First oath keeper pleads guilty to sedition

This is how marxists function, they see themselves as vanguards of the masses, and in this case the vanguards led the looting.
That doesn't fix the fuck up from this link. Now it's Marxists. :laughing0301: Try again.
Democrats have self identified democratic socialists in their party, which is another term for Marxists, which are communists. This is you idiot. Communists are not Democratic Socialists. Show us how they are.
Still waiting? We need for you to show us how Democratic Socialism and Communism are the same. And don't run away like a pussy.
Soros is established as a funder of Antifa. How’s that for an organizational link?

They often say: “follow the money.” But evidence of this nature will be dismissed by closed-minded tools like BWK.

Okay Martybegan, time is up. Folks, Martybegan failed to show us the difference between Democratic Socialism and Communism. That means we proved he is a liar once again. See you loser.
Democrats have self identified democratic socialists in their party, which is another term for Marxists, which are communists. This is you idiot. Communists are not Democratic Socialists. Show us how they are.

They are Marxists. They just call themselves Democratic Socialists to avoid the stigma of the Commie label. They want the same thing, government control of the means of production and the end of Capitalism.
Okay Martybegan, time is up. Folks, Martybegan failed to show us the difference between Democratic Socialism and Communism. That means we proved he is a liar once again. See you loser.

LOL, going with a timer on a message board? That's the primordial ooze of troll tactics.

As usual for a progressive you use the term liar and the concept of lies wrong.

Debate loser is losing.

Om nom nom nom.
Still waiting? We need for you to show us how Democratic Socialism and Communism are the same. And don't run away like a pussy.

Wow, you wasted two quick posts on a non-realtime posting message board?

God that's pathetic, even for a progressive.
Pay attention to the dishonesty from this part of your link; A2: While it is difficult to assess with fidelity the identity or ideology of many of the looters, my conversations with law enforcement and intelligence officials in multiple U.S. cities suggest that Antifa played a minor role in violence. The vast majority of looting appeared to come from local opportunists with no affiliation and no political objectives. Most were common criminals. They can't "assess the identity", and yet, they call them "ANTIFA" anyway, then go on to say the "vast majority have no affiliation or political objectives." Are you getting all this? LOL!

Whoever wrote this article, must have been typing like the chicken with his head cut off. He couldn't keep his story straight. You can't assess their identity but you call them ANTIFA anyway? HUH? LOL! Dude, this article just blew your cover.
Wtf does that have to do with how WELL or how loosely ORGANIZED Antifa is?

otoh I’m happy you at least read some parts of it — albeit while selectively ignoring the parts that show how full of shit you are.
Yes....and this nonsense is an attempt to convince others that everyone you target was under orders directly from Trump.....

Biden and Obama never told anyone in the FBI or CIA to do anything.
Only Trump has that power over others.
Lol, Trump's space cadet dumb fuck assault team is going to jail and I love it. Take your tin hat shit and eat it.
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Soros is established as a funder of Antifa. How’s that for an organizational link?

They often say: “follow the money.” But evidence of this nature will be dismissed by closed-minded tools like BWK.

You know, when you post up shit, you are going to get shitted on. This from your link; Despite the name, the movement embraces fascistic tactics. The article claimed the movement embraced fascistic tactics, and yet, cited none. Imagine that. More dishonesty.

And just so we understand each other, your article is a Right-wing publication, so no, they claim they follow the facts, but they don't. If they followed the facts, they would have cited the fascist tactics that were used.

Let's continue with this nonsense; As a result, Antifa, which has been described as a revolutionary communist-anarchist militia movement that aspires to forcibly overthrow the United States government, is responsible for “a level of sustained political street warfare not seen in the U.S. since the 1960s.” Where is the evidence? It's "been described?" By who?

Reports of Antifa violence are everywhere, which is why the U.S. Department of Homeland Security has quietly designated Antifa as “domestic terrorists.” (Capital Research Center produced a three-part documentary series, America Under Siege, about Antifa and other political actors.) "Reports of Antifa violence everywhere?" Where is everywhere? And who is doing the reporting? The article doesn't say.

Determining who funds Antifa is difficult because the movement is highly decentralized and consists of private individuals and loosely affiliated groups. Didn't you say Soros was a funder? :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: If "who funds Antifa is difficult", you can't just up and blame Soros for funding. That's some straight up lying bs.
Dude, didn't I prove you a joke before? Yes!
You know, when you post up shit, you are going to get shitted on. This from your link; Despite the name, the movement embraces fascistic tactics. The article claimed the movement embraced fascistic tactics, and yet, cited none. Imagine that. More dishonesty.

And just so we understand each other, your article is a Right-wing publication, so no, they claim they follow the facts, but they don't. If they followed the facts, they would have cited the fascist tactics that were used.

Let's continue with this nonsense; As a result, Antifa, which has been described as a revolutionary communist-anarchist militia movement that aspires to forcibly overthrow the United States government, is responsible for “a level of sustained political street warfare not seen in the U.S. since the 1960s.” Where is the evidence? It's "been described?" By who?

Reports of Antifa violence are everywhere, which is why the U.S. Department of Homeland Security has quietly designated Antifa as “domestic terrorists.” (Capital Research Center produced a three-part documentary series, America Under Siege, about Antifa and other political actors.) "Reports of Antifa violence everywhere?" Where is everywhere? And who is doing the reporting? The article doesn't say.

Determining who funds Antifa is difficult because the movement is highly decentralized and consists of private individuals and loosely affiliated groups. Didn't you say Soros was a funder? :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: If "who funds Antifa is difficult", you can't just up and blame Soros for funding. That's some straight up lying bs.
Dude, didn't I prove you a joke before? Yes!
You know, you get shit on for good reason. You’re a bombastic retard. Listen. Carefully. I’m going to use some words. Try to follow along, you retard. Ready?

Brownshirts? No? No connection. Try looking it up. Stay away from wiki thought. That tends to be bullshit.

Suppression, by violence, of dissent? No? Again, try educating yourself. I’ll offer you a free helpful hint: it’s a part and parcel of “fascism.”

Don’t get mad at yourself for not comprehending. You are retarded after all. Someday you might gain some glimmer of understanding.
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So... it only took 14 months, 700+ arrests, and the total weight of the U.S. government to finally make the charge "stick" to ONE person. Hopefully, someday you or someone you care about will get the chance to see how all of that kind of weight works against YOUR rights as a citizen. Troll...

If you really want to see examples of actual rebellion against DC... try cheating again this November.
And even then it was a plea deal. He pleaded guilty to something he didn’t do in return for being left alone by a draconian government.

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