Fireworks Scrapped at some Military Bases???

No idea..... :)

But a Christian would never cover a cross during a speech because it might "offend" someone.
He was raised muslim.....they don't convert to Christianity easily.
He praises Islam in speeches, then says America wasn't founded on Christianity (which is a lie).
He agrees (now) that gays/lesbians should be able to marry.
He's pro abortion.

To just name a few.....

Muslims don't believe in gay marriage and they execute homosexuals on site, if Obama were a Muslim wouldn't he be more strict on that issue?

His plan right now is to get everyone on board with his can't do that over night. What would you think if he came in to office and almost immediately started executing them? Besides, it would never work. Too many people here are armed and even tho they may not agree with the lifestyle, they would fight to defend them. Obama has to get most if not all of us unarmed before he could even THINK of something like this. In the meantime, he makes them love him.
No idea..... :)

But a Christian would never cover a cross during a speech because it might "offend" someone.
He was raised muslim.....they don't convert to Christianity easily.
He praises Islam in speeches, then says America wasn't founded on Christianity (which is a lie).
He agrees (now) that gays/lesbians should be able to marry.
He's pro abortion.

To just name a few.....

Those are superficial Christianity

REAL Christians want to help those who are suffering and don't worry about fireworks

Just shows how much you don't know about Christians. Christians have helped more people than anyone else. I don't like the idea of sending 7 billion to Africa when that could be used here to help the suffering people in this country. If Obama had done even HALF of what he promised in 2008, we wouldn't be having this problem.
No idea..... :)

But a Christian would never cover a cross during a speech because it might "offend" someone.
He was raised muslim.....they don't convert to Christianity easily.
He praises Islam in speeches, then says America wasn't founded on Christianity (which is a lie).
He agrees (now) that gays/lesbians should be able to marry.
He's pro abortion.

To just name a few.....

Muslims don't believe in gay marriage and they execute homosexuals on site, if Obama were a Muslim wouldn't he be more strict on that issue?

His plan right now is to get everyone on board with his can't do that over night. What would you think if he came in to office and almost immediately started executing them? Besides, it would never work. Too many people here are armed and even tho they may not agree with the lifestyle, they would fight to defend them. Obama has to get most if not all of us unarmed before he could even THINK of something like this. In the meantime, he makes them love him.

Why of course and the slaves were made to love Lincoln.
Also, just in case anyone cares, George and Laura Bush joined the Obamas in Africa. Annnnd guess whose paying for them to be there? :)

Do you have a link to who paid? What I heard (not sure if true yet) is that Bush's paid their own way, they just happened to be in Africa at the same time, and that they just happened to both go to the ceremony. I never heard of any plan to meet up......
George & Laura go to Africa quite often, and i have a hard time believing it's all being paid by the taxpayers.
She was helping fight AIDS when she took her two daughters on a Safari?

And they are promoting education.
The First Lady's 2013 Africa Trip | The White House

I am glad Michelle Obama is following in Laura's foot steps. Why try to put a negative spin on it due to your political beliefs?
Laura is a great woman, her own daughter spent some time working on the AIDS problem. I wonder if Barbara was inspired by her trips to Africa with her mother? Maybe one day Michelle's daughters will do the same.

My political beliefs have nothing to do with it other than I believe a leader should lead by example. I have not protested Michelle or the girls accompanying Obama on the trip nor have I suggested she has no official purpose in being there. I thought I was pretty specific about that earlier.

And I am glad to be informed that Michelle will have opportunity to promote education on her trip to Africa.

As for Laura and the twins' 'safari':

Transcript of NPR's David Green radio cast:

DAVID GREEN reporting:

Laura Bush's first stop in Africa was a safari lodge on the South Africa-Botswana border. It was to be an exotic weekend alone for her and her twin daughters, Jenna and Barbara. On the other hand, the first lady explained, they were not totally alone.

Mrs. LAURA BUSH: We saw elephants and rhino and hippopotamus and lion and zebra and...

GREEN: After her weekend as a wildlife tourist, the first lady set off on a journey to some of Africa's most troubled spots. It began in a district of Cape Town, South Africa, called Hialeecha(ph). People live in shacks with dilapidated tin roofs. Tiny homes pile up against each other and most don't have running water.

At a clinic amid all this poverty, excitement over Mrs. Bush's visit was running high. Here, HIV-positive mothers teach other women how to avoid passing the virus to their children.

Mrs. BUSH: Thanks, everybody. Thank you all and lots of love to everyone. And thank you so much for coming. Really appreciate it.

(Soundbite of flashbulbs; people singing in foreign language)

Ms. BABOWA EMBONO: My baby is two years now, five months, and she's negative. She's out of the danger.

GREEN: Babowa Embono(ph) is one of the moms who mentors in the program. It receives funding from the United States, but Embono said it never seems like enough.

Ms. EMBONO: One thing for me I'd like her to do for us, to support the mothers program financially so that we can go over to the places where people need us mostly because with the hope and the spirit reach of God and the experience reach of God from the mothers program, we'll be able to help other people around the world.

GREEN: When it comes to help from the United States, some critics complain that President Bush complicates the fight against AIDS. They say he focuses American dollars on programs that only mention condoms while stressing abstinence as a more reliable way to stop spreading the virus. It's a policy debate Mrs. Bush didn't hesitate to join.

Mrs. BUSH: A,B,C stands for abstinence, be faithful and correct and consistent use of condoms. When women are respected and have legal protection in their community, they have more control over their own sexual lives. They have more options to adhere to the A,B,C model and more power to convince their partners to adhere to it, too.

The first lady then flew to Tanzania and the spice island of Zanzibar. She flew west past the peak of Mt. Kilimanjaro towering through the clouds, and she landed in Rwanda. The capital, Kilgali, still has its red dirt streets. Police officers holding guns dangle their feet off the backs of Jeeps, eerily recalling the machete-toting killers who rode in similar vehicles during the tribal genocide in 1994.

(Soundbite of people singing in foreign language, drum beating, clapping)

GREEN: Mrs. Bush came to a church-run AIDS center to hear the sad stories of young, orphaned children raising their even younger siblings. But part of the scene was almost festive.

(Soundbite of people speaking in foreign language, drum beating)

Unidentified Man: Here we have some mushrooms...

GREEN: She toured a genocide museum that hides none of the horrors of 1994 when perhaps a million ethnic Tutsis and targeted Hutus were slaughtered. Pictures of children who were killed are on display, some with their last words. And thousands of victims are buried outside the museum.

Mrs. BUSH: Some would call the tragedy in Rwanda unspeakable. But that is precisely the problem. Too few people around the world spoke out about what was happening here. Too few people recognized the scale of suffering.

GREEN: And too few countries follow through on promises to help this continent, Mrs. Bush told reporters on her flight home. She said she wants to keep the focus on Africa and wants G8 nations to keep their promise of more help. In a sign of how tough her effort may be, the first lady's tour of Africa received little media attention back home. David Green, NPR News.

HANSEN: It's 18 minutes past the hour.
Laura Bush Surveys Suffering in Africa : NPR

But she want suppose to do anything fun on her trip. ;)

So I take it you can't answer the can't come up with something GOOD she's done there? Sure, the Bush's had some fun while there too, but the main focus was on helping the people. What has Michelle done?
You brought up the issue in a thread about fireworks

Are you really that shallow that you question humanitarian aid so that you can have fireworks?

Lots of things I question, but most of all I believe in fixing things here at home first.
Unless you are talking about aid for a natural disaster like a earthquake or tsunami
then I think we should concentrate our efforts here at home first. Especially with the track record Africa has for corruption and the squandering of the $50 billion of international assistance that Africa already gets each year.

Fixing things like fireworks on military bases?

How dare you equate fucking fireworks to humanitarian aid that will save lives and help millions

OMG...I can't believe you said that! NOBODY is equating fireworks with aide....we're just saying that there should be OUR COUNTRY FIRST (and yes, i know fireworks isn't a priority!!). And if you think all that money for aide is going to go to what it's meant for, you definately are a fool. The leaders there are as corrupt or more than all other countries. 20 years from now the poor africans will still be poor.
The conservatives wanted cuts in the govt., cuts were made and they bitch about, seems to me they are spoiled brats.

How many of those cuts were really beneficial when our government is spending as usual? Obama doesn't act as if he has ANY empathy with the low down citizens that are struggling. And this post isn't just about "fireworks"'s the fact that our govt (not just the Dems) are still spending on things that isn't needed, and our military that put their lives in danger for us everyday, can't have fireworks on the 4th of JULY....INDEPENDENCE DAY. When our congress, senators and others take "cuts" right along with everyone else, I'll stop complaining. Until then, they're all a bunch of hypocrites.
No idea..... :)

But a Christian would never cover a cross during a speech because it might "offend" someone.
He was raised muslim.....they don't convert to Christianity easily.
He praises Islam in speeches, then says America wasn't founded on Christianity (which is a lie).
He agrees (now) that gays/lesbians should be able to marry.
He's pro abortion.

To just name a few.....

Muslims don't believe in gay marriage and they execute homosexuals on site, if Obama were a Muslim wouldn't he be more strict on that issue?

His plan right now is to get everyone on board with his can't do that over night. What would you think if he came in to office and almost immediately started executing them? Besides, it would never work. Too many people here are armed and even tho they may not agree with the lifestyle, they would fight to defend them. Obama has to get most if not all of us unarmed before he could even THINK of something like this. In the meantime, he makes them love him.

You are threatening second amendment remedies?

How lame
Only Obama, his heifer...i mean wife and his 2 kids are allowed to have fun. Everyone else can piss off.
Sheesh drama queen much?

Canceling fireworks at military bases = not allowed to have fun? There is absolutely nothing else available that could be considered fun, you can't go to any of the other free fireworks shows, you can't do some grilling and drinking beer, nah the cancellation means no fun can be had.

You sound like the life of the party.
The conservatives wanted cuts in the govt., cuts were made and they bitch about, seems to me they are spoiled brats.

How many of those cuts were really beneficial when our government is spending as usual? Obama doesn't act as if he has ANY empathy with the low down citizens that are struggling. And this post isn't just about "fireworks"'s the fact that our govt (not just the Dems) are still spending on things that isn't needed, and our military that put their lives in danger for us everyday, can't have fireworks on the 4th of JULY....INDEPENDENCE DAY. When our congress, senators and others take "cuts" right along with everyone else, I'll stop complaining. Until then, they're all a bunch of hypocrites.

I am sure that Oblama does not go over every budget in every department. If the DOD did this then you can't blame Oblama. Whaa!
When I served we didn't get fireworks either, whaaa!
Muslims don't believe in gay marriage and they execute homosexuals on site, if Obama were a Muslim wouldn't he be more strict on that issue?

His plan right now is to get everyone on board with his can't do that over night. What would you think if he came in to office and almost immediately started executing them? Besides, it would never work. Too many people here are armed and even tho they may not agree with the lifestyle, they would fight to defend them. Obama has to get most if not all of us unarmed before he could even THINK of something like this. In the meantime, he makes them love him.

You are threatening second amendment remedies?

How lame

His plan right now is to get everyone on board with his can't do that over night. What would you think if he came in to office and almost immediately started executing them? Besides, it would never work. Too many people here are armed and even tho they may not agree with the lifestyle, they would fight to defend them. Obama has to get most if not all of us unarmed before he could even THINK of something like this. In the meantime, he makes them love him.

You are threatening second amendment remedies?

How lame

You really think anyone gives a shit if you are armed?
The conservatives wanted cuts in the govt., cuts were made and they bitch about, seems to me they are spoiled brats.

How many of those cuts were really beneficial when our government is spending as usual? Obama doesn't act as if he has ANY empathy with the low down citizens that are struggling. And this post isn't just about "fireworks"'s the fact that our govt (not just the Dems) are still spending on things that isn't needed, and our military that put their lives in danger for us everyday, can't have fireworks on the 4th of JULY....INDEPENDENCE DAY. When our congress, senators and others take "cuts" right along with everyone else, I'll stop complaining. Until then, they're all a bunch of hypocrites.

I am sure that Oblama does not go over every budget in every department. If the DOD did this then you can't blame Oblama. Whaa!
When I served we didn't get fireworks either, whaaa!

It's not really the's the hypocrites in this administration.
Only Obama, his heifer...i mean wife and his 2 kids are allowed to have fun. Everyone else can piss off.
Sheesh drama queen much?

Canceling fireworks at military bases = not allowed to have fun? There is absolutely nothing else available that could be considered fun, you can't go to any of the other free fireworks shows, you can't do some grilling and drinking beer, nah the cancellation means no fun can be had.

You sound like the life of the party.

The Obama's get family fun time in Africa...why shouldn't the military and their families have the same? Especially on Independence Day? This is about the freedom of our country, the military was a huge part of that, why take something away on THAT day?
obama will send clips of his vacation in Africa so military families can watch them on the holiday.
Military bases are getting hit hard now from all fronts, because of the sequester alot of civilian employees got their hours cut or just let go completely, which means the commissary and other base facilities are closed on certain days as well.
Everyone's taking cuts because of the sequester (which was actually Obama's idea to begin with)....

But yet, I have not heard how Obama, Congress, Senate or anyone else higher up in the government have taken any cuts. Obama sure hasn't, but have the others? Did anyone take a cut in pay or benefits to do their share? Are they being forced to fly in commercial jets instead of private? Maybe they have, but I haven't heard of any.
Military bases are getting hit hard now from all fronts, because of the sequester alot of civilian employees got their hours cut or just let go completely, which means the commissary and other base facilities are closed on certain days as well.

Obama should take another vacation

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