First oath keeper pleads guilty to sedition

I understand that in federal cases, unlike in many state cases, the prosecution canā€™t make an offer for any specific lower sentence. The judge gets to make that call regardless of what the prosecutor and the defense think might be appropriate. But the main stick is the US Code section defining the particular crime. In the case of seditious conspiracy, the law lists it as: ā€œthey shall each be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both.ā€

I assume the judge will shave off a fair amount for the plea, but will still feel compelled to bitch slap the defendant as an example. It is possible that the defendant could serve no time. But I wouldnā€™t bet on that, either. Pure guess; heā€™s going to get 5 years or more.
Which is a lot of fucking time. But ha, he's a dumbass, so he'll be right back in the slammer. Who knows, he might not want to leave. Maybe he'll get to liking that butt ring.
I don't. It doesn't exist. That's your fantasy, not mine.

Show us the organization hot shot. Who's the leader? Where's the headquarters? Got an address? How about a ph. number? šŸ˜‚
You no nothing about the topic. Obviously. You make your claims up from the pablum talking points offered by leftwing propaganda sites.

sorry retard. Just because they donā€™t share their connections doesnā€™t mean they donā€™t exist. If your involved in a conspiracy you donā€™t advertise in the yellow pages or on Google. Thereā€™s a reason people have burner phones etc.

You fool nobody. Evidence of things like spy networks and things like conspiracies arenā€™t usually the kind of things for which the conspirators choose to leave a trail. What gets them caught and convicted are more subtle clues. Things that can not realistically be explained away as mere coincidences. But you wouldnā€™t understand. Youā€™re not that smart.
LOL, the agent provactuer Boogaloo bullshit.

Man, you are just a textbook progressive beta cuck.
The evidence tells us different, but if bs is your fantasy, have at it.

At the end of the day, you and your comrades can jerk off over your fantasies until the cows come home, but the result is the same.
Which is a lot of fucking time. But ha, he's a dumbass, so he'll be right back in the slammer. Who knows, he might not want to leave. Maybe he'll get to liking that butt ring.
The full sentence would be unjust. Even the hypothetical 5 year sentence would be too much. ā€œJusticeā€ could lead to the imposition of a fine only or maybe just a period of parole.

Leave your sex life out of this discussion.
You no nothing about the topic. Obviously. You make your claims up from the pablum talking points offered by leftwing propaganda sites.

sorry retard. Just because they donā€™t share their connections doesnā€™t mean they donā€™t exist. If your involved in a conspiracy you donā€™t advertise in the yellow pages or on Google. Thereā€™s a reason people have burner phones etc.

You fool nobody. Evidence of things like spy networks and things like conspiracies arenā€™t usually the kind of things for which the conspirators choose to leave a trail. What gets them caught and convicted are more subtle clues. Things that can not realistically be explained away as mere coincidences. But you wouldnā€™t understand. Youā€™re not that smart.
See how easy this shit is. You can't produce evidence of any so called organized ANTIFA, because it doesn't exist. And word salad ain't cutting it chief.

Speaking of trails, let us know when you find some of those ANTIFA's along the way. It's a very clear yellow path;
The full sentence would be unjust. Even the hypothetical 5 year sentence would be too much. ā€œJusticeā€ could lead to the imposition of a fine only or maybe just a period of parole.

Leave your sex life out of this discussion.
It won't be my sex life he'll be worried about.
The evidence tells us different, but if bs is your fantasy, have at it.

At the end of the day, you and your comrades can jerk off over your fantasies until the cows come home, but the result is the same.


Local progressive governments let local and imported progressive agitators rip shit up for months, actually occupying and denying access to blocks of a city.

1 day of protest that got out of hand by the right, and it's sedition, insurrection, and treason.
Democrats have self identified democratic socialists in their party, which is another term for Marxists, which are communists.
Yea, as always, your success in proving what you say, has a track record stretching into the hundreds of zeros. That makes you a liar, as you've always proven to be.
One of the most common symbols used by Antifa combines the red flag of the 1917 Russian Revolution and the black flag of 19th century anarchists. Antifa groups frequently conduct counter-protests to disrupt far-right gatherings and rallies. They often organize in black blocs (ad hoc gatherings of individuals that wear black clothing, ski masks, scarves, sunglasses, and other material to conceal their faces), use improvised explosive devices and other homemade weapons, and resort to vandalism. In addition, Antifa members organize their activities through social media, encrypted peer-to-peer networks, and encrypted messaging services such as Signal.


Like some other types of domestic extremists in the United States, Antifa follow a decentralized organizational structure. In an influential article in the 1992 edition of the magazine Seditionist, anti-government activist Louis R. Beam advocated an organizational structure that he termed ā€œleaderless resistance.ā€ As Beam noted, ā€œUtilizing the Leaderless Resistance concept, all individuals and groups operate independently of each other, and never report to a central headquarters or single leader for direction or instruction, as would those who belong to a typical pyramid organization.ā€
ā€” Who Are Antifa, and Are They a Threat? [highlighting and emphases added]

But the point is, they are obviously organized. Just organized differently. And again, thatā€™s not unexpected. The bottom line? Antifa is both organized and has an intentionally dishonest name. It is fascist. No wonder BWK adores it.

Local progressive governments let local and imported progressive agitators rip shit up for months, actually occupying and denying access to blocks of a city.

1 day of protest that got out of hand by the right, and it's sedition, insurrection, and treason.
See how easy this shit is. You can't produce evidence of any so called organized ANTIFA, because it doesn't exist. And word salad ain't cutting it chief.

Speaking of trails, let us know when you find some of those ANTIFA's along the way. It's a very clear yellow path;

Rose city Anti-fa

Even the ADL admits there are anti-fa groups, but excuses their violence.

Who are Antifa?

any actual retort, twat-bitch?

Because the local governments didn't arrest many of the people being violent, and those they did they gave slaps on the wrist.

If your local government doesn't arrest the lefties, claims of righties being the ones arrested are meaningless

You know this, but it's part of the progressive tactic book.
ā€” Who Are Antifa, and Are They a Threat? [highlighting and emphases added]

But the point is, they are obviously organized. Just organized differently. And again, thatā€™s not unexpected. The bottom line? Antifa is both organized and has an intentionally dishonest name. It is fascist. No wonder BWK adores it.

BWK is a Orwellian textbook case, Doublethink comes as natural to him as breathing.

Lying in the service to the cause, either to himself or others, is an acceptable tactic.
Plea deal. Means nearly ZERO!!!

The courts, as well as the scum that plead guilty seem to disagree with you.
"to plead guilty" in a plea deal? I'll wait until the court has disposed of the matter.

See how easy this shit is. You can't produce evidence of any so called organized ANTIFA, because it doesn't exist. And word salad ain't cutting it chief.

Speaking of trails, let us know when you find some of those ANTIFA's along the way. It's a very clear yellow path;

The ā€œword saladā€ nonsense just shows that youā€™re too lazy to read. Therefore, you have no chance of ever understanding.

Back here on planet sane, I already did produce evidence. I canā€™t help it if youā€™re too fearful of those word things to read them.

Your failure is complete. Go back to some sandbox, child. Play with those pretty lumps of something encrusted in kitty litter. šŸ‘
ā€” Who Are Antifa, and Are They a Threat? [highlighting and emphases added]

But the point is, they are obviously organized. Just organized differently. And again, thatā€™s not unexpected. The bottom line? Antifa is both organized and has an intentionally dishonest name. It is fascist. No wonder BWK adores it.
Pay attention to the dishonesty from this part of your link; A2: While it is difficult to assess with fidelity the identity or ideology of many of the looters, my conversations with law enforcement and intelligence officials in multiple U.S. cities suggest that Antifa played a minor role in violence. The vast majority of looting appeared to come from local opportunists with no affiliation and no political objectives. Most were common criminals. They can't "assess the identity", and yet, they call them "ANTIFA" anyway, then go on to say the "vast majority have no affiliation or political objectives." Are you getting all this? LOL!

Whoever wrote this article, must have been typing like the chicken with his head cut off. He couldn't keep his story straight. You can't assess their identity but you call them ANTIFA anyway? HUH? LOL! Dude, this article just blew your cover.
Yea, as always, your success in proving what you say, has a track record stretching into the hundreds of zeros. That makes you a liar, as you've always proven to be.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez - Wikipedia

Ocasio-Cortez is a member of the Democratic Socialists of America[7] and embraces the democratic socialist label as part of her political identity. In an interview on NBC's Meet the Press, she described democratic socialism as "part of what I am. It's not all of what I am. And I think that that's a very important distinction."[200] In response to a question about democratic socialism ultimately calling for an end to capitalism during a Firing Line interview on PBS, she answered: "Ultimately, we are marching towards progress on this issue. I do think that we are going to see an evolution in our economic system of an unprecedented degree, and it's hard to say what direction that that takes."[201] Later at a conference she said "To me, capitalism is irredeemable."[202]

Respond to this, oxygen thief.
Pay attention to the dishonesty from this part of your link; A2: While it is difficult to assess with fidelity the identity or ideology of many of the looters, my conversations with law enforcement and intelligence officials in multiple U.S. cities suggest that Antifa played a minor role in violence. The vast majority of looting appeared to come from local opportunists with no affiliation and no political objectives. Most were common criminals. They can't "assess the identity", and yet, they call them "ANTIFA" anyway, then go on to say the "vast majority have no affiliation or political objectives." Are you getting all this? LOL!

Whoever wrote this article, must have been typing like the chicken with his head cut off. He couldn't keep his story straight. You can't assess their identity but vyou call them ANTIFA anyway? HUH? LOL! Dude, this article just blew your cover.

This is how marxists function, they see themselves as vanguards of the masses, and in this case the vanguards led the looting.

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