First oath keeper pleads guilty to sedition

Tell the guilty party that. I'm sure it's going to be a big help. :abgg2q.jpg:
Not even a little help. Except of course by pleading guilty, he is likely to get the benefit of leniency instead of a maximum sentence if he’d gone to trial and lost. But my prior post (as previously amended) remains completely correct.
Not even a little help. Except of course by pleading guilty, he is likely to get the benefit of leniency instead of a maximum sentence if he’d gone to trial and lost. But my prior post (as previously amended) remains completely correct.
Your prior post is worth teats on a bo hog as far as I'm concerned. The traitor pleaded guilty. That's good enough for me. And he's willing to cooperate. That means more are coming.
Then he's a dumbass for pleading guilty for something he didn't do. Fuck him. He was there wasn't he? That's enough for me.
Actually, lots of folks who plead guilty aren’t actually guilty. It is not entirely common, maybe. But it sadly isn’t rare, either. It’s one of those criminal Justice system’s “we’d rather not talk about it” things.
BLM didn't storm the Capitol, and there is no organized group called ANTIFA.

There are plenty of local groups called anti-fa, just like there are plenty of BLM type groups.

Saying a cell based organization doesn't exist because there is no central group is trying to be slick and failing.

So who occupied CHAZ/CHOP all those months, you know, an ACTUAL insurrection against local authority.
Actually, lots of folks who plead guilty aren’t actually guilty. It is not entirely common, maybe. But it sadly isn’t rare, either. It’s one of those criminal Justice system’s “we’d rather not talk about it” things.

Lets see what they get as a sentence vs. what the prosecutors were threatening them with.
How are they good Americans exactly? And can you prove Democrats are communists?

Democrats have self identified democratic socialists in their party, which is another term for Marxists, which are communists.
BLM didn't storm the Capitol, and there is no organized group called ANTIFA.
Who cares how allegedly unorganized Antifa is? What a stupid effort at meaningless deflection. Antifa is plenty organized enough. Same playbook in many different areas. Funding by Soros too. You don’t really think that massive scumbag would deprive them of coordination, do you? 🙄
Actually, lots of folks who plead guilty aren’t actually guilty. It is not entirely common, maybe. But it sadly isn’t rare, either. It’s one of those criminal Justice system’s “we’d rather not talk about it” things.
I don't give a shit. The man went to the Capitol. It's a federal building he wasn't supposed to be in. He's lucky he isn't dead as a hammer. Fuck him and the rest of those traitors.
Who cares how allegedly unorganized Antifa is? What a stupid effort at meaningless deflection. Antifa is plenty organized enough. Same playbook in many different areas. Funding by Soros too. You don’t really think that massive scumbag would deprive them of coordination, do you? 🙄

Anti-fa is intentionally cell based so morons like BWK can make the claim he is making.
I don't give a shit. The man went to the Capitol. It's a federal building he wasn't supposed to be in. He's lucky he isn't dead as a hammer. Fuck him and the rest of those traitors.

Yet assaulting in federal courthouse for weeks is OK, right?

Just a fiery but mostly peaceful protest?
Who cares how allegedly unorganized Antifa is? What a stupid effort at meaningless deflection. Antifa is plenty organized enough. Same playbook in many different areas. Funding by Soros too. You don’t really think that massive scumbag would deprive them of coordination, do you? 🙄
I don't. It doesn't exist. That's your fantasy, not mine.

Show us the organization hot shot. Who's the leader? Where's the headquarters? Got an address? How about a ph. number? 😂
Anti-fa is intentionally cell based so morons like BWK can make the claim he is making.
You won't be making one for it, because on paper, it doesn't exist. It appears in your airy-fairy noggin.
Lets see what they get as a sentence vs. what the prosecutors were threatening them with.
I understand that in federal cases, unlike in many state cases, the prosecution can’t make an offer for any specific lower sentence. The judge gets to make that call regardless of what the prosecutor and the defense think might be appropriate. But the main stick is the US Code section defining the particular crime. In the case of seditious conspiracy, the law lists it as: “they shall each be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both.”

18 U.S. Code § 2384 - Seditious conspiracy.​

I assume the judge will shave off a fair amount for the plea, but will still feel compelled to bitch slap the defendant as an example. It is possible that the defendant could serve no time. But I wouldn’t bet on that, either. Pure guess; he’s going to get 5 years or more.
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Yet assaulting in federal courthouse for weeks is OK, right?

Just a fiery but mostly peaceful protest?
Then lock their asses up along with the Right-wing militia that planted most of the trouble. I don't care.
You won't be making one for it, because on paper, it doesn't exist. It appears in your airy-fairy noggin.

There are tons of declared Anti-fa groups on social media, they do exist, they were the ones rioting.

They are the successors to the whole WTO protests gangs and the Occupy gangs, different name, younger recruits mixed with some now old assholes, same politics and tactics.

Denying they exist shows you are either a hack or retarded, or both.
Then lock their asses up along with the Right-wing militia that planted most of the trouble. I don't care.

LOL, the agent provactuer Boogaloo bullshit.

Man, you are just a textbook progressive beta cuck.
I understand that in federal cases, unlike in many state cases, the prosecution can’t make an offer for any specific lower sentence. The judge gets to make that call regardless of what the prosecutor and the defense think might be appropriate. But the main stick is the US Code section defining the particular crime. In the case of seditious conspiracy, the law lists it as: “they shall each be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both.”

I assume the judge will shave off a fair amount for the plea, but will still feel compelled to bitch slap the defendant as an example. It is possible that the defendant could serve no time. But I wouldn’t bet on that, either. Pure guess; he’s going to get 5 years or more.

Federal crimes are always more strict than State level ones, and it seems they always seem to get progressive judges on the bench for these cases.

I would love to see the breakdown of the judges in these cases from a who appointed them viewpoint.

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