree with you. You would think Trump would realize pissing off his core supporters AND a media empire giant in Bannon would HARM his 2020 chances but his decision to strike Syria shows me he is NOT in control his jewess whore daughter is.

And you people claim that you're not Nazi pieces of shit.
They lie incessantly to try to show they're not. Odd how David Duke endorses them along with the Nazi Part.
David Duke never endorsed Trump. Stop lying!

Liar! Here's David Duke in his own words saying he doesn't endorse Donald Trump. Again, you are a filthy liar!

The day Trump fires Ivanka's husband??? Over Bannon? That's some funny shit right there. :lmao::lmao::lmao:
Figuring Trump listened to a literal PUSSY over reason I would have to agree with you. You would think Trump would realize pissing off his core supporters AND a media empire giant in Bannon would HARM his 2020 chances but his decision to strike Syria shows me he is NOT in control his jewess whore daughter is.

And you people claim that you're not Nazi pieces of shit.
They lie incessantly to try to show they're not. Odd how David Duke endorses them along with the Nazi Part.
David Duke never endorsed Trump. Stop lying!

Duke, who announced last month he would run for Louisiana's open Senate seat, said he is 100 percent behind Trump's legislative agenda.

"As a United States senator, nobody will be more supportive of his legislative agenda, his Supreme Court agenda than I will," Duke said in an interview on NPR's "Morning Edition."

"I'm 100 percent behind it. I have a long record of being in favor of protecting our borders from this massive immigration."

Duke is an enthusiastic supporter of Trump, once calling him the "white knight" for "European American" interests.

But his endorsement of Trump snared the candidate in controversy earlier this year.

David Duke: I'd be Trump's biggest supporter in Senate
#FireKushner Takes Over Twitter

YES! Fire that zionist neo con piece of shit!
Kushner is a Democrat, as is Ivanka, far from neocon, you racist piece of shit.
Neocons are former Democrats, so they are not that far apart.

Oh look delusion from both sides of the isle

Trump has only taken 2 pro labor positions (immigration and trade). Literally everything else he's pro capital, which is what republicans have stood for since Nixon. Pro capital positions are globalist positions

Neocons rose with Reagan. They weren't democrats lol

Rumsfeld, Cheney, Wolfowitz

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