Fireworks Fools Ruined Christmas Eve & Morning


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
The fireworks fiends have been doing this every Christmas for the last 3 years. This one was the loudest, and worst. To all fireworks shooters out here. Please get a brain. Christmas eve and early morning is not like New Year's Eve, or the 4th of July.
Quite the contrary, Christmas eve is a time for PEACE & QUIET. You know, like the song SILENT Night ?

At least it WAS until you morons came along. Here in Tampa, Florida, the city fathers (and suburbs) have been irresponsible on this. They allow fireworks to be sold to the public, in large quantities, in supermarkets, and in large tent set-ups in store parking lots. This just shouldn't be allowed, period. The only fireworks to be shot off should be done by local officials in well-regulated displays in public parks, not by the public itself.

What I heard last night and early this morning was a huge disrespect to Christianity, and to everyone who is a Christian, as well as everyone just wanting peace and quiet, and to be able to go to bed. This morning that wasn't possible until 3:30 AM when the madness finally ended. It went on for 5 hours, from 10:30 PM to 3:30 AM, with police doing little or nothing to stop it. People ought to be up in arms about this, and instead the SHEEPLE seem to just be willing to take it. But why ? To suit a bunch of inconsiderate fools who make money selling this crap, and shooting them off, and have no respect for the meaning of Christmas ?

I hate to say it, but our local police really flunked out out this morning. They should have been arresting these idiots in droves, and it all should have been stopped.
Fireworks should not be sold to the common people. Only the government should be allowed to purchase and use fireworks.:rolleyes:
Fireworks should not be sold to the common people. Only the government should be allowed to purchase and use fireworks.:rolleyes:

That's the point I take issue with. I prefer people had the freedom to use fireworks.

I do agree that it is disrespectful to make a lot of noise and disturb anyone on any night they shouldn't expect there to be a lot of noise.

Fireworks should not be sold to the common people. Only the government should be allowed to purchase and use fireworks.:rolleyes:

That's the point I take issue with. I prefer people had the freedom to use fireworks.

I do agree that it is disrespectful to make a lot of noise and disturb anyone on any night they shouldn't expect there to be a lot of noise.

The police should have put a stop to such behavior but the idea of banning people from buying fireworks as a result is just silly.
The fireworks fiends have been doing this every Christmas for the last 3 years. This one was the loudest, and worst. To all fireworks shooters out here. Please get a brain. Christmas eve and early morning is not like New Year's Eve, or the 4th of July.
Quite the contrary, Christmas eve is a time for PEACE & QUIET. You know, like the song SILENT Night ?

At least it WAS until you morons came along. Here in Tampa, Florida, the city fathers (and suburbs) have been irresponsible on this. They allow fireworks to be sold to the public, in large quantities, in supermarkets, and in large tent set-ups in store parking lots. This just shouldn't be allowed, period. The only fireworks to be shot off should be done by local officials in well-regulated displays in public parks, not by the public itself.

What I heard last night and early this morning was a huge disrespect to Christianity, and to everyone who is a Christian, as well as everyone just wanting peace and quiet, and to be able to go to bed. This morning that wasn't possible until 3:30 AM when the madness finally ended. It went on for 5 hours, from 10:30 PM to 3:30 AM, with police doing little or nothing to stop it. People ought to be up in arms about this, and instead the SHEEPLE seem to just be willing to take it. But why ? To suit a bunch of inconsiderate fools who make money selling this crap, and shooting them off, and have no respect for the meaning of Christmas ?

I hate to say it, but our local police really flunked out out this morning. They should have been arresting these idiots in droves, and it all should have been stopped.
Merry Christmas Mr Scrooge!!!!
The police should have put a stop to such behavior but the idea of banning people from buying fireworks as a result is just silly.
That's a strange thing to say. How do you figure that ???
Merry Christmas Mr Scrooge!!!!
You've got it backwards. The scrooges are the ones who are disrespecting Christmas, by shooting off fireworks, on a day that should have peace & quiet. I'm one of the ones who appreciates and respects Christmas. Where did you ever get the idea that fireworks even remotely fits in with Christmas ?
Merry Christmas Mr Scrooge!!!!
You've got it backwards. The scrooges are the ones who are disrespecting Christmas, by shooting off fireworks, on a day that should have peace & quiet. I'm one of the ones who appreciates and respects Christmas. Where did you ever get the idea that fireworks even remotely fits in with Christmas ?
Merry Christmas Mr Grinch.
My suggestion...... Next time tall the cops,if THEY don't stop the noise makers YOU will use a couple LOUDER booms to end it.
My suggestion...... Next time tall the cops,if THEY don't stop the noise makers YOU will use a couple LOUDER booms to end it.
I've got guns, but even my shotgun isn't as loud as the noise from these uncivilized, barbarian savages. I suspect they might have been out there shooting shotguns,or something even bigger.
I've got guns, but even my shotgun isn't as loud as the noise from these uncivilized, barbarian savages. I suspect they might have been out there shooting shotguns,or something even bigger.

I GUARANTEE the screaming after you unliaded aome 00 buck into someone would be MUCH louder.
The last time OP was EVER happy?

1. Never
2. Never
3. Never
4. Bush!
5. The Evil Jooz!
6. Never!
The last time OP was EVER happy?

1. Never
2. Never
3. Never
4. Bush!
5. The Evil Jooz!
6. Never!
Dumb post. Are you supposed to be happy that morons are out blasting fireworks noise into your home on Christmas eve & morning, and cops don't control it it ? Anything else you'd find enjoyable ? How about people dumping their garbage on your front lawn ? How about them keying and spray-painting graffiti on your car ? Or maybe you're more of an old-fashioned maschocist. Whips and chains ?
If you want to be insulated from sounds, you need to soundproof your home, or buy an isolated country estate.
This isn't about just "sounds" There are thousands of sounds that enter our homes all the time. ut they aren't excessively loud and obnoxious. Insulating homes isn't the solution. Stopping arrogant, excessively noisy, inconsiderate idiots is. These fireworks are also extremely harmful to dogs, and military combat veterans, especially those with PTSD.

The burden is on the fireworks shooters to stop what they're doing, not ordinary citizens to change their living ways.

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