Firing Mueller would be rational- only if Trump is guilty


Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2014
President Trump is really, really, really pissed off that Mueller is investigating Russia and the Trump campaign.

But really- is the investigation actually harming Trump? No.
It is an irritation, and one he lashes out about- but it is not preventing him from firing his cabinet members, or proposing tax cuts or agreeing to talk to North Korea.

So there is no rational reason why Trump would want to fire Mueller- unless Trump is guilty.

Firing Robert Mueller Would Hurt Trump More Than Help | National Review

As the National Review said:
Moving at this point would be rational only if Trump feared some thermonuclear revelation that wouldn’t be survivable. It’s not clear what, in the current news and political environment, that would be. Everything is so perishable, and Trump has such a strong hold on his party’s base, he could presumably weather almost anything

If Trump fires Mueller- it will either be further evidence that Trump is not rational- or it will be further evidence of Trump's guilt- of something.
President Trump is really, really, really pissed off that Mueller is investigating Russia and the Trump campaign.

But really- is the investigation actually harming Trump? No.
It is an irritation, and one he lashes out about- but it is not preventing him from firing his cabinet members, or proposing tax cuts or agreeing to talk to North Korea.

So there is no rational reason why Trump would want to fire Mueller- unless Trump is guilty. .

If you think about it, why would anybody be angered by the police snooping around their house? Of course, that's unless they were doing something illegal.

Think of Mueller like a doctor doing a checkup, running tests, taking x-rays, it's like getting an insurance physical.
First of all, he's not going to fire Mueller. I know you dipshits on the left want to make everyone think he is but he's not. Having said that, maybe the man doesn't like being accused of something he did not do. Ever think of that? Would you not be a little irritated if a cop pulled you over without cause and made you sit on the curb for an hour like a criminal while he called in other cops to search your vehicle? You know damn well you would be pissed, and at some point, you would want to sue the bastards so drop the bullshit "If he has nothing to hide he shouldn't mind being subjected to a never ending criminal investigation" line. If you fuckwads had any integrity you would admit you have nothing and end the investigation but you don't, because it's the only thing you have to hinder progress and prevent the President from doing his job. You people are pathetic.
First of all, he's not going to fire Mueller. I know you dipshits on the left want to make everyone think he is but he's not. Having said that, maybe the man doesn't like being accused of something he did not do. Ever think of that? Would you not be a little irritated if a cop pulled you over without cause and made you sit on the curb for an hour like a criminal while he called in other cops to search your vehicle? You know damn well you would be pissed, and at some point, you would want to sue the bastards so drop the bullshit "If he has nothing to hide he shouldn't mind being subjected to a never ending criminal investigation" line. If you fuckwads had any integrity you would admit you have nothing and end the investigation but you don't, because it's the only thing you have to hinder progress and prevent the President from doing his job. You people are pathetic.

Most adults are able to control their emotional outbursts.

No one likes to be accused of something they didn't do, but most people are mature enough to accept that emotionally venting their anger isn't actually going to help anything.
First of all, he's not going to fire Mueller. I know you dipshits on the left want to make everyone think he is but he's not. Having said that, maybe the man doesn't like being accused of something he did not do. Ever think of that? Would you not be a little irritated if a cop pulled you over without cause and made you sit on the curb for an hour like a criminal while he called in other cops to search your vehicle? You know damn well you would be pissed, and at some point, you would want to sue the bastards so drop the bullshit "If he has nothing to hide he shouldn't mind being subjected to a never ending criminal investigation" line. If you fuckwads had any integrity you would admit you have nothing and end the investigation but you don't, because it's the only thing you have to hinder progress and prevent the President from doing his job. You people are pathetic.

Well if you fuckwads had any integrity you would look at Trump's record of firing people- and realize that it is certainly within the realm of possibility that Trump will fire Mueller.

Of course Trump is irritated by the investigation- that is certainly clear.

But as far as 'nothing'- the roots of the investigation go back to a Trump campaign member telling an Australian diplomat in a bar that the Russians had dirt on Clinton.

We also know that Trump's son welcomed a meeting with a Russian that he had been told had dirt on Clinton.

What we don't know is what else Mueller has found so far.

You fuckwads don't want Mueller to continue his investigation.

What is it you are afraid he will find?
First of all, he's not going to fire Mueller. I know you dipshits on the left want to make everyone think he is but he's not. Having said that, maybe the man doesn't like being accused of something he did not do. Ever think of that? Would you not be a little irritated if a cop pulled you over without cause and made you sit on the curb for an hour like a criminal while he called in other cops to search your vehicle? You know damn well you would be pissed, and at some point, you would want to sue the bastards so drop the bullshit "If he has nothing to hide he shouldn't mind being subjected to a never ending criminal investigation" line. If you fuckwads had any integrity you would admit you have nothing and end the investigation but you don't, because it's the only thing you have to hinder progress and prevent the President from doing his job. You people are pathetic.

Most adults are able to control their emotional outbursts.

No one likes to be accused of something they didn't do, but most people are mature enough to accept that emotionally venting their anger isn't actually going to help anything.

We have a situation that is directly comparable- Whitewater.

Remember for 4 years there was an investigation on Bill Clinton to see if he had violated the law in Arkansas before he became President. An investigation which ultimately found no evidence of any crime committed in Arkansas before Clinton was President.

Was Clinton 'irritated' by the false accusations? Certainly he was.

But Clinton also lied about getting a blow job in the Oval office- and that is was not a false accusation.

I actually hope that Mueller's investigation does not find any intentional collusion between Trump's campaign and Russia- that would be devastating for our country.

The only thing more devastating would be if it really happened and the Trump campaign gets away with it.
First of all, he's not going to fire Mueller. I know you dipshits on the left want to make everyone think he is but he's not. Having said that, maybe the man doesn't like being accused of something he did not do. Ever think of that? Would you not be a little irritated if a cop pulled you over without cause and made you sit on the curb for an hour like a criminal while he called in other cops to search your vehicle? You know damn well you would be pissed, and at some point, you would want to sue the bastards so drop the bullshit "If he has nothing to hide he shouldn't mind being subjected to a never ending criminal investigation" line. If you fuckwads had any integrity you would admit you have nothing and end the investigation but you don't, because it's the only thing you have to hinder progress and prevent the President from doing his job. You people are pathetic.

Most adults are able to control their emotional outbursts.

No one likes to be accused of something they didn't do, but most people are mature enough to accept that emotionally venting their anger isn't actually going to help anything.
You mean like this?
President Trump is really, really, really pissed off that Mueller is investigating Russia and the Trump campaign.

But really- is the investigation actually harming Trump? No.
It is an irritation, and one he lashes out about- but it is not preventing him from firing his cabinet members, or proposing tax cuts or agreeing to talk to North Korea.

So there is no rational reason why Trump would want to fire Mueller- unless Trump is guilty.

Firing Robert Mueller Would Hurt Trump More Than Help | National Review

As the National Review said:
Moving at this point would be rational only if Trump feared some thermonuclear revelation that wouldn’t be survivable. It’s not clear what, in the current news and political environment, that would be. Everything is so perishable, and Trump has such a strong hold on his party’s base, he could presumably weather almost anything

If Trump fires Mueller- it will either be further evidence that Trump is not rational- or it will be further evidence of Trump's guilt- of something.
You are obviously consuming too much fake media.
First of all, he's not going to fire Mueller. I know you dipshits on the left want to make everyone think he is but he's not. Having said that, maybe the man doesn't like being accused of something he did not do. Ever think of that? Would you not be a little irritated if a cop pulled you over without cause and made you sit on the curb for an hour like a criminal while he called in other cops to search your vehicle? You know damn well you would be pissed, and at some point, you would want to sue the bastards so drop the bullshit "If he has nothing to hide he shouldn't mind being subjected to a never ending criminal investigation" line. If you fuckwads had any integrity you would admit you have nothing and end the investigation but you don't, because it's the only thing you have to hinder progress and prevent the President from doing his job. You people are pathetic.

Most adults are able to control their emotional outbursts.

No one likes to be accused of something they didn't do, but most people are mature enough to accept that emotionally venting their anger isn't actually going to help anything.

We have a situation that is directly comparable- Whitewater.

Remember for 4 years there was an investigation on Bill Clinton to see if he had violated the law in Arkansas before he became President. An investigation which ultimately found no evidence of any crime committed in Arkansas before Clinton was President.

Was Clinton 'irritated' by the false accusations? Certainly he was.

But Clinton also lied about getting a blow job in the Oval office- and that is was not a false accusation.

I actually hope that Mueller's investigation does not find any intentional collusion between Trump's campaign and Russia- that would be devastating for our country.

The only thing more devastating would be if it really happened and the Trump campaign gets away with it.
I don't agree that it would devastating for the US populace to learn they were played by Trump and Putin. Quite the opposite, imo. We could debate whether Reagan was ever serious about deficits or the natl debt. But it not debatable than since the end of the draft and both parties funding a military with deficit dollars, we have been lulled into a sense of false security.
First of all, he's not going to fire Mueller. I know you dipshits on the left want to make everyone think he is but he's not. Having said that, maybe the man doesn't like being accused of something he did not do. Ever think of that? Would you not be a little irritated if a cop pulled you over without cause and made you sit on the curb for an hour like a criminal while he called in other cops to search your vehicle? You know damn well you would be pissed, and at some point, you would want to sue the bastards so drop the bullshit "If he has nothing to hide he shouldn't mind being subjected to a never ending criminal investigation" line. If you fuckwads had any integrity you would admit you have nothing and end the investigation but you don't, because it's the only thing you have to hinder progress and prevent the President from doing his job. You people are pathetic.
All these morons are brainwashed by the fake news media that pretend punditry is REAL NEWS.
First of all, he's not going to fire Mueller. I know you dipshits on the left want to make everyone think he is but he's not. Having said that, maybe the man doesn't like being accused of something he did not do. Ever think of that? Would you not be a little irritated if a cop pulled you over without cause and made you sit on the curb for an hour like a criminal while he called in other cops to search your vehicle? You know damn well you would be pissed, and at some point, you would want to sue the bastards so drop the bullshit "If he has nothing to hide he shouldn't mind being subjected to a never ending criminal investigation" line. If you fuckwads had any integrity you would admit you have nothing and end the investigation but you don't, because it's the only thing you have to hinder progress and prevent the President from doing his job. You people are pathetic.

Well if you fuckwads had any integrity you would look at Trump's record of firing people- and realize that it is certainly within the realm of possibility that Trump will fire Mueller.

Of course Trump is irritated by the investigation- that is certainly clear.

But as far as 'nothing'- the roots of the investigation go back to a Trump campaign member telling an Australian diplomat in a bar that the Russians had dirt on Clinton.

We also know that Trump's son welcomed a meeting with a Russian that he had been told had dirt on Clinton.

What we don't know is what else Mueller has found so far.

You fuckwads don't want Mueller to continue his investigation.

What is it you are afraid he will find?
He's not gonna find anything. If he had anything it would have been leaked by now. This is a failed coup attempt that the left can't let go of and you know it.
President Trump is really, really, really pissed off that Mueller is investigating Russia and the Trump campaign.

But really- is the investigation actually harming Trump? No.
It is an irritation, and one he lashes out about- but it is not preventing him from firing his cabinet members, or proposing tax cuts or agreeing to talk to North Korea.

So there is no rational reason why Trump would want to fire Mueller- unless Trump is guilty.

Firing Robert Mueller Would Hurt Trump More Than Help | National Review

As the National Review said:
Moving at this point would be rational only if Trump feared some thermonuclear revelation that wouldn’t be survivable. It’s not clear what, in the current news and political environment, that would be. Everything is so perishable, and Trump has such a strong hold on his party’s base, he could presumably weather almost anything

If Trump fires Mueller- it will either be further evidence that Trump is not rational- or it will be further evidence of Trump's guilt- of something.
There is no rational reason for Mueller to continue the investigation since by this time it is clear that there was no collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government unless Mueller is simply a political shill trying to generate negative headlines about Trump despite the fact he has no evidence to support them. If Mueller were an honorable man, as many thought he was at the beginning of the investigation, he would close the investigation and resign.
First of all, he's not going to fire Mueller. I know you dipshits on the left want to make everyone think he is but he's not. Having said that, maybe the man doesn't like being accused of something he did not do. Ever think of that? Would you not be a little irritated if a cop pulled you over without cause and made you sit on the curb for an hour like a criminal while he called in other cops to search your vehicle? You know damn well you would be pissed, and at some point, you would want to sue the bastards so drop the bullshit "If he has nothing to hide he shouldn't mind being subjected to a never ending criminal investigation" line. If you fuckwads had any integrity you would admit you have nothing and end the investigation but you don't, because it's the only thing you have to hinder progress and prevent the President from doing his job. You people are pathetic.

Most adults are able to control their emotional outbursts.

No one likes to be accused of something they didn't do, but most people are mature enough to accept that emotionally venting their anger isn't actually going to help anything.
You mean like this?


I don't know what you think trying to deflect to Hillary will accomplish.
First of all, he's not going to fire Mueller. I know you dipshits on the left want to make everyone think he is but he's not. Having said that, maybe the man doesn't like being accused of something he did not do. Ever think of that? Would you not be a little irritated if a cop pulled you over without cause and made you sit on the curb for an hour like a criminal while he called in other cops to search your vehicle? You know damn well you would be pissed, and at some point, you would want to sue the bastards so drop the bullshit "If he has nothing to hide he shouldn't mind being subjected to a never ending criminal investigation" line. If you fuckwads had any integrity you would admit you have nothing and end the investigation but you don't, because it's the only thing you have to hinder progress and prevent the President from doing his job. You people are pathetic.

Well if you fuckwads had any integrity you would look at Trump's record of firing people- and realize that it is certainly within the realm of possibility that Trump will fire Mueller.

Of course Trump is irritated by the investigation- that is certainly clear.

But as far as 'nothing'- the roots of the investigation go back to a Trump campaign member telling an Australian diplomat in a bar that the Russians had dirt on Clinton.

We also know that Trump's son welcomed a meeting with a Russian that he had been told had dirt on Clinton.

What we don't know is what else Mueller has found so far.

You fuckwads don't want Mueller to continue his investigation.

What is it you are afraid he will find?
lol No rational person expects Mueller to find anything that proves collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government. Mueller made his reputation in government by leading the effort to rebuild the credibility of the FBI after it was devastated during the corrupt and incompetent Clinton administration, and he is trying to protect the FBI now after its credibility has been devastated by the corrupt and incompetent Obama administration; that's why Mueller is unconcerned with the fat he has been unable to find any evidence to support allegations of collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government.

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